Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Miracle Moment in the Glory! Part 3

A miracle moment...(a tendency to produce motion, a portion of time, a particular time, a measure of time, a present time, importance of influence, a cause or motive of action, a stage in development, a tendency or measure of motion). These all make up the moment that a miracle takes place! the glory! You will understand more when I share about the miracle that took place on November 18th, 2018 in the glory, in the moment! It was truly a miracle! And you have heard little about it so far. The glory didn't look heavenly at first glance though the anointing and the manner that it came was confirmed. Well aware. Possibly the very most profoundly given open vision in my lifetime.

'You take care of the earth and water it, making it rich and fertile. The river of God has plenty of water; it provides a bountiful harvest of grain, for you have ordered it so. You drench the plowed ground with rain, melting the clods and leveling the ridges. You soften the earth with showers and bless its abundant crops. You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.'
Psalms 65:9‭-‬11 NLT 

Hard pathways...even these have made a way, are making a way and I speak this unto the hardened hearts that soften unto reception of the Holy Ghost.

...and I heard in a dream, "Happy New Year"!

Salvation and providence. You visit to quench thirst, to enrich, to fulfill, to provide. Prepared abundantly. Continuous fruit. Blessing its growth. Crowning the year with goodness...and it is dripping with abundance!

Psalm 20:4-5 in the 'Living' Word...
'May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans. May there be shouts of joy when when we hear the news of your victory flags flying with praise to God for all He has done for you. May He answer all your prayers!'

God's great love for you desires that you hear what He has done for you. I am sending forth ministering angels to do my bidding at this time because God says 'the wait is up and the wait is over!' The church and many lives are at stake. The blood will not be on my hands. Rather, it is in communion of the Holy One. All that does not bring a prosperous health and wealth to the church from God's mighty promises in the exchange of all that was, is and wills to be accomplished.

Rise up and listen. God loves you and isn't leaving you or forsaking you! You mean so much to the heart of God! There is work to be done...and it is fun! 

Isaiah 42:9 in the Message says, 'Take note: The earlier predictions of judgments have been fulfilled. I'm announcing the new salvation work. Before it bursts on the scene I'm telling you all about it.'

I assure you that you have not heard ANYTHING yet! I will not speak it out until you hear it come directly from me  to the audience to where it is being sent to and then ... you will know just how much you as the church are loved..ours and the whole church! You have a partial message, which is NOT AT ALL what God is calling for to accomplish what I know in the purpose of this vision I have prayed on for months now...and many years. A precious man of God once said, 'How long can you hold a Word?' No longer. As it carries with it a love to flourish cities, the state, regionally and internationally. Cannot hardly believe that? If so, I pray God help your unbelief. Pray it come quickly!

No longer will or does the enemy of my faith have rule or reign over me, my family or my church or the vision given to me to share with the church...purposed for furthering. You have heard and seen that God is pouring out prosperity in vast measure! He has given me much that is necessary for the church. God is good!

Qualified to do what only God can do through an open vessel. Never would I desire for anyone ever to go through the things I have been through but joyfully with much knowing that it was with purpose, much wisdom gained and so that you do not have to! To have spent hours, days and years in prayer, weeping and fasting over the people, the leaders, the city. ...and the, unbelievable though true losses, years in the 'Word', teaching in the church, writing to you encouragements for 15 years, caring for the church in multiple ways, song in worship for much time, prayer in my home and at the altar even at all hours of the day and night, near 20 years teaching my own children, multiple years of ministry schooling, 40 years in knowing God...prepared to bless! 

Recovery of loss is at an apex at this time!
Don't you know God hasn't give me this profound vision for myself, but for you also! God wastes nothing! I declare forward that as you hear the details, you will liken it to what God is bringing you in your definite requests and needs, as an answer to your prayers and I pray a great joy come over you like a fountain of love in your you being encouraged! God showed this to me even in the midst of the vision.

The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. What God has given me in this vision was a direct answer to my prayers and wills to manifest to me, though and when it comes there is much I will to give to you and in many ways! There is indeed a wealth transfer coming to me and for the beloved church. I didn't pray for money. I prayed for someone(s) trustworthy to handle the worth as I knew it to be a product of what God is giving me. Greed has no part. Wealth of God cares for the church. Why would it not be a part? Simplistic, mathematical graces of God.

What wills to be accomplished with the blessing that's coming? Listen up church!

And to every enemy listening...I speak to you that you are bound in your stealing, killing and destroying. The blood of Jesus is against you! 

Going forward I pray and speak great relationships, friendships, love, ministries, comradery, graces, fullness and an uplifting edification...that takes the church to places it never originally thought possible...where guarded hearts are down because love is up! Where odd things don't look as odd because you know and discern the heart!

'Glory To His Name' Church ...yes, a place where people will have titles. Why? Here's why. You say, 'Jesus didn't give titles?' The 'Word of God' tells me Word and in Spirit. There are titles all over the Word. The Word was framed by otherwise, shaped by such. Here's my 'why' for those who would like understanding to what God has given to me. I answer this with both a gentle meekness, but to those who oppose what has been given I would direct you to prayer with boldness. Everything is not on the surface. 

1) The Word says so both in plain are named (1 Corinthians 12). Old and new testament and in both of its original writings there are examples.
 2) You are a gift. God made you so. You are wonderfully made. Your title is to greater than just a job title. 
3) Your gift speaks might say, 'your gift will find itself. No one needs this as a point of reference.' On the contrary...the church has been attacked more in recent years than in most of the time we as a body can recall. Confusion runs rampant. Remove it. When the body needs something EVERY BODY will know where or whom to go to in order to find graces and mercies in the time of need and...will waste nothing getting the healing needed. 
4) Still don't agree? Too newfangled of a thought to an old way of doing things? Isaiah 43:19. Ephesians 4 specifies ministry gifts to the body of the church to equip the church...that it can reproduce itself with similiar titles...not call it the only one. 
5) With every gift known there you will find an anointing that breaks the yoke, a specfic path to what the specific need is in the church
6) With every known gift a protective covering to which others know how to pray for
7) With every known gift, a barrier to the enemy (teach for a different day) an identity that speaks of who God made you to be
8) With every known gift a place where pride is less likely to grow as there is humility in the anointing
9) With every known gift, a greater ability to grow from one another as we are to do
10) With every known gift, it underminds the childish or religious tendency to believe one has the greatest gift or where its placed
11) With every known gift, always has the ability to have another gift step into a role when one is not able to be present in their absence when their is a necessary voice... example...the hearing of each of the ministry offices at the close of each service
12) With all of the gifts coming together as one there will rise up a triumphant and glorious church without spot or wrinkle

...ever-growing toward God the source, no hidden gifts, getting lost amongst the masses or feeling like your life is fruitless (which is the very lie we are coming against) in the identity of the church!

Whatever is this to do with a miracle moment in the glory?! To house the gifts, to grow the gifts, to mentor the gifts, to equip the church for the miracle moment of healing and revival ever be in the house!

Miracle prosperity! It belongs to me, you and the church! The question remains...Do you want it? Can you handle it? Will it turn you toward a vain and unfruitful spiritual life where God is no longer of upmost importance? If so, stop here... this 'Word' is not for you at this time. This prosperity will only be for the lovers of the things of God.  This prosperity shall build and build up the church with great provision! 

What have you need of? Really? 

Provision has been poured out and God has afforded the time to tell you all about it. Can you spare 10 minutes? God will pour out what might seem like or possibly be or become a lifetime of blessings. 

Isaiah 55:2 says, '...Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good. And let (allow) your soul delight (take joy and pleasure in your receiving of) itself in abundance (the finest)...Take in what God is giving. Incline your ear...there is so much more to share! 

The Word of God is powerful! Renew your mind to its powerful truths!

...Then line it up to this radical power of God as you hear it. Everyday mercies are growing greater and greater. The power of God wants to bring on great abundance! The anointing in how the miracle came about will explain this truth more fully!

First, receive. Then manifest by the hearing of faith unto your healing. The blessing is for all who will receive. What I have asked for is being given to me. Allow me to share. I didn't pray for money, though much wills to be part of my life and ministry. It takes this prosperity to raise up the triumphant glorious church. This is prime wisdom to you as to why it is not happened yet. The world is framed by words. Mine will not and have not returned to me void. God is good! Oh so good!

You can 'wander' as in...'to wain, stroll, meander, deviate, rove and saunter about never receiving God's love and blessing' OR you can receive the 'wonders' ...miracles, surprise, wonderment, joy, health, relationship, provision and fulfillment!

What are you cultivating? Is what you are growing eternal? God is asking you if you want what is being offered...a furthering for you and others! A miracle in the moment in the glory!