I am inspiration ....(spontaneous love)
Poured upon the heart .....(mine to yours)
A precious broken cup .....(where healing is needed)
Love all bottled up .....(my healing and yours)
Fashioned in the moment ....(spontaneous)
Spontaneous from above .....(not mine to give)
I, both, see you and I know ....(must be received)
With both knees I'm bowed low ....(submission, as we pray)
I long to pour upon you ....(give it away)
Words and songs of healing, too ....(in the Spirit)
Having hands made of the Father ....(transferred love)
That longs to be and do .....(of Him and through Him)
Creative inspiration ....(in the Glory!)
Taking long to be ......(wow is all I can say)
As wine ferments in bottles ....(blessing in the grapes)
Of days of old like me .....(His word is not only ancient but fresh and new)
I'll love you like no other ....(as He does to us)
Fear grips one who doesn't know ....(runs and shys away)
Don't run my love; for I am free ......(its in the moment)
It's what was done upon that tree .....(from beginning to end)
Let my hands just touch your heart ....(no fear)
And bring you what you need .....(good gifts)
So much life to be granted ....(given away)
From my abundant seed ....(where we came from)
Let me wash you with my glory ...(word showered in spirit)
And water of my word .....(....again)
I want to serve you as I know ....(from inspiration)
To be that blessing in the flow .....(of the Spirit)
You'll see through crystal waters ....(pure washing)
The wisdom from my love ....(His Word)
Praise of dawns pure light ....(Cheering on the Morning)
So much joy and no more fight...Just love ....(abundance of the Word!)
...I am the Anointing!.........Freely Give, Freely Receive!
~Inspired by Suzy Yareai's Catalysts Journal/Poetry Class~ 2009
Thought it timely as this was being spoken out of me today once again!
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