Sunday, July 04, 2021

Ecstatic Liberty... Light of the Triumphant in the Glory!

Ecstatic liberty... Light of the Triumphant in the Glory!

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom].

2 Corinthians 3:17

When you succeed (when we all succeed, collectively, individually), we will celebrate and shout for joy! Flags will fly when victory is yours! Yes, God will answer your prayers, and we will praise him! 

Psalm 20:5

Flags have always stood for and were flown with purpose; to set apart, to distinguish difference, to honor, to worship. This nation was founded on and we celebrate it for God designed and founded its principles. I sense a far greater celebration than a calendar date for this nation, for the church, though this month we do celebrate with joy its freedoms and with great honor. This ecstatic liberty is coming to God's people in greater measure and it brings a light what enlightens hearts with great joy

Joy is the ingredient of life that builds the church. Joy is the ingredient that will build 'Glory To His Name' Church! Joy is coming back to the church!

...a life-giving word of encouragement can do wonders to restore joy to the heart. 

Proverbs 12:25

Ecstatic Liberty!

That’s why I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. The created world itself can hardly wait for what’s coming next. Everything in creation is being more or less held back. God reins it in until both creation and all the creatures are ready and can be released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead. Meanwhile, the joyful anticipation deepens.

Romans 8:18-21

...all creation longs for freedom from its slavery to decay and to experience with us the wonderful freedom coming to God’s children. To this day we are aware of the universal agony and groaning of creation, as if it were in the contractions of labor for childbirth. And it’s not just creation. We who have already experienced the first fruits of the Spirit 8:23 The “firstfruits of the Spirit” would include his indwelling presence, his gifts, his wisdom, and his transforming power. Imagine what the full harvest of the Spirit will bring to us! The Aramaic can be translated “the awakening of the Spirit.”also inwardly groan as we passionately long to experience (a longing after) our full status (area occupied, intended place, position, level, rank) as God’s sons and daughters—including our physical bodies being transformed. For this is the hope of our salvation.

Romans 8:21-24

Light scatters darkness!

...your Word is my light (guiding, revealing, enlivening, scattering darkness) and delight (to receive great pleasure from, to be joyful in)!

Psalm 119:24


The Exactor Anointing

More than once but not often I have encountered this anointing, though here specifically in explanation I will share by example. 

...Some years have now passed. Passively fellowshipping in the same church with a young lady, about 12-15 years younger than myself... When she spoke is was with purpose. Even in conversation and in the sharing of direction toward others you could sense this type of anointing in her voice. There was an energy of God behind it. I had witnessed it in her speech though she was not teaching or preaching. I knew well that it was in her to do so. She was busy in the ministry often. Every time I saw her I prayed for her to come into her destined ministry. She remained heavily on my heart as there was a needed openness and a welcoming atmosphere to grow in her gift and she had this only in small portion at this time, though I saw its growth ahead of time. This is a mere part of what I call the 'exactor anointing' or how it is utilized, though listen as I explain.

 I prophesied to her (after a few occasions of being near, hearing her speak) that I knew she had a strong singing voice and that she carried a 'breaker anointing' and that God was going to bring her into the ability to be able to use it as well as preaching the Word of God. She was a very confident young lady, though she stood there stunned that I understood what no one had understood of her. Wrong atmosphere, not one of openness to growth of spiritual gifts. She walked away encouraged. I walked away obedient... and also prayerful that she would find that arena to operate fully in as I knew the triumphant church that I am to raise up.   
Fast forward to sharing with you that this anointing often comes on me with a Word, often one that will cut through the darkness in the atmosphere or spirit to bring an aim-straight word that cannot deny God's love for the recipient hearer... in what the Spirit is saying to the church. Triumphant praise that breaks the powers of hell and then builds the triumphant church.

...a powerful vision to share and learn from...

For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrew 4:12 

...Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.

Isaiah 2:4/Micah 4:3

Pay attention when God's Word says something twice, but four times in one verse! 

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against power, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 6:12

His godly lovers triumph in the glory of God, and their  joyful praises will rise...for they shouted praises are their weapons of war!

Psalm 149:5-6

Let the high praises of God be in your mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand...

Psalm 149:6

Go back and study these verses as I share this vision. It was a few weeks back. It had to be prayed through before sharing. While in prayer, I was standing in the middle of the Sanctuary. I felt this anointing come upon me in my spirit (during worship) as I walked down the steps hastily with a long sword in my hand (representative of the Word of God) that was seemingly so long that it nearly touched the ceiling overhead. I brought it up from behind me to touch the floor and then in front of me as I walked down the steps to the back of the Sanctuary. As it struck the ground I heard the words to a very powerfully anointed song that I used to sing came pouring up and out of my spirit.

...The interpretation of the vision... 

The sword was representative of the powerful word of God that was bringing an end to divisive, dark spiritual wickedness that has on some level try as it might, to hide for years but most often as there is growth in love. These are the evil wickedness that fight the church, vision, growth, unity and greater love. It was then cut off! Without a moment passing I then felt as I sang that it broke the atmosphere open. It was like an immediate binding of evil and loosing of liberty. There was no music but I could hear it, though it has strong parts to it musically. The triumphant church of 'Glory To His Name' is coming to fruition!

Joy will enlighten you!

to my counsel, for my instruction will enlighten you. You'll be wise not to ignore it. If you wait at wisdom's doorway (in the spirit realm), longing to hear a word for every day (solid, aligned, purposeful, resolute, faithful, lasting), joy will break forth within you (bubble up on the inside, bring a filling to you) as you listen for what I'll say. For the the fountain of life pours into you every time you find me, and this is the
secret of growing in the delight and and favor of the Lord.

Proverbs 8:33-35

What joy overwhelms everyone who keeps the ways of God, those who seek him as their heart's passion!

  Psalm 119:2

You are a treasure!

In wisdom's house you'll find delightful treasures and the oil of the Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 21:20


I consider your Word to be the greatest treasure and I treasure it in my heart...

Psalm 119:11

Make the Word your great treasure!

God loves you endlessly and extravagantly!

Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences- the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding- this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!

Ephesians 3:18-19

Cry out to God and allow yourself to be overwhelmed with love!

He splits open boulders (rock, flint) and brings up bubbling water (cool, pools of water, fresh spring of waters, fountain of water). Gushing streams burst forth when He is near! 

Psalm 114:8

The lovers of God who chase after righteousness will find all their dreams come true: an abundant life drenched with favor and a fountain that overflows with satisfaction. 

Proverbs 21:21


Here are some wisdom pieces to share for wholeness as it was given to me in vision to share of what you will learn, have access to, get to share in, grow from, fellowship in and around and celebrate amidst in the various ministries of 'Glory To His Name' Church. God never cancel our calling or withdraws the offices given. The church was given to grow into the triumphant and become the glorious church without spot or blemish.

There are many coming though that gate and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church!

Fellowship 1 (1st Floor

Joy In His Presence (Apostle's Quarters) - Joy, Diligence, Mercy, Purpose, Love, Empowerment, Commissioning, Equipping, Honor, Grace, Belief, Equipping, Growth, Strength

Glorious (Prophet's Quarters) - Vision, Love, Unity, Gratitude, Inspiration, Worth, Depth, Revelation, Mentorship, Identity, Purpose, Equipping, Joy, Growth, Discerning of Spirits

Salvation Is Here (Evangelist's Quarters) - Humility, Joy, Growth, Purpose, Sanctification, Salvation, Equipping, Graces of God, Love, Healing, Empathy, Beaconing spirit

Shepherd's Of The Flock (Pastor's Quarters) - Wholeness, Growth, Nourishment, Compassion, Motivation, Unity, Equipping, Purpose, Worth, Love, Strength, Endurance, Joy, Encouragement, Care

And You Shall Be Taught (Teacher's Quarters) - Purpose, Joy, Love, Distinction, Unity, Equipping, Hunger, Discernment, 
Identity, Truth, Edification, Righteousness

Every Tribe, Every Tongue (Global Studies Ministry) - Commitment, Love, Communication, Teaching, Sharing, Testimony, Literacy, Unity, Value, Diversity, Honor

High Praises (Worship Quarters) - Welcoming, Unity, Love, Appreciation, Depth, Worship, Thanksgiving

The Fountain (High Praises) - Forgiveness, Mercy, Love, Unity, Honor, Joy, Inspiration, Communication, Sharing, Armor of God, New Life, Prayer, Power, Availability, Care, Healing, Compassion 

Run Your Race (Sports Ministry) - Teamwork vs. Competitiveness, Value, Identity, Strength, Encouragement, Mutuality, Confidence, Unity, Care

Oasis (Fellowship Ministry) - Revelation, Love, Relaxation, Study, Art, Diversity, Love, Fellowship, Creativity, Study, Joy

Seeking My Better 1/2 (Singles Ministry) - Friendship, Hope, Honor, Communication, Connection, Fellowship, Study, Commitment

Fit For The King (Fitness & Spa Ministry) - Care, Love, Worth, Honor,  Protocol, Giving, Identity, Fitness, Value, Gladness, Joy

Bride's & Groom's (Wedding Ministry) - Cooperation, Vision, Honor, Love, Joy, Gratitude, Unity

My Beloved (Marriage Ministry) - Communication, Study, Fellowship, Love, Truth, Honor, Graces, Mercy, Communion

Heaviness To Happiness (Counseling Ministry) - Healing, Identity, Empowerment, Value, Joy, Love, Discernment, Grace, Mercy

The Healing Room (Ministry of the Miraculous) - (Mentored by 'Salvation Is Here) Belief, Unity, Compassion, Love, Value, Identity, Healing, Gratitude, Miracles

Servant's Place (Service Ministry) - Sharing, Love, Servanthood, Mentorship, 'Good News' Announcements, Strengthening, Unity, Teamwork, Encouragement, Comradery

Plenty (Kitchen & Pantry Goods) - Prosperity, Service, Honor, Love, Meeting Needs, Care, Support, Protection 

Retrieving Center For Animals (Pet Adoption Ministry) - Love, Hope, Care, Responsibility, Compassion, Service

This Way (Traffic Ministry) - Shared Directives, Encouragement, Love, Kindness, Conversation, Prayerfulness, Hospitality, 'Inviting  and Beaconing' spirit

The Giving Place (Outreach Ministry) - Friendship, Love, Unity, Devotion, Honor, Compassion, Giving, Guidance, Mentorship, Prosperity, Abundance, Finance, Confidence, Good Works, Community, Hope

Garden of God (Art Gallery & Ministry) - Love, Inspiration, Identity Uniqueness, Vision, Value, Appreciation, Honor, Passion, Diversity, Community, Revelation, Fellowship

Tree Of Life (Playground) - Interaction, Sharing, Family, Childlikeness, Enjoyment, Fellowship

Tree Of Life (Growth Ministry) - Righteousness, Godliness, Giving, Love, Community, Creativity, Identity, Growth, Ministry, Strengthening, Unity

Tenants Of Faith/Church Directory & Spiritual Gifts Wall - Mission, Vision, Direction, Value, Identity, Community, Honor, Hope

Gifts Counseling (Empowerment Ministry) - Love, Growth, Unity, Teaching, Sharing, Learning, Creativity, Community, Strengthening,  Growth, Unity, Grace, Passion, Vision, Joy

Gifts Administration (Ministry of Administration) - Creativity, Communication, Direction, Strengthening, Service, Teamwork, Love, Order, Clarification, Scheduling, Administration

Faith Academy & Alumni Room (Homeschool Ministry) - Inspiration, Community, Faith, Respect, Focus, Identity, Study, Protection, Encouragement, Resources, Growth, Learning, Support, Unity

Words Of Life Library & Other Glorifying Works (Resource Ministry) - Literacy, Love, Truth, Growth, Belief, Empowerment, Revelation 


Sanctuary (Main Fellowship)

        • Prayer in the 'secret place'
        • United vision cast at conclusion of service
        • Prophetic vision shared
        • Communion shared 
        • Welcoming spirit
        • Hosting the Holy Spirit
        • New and unexplored worship
        • Authority of the Believer
        • Prospering and ever prospering
        • All demonic strategies bound
        • Freedoms loosed in this place
        • Communing with the Holy One  
        • Community of Believers
        • 'Be, being filled' with the Holy Spirit
        • Fellowship with community 
        • Open atmosphere
        • Extreme honor (learning love)
        • Manifest grace unfolds here
        • Worship in Spirit & Truth
        • Interactive demonstration
        • Giftedness; activated & utilized
        • Love & growth to great heights
        • Regional & International Service
        • Insightful & Effectual Ministry
        • Hope restored & flourishing
        • Healing & Miracles happening
        • Revival fire burning brightly
        • Advancing the kingdom of God
        • Signs & Wonders witnessed
        • Dreams & Destinies found
        • Angelic visitation happening
        • Heavenly realities found here
        • Giving Glory to God

Fellowship 3 (3rd Floor)

The Babe's Room (& Nursing Room) - Worth, Love, Protection, Support, Joy,, Learning, Mentoring, Teaching, Nurturing, Honor

The Play Yard (Ages 3 - 9th Bday) - Joy, Love, Flexibility, Mentorship (& to The Babe's Room), Teaching, Nurturing, Honor, Worth

Secret Garden (Ages 9 - 13th B-day) - Love, Inquisitiveness, Worth, Study, Joy, Worth, Value, Mentoring (& to The Play Yard), Teaching, Honor

 Innovations (Ages 14 - 20th Bday) - Creativity, Love, Friendship, Teaching, Compassion, Identity, Honor, Sharing, Fellowship, Mentorship (& to Secret Garden), Growth, Identity, Honor, Unity

Patterns Of Grace (Ages 21- 49) - Friendship, Grace, Unity, Love, Mentorship (& to Innovations), Teaching, Legacy, Fellowship, Diversity, Honor

Golden Years (Ages 50 - 100+) - Mentorship (& to Patterns of Grace & Babe's Room), Wisdom, Teaching, Fellowship, Visitation, Compassion, Teamwork, Legacy, Unity, Love

Training Room (Equipping Ministry) - Unity, Love, Honor, Depth, Leadership, Learning, Encouragement, Diversity, Honor, Refreshment, Alignment, Focus

Upper Room (Formal Dining Room & Events Ministry) - Love, Unity, Honor, Thanksgiving, Prayer, Identity, Joy, Community, Distinctive Meeting Area

Overflow (Sanctuary Goods) - Order, Creativity, Function, Organization, Care, Honor, Unity

A Joyful Noise (Middle Grades Worship Team/Dance Team) - Thankfulness, Gratitude, Prayerful, Honor, Love, Unity, Practice of His Presence

Rejoice (Adult Choir) - Joy, Unity, Love, Honor, Growth, Prayerful, Practice of His Presence, Listening, Unity of Sound, Love

We Declare (Sound & Media Ministry) - Unity, Love, Growth, Honor, Attentative to needs, Oneness, Community, Prayerful, Practice of His Presence

New Song (High Grades Worship) - Unity, Love, Growth, Honor, Prayerful, Practice of His presence, Unity, Refreshment, Identity, Fellowship

I Will Sing (Children's Worship Team/Ages 5-100+) - Unity, Love, Honor, Practice of His Presence, Community, Diversity, Identity, Prayerful

Joy-Filled Sound (Middle & High Grades Choir) - Prayerful, Love, Unity, Gratitude, Practice of His Presence, Joy, Listening, Community, Fellowship 

Oil of Gladness - Joy, Unity, Value, Identity, Love, Creativity, One Voice, Practice of His Presence, Throne Room Worship, Prayerful

Eye to Eye (Security Team) - Protection, Love, Honor, Value, Care, Love, Unity, Insightfulness, Agreement, Prayerful

Travel Gracefully (Travel Ministry) - Hospitality, Honor, Kindness, Coordination, Service, Respect, Love, Unity, Grace

Missions Hub (Mission's Ministry) - Love, Unity, Honor, Service, Focus, Courage, Team Building, Vision, Perspective, Strengthening

I Know Him (Tour Guide Ministry) - Honor, Communication, Focus, Learning, Teaching, Sharing, Community, Love, Unity, Kindness, Flexibility, Informative of Ministry & Grounds

Justice, Love & Mercy (Ministry of the Grace of God) - Love, Unity, Protection, Grace, Depth, Wisdom, Mercy, Prayerful, Alignment

My Father's Business (Executive Offices) - Purposeful, Leaders, Elders, Unity, Love, Growth, Diligence Fellowship, Honor, Care


Where the Spirit is, the oil is... the anointing... will be found in the glory! The light of the triumphant in the glory!

Keep telling the truth. Some are keen of the Spirit. Others are keenly intelligent. Do not test others with a lie that won't find the answer in the Spirit... as it was seeded improperly. There are times when you might have been hurt. This is not a license to offend. Love and keep loving as love covers a multitude of sin. God will not always strive with these. Be compassionate, more even as you are removing doubts, even snatching these ones from the fire, the saving of their very souls.

Now, to the one with enough power to prevent you from stumbling into sin 24 The Greek word aptaistos, a hapax legomenon, is translated in classical Greek as “to keep from harm.” and bring you faultless before his glorious presence to stand before him with ecstatic (elated, satisfied, blissful, gratified, happy, jubilant, pleased, excited, euphoric, giddy, exultant, enthusiastic, thrilled, triumphant) delight.

Jude 24

To see you in God's glorious presence you will be with ecstatic delight but no one is more full of ecstatic delight than God. Let this be your great example of love.

I love you.

Ecstatic Liberty...a key...The light of the Triumphant in the Glory!