The Glory is coming in 2020!
To the Word says...
'If I told you earthly things [that is, things that happen right here on earth] and you do not believe, how will you believe and trust Me if I tell you heavenly things?'
John 3:12
The glory is coming in 2020 in the heavenly realm!
'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations...'
Isaiah 56:7 and Mark 11:17
If God says the church house shall be called a house of prayer from back to front...
Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the joy of giving—all because God loves hilarious generosity!
2 Corinthians 9:7
If God loves generosity... If God is love and a giver of life... There is no doubt God desires then to answer your prayers. You are God's treasure!
The Lord's Word to you...
Do you not desire your prayer be answered more than the giver of life wants to give it?
Why are you bent toward, with the Words of your mouth, making sure the giver of life (that desires nothing more than your health and prospering) to be shut off by your doubt?
The bent has to do with your destiny, your heart's desire, your giftedness, your talents, the deep longing of your heart to be used of God, to commune in relationship with Him. God would suggest to you that doubt is not a part of His love for answering your prayers.
Doubt is now being cleansed as the dross is being skimmed to reveal the true love of the heart of God for the Church that you believe!
It's a Jubilee year full of radical blessings! I have just passed from my 49th year to my 50th birthday but the celebration hasn't even partically taken place yet. The enemy doesn't get any of my blessing!..not in my last year, not in my this year, not in any of my years! Divine reversal!
I declare and decree, 'Abundance on the return physically, supernaturally for me to thee!'
What is in your heart? You decide. The testing days are over. Freedom! You must decide what to take to the celebration parade back home... back home to the churchhouse... in joy and love, without it there is no celebration! This makes up the anointing in the heavenly realm! It's what builds. It's what edifies!
'Day by day the Lord watches the good deeds of the godly and he prepares for them his forever-reward.'
Psalm 37:18
What does Jubilee mean? A release. A setting free. Returning of possessions.
A freedom in the Spirit to give and share with the church to share a freedom most have never known in the abundance. What I have heard over and over has not yet been poured out to the church... though much stolen and with constancy... the blood of Jesus now revoking all losses... it all to only be returned!
The Word says...'he has done monsterous things'.
Over 8 years ago at noon on my birthday... my home taken, family, all of my children, their childhood, their relationship to God, many relationships, vision for church doors to open by this year, the list goes on... thousands and years and years of schooling, posts deleted every time I write a new one (written to encourage well over 15 years) and very much more. God will restore and better than before!
Many days have passed. The return shall come. God gives life. The Word is aligning unbelief into belief, predjudices reforming to revelation, sifting of the dross to reveal the true love that God has for the church!
And when March on the calendar continues on, it shall be still march toward destiny; a fullfilling of the abundant promises of God...even those not all given in March.
The battle is over. The victory is here and even on the way. When I was very young I wrote a little book and put it all together about a parade. And a joyous parade it was! I remember the frustration in writing it and I've mentioned I am certainly not an artist. But the joy after it was finished being put together! On the way back. The return after the battle.
Nearly half of a century later though not drawn up in childlike form but in childlikeness in the pressing in to the things of God during worship I looked and saw contructive workings taking place to the thoroughfares. I believe I wrote about this sometime ago. It was a changing, a widening, a way being made, an upgrade, a provision made. And so it is that what we see everyday in this current time is not even utilized due to it current circumstance of sickness and also readjusting of hearts and lives, though the increase I saw coming wills to prosper, fill and more than utilize and increasely so. God makes a way when there seems to be no way. The picture gives to the body a coming together to worship, to build and to build up! Expansion!
'Your procession has come into view, O God— the procession of my God and King as he goes into the sanctuary.'
Psalms 68:24
Beware that you not worship man. But worship God who made the provision and it shall come into fruition.
And so I call the sickness bound, the health to the cities, the region, the state and round about, the nation and those roundabout to come into their alignment of health even as I call the body of sickness to line up with and by the authority of the Word of God and Spirit to health, healing and wholeness, bringing a unity to the soul, the body, the land, the prosperity of the family and the church... a unity to profit life to all!
Circumstance does not dictate through disease but by healing. This is God's way!
I pray Deuteronomy 1:11... seeing these for days now... for the Church... that the Lord make you a thousand times more numerous than you are and bless you as promised!
I pray Deuteronomy 11:11... that you drink water from the rain of heaven.
Blessings in the heavenly realm!
There shall be contagious energy coming to the church that furthers and grows in the anointing!
In an early morning hour one morning recently I saw a vision of a military-like line standing in great attention with an incredible listening ear, though realized quickly not a religious spirit. I knew it immediately to be what the heart of God was longing for...genuine hearts.
With loud shouts of grace!
Then it was said to me, “It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies."
Zechariah 4:6
The glory is coming in the heavenly realm!
I heard the words...'The Kept Anointing'
What joy overwhelms everyone who keeps the ways of God, those who seek him as their heart’s passion!
Psalms 119:2
Oh the joy to fulfill doing and with great joy in the anointing... necessary to me
...necessary to you!
'The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits. The Lord laid the earth’s foundations with wisdom’s blueprints. By his living-understanding all the universe came into being. By his divine revelation he broke open the hidden fountains of the deep, bringing secret springs to the surface as the mist of the night dripped down from heaven.'
Proverbs 3:17-20
Come up higher away from all of the fear and into the awe of God!
God is petitioning for you as if my foot is lodged in the door (seen this) crying out...'But if for 100, but if for 10....would You save? An emphatic, 'Yes' and a 'Yes and Amen!'
Miracles and what will seem like a dream is coming!
The glory is coming in the heavenly realm!