Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Grace, Grace, God's Grace....Manifest!

Just hours ago Grace was born....so it seems. Oh, Father God let it pour, pour, pour...more and more and more, your grace. A book I wrote a few years ago I sensed much, must be shared...at least in part. Publishing in book form to come soon, though now I pray it will be a blessing to you. This is our faith here in the present. A story of life and more life to be. Birth, my life, dreams.... A summary of what has been, a prayer for what is to be, that death be underfoot and life be manifest largely. A book of worship; an edification I pray toward the church in what I have learned... as in life lived but also in much blessing to come...ah yes, for the old has passed and the new has come. Tools for growth toward the supernatural I pray. Oh, how He loves you!        


By: Tammy Andis (formerly Cundiff)

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Thanksgiving to the Lord

I thank you Father God for sending your Son, Jesus. I thank you for my life, my health, my body and spirit to glorify you with and your word and spirit. All that I have seen and heard of your teaching and preaching of the word, especially these past few blessed years. Just as You said as a small child from the holy scriptures I would have salvation by my faith through Christ Jesus...2 Timothy 3:15. You have given me much inspiration Lord.

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Thank you and Tribute to

I want to use this place to humbly thank a few people in my life with a bit of a testimony here. I want to first thank my mom for teaching me to write, through many different tears and triumphs in our lives as I was growing up. I learned much from your writing whether funny or just use of your imagination of the spirit flowing through you. You've blessed me and taught me in ways I did not know how to say until this moment.

I also want to thank others for chiding me many different times in the spirit as I always heard but until now I did not put to practice the preaching in getting to work on this book and others to come. I thank you for the dear encouragement. Priceless edification.

I want to thank the Holy Spirit abiding within for giving me the inspiration and recall, bringing to remembrance the precious teach from the holy word of God and how my faith has carried me through many years and now coming to a place of writing this long awaited book to share what the Father has done for me. Glory Hallelujah to the King of Kings!

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Table of Contents/Chapter Titles

Chapter 1- From My Mother's Womb
{Glory-Hebrew 1934}-To Exist, Behold, Cleave, Tremble, Walk

Chapter 2- As a Little Child
{Glory-Greek 2811}-Renown, As if Being Called, Glory, Bid, Call, Name

Chapter 3- Grief Stricken
{Glory- Hebrew 3365}- To be Heavy, Valuable, To Make
Rare, Inhibit, Be Prized, Withdrawal

Chapter 4- Covenant Babies & Faith
{Glory- Hebrews 3513}- To be Heavy, Make weighty, More Grievously Afflict, Be Rich, Prevail, Splendor, Copiousness, Honor

Chapter 5- Beginning the 2nd Mile
{Glory- Hebrew 8597}- Ornament, Beautiful, Bravery, Honor, Majesty

Chapter 6- A Brand New Day
{Glory- Greek 1391}- Dignity, Honor, Glorious, Praise, Worship, Present, Gift

{Glory-Greek 1392}- To Render or Esteem, Glorious, Full of Glory, Honor, Magnify

{Glory-Greek 2620}- To Exult Against, Over, Boast, Glory, Rejoice

{Glory-Greek 2744}- To Vaunt, To Make, Boast, Joy, Rejoice, To Be Named & Carry A Name

Chapter 7- My Name
{Glory- Hebrew 1984}- Be clear, Shine, Show, To Boast, Rave, Celebrate, Give Light, Give in Marriage, Renown

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Chapter 1- From my Mother's Womb
{Glory-Hebrew 1934}- To Exist, Behold, Cleave, Tremble, Walk

In my mother's womb You knew me. You formed me. You knew every hair on my head. You knew I wouldn't have much hair until I was three. I was denied from even a small child. My mom couldn't understand she was even pregnant. This is as much the story of Mary. Astounded at seven months she truly would bear a child. Fear gripped her. Born March 20, 1970 on the first day of Spring. The Lord gives me this day this verse: Be glad then, you children of Zion, And rejoice in the Lord your God; For He has given you the former rain faithfully, And he will cause the rain to come down for you- The former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. Joel 2:23 The harvest in spring. The enemy never wanted me to get a hold of my worth. I write this day in the first month of 2009. Praise the Lord for the encouraging word of God of which has grown over the years to become my much loved choice food with all its absolute beauty of your creation...sustenance. The latter rain seems at this time to represent what you are about to do in the world; in the church and what I feel you are about to do in me. Latter rain! Amen. Use me Lord to pour out your spirit. I will be your vessel.

My parents divorced before I was two years old. My dad remarried at the age of four. We were poor and broken, without God in our life, not being churched, yet being spoken to all along. You, Lord, permeate even that which cannot be reached by human hands. Omniscient. Omnipotent. Omnipresent in all your ways. God uses each as He wills. He has spoken to me always in all ways.

I would lie in bed at night and look upon the wall as a young child and see a picture of Jesus being overshadowed by a shadow of what looked like Satan cast onto the wall by the lights from the highway behind our house. Later in life I would come to know that darkness cannot overcome the light. Jesus is light! How I now see that all these trials had much deeper meaning in the years to come. The enemy wanted me to know what never mattered because Jesus is what did matter. And so I prayed. I became a prayer warrior very, very young! Nevertheless the more I prayed the enemy was relentless through the years in showing himself to me as to create fear. Press in and I did just that. 

Life went on and though I was not in church with few exception as I went alone while in Fortville.

Chapter 2-As a Little Child
{Glory- Greek 2811}- Renown, As if Being Called, Glory, To Bid, Call, Name

I heard of the Lord every time I was at my grandma and grandpa's house. A man; my grandpa, that certainly missed his call due to the enemies lies in his life, strokes that plagued him young, unable to drive again, becoming dependent on mom for taking them both everywhere they needed to go. But the love of God he would show me with his words through the Word. Grandpa don't know it but he touches me still today though not being present in this earth for many years. As a little child I would sit at the kitchen table where grandpa would do most of his preaching to me about how to live and what to do when I grew up. He was funny and would make up funny little rhymes and poems that we would say together just for fun. We would change the words to nursery rhymes and we'd just giggle for hours. I stayed with grandma and grandpa often as I could.

One time I remember was extra special and holds the most precious memories with my dad that likens to my relation to my Heavenly Father. He took me to a jewelry store and bought me a tiny beautiful gold wedding band and asked me if I would marry Him. “Oh my, Yes” I exclaimed. I remember that same band slid down the drain one day while at the sink washing my hands and after many hours and many pipes being taken apart Dad and Pappaw arose my heroes with the band in hand! I always recall my dad being happy at heart. I visited Mammaw and Pappaw every weekend and every school break at their house, rather than my dads who lived just down the lane and through the woods. This was my true home at Mammaw and Pappaw's in my heart to live. I couldn't write it any better or explain my love for Mammaw and Pappaw for the way they cared for me, clothed me and loved me during this time. At at many times my graditude wained at best.

During an incredible time of prayer after many years the Holy Spirit led me to a place in the spirit so much healing took place and he began to minister to me about my life and took away years of time off my shoulders that the devil had robbed me of playfulness and fun. Such rest in that place I went this day of April 17th, 2007. But to explain here I will copy an entry I made this day about my recall as a child that came to me in prayer in a vision, a word of knowledge. I could never forget it. As the Holy Ghost gave me clarity in what is mine in the spirit, and years of heaviness left me. It is of things to come to run and play in the spirit here on this earth. Here is the entry just below the morning after this prayer time on April 18th, 2007...

In the Garden

You know the old song...I Walk in the Garden with Him....and then a newer song arrives....I recall...Oh, Dance in the Garden, Dance in the Garden with Him....and yet He gives yet a newer song birthed from the Spirit, a song of Angels in the garden.

The Lord is pouring from the spirit this day to bring recall of the garden. In the beginning there was a garden. This is the one I am reminded of! But going back, sitting on the edge of the bed I think, drawing out a plan to one day come to pass. I don't really know now what it means because I can only imagine in my feeble mind. This heart is reaching for the word only a minute or two a day now but God was there on the  table by my side. My little girl, only a tender age of 3, now turning 18 soon and my precious son but a year. 15 years ago on a pad of paper with scanty pencil markings. Not an artist by any means and certainly not a gardener. No green thumb here Lord. I scarcely can purchase spring flowers without a call to a friend who knows what to buy. Some sun, some partial, some lots of water, some thriving on dryness. And some things...all things...work for His greater glory and this is one of them. He knows what He is doing and ever reminding me that I do not...Only in Him.

As I write this morning I ask, Lord why did you give this to me? This vision of this lavish garden and prompt me to sketch it out. Where is it? Show me where I have it tucked away. It means something. You have reminded me periodically in my life about it after all these years. It felt like and still feels like works of flesh to execute. Hot sun, lack of knowledge as I have already said. The end...oh it is beautiful. The butterflies, the pond, the fountains, the pathways, the bushes, the sunshine the leaves and oh my ...the trees! The color, so real and rich that it looks like a fairy tail land. Was this for a home I would one day live in? Well, my spirit says...Absolutely. But here in this flesh suit, I wonder? Is it when my children are grown to tackle? Oh, that all sounds so not like me. Is it a teaching tool for my children? Is it for this summer? What is it about this garden? Why do you bring it to me again, Lord? Perhaps to know what man plans his steps but it is the Lord who orders them. I was just dreaming...a dreamer at the time. Joseph had dreams too though. We dream now. Oh, to walk in this garden, through the mazes...paths of life. I love mazes...so fun to see where they end. Kinda reminds me of playing in the woods down all the paths Pappaw would carve as he cleared the woods and lay gravel when I was a little. Or the slate stepping stone pathway that was lain leading down to the creek where I'd play. It was imaginative playground and fun I had! This garden...it is so perfect though. Perfection of God. No way that human hands could put this together and make it look like I saw it. It couldn't be duplicated. It would be a mess. What I saw was spirit. Show me Father about the beauty of the garden, Your Garden. You are a good God and how I love you!

And revelation in prayer again just days later, April 21st, 2007 and I journaled and will copy it here yet again for best explanation...

Revelation of the Beauty

Ah! Your answer comes in the your manifest presence...as always! You are so very faithful! That's one reason I love you so, Lord. Whatever is made manifest is light. Your answer comes sometimes so quick that our ear needs to be so very attentive to listen.

In the beginning....Yes, indeed it was the beginning...of my life so to speak. I saw the difference between heaven and hell manifested there as close as anyone would get to it here on earth...as I seen it, through the tender heart of a child.

Perhaps this is why I see things so black and while. I used to beat myself up for that but no longer because the black is black and the white is light and everything exposed in the light is of God and there is room to breath and run and play and no religion and no lack in the white side. The white is heaven, full of our heart's desires that He longs to impart to us.

My heaven was spent on Saturdays. Truly my heaven is even still, thank you Lord, spent on Saturday. I would arrive on Friday night, in time for dinner, spend all the next day in the garden, in the woods and garden, nevertheless, in the garden then on Sunday night I went back. I was very young and carefree. My weekends were spent in what I knew to be the garden. It was really a woods with gravel pathways carved filled with rocks. Trees trimmed and some just for me so that I could climb them more easily, especially the cherry tree that fell over the patio. I'd climb to the top and shake out all the cherries, climb down and put them in a big bowl for Mammaw and she'd bake me and Pap a cherry cobbler, piping hot with milk poured over the top.

Pathways of stone steps leading down to a creek bed with a trickling stream. My chubby, white bunny, fluffy to play with and feed. The secret path- as I called it, that led to the rear entrance to the second garden surrounded by a fence to the back gate. Paths of bricks, a fountain, gorgeous flowers, morning glory vines that grew over the archway and marigold surrounding it all to keep the stray bunnies out from eating me and Pappaw's green onions that we talked Mammaw into planting amidst the flowers. I would eat the green and he would eat the real hot bulb. Mammaw would tease that she spent more hours standing on her head pulling weeds than anything else in the world.

I would play endlessly and have to be coaxed in from playing house alone in the peacock cage. One side was made like a tall A-frame house and Pappaw built benches to sit inside. Harold and Henrietta I remember calling them would come and eat grain from my hand that we'd buy from the mill in town. When mischief would rise up in me I would throw rocks at the chickens, well not all of them...just trying to hit the one...not trying to hurt him at all...just wanted to see him jump. That rooster would flog me every time I'd try to feed him. Pappaw would get upset and grab him quickly by his two legs and hold him upside down and say something like...”Why, if you only knew that you could be dinner right now” then he'd shout “Git, and toss him aside, for him to flip to his feet.

Colossians tells us as well as Revelations...go back to that first love. That first love for me was God and His Creation he has shown me in prayer. I am not surprised. It is the confession on my lips. He took me to that place where He longs to bring us all back to...It was heavenly, as I saw it though a child's eyes. It was so precious to me! That is right Lord, no way, that human hands could have put this together. They did not. You did. Oh, you took me back to the place, that first love I had a few days a week for a few important years...the one you'd use to teach me in prayer almost 30 years later. God, you are so good! Amazing...simply amazing!

And so, the above summed up the precious and heavenly part of my life until I was 13 years old. I felt in my very existence what heaven there must have felt like to the a spirit of a child. Oh, and to the children...all the children of the world. I found the Lord one Sunday morning in a musty old basement of a Baptist church on my knees. I knew who God was and needed to say it. The song...it penetrated my heart. I would peek around the curtain leading into the sanctuary and watch the choir sing. I was in awe. A heart of a worshiper I would later have. The pains of school pressures, many other worries, lack, trouble of all kinds left me feeling a sense of loss as I traveled home each Sunday night...like life was over, yet always having hope. What is faith? It was hard feeling such pressure as I felt like I took care of many emotional concerns. It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. Hebrews 11:1 NLT These days of pain would intensify in the future though I did not know it yet. I lived in a state of such religion when I was in or out of church as a child that healing, true biblical healing was not taught to me, feeling unsupported in my walk with the Lord. I feared baptism more than any other thing because I knew nothing about it. So I never took on the Lord in baptism as a child in any sense. One day I would leave all sense of religion in those waters.

Chapter 3- Grief Stricken
{Glory-Hebrew 3365}- To be Heavy, Valuable, To Make Rare, Inhibit, Be Prized, Withdrawal

Where's mom? I asked my sister, looking through the fridge for an after school snack. I didn't have homework and was wondering where she was, perhaps taking grandpa and grandma to the grocery. I doddled, flipping stations, sitting on the porch, cleaning up my room and getting ready. I was going to see Mammaw and Pappaw this weekend. I had not been able to visit weekly anymore since Mammaw and Pappaw was sick. But I knew it wouldn't last for long. I had hope. She would be back to bike riding with me in town, doing cart wheels in the living room, walks, chin ups on the bar and hoola hoop contests just shortly. I longed to get there this weekend, wanted to see how she was doing. Perhaps we could go shopping at Washington Square mall if she was up to it.

A stark look came across her face as she walking into the room, almost an urgency turned procrastination of needing to say something but not knowing how. Instantly denial flooded my person and I jumped up and went to my room. I sat praying with my head in my lap and I remember not about what. Five long minutes and then a knock at my door. I didn't want to answer then she said...”I need to talk to you.” Not the usual conversation. I had done nothing wrong. Uncharacteristic of me, I said, “No, please shut the door.” A big sigh and then, “Tammy, she's gone.” “Shut the Door!” I said loudly. I remember not much. I wrecked my room. Life was over. I cried for what seemed like hours until she came back offering to drive me to Fortville.

Healing, I did not know how to receive. I was in and out of religious churches that patted your back and said, “It will be OK. Time heals all things”. They did not understand how to console. Moreover, I knew deep down. There was so much more. I had lost many members of family even beginning at an early age but not my Mammaw. She was like a best friend. She provided my refuge in time of need and just about everything I ever needed in my life from all aspects, indirectly...even spiritually. Now I was left alone, even away from church. I cried for years every night at bed, and not a day went by even into my marriage that her name was not remembered from my mouth. The pain was deep. I finally let go 20 years later. Praise the Lord!

Even during such a tough time and dealing with depression the summer just after I turned 15 years old my aunt Evelyn was sick. She lived about 9 houses down from us but no one could care for her and her insurance had run out and family lived far away so I moved in with her and took care of her and cooked for her and cared for her while my uncle Chuck was at work. He worked late in the day and had a long drive home so he wasn't much good when he got home except for playing with the dogs and loving on Evelyn; sitting at her side and talking with her. As summer ended just as I was about to return home Evelyn passed. Being already depressed and living in a house that reeked with the spirit of death all summer long and still hurting so deeply from the passing of Mammaw, I plunged deeper into depression feeling that I had not done anything to help my aunt and that it was a useless feat. Somehow I managed back to school and seemingly living under such a cloud of darkness for much of high school years. So much healing necessary to a normal life. I wasn't sure what normal was anymore. I hung out with a lot of friends then, though not sure we were on the same page. I walked a lot, raced with friends, played football in the field, played in the nearby creek and went to the park a lot. There was still something missing from my heart. Healing and nurturing. The very thing I would long to give away in abundance out of a heart of testimony one day.

Chapter 4- Covenant, Babies and Faith
{Glory-Hebrews 3513}- To be Heavy, Make Weighty, More Grievously Afflict, Be Rich, Prevail, Splendor, Copiousness, Honor

Here comes the bride that I longed to be....though unchurched, unschooled, unchallenged and without counsel but in the moment; love at first sight. Not long after marriage there came our first child. Never being one who accepted sickness of any kind, likened to the scriptures though unrealized at the time, a knowing deep down but not understanding my own need for it through these grievous times. Afflicted heavily during pregnancy. Pneumonia, toxemia, fierce swelling and was bit by a brown recluse spider and on crutches for a long while. Much loved and the first grandchild and spoiled to say the least. She was like a little china doll, so petite and just perfect.

A trip to Kentucky over Thanksgiving 1990, that afternoon just before leaving I found out I was pregnant with our second, but first son, Nicolas. I suffered from pre-eclampsia with much swelling in my legs and battled bronchitis for a few months. After a three day stay in the hospital, after the baby being turned twice because he was breech, I was never so thrilled to know my son. He was a fiery little thing, I remember how he knocked down all the lights in the warmer and got his little hands and feet wound in the wires.

How I made it through those young years of married life could only be by the grace of God as we were not operating in saving faith at all. Always money issues, car issues and the like. We were not in church. I ran from God trying to please others and do it on my own and fearing  upset.

Chapter 5- Beginning the 2nd Mile
{Glory-Hebrew 8597}- Ornament, Beautiful, Bravery, Honor, Majesty

After many years Dawn and Nicolas are now 10 and 8 and we began going to church through an old friend from high school I had reconnected with.

Julia, soon after, was on her way. I said I'd like to have a child before I was 30 and it was. At 4 months along, doctors called me into a big beautifully decorated office to tell me my baby had down syndrome and there was nothing that could be done but to make a choice to terminate the pregnancy or wait it out. My God is bigger! I went to the Minister of our church at the time and was told through tears running down his cheeks due to having a handicapped child of his own that he understood my pain. Yet something in me shouted “Noway, and I will not accept that answer”! It was a long, hot summer, so much so that I could not walk across the road to the mail box or I'd feel as though I would pass out. I would that summer freeze my family out of the house practically. I would dream often of how my baby girl about to be born would love the outdoors and love to sing. So, I saw also in a dream to decorate her room in Mr. McGregor's Garden Theme. Born perfectly normal and beautiful just after midnight on a hot summer day. Thank you Lord! And so...she loves animals, outdoors and is a singer!

Grace came just 19 months later. Praying for a boy and got a sweet, graceful, all girl...baby girl! Precious child I love so. I felt sorry for her. She couldn't help it but was born with the largest ears ever as a baby and only grew larger with time. I prayed and it passed at about age 2. Later I'd see she is a listener at heart of the things of God and very intelligent and highly creative; loves to draw and dance.

Alivea, oh my...What a surprise! 4 babies, yes...but 5...oh my! During the hardest time of our lives she was born. She was born emergency
c-section and heavily jaundice so this took up even more of our time for the first three months of life. Full of life and funny as could be! A joy unspeakable always making funny faces and funny sounds and busy as ever! And she does all these things! Very lively, started speaking out at age 3 that she wanted to be a drummer.

When Alivea was just a baby, after much, much prayer, we moved into our first home. Life kicked into high gear and I painted our whole house while we managed 5 children. Though new, things seemed hopeless during this time. I prayed and manged the best I could. I knew better. God is sovereign.

I longed to Worship God deeper and during this time found worship in a greater way, longing to show others the goodness of God though prayer and teach. Leading prayer, worshiping on the Praise Team and teaching in different venues and leading community groups. He was molding me in a leader that I'd always been while most stood gazing at what was taking place without any support at home. I simply had to move and breathe and grow. Many said...Give up. Church was tired endless prayer and fasting and simply stood amazed that we all were at church. I lost all self worth at times, no dignity at all left in me. I just made it  to church the best I could, worn from the endless hours of care. I was in the “barely getting by stage” at times yet prodded on knowing my God was good. Oppression was heavy.

Chapter 6- A Brand New Day
{Glory-Greek 1391}-Dignity, Honor, Glorious, Praise, Worship, Present, Gift

Come away into a New Day I felt him say. Chided in different areas that there was more. Believed we were at a stopping point of faith and there was more. The teach was far more than looking over the top of the lenses. Throwing off all that hinders that growth might take place was the prayer.

A first vacation for us took place followed by a two month search for where we would go next...We showed up one morning to the place I'd grow to love in ways unexplainable.

I saw the scriptures as something new asking for fullness of the Spirit. I recall being around a campfire, thanking Him over and over and over again, knowing from the past, he is good and would not fail me, though not knowing how to receive. Old ways had over run my thinking but I was open as could be. I knew all things were new and the old had passed away. So, I kept thanking Him and rivers of living water began to fill me to overflowing. Amen! Makes me want to shout! Even still. He is new every morning!

{Glory-Greek1392}-To Render or Esteem, Glorious, Full of Glory, Honor, Magnify

Writing the Vision

Oh, how I knew I was moving toward the miraculous and the devil was behind me all the way. I saw him in prayer knowing to walk clean and walk close. I longed to go into the deeper things of God. I wanted to see healing and the infilling of God come to many. Never knowing quite how to move out into that always feeling like I would be overstepping my boundaries but to find that it is man I feared because with God all things are possible. And the love of God and the word of God is in the depths of me embedded on the pages of my heart and so I write and have written for years the visions and desires. Oh, how I don't want the many to fear, to grieve, to walk in religion that holds them back but desire for all to see the freedom He has given freely to us all if we can only see what the word really says instead of seeing with just our eyes....we must see it with the vision of our heart. This is my heart's cry. Healing and infilling. Power to the church so that the glory of God may be manifest. These, yes, are among the desires of my heart. I am a caregiver but found the rivers of life as in John 7:38 and it is truly the living water, the glorious, unending, thirst quenching waters flowing up and out of our belly that is the power wrought unto his church. He can't stand it when it is held back. He meant for His glory to be unleashed in His church. May we...May I...find true repentance on my face and in my soul and in the depths of my heart for all the times I have grieved His glorious and precious Holy Spirit.

{Glory-Greek 2620}- To Exult Against, Over, Boast, Glory, Rejoice

Walking in the Spirit...in the Holy Ghost, you never know where he will lead you yet somehow I knew where I was going so the real question was this...I have met in ultimate worship but will they receive me, receive the you in me? The cry of my heart...so full, a giver of good gifts. He is my fullness. I cry for the pain, the grievous affliction within for a place to show His fullness...answers to the deepest questions. I boast of him in that magnificent way of prayer that He has given unto me and always looking to go further...being led of Him Romans 8:14 says. Galatians 5:16 says...Walk in the Spirit and you shall not gratify the lust of the flesh. So, I press into that place in the spirit, in the church of being led of Him. It's in that shallow creek. Always in His presence is the place of receiving. That place of prayer that says...there is more for you. I receive.

Colossians 1:9 says...For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long suffering with joy; giving thanks to the God father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has deliver us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

Dynamic and explosive strength given by Him alone to gain all benefits of edification unto the church. Walk in the power of the resurrected son. Oh, the love contained inside the fullness of Him! How to give it away without doing harm? I must find it. Being led of Him....be led of Him.

{Glory-Greek 2744}- To Vaunt, To Make, Boast, Joy, Rejoice, To Be Named & Carry A Name

And that name that I carry with me is the name of Jesus. The name above all names. The Lord has had me interested in names and the study of such for years. What I found is this. I am perfect because of Him, because my name says so. Tammy/Tamar/Tamara means perfection, upright, high pillar, palm tree, complete. Indeed I am complete in Him, having all I need in the Holy Scriptures to be all He has shown me to be.

Marie/Mary/Maria means Mother of Jesus and/or in other translations...bitterness. In studying this out I found that bitterness in the word meant “sea of bitterness” or also it meant “beloved”. Exodus 15:23-27 It has been a sea of bitter battle finding my complete place and I am His beloved. We are His beloved.  

Andis...No one ever could pronounce this and it baffled me. “And” and “is”. It is simple. Easy. I found that Andis's are very few and most are farmers. Sowers of seed and reapers of the harvest. Tap in to all He is and desires me to be. It also means “Rose Flower”.

Chapter 7- My Name
{Glory- Hebrew 1984}- Be clear, Shine, Show, To Boast, Rave, Celebrate, Give Light, Give in Marriage, Renown

Celebrate, celebration of a nation, rolling off my tongue, out of my spirit for well over a year now. Praise the living God. To each of our advantage to find the presence of God and play in it but to receive the end of our faith that only sets us to begin the true course of healing unto the many and the praise of Him in all the glory and filling to many of the one true living God! Glory to His Name!

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