There was a distinct reading from the Word of God in Nehemiah (8:8) that gave understanding prior to receiving the gift. Upon the receiving the Word of God in their spirit they could then do as was told to not sorrow and to receive the joy of the Lord. There was a hearing in the now that was a producer of the future that there be a flourishing faith in the present. This is a gift, both of the giver and of the receiver.
When there is a loving word birthed out of the love of God (1 Corinthians 13 & 14) there is an intake of the love being poured forth. And as it is being spoken of the one so lovingly who has and is hearing from God to give that word there is a place it comes from and as it is spoken there is a place it is going. Where there is no word there is less understanding until the word comes and there is reception eagerly of this insight of love. In this there is a past and a present in its giving and what happens with what is given is in the future, whether that be immediate for in the upcoming future.
Faith flourishes in unity. Look at Esther 9 as when there was a banding together that the oppression leave. And it did upon the reception of love. There was a time of giving and in that giving was a receiving. Two things happened here and in the middle there was an exchange for what was not previously unto the reception that was able upon the receiving to become the present that celebrated from a decision of joy and feasting in giving to one another. It wasn't merely one decision but rather became epidemic; the kind lacking sickness of greed. There was a plurality of love and joy inexpressible and it spread like a wildfire unstoppable of its goodness.
LOVE>--------------------< >RECEIVING LOVE< >------------------->FLOURISHING FAITH
Simplistic love that has wildfire potential to grow with intensity, with reception, with unity, with great grace, with the anointing that flourishes faith in love.
It is the New Year afresh with newness. I desired to give you a far greater gift as my faith has received though I could not write until today. The presents are now all unwrapped, some returned for the more desired on the list. Some presents are being used and some are not. What will you do with your present? What do you desire to do with your gift? Do you plan to use it in love and with a flourishing faith; to bless and to flourish another's faith? Receive love. It will flourish your faith.
Let love be so divine in your heart that it spills out to others flourishing your faith and their and do it in the present, for love is the best gift. Much joy is received from love, especially love given in season in a faith that receives your great love.