Monday, February 20, 2012


Intimacy. Prayer Contact. Going into that secret place with no distraction, shutting the door to hear the love of God! Finding his heart.  Worship. Reverence. Falling at the feet of love. Sincerity. Waterfall overflowing in the vise but up and out of the spirit, streaming rivers flowing. The anointing. The touch of another’s hand so sweet. A tear flowing down one’s cheek from the heart of an unspoken word. A sweet dance, cheek to cheek. The awakening of a precious dream that speaks to the heart. A renewing verse to the mind that deepens your love for God. A song that floods your person that warms the Spirit. A scent that brings recollections of years gone by to memory. The newness of friendships of old and also the freshness of new one’s seemingly older. Fresh flowers born of creation. Tangible glory revealed. The rush of unexpected intercession pouring with unction. Passion’s concern for another. Intentions leaping into reality. Felt acknowledgement of repentance. Glory song. A knock at the door of great surprise. The wind flowing effortlessly through the trees. The anointed touching you of a willing vessel. Recognizing Spirit and truth in worship. Freedom. The love of God. Intimacy.    

~Originally written 2:00am 2/19/2012

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