Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Encourage Mint!

I pray that these words leap from the page and out of the turmoil to bless and to heal. There is wreckage in the spiritual places of the heart. God says...Get a grip! Get a grip on the Word of God that is, and who you are in God. Stop whimsical falsivities from invading the festivities of the oh so very precious minds of the Spirit. Shut off control in the spiritual matters that you can see what came to steal from the heart. It has looked as if it were a giving invitation and that thing you discern, in truth was a lie. Acknowledge it, forget it, realize what it was about and move onto what God really has for you. I speak to you from a long range of experience. I have put up with, given until I bled and hung on in a manner that could only be accounted to as faith. I speak from a place of held back blessing that so longs to give. I know you know this place in your own lives.

It is the perfect time of year to reflect on where we have come from and what we have learned from in the toughest of circumstances...having nothing yet possessing so much. This is to realize as much even in our riches that we are also poor, blind and naked. This realization takes us further. There is such a child-like spirit necessary to awaken the Spirit's love in the church. There seems a nearly detrimental need. It cannot be denied. We have to take hold of God's heart and come bringing yourself into the church house filled anew to overflow no matter what thinks it tries you, if for no other reason than you cannot hardly wait to see the brethren. Leave all that outside and come together. There is time and place within, within your heart and within the spiritual places to share what ails you to pray and be encouraged and to be of encouragement to others. I am not talking about hypocrisy. Judge your heart. You will see a boost in worship. You will see change when you do this! And everyone around you will as well. Let it be "gone are the days" when you arrive to fellowship seeing your head hung and sensing the mundane spirit. Freshness! No nodding your head at sameness. No less lively introductions to that new face. When you get out of that car and walk into the church house you need to be breath taken at the palace that it was built to be, all the while bringing within it, your spiritual house and realizing just what that means. These are the VASTLY important and PRECIOUS things in the sight of God. These are the things in love that will manifest love again and again, allowing you to hear the Word of God that is spoken. This attitude of gratitude and love removes negativity from past words spoken that may have been served up to cause fear. Fear is not of God. When a godly fear does come you will be able to discern it and won't be able to deny it, being a repentant kind of fear that is to bless your heart. Keeping yourself in this manner opens you to spiritual vision. Then when its real, this is a kind of repentant heart that furthers the church.

Happening in the heart, happening on your knees makes for a happening church! It is God's heart for you to know how very happy this really is that which I speak. There have been many false doctrines and personal words given that were given in encouragement but without the understanding of how to receive and how to discern or how to judge the matter for yourselves amidst all of the deep enterage of discouragement. It aught not be and does not have to be.

There, rather, needs to be once again great big peals of laughter. Families are broken and not only mine. Feasts of love set aside for no good purpose- folding because it seems there isn't enough. Smile really big once more in the "knowing" that the scriptures we live and breathe says our God that we know owns cattle on a thousand hills. Somehow it is written that the church wins! Begin with the solution to see the profit! It is in the Word. Listen when I say that when the Word is so full in you, then be encouraged, because nothing can steal your joy. You will have such immeasurable times of joy, enough to spill onto others in times of meeting together, when you dig into God's Word. Someone will come to you full of grace holding the answer for you. I tell you it is so...God loves, loves, loves a cheerful giver and there is victory in it! Attitudes of the heart pour into every other area. God intends blessing. Hand to others smiles, love, big hugs and to the ones who never get them! God loves a contrite heart and don't you know that this brings thoughtful repentance when love is shared! We come together to get things accomplished and when it is done in love, Oh Glory! Acting as if you miss one another, because you know you do, and bring that child-like excitement that can't wait to see each other again! Oh, how I love you. Be the blessing bringer, the Encourage Mint! I am. And I literally cannot wait to see you again!

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