Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stirring Up Sum of It

There is an ever so slight twinge of heart this morning that many true worshipers; many who recall times of refreshing; times of past revivals that planted seeds of hope, restoration, healing seem to know that its all still "right there" waiting. No matter how faint; we have to have it. Everything in me from a place of unsettledness wants to shout "what are we going to do with this word?!" Where is the constancy of vigor, vitality and the all surpassing victory that belongs to us? Its for the church. Rest assured. We have been reminded of it of late through preachers and teachers. Rise up! Rise up! Rise up! 

Let's trade it all in...all sin for the victory; the blessing given to us already and have a party...not the business as usual. It's in the blood. There holds the cleansing. Plead the blood over your mind, your heart, your life, your children, your circumstances...all the issues that have come against to take away the revival in your heart and mind; to deceive rather than "relieve"; to test rather than "rest". Don't be led astray. He stands back awaiting to hear you speak it and it's all right there in the sum of it...everything that cleanses, everything you are waiting for. If its not something you are used to...try it. I recall once writing...sling it everywhere; all over the place; all over the house. There is precious victory within it. I sense the Holy Spirit wanting to flood the thinking of hearts and minds that have forgotten what belongs to each of us in the church. He doesn't give prosperity, love and every other thing we are believing for in a select measure or for select prayers to be answered. Stir it up and leave behind logic that takes away what we are really looking for. I don't see much calculation that aided healing revivals of the past or present and don't see it aiding revivals of the future. It's in the right now...love, love, love!

If the drive is taken away from the apostle....If the encouragement is taken away from the prophet...If the compassion to heal is taken away from the Pastor...If the desire to save the lost is taken away from the evangelist...If the wisdom and understanding is taken from the teacher...If the inspiration is taken from the intercessor...If the song is taken away from the worshiper... What do you have? The word is gone and spirit missing. The church wains. "If" is doubt. It cannot happen. Plead the blood over all these. God is not into subtraction. He's into multiplication. 

It is written in my bible next to 1 John 5:14-15 that says...Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, what ever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him....and so next to it it says.... "Knowing him as the Christ will determine how the gates of hell will respond to you!" He says use what has been given to you. It's in the blood. One drop penetrated every problem should we access what has already been given...its the healing. It's your reason to shout, to sing, to worship, to praise, to lay hands on the sick and see it for what it was...finished! Dear ones, It's yours.  Yes, its the rain!

Time to go back and get very undone in prayer where the blood is applied, the attack is shut down, the spirit is poured out and victory is for all! The song = the joy. It's the preach + the power. It's the word + the spirit. It's the blood that = healing it all! This is the math church! That ...bless the Lord...is the measure. 

I heard it said like this... prep the prayer, prime the pump, position for possession for the promises passed up in praise to Him. Its the pleasing petition promised.

That sums it up for this morning. Let's stir it up!      


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