There was a distinct reading from the Word of God in Nehemiah (8:8) that gave understanding prior to receiving the gift. Upon the receiving the Word of God in their spirit they could then do as was told to not sorrow and to receive the joy of the Lord. There was a hearing in the now that was a producer of the future that there be a flourishing faith in the present. This is a gift, both of the giver and of the receiver.
When there is a loving word birthed out of the love of God (1 Corinthians 13 & 14) there is an intake of the love being poured forth. And as it is being spoken of the one so lovingly who has and is hearing from God to give that word there is a place it comes from and as it is spoken there is a place it is going. Where there is no word there is less understanding until the word comes and there is reception eagerly of this insight of love. In this there is a past and a present in its giving and what happens with what is given is in the future, whether that be immediate for in the upcoming future.
Faith flourishes in unity. Look at Esther 9 as when there was a banding together that the oppression leave. And it did upon the reception of love. There was a time of giving and in that giving was a receiving. Two things happened here and in the middle there was an exchange for what was not previously unto the reception that was able upon the receiving to become the present that celebrated from a decision of joy and feasting in giving to one another. It wasn't merely one decision but rather became epidemic; the kind lacking sickness of greed. There was a plurality of love and joy inexpressible and it spread like a wildfire unstoppable of its goodness.
LOVE>--------------------< >RECEIVING LOVE< >------------------->FLOURISHING FAITH
Simplistic love that has wildfire potential to grow with intensity, with reception, with unity, with great grace, with the anointing that flourishes faith in love.
It is the New Year afresh with newness. I desired to give you a far greater gift as my faith has received though I could not write until today. The presents are now all unwrapped, some returned for the more desired on the list. Some presents are being used and some are not. What will you do with your present? What do you desire to do with your gift? Do you plan to use it in love and with a flourishing faith; to bless and to flourish another's faith? Receive love. It will flourish your faith.
Let love be so divine in your heart that it spills out to others flourishing your faith and their and do it in the present, for love is the best gift. Much joy is received from love, especially love given in season in a faith that receives your great love.
Sharing the Love of God through the Mighty Holy Spirit! ...Bringing light to the World!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Oh, The Wondrous Power
Power! Power! Wonder working power. I praise my heavenly Father for the wondrous power in the mighty blood of Jesus that cleanses, heals, protects, renews, restores, delivers, provides, fills, furthers and strengthens. To prophesy that which was and is becomes from breath unto life and speaks from that breath unto that which is not and the breath is heard and received unto life. That which is dead and the skeletons that lay slain, seen round about, the death that is seen round about, the spiritual wickedness that has had reign, the idolatry of death, the false celebration…both of the time and the death which is an abomination in the sight of God…these are what is rallied by the spirit of God to hear the words of life. In the hearing it cannot help but receive life. In the authority of God there cannot be disease, sickness or death received. It is not present. It is not in the life of God. And under the authority of the words of life without dissension and disease there are no further options. Life is. The breath from the Word of God brings spiritual healing, physical strength and renewal. Repentance is. Restoration is miraculous. The cut off unto death is shut off. Life takes place. The wind that surrounds brings life and blessing. Flesh is formed aright and afresh with a stance that receives nothing else but the goodness of God. Oh the wonder working power of the blood of Jesus. It flows, brings function, life, living, and breathing, receiving, filling and filling again of His great love. It receives the wonder working power of the blood of Jesus, salvation to souls, life abundant. The wonder working power of the miracle of shed blood of Jesus…just one drop, yet all was given, and is received under even the sound of your belief speaking it out of your mouth that you believe in Him that gave his death for your life…to restore you from death and give you life forever more.
Power! Power! Wonder working power in the blood. To plead the blood of Jesus is that which is received of life. Once His life is received there is power, power wonder working power in the blood that was shed. There is healing, protection, renewal, restoration, deliverance, provision, filling, furthering and strengthening of your body, of your mind, of your soul, of your strength. And these you are scheduled to love Him with all of your might from a heart that now knows that there is power, power wonder working power. The breath you have confessed unto salvation of the belief in your heart has cleansed unto life with newness unlike no other. You have wholeness and can breathe, and run and play and have the ability to receive life and the knowledge of the wonder working power of the blood that now flows within.
This kind of power is full of grace, mercy and love. It contains the life of God. It now walks in the knowing of the powerful wonder working blessing and there is access to the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. It is the power of the blood. It is the breath of God that brings the anointing to further.
I speak to you oh spirit of death by the blood of Jesus. The blood is being applied so death is bound and loosed is every healing property contained in its wonder working power. Oh, the wonder working power of the blood applied to every area of grief, to the loss of a husband, to the need and desire to have a husband, to the tragedy to turn into victory, to the label of sickness that are cleansed unto what God calls healed, to the stubborn ways that melt under a compassionate word, to the life poured out feeling like there is nothing left, to the humble hearts that have more to receive, to the ministries that can give no further without this power, to the one too young to be with child because you are not fully grown, to disease that by this power is called healed, to aging that still have so much to give, to the lack that is brought into fluid met needs and desires, to the control which is broken by this wonder working power, to the enemies threats that are no longer when this wonder working power is applied, to the bones that are told will never be right again, to the wrong spirits that have tried the anointing and anointed…oh the wonder working power of the blood. To the ones who knew spiritual blood was on your hands because of you tried to harm the anointed…I speak to you that you find repentance. To the mom who is worn beyond measure I speak salvation to you by the blood of Jesus to you that you receive and your family be healed, to the overworked and underpaid I plead the blood of Jesus over your job situation that you no longer have a job but a giftedness at work in the ability of God and there is compensation, to the broken family who is struggling I apply the blood to this situation, to children that have experienced loss in every way possible, restoration by the blood to you. To the many, many prayers I read and pray of the need for direction of God, I apply the blood of Jesus. To the loss of homes I apply the blood that restoral come and every demonic stronghold be broken and all that has been lost be restored. To the one that has walked so long and so far yet feels like they have not arrived…oh the wonder working power applied to the knowledge of what you have and where you are. To the lifelong minister that seems spent of days I speak healing and restoration and renewal by the powerful blood. I speak the blood of Jesus be applied to every ligament, every joint, every muscle, every blood cell, every organ, every function, every thought, every memory…all things that hold you back physically, I speak the wonder working power of the blood applied to our life. To the oppression that has held you down, held you back, held you up falsely and completely deceived, you are broken by the blood of Jesus. Your false authority is no longer. Oh, and to the deceived in the church of false, deceptive and lying spirits, your work is done by the power of the blood of Jesus applied to all the mess you have made. There shall be a massive undoing of that which has been done falsely and all is made whole by the power of the blood. To those who have never known the Lord because it was not the norm for all they knew the blood is applied to your situation, your friends and your family that the wonder working power of God heals miraculously. I speak to the addiction that has become a part of life to you and to others around you that there is the miraculous in the blood of Jesus applied to that which is foreign to the body and is called healed. I apply the blood of Jesus to the church that has not seen how to further growth and by the application of the blood of Jesus that wisdom come to you spiritually and physically that many are saved, healed, whole and filled up to overflowing with the Spirit of God. I plead the blood of Jesus over that car wreck that has caused bodily harm that full restoration miraculously takes place. I plead the blood of Jesus over that loss of your child that you cannot bear without the love of Jesus that by His blood applied to your hearts and lives you are healed. To the circumstance that is daunting, overwhelming, hopeless, full of sickness, full of lack and limitation, a spiral downward and without a good word…I speak fully to you and by the blood of Jesus that the mass oppression go from these situations and by this wonder working power of the blood that all things become new, whole, healed, filled up, hopeful, abundant and a freedom come like there has never been to all circumstances now turned to miracles. I speak to the overworked and I speak to your need to control this by the wonder working power of the blood. I speak to the one not in the place of true blessing that the blood of Jesus put you there in His wonder working power. I speak to you children who are walking rebellion to God with every excuse…I apply the blood of Jesus to you and your heart and your offence and your pain and your loss and your lack. Your hardness of heart is to be softened towards God by the blood of Jesus. You are healed by the blood of Jesus applied to the life that you now have. To the missed opportunities, I apply the blood of Jesus to that very lie as all things are refreshed and made knew and brought into the present by the blood of Jesus applied, that gifts are called into manifestation and loss of time is full of redemption in the now. I plead the blood of Jesus over my home and my needs and that every need and desire that I have be covered by the blood of Jesus restoration for my children, my finances, my life, my dreams, my present, my future and all that has been stolen be repaid. All these that I speak over my family of children being returning home, needs being met with ease, relationships being healed, desires being met for yourself and others in your midst, finances being made whole and accounts being made full to meet every need, dreams being resurrected unto manifest fruitfulness; a doing, a physical representation of what your heart says by the wonder working power of the blood. To the evil that tried you and me with little might be broken by the wonder working power of the blood of Jesus that every tie be severed that has brought less than the desired blessing by the wonder working power of Jesus. To the love that has not been given but longs with everything within I apply the blood of Jesus that it find direction and flow that others be healed by what has been purposed of God for others. I apply the blood of Jesus to one in a struggle to lose weight or in less than desired health… by the blood applied you are healed. For the need of something you have asked for over and over again feeling as though your prayer has not been heard, I apply the wondrous power of the blood that it open the floodgates of reception and it be as you and I have asked. I plead the blood of Jesus over the anointed that the anointing grow even more fully and spread like a wildfire shut up in the bones and to those that seemed to have lost areas of the anointing that it grow miraculously that now has release and flow to the many who long to know this greatly prized blessing. All of these I speak to in that wondrous power of the blood of Jesus where all things old have passed away and all things have become new, where bondage is bound and blessing is loosed, where loss is shut off and abundance flows freely, where death is no longer and the life of God overtakes the spirit unto fullness.
Oh, The Wondrous Power!
Power! Power! Wonder working power in the blood. To plead the blood of Jesus is that which is received of life. Once His life is received there is power, power wonder working power in the blood that was shed. There is healing, protection, renewal, restoration, deliverance, provision, filling, furthering and strengthening of your body, of your mind, of your soul, of your strength. And these you are scheduled to love Him with all of your might from a heart that now knows that there is power, power wonder working power. The breath you have confessed unto salvation of the belief in your heart has cleansed unto life with newness unlike no other. You have wholeness and can breathe, and run and play and have the ability to receive life and the knowledge of the wonder working power of the blood that now flows within.
This kind of power is full of grace, mercy and love. It contains the life of God. It now walks in the knowing of the powerful wonder working blessing and there is access to the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. It is the power of the blood. It is the breath of God that brings the anointing to further.
I speak to you oh spirit of death by the blood of Jesus. The blood is being applied so death is bound and loosed is every healing property contained in its wonder working power. Oh, the wonder working power of the blood applied to every area of grief, to the loss of a husband, to the need and desire to have a husband, to the tragedy to turn into victory, to the label of sickness that are cleansed unto what God calls healed, to the stubborn ways that melt under a compassionate word, to the life poured out feeling like there is nothing left, to the humble hearts that have more to receive, to the ministries that can give no further without this power, to the one too young to be with child because you are not fully grown, to disease that by this power is called healed, to aging that still have so much to give, to the lack that is brought into fluid met needs and desires, to the control which is broken by this wonder working power, to the enemies threats that are no longer when this wonder working power is applied, to the bones that are told will never be right again, to the wrong spirits that have tried the anointing and anointed…oh the wonder working power of the blood. To the ones who knew spiritual blood was on your hands because of you tried to harm the anointed…I speak to you that you find repentance. To the mom who is worn beyond measure I speak salvation to you by the blood of Jesus to you that you receive and your family be healed, to the overworked and underpaid I plead the blood of Jesus over your job situation that you no longer have a job but a giftedness at work in the ability of God and there is compensation, to the broken family who is struggling I apply the blood to this situation, to children that have experienced loss in every way possible, restoration by the blood to you. To the many, many prayers I read and pray of the need for direction of God, I apply the blood of Jesus. To the loss of homes I apply the blood that restoral come and every demonic stronghold be broken and all that has been lost be restored. To the one that has walked so long and so far yet feels like they have not arrived…oh the wonder working power applied to the knowledge of what you have and where you are. To the lifelong minister that seems spent of days I speak healing and restoration and renewal by the powerful blood. I speak the blood of Jesus be applied to every ligament, every joint, every muscle, every blood cell, every organ, every function, every thought, every memory…all things that hold you back physically, I speak the wonder working power of the blood applied to our life. To the oppression that has held you down, held you back, held you up falsely and completely deceived, you are broken by the blood of Jesus. Your false authority is no longer. Oh, and to the deceived in the church of false, deceptive and lying spirits, your work is done by the power of the blood of Jesus applied to all the mess you have made. There shall be a massive undoing of that which has been done falsely and all is made whole by the power of the blood. To those who have never known the Lord because it was not the norm for all they knew the blood is applied to your situation, your friends and your family that the wonder working power of God heals miraculously. I speak to the addiction that has become a part of life to you and to others around you that there is the miraculous in the blood of Jesus applied to that which is foreign to the body and is called healed. I apply the blood of Jesus to the church that has not seen how to further growth and by the application of the blood of Jesus that wisdom come to you spiritually and physically that many are saved, healed, whole and filled up to overflowing with the Spirit of God. I plead the blood of Jesus over that car wreck that has caused bodily harm that full restoration miraculously takes place. I plead the blood of Jesus over that loss of your child that you cannot bear without the love of Jesus that by His blood applied to your hearts and lives you are healed. To the circumstance that is daunting, overwhelming, hopeless, full of sickness, full of lack and limitation, a spiral downward and without a good word…I speak fully to you and by the blood of Jesus that the mass oppression go from these situations and by this wonder working power of the blood that all things become new, whole, healed, filled up, hopeful, abundant and a freedom come like there has never been to all circumstances now turned to miracles. I speak to the overworked and I speak to your need to control this by the wonder working power of the blood. I speak to the one not in the place of true blessing that the blood of Jesus put you there in His wonder working power. I speak to you children who are walking rebellion to God with every excuse…I apply the blood of Jesus to you and your heart and your offence and your pain and your loss and your lack. Your hardness of heart is to be softened towards God by the blood of Jesus. You are healed by the blood of Jesus applied to the life that you now have. To the missed opportunities, I apply the blood of Jesus to that very lie as all things are refreshed and made knew and brought into the present by the blood of Jesus applied, that gifts are called into manifestation and loss of time is full of redemption in the now. I plead the blood of Jesus over my home and my needs and that every need and desire that I have be covered by the blood of Jesus restoration for my children, my finances, my life, my dreams, my present, my future and all that has been stolen be repaid. All these that I speak over my family of children being returning home, needs being met with ease, relationships being healed, desires being met for yourself and others in your midst, finances being made whole and accounts being made full to meet every need, dreams being resurrected unto manifest fruitfulness; a doing, a physical representation of what your heart says by the wonder working power of the blood. To the evil that tried you and me with little might be broken by the wonder working power of the blood of Jesus that every tie be severed that has brought less than the desired blessing by the wonder working power of Jesus. To the love that has not been given but longs with everything within I apply the blood of Jesus that it find direction and flow that others be healed by what has been purposed of God for others. I apply the blood of Jesus to one in a struggle to lose weight or in less than desired health… by the blood applied you are healed. For the need of something you have asked for over and over again feeling as though your prayer has not been heard, I apply the wondrous power of the blood that it open the floodgates of reception and it be as you and I have asked. I plead the blood of Jesus over the anointed that the anointing grow even more fully and spread like a wildfire shut up in the bones and to those that seemed to have lost areas of the anointing that it grow miraculously that now has release and flow to the many who long to know this greatly prized blessing. All of these I speak to in that wondrous power of the blood of Jesus where all things old have passed away and all things have become new, where bondage is bound and blessing is loosed, where loss is shut off and abundance flows freely, where death is no longer and the life of God overtakes the spirit unto fullness.
Oh, The Wondrous Power!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Freely Give, Freely Receive

There were two scriptures I will use to describe the setting or could easily describe what I saw...
Genesis 28:12 says...he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. (NKJV) and...
Hebrews 1:7-10 says…God speaks of his angels as messengers swift as the wind and as servants made of flaming fire, but of his Son he says, “Your kingdom, O God, will last forever and ever; its commands are always just and right. You love right and hate wrong; so God, even your God, has poured out more gladness upon you than on anyone else.” God also called him “Lord” when he said, “Lord, in the beginning you made the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. (Living Bible)
To further describe...The people were pressing in for further revelation. This was very obvious in this setting. I looked up to see many very small angels flowing down toward the worshipers. More visible were the larger ones, that which I saw as larger angels until I saw that something about these larger beings were hindering that part of the light of the space they were taking up in the beam and I knew that the angels were bringing revelation to the worshipers and those in prayer within the church. A net like device encased them in a circular fashion and cast them out of the light beam into the dark area outside of the light beam or you could say, outside of the arena where the revelation was being given to the worshipers below. It was dark outside, but not within the beam of light.
A few more verses...
1 Corinthians 2: 13-14 says…These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (NKJV) This can only bless those open to the things of the Spirit. This is the only way this vision can be received and thus wills to be a creator of joy in your heart.
Hebrews 2:4 says…God always has shown us that these messages are true by signs and wonders and various miracles and by giving certain special abilities from the Holy Spirit to those who believe, yes, God has assigned such gifts to each of us. (Living Bible) And God longs for His church to come into knowledge of through prayer, to utilize and use these to bless abundantly.
Much was taking place and it was coming quickly to the people and it was evident that the angels were very focused and there was direct line of communication from the source which was God being accessed in prayer. The beings that were distracting, the hindering spirits, were in the way, this netting immediately engulfed them and set them outside of the beam of light. It was as if God could not get the revelation that He wanted to the worshipers and those praying to them quick enough. And there was not a wasted second in removing the hindering spirits from taking up space or time in the task that was happening in the moment.
Interesting to note were many other things...The worship was being freely given and the revelation was being freely received and for a only a split second as it seemed was all it took to bring in a heavenly understanding that this was to be the natural or the norm. Nothing else fit into this vision, as it was deeply meaningful and with heavenly purpose. Also, it was as if by the prayers being lifted there was an undoing of what I see in the latter portion of the 1 Timothy 4:1. There was no heed being given to the deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons and the prayers of the many within the church were what was bringing the help to take out such spirits that the revelation come down. This was being accomplished through discerning of spirits and binding and loosing in the spiritual realm. Also, though inside the churchhouse the light was not broken up by the structure as it passed directly from the light source unto the worshipers as if to flow through it. I cannot describe to you what was happening in the hearts of the people but I know they were being changed there was just a supernatural knowing. It was not a destructive vision at all; in fact, one of incredible grace and love. Even when the larger spirits were removed from the light (and to my spirit that is almost aggitating enough) it was a smooth and non-violent transition; a simple movement, quick and almost a split second vanishing. This made it even more known to me that the revelation being brought was of the upmost importance, almost with a speed in its need to be answered.
Luke 15:10 says… “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (NKJV) This indeed was a joyful atmosphere, though more heavenly than loud. As I read this verse I see that the hindering spirits that were being taken aside out of the path of revelation that it get to the ones below praying and interceding was receiving the divine access intended. It takes the revelation of something to repent and thus there was great joy amidst these angels as repentance takes place. Acts 3:19 says that in repentance refreshing comes in His presence. Joy! Indeed it is was not earthly and great joy fills my heart to have this to share because it only compounds strongly the known blessing to the church in this inexpressible kind of full of glory.
Freely give, freely receive!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Expressions of Love
Tonight my heart is so full, nearly beyond the words I might find to express how deeply in love with you I am and how I long above anything else to express this love, being about the business of the house of God. The grace that is flowing through me to the love the people is beyond understanding, far above comprehension. I don’t even need further explanation. It just is and it is full and flowing.
I am reminded of a vision in days past of doors being opened all at once. And all at once it is and shall be. Further knowing says that these doors have been there and altogether for a long while. There was some sort of reasoning that would want you to believe mindfully that you had to make a choice by which path to take or what door so to speak. Cease the reasoning! Ask yourself, just how very illogical was it that a man die on a cross for all the sin of mankind? There was none. It was of love that you go further and be exceedingly blessed.
What is unrealized in this vision is that on this path you were only blessed as the door was opened. Only blessed. You could not be anything else. There were no other options. There were the doors. They were to be opened. There was nothing else to do but receive when you open.
The Holy Spirit is saying loudly that with God there are no other options but blessing. As the doors are opened, it is no longer a matter of choice. The only thing holding you back is opening the door. You cannot go further into the door until you receive the blessing because when you open the door the grace of his wealth flows out unendingly. I saw the wealth, piles of wealth, flooding the door as it was opened onto that place. It was clear as crystal what God was saying. The blessing was so rich with a depth of love that you couldn’t get past it without receiving it. In other words, you couldn’t do anything until opening the excess, surveying the blessing and receiving it. What I saw seemed like work oh but the rewards were unendingly gracious. This is how much the heart of giving is at hand. The blessings are so very rich. He blesses with means to gain wealth the Word says. He will bless us with the fullness of His Spirit should we receive. There is the promise to pour out a blessing so full, to running over that we cannot contain it. I have more than known this. I am right there with the Word. I am so full to running over and no more can I contain it. What do you do with all the wealth when you open the door? You pick it up, you use it. You gather it. You give it. You invest it. You share it. How could you do anything else? It does not find any other means. You could not hoard it. There would be no place for the excessive amounts of blessing poured out that I saw. You would know the verse that indeed it is better to give than receive and then must know as well that it takes the reception of the giving or the gift to bless accordingly. Freely give. Freely receive. You hold back another’s blessing in not receiving and in turn you miss a piled up, heaping, running over, kind of blessing awaiting to be believed, used and received.
In the message we hear and receive this expression of love must be received to be given. Its that perpetual, peculiar, unending, fulfilling kind of love that hold this illogical kind of love that must have expression. I love you.
September 29, 2013...flooded with the grace of God for you!
I am reminded of a vision in days past of doors being opened all at once. And all at once it is and shall be. Further knowing says that these doors have been there and altogether for a long while. There was some sort of reasoning that would want you to believe mindfully that you had to make a choice by which path to take or what door so to speak. Cease the reasoning! Ask yourself, just how very illogical was it that a man die on a cross for all the sin of mankind? There was none. It was of love that you go further and be exceedingly blessed.
What is unrealized in this vision is that on this path you were only blessed as the door was opened. Only blessed. You could not be anything else. There were no other options. There were the doors. They were to be opened. There was nothing else to do but receive when you open.
The Holy Spirit is saying loudly that with God there are no other options but blessing. As the doors are opened, it is no longer a matter of choice. The only thing holding you back is opening the door. You cannot go further into the door until you receive the blessing because when you open the door the grace of his wealth flows out unendingly. I saw the wealth, piles of wealth, flooding the door as it was opened onto that place. It was clear as crystal what God was saying. The blessing was so rich with a depth of love that you couldn’t get past it without receiving it. In other words, you couldn’t do anything until opening the excess, surveying the blessing and receiving it. What I saw seemed like work oh but the rewards were unendingly gracious. This is how much the heart of giving is at hand. The blessings are so very rich. He blesses with means to gain wealth the Word says. He will bless us with the fullness of His Spirit should we receive. There is the promise to pour out a blessing so full, to running over that we cannot contain it. I have more than known this. I am right there with the Word. I am so full to running over and no more can I contain it. What do you do with all the wealth when you open the door? You pick it up, you use it. You gather it. You give it. You invest it. You share it. How could you do anything else? It does not find any other means. You could not hoard it. There would be no place for the excessive amounts of blessing poured out that I saw. You would know the verse that indeed it is better to give than receive and then must know as well that it takes the reception of the giving or the gift to bless accordingly. Freely give. Freely receive. You hold back another’s blessing in not receiving and in turn you miss a piled up, heaping, running over, kind of blessing awaiting to be believed, used and received.
In the message we hear and receive this expression of love must be received to be given. Its that perpetual, peculiar, unending, fulfilling kind of love that hold this illogical kind of love that must have expression. I love you.
September 29, 2013...flooded with the grace of God for you!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Even As The Soul Prospers
Meditate on the following verses…
2 Corinthians 4:6 says, “For it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light….”
Matthew 5:15 says, “light a lamp…on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.”
Luke 11:36 says, “If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light.”
John 7:38 says, “he who believes in Me, as the scriptures has said, out of the heart will flow rivers of living water.”
Colossians 3:15 says, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body, and be thankful.”
Isaiah 12:3 says, “therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”
Romans 15:13-14 says, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Now I myself am confident concerning you, my brethren that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another.”
Psalm 133:1-3 says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing-Life forevermore.
Psalm 104:34 says, “May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the Lord.”
3 John 2 says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
These words were coming to me as I prayed…
~Regulation - (a law or rule, prescribed by or conforming to, to regulate conduct),
~Balance – (to arrange, to bring proportion to, symmetrically, a state of equilibrium, the power or ability to decide an outcome, (in winemaking) the degree to which all attributes of a wine are in harmony, with none either too prominent or too deficient, composure)
~Synonymous – (yielding the same, similar)…in regard to time; perhaps meaning synonymously; or at the same time
I was praying for a man. While I prayed I saw his back and could see inside his body. I saw the flow of water and blood moving about his organs. I saw in the fluid that was moving throughout the canals of his body that there was oil amidst the fluid. The flow of the fluid would slow down in some fashion in a purposed place in several areas and in that moment there was a small spark of bright light, almost startling and then the fluid would continue its movement upward within his body and to another area and the almost sudden stop of the fluid would focus itself on another area of the body and another flash of light would take place. I purposed to pray, though I did not see his face, being completely focused on the fluid moving through him and the evident healing that was happening as the fluid would move about to the area of need.
As I prayed, regulation seemed daunting to me until full understanding came to me as the prayer ended. God is not about disease and sickness. We were made in His image. Does this happen? Yes. Is it God’s will? ...Perhaps to stir us toward the use of His power available. He uses all things for good of those who love Him. God was regulating the conduct of what was opposing his body to heal this man. God commanded light to shine out of darkness. Sickness tries to hide. The lie was pulled out from behind the stronghold. God’s law is love and therefore this was the prescription.
The word balance was the key to the Spirit of God doing the work. Alignment, arrangement, equality. The definition also states “the power to decide an outcome”….the knowing that there was a focus toward God’s will of healing! Finding in winemaking that there is a balance or composure or a harmony to the attributes of its makeup; evenness. The power of the Holy Spirit decides with intentionality toward healing. The oil of the anointing brings equality or healing. This is the powerful purpose of the new wine. Exodus 25:6 says… “oil for light”. In Exodus 30:23-25 the holy anointing oil was very costly and it is from these that the holy anointing oil be made, a compound according to the art of a perfumer. The new wine of the Spirit is stirred with prayer and is where the fragrance is that of the Spirit that brings healing and love is the emphasis. It is the healing oil that brings unity; collectively in the spiritual house of the body and corporately in the spiritual house of the church. To prosper in all things…balance.
Synonymous or synonymously meant instinctively an element of time, a yielding, with less regard to what the dictionary says. I knew what was being told to me. Alignment; a movement toward the fullness of what was taking place in the man’s body and all at the same time. This is where you will find the miraculous power of healing, in the spontaneous healing of the Spirit. Meaning that as the prayer was released there was an aligned focus and it was aligned to His Word and there was accomplishment in the Spirit.
The prayer evoked light that moved not only the church but within this man’s spiritual house of the body and gave light and there was healing obviously taking residency within his body. It was the removal of the dark part where the disease hid itself. When healing takes place there is lightness to the body. That which opposes is removed; the oppression, the heaviness of the burden, the worry or concern. In a firm belief of healing I prayed a river of healing toward this man, because I believe and because of the liveliness of the Spirit. I could not help but to flow into rivers of praise because I was thankful and full of peace at what the Spirit of God had done in this prayer. Indeed a well of joy flooded my heart and praise flowed from my lips.
I pray every prayer lifted in the Spirit is an answered prayer, even as your soul prospers!
2 Corinthians 4:6 says, “For it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light….”
Matthew 5:15 says, “light a lamp…on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.”
Luke 11:36 says, “If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light.”
John 7:38 says, “he who believes in Me, as the scriptures has said, out of the heart will flow rivers of living water.”
Colossians 3:15 says, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body, and be thankful.”
Isaiah 12:3 says, “therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”
Romans 15:13-14 says, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Now I myself am confident concerning you, my brethren that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another.”
Psalm 133:1-3 says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing-Life forevermore.
Psalm 104:34 says, “May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the Lord.”
3 John 2 says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
These words were coming to me as I prayed…
~Regulation - (a law or rule, prescribed by or conforming to, to regulate conduct),
~Balance – (to arrange, to bring proportion to, symmetrically, a state of equilibrium, the power or ability to decide an outcome, (in winemaking) the degree to which all attributes of a wine are in harmony, with none either too prominent or too deficient, composure)
~Synonymous – (yielding the same, similar)…in regard to time; perhaps meaning synonymously; or at the same time
I was praying for a man. While I prayed I saw his back and could see inside his body. I saw the flow of water and blood moving about his organs. I saw in the fluid that was moving throughout the canals of his body that there was oil amidst the fluid. The flow of the fluid would slow down in some fashion in a purposed place in several areas and in that moment there was a small spark of bright light, almost startling and then the fluid would continue its movement upward within his body and to another area and the almost sudden stop of the fluid would focus itself on another area of the body and another flash of light would take place. I purposed to pray, though I did not see his face, being completely focused on the fluid moving through him and the evident healing that was happening as the fluid would move about to the area of need.
As I prayed, regulation seemed daunting to me until full understanding came to me as the prayer ended. God is not about disease and sickness. We were made in His image. Does this happen? Yes. Is it God’s will? ...Perhaps to stir us toward the use of His power available. He uses all things for good of those who love Him. God was regulating the conduct of what was opposing his body to heal this man. God commanded light to shine out of darkness. Sickness tries to hide. The lie was pulled out from behind the stronghold. God’s law is love and therefore this was the prescription.
The word balance was the key to the Spirit of God doing the work. Alignment, arrangement, equality. The definition also states “the power to decide an outcome”….the knowing that there was a focus toward God’s will of healing! Finding in winemaking that there is a balance or composure or a harmony to the attributes of its makeup; evenness. The power of the Holy Spirit decides with intentionality toward healing. The oil of the anointing brings equality or healing. This is the powerful purpose of the new wine. Exodus 25:6 says… “oil for light”. In Exodus 30:23-25 the holy anointing oil was very costly and it is from these that the holy anointing oil be made, a compound according to the art of a perfumer. The new wine of the Spirit is stirred with prayer and is where the fragrance is that of the Spirit that brings healing and love is the emphasis. It is the healing oil that brings unity; collectively in the spiritual house of the body and corporately in the spiritual house of the church. To prosper in all things…balance.
Synonymous or synonymously meant instinctively an element of time, a yielding, with less regard to what the dictionary says. I knew what was being told to me. Alignment; a movement toward the fullness of what was taking place in the man’s body and all at the same time. This is where you will find the miraculous power of healing, in the spontaneous healing of the Spirit. Meaning that as the prayer was released there was an aligned focus and it was aligned to His Word and there was accomplishment in the Spirit.
The prayer evoked light that moved not only the church but within this man’s spiritual house of the body and gave light and there was healing obviously taking residency within his body. It was the removal of the dark part where the disease hid itself. When healing takes place there is lightness to the body. That which opposes is removed; the oppression, the heaviness of the burden, the worry or concern. In a firm belief of healing I prayed a river of healing toward this man, because I believe and because of the liveliness of the Spirit. I could not help but to flow into rivers of praise because I was thankful and full of peace at what the Spirit of God had done in this prayer. Indeed a well of joy flooded my heart and praise flowed from my lips.
I pray every prayer lifted in the Spirit is an answered prayer, even as your soul prospers!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
You See, I Say
Sunday morning, July 7th, 2013 I heard in prayer, "Dare I say the nations saw". I have known for many years that as intercession comes the first words lent is the message. The Holy Spirit brings what is needful. These were the first words I heard as I prayed. He doesn't second guess himself. His ways are higher than our ways. And so I have learned Him. And so as I left for service that morning the Holy Spirit continued to speak, into worship and into the message. It mattered not where the punctuation went. This was for everyone. This was for me. The evoking of awe; a striking awe in the moment of his voice...and regarding what we see taking place round about. This was a message of contemplation, of evaluation, of awestruck reverance and strongly said look about at the rebellion and let repentance come. See what is happening round about. It was quick, swift and pointed with purpose in the hearing. It was a message to look back into history to see what the future will be and not what has been. The purpose of history is to see not only to be a future predictor but to see what is to be changed. This message resenated in me with welcomed anticipation of a needful belief. I am with belief and so I share what I hear; what I see. It is what you see. What you believe and know in the beginning as the truth; decide sternly to hold onto that. God says to not let go of belief! There is more and increasingly more prayer to take place. It was brought to rememberance a deep time of intercession for the church, face burrowed into the floor, prostrate on my floor crying out, wailing, groaning, shouting. It hurt physically it was so intense but would not and could not relent for hours. These I know to share regarding the message given me. He will show you what it means to you. You see, I see that confirmation came to me indeed that I have seen and confidently understood His heart to know that He wanted, wants and is wanting you to hear as well. Reverence always overtakes me when His Word so precious, so very divine is brought to me so pronounced. I long to hear Him always and in all ways.
Acts 15:8-10 says this...So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples wich neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?
It is for us to know that hope doesn't disappoint. We are to test all thing, hold fast to what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
Get fill up to running over with Him and spirits of disunity and lack of fellowship and unbelief will flee. For there has been much wrong but the Word of God says in Psalm 33:4, " For the word of the Lord is right and all of His work is done in truth."
Monday, May 27, 2013
Searching God’s House for Those Desiring Freedom
Did not a woman in Luke 15 search her house for that which was important to her? Did she not call for a celebration and rejoicing? There was something important to her to give? Does the Lord search for those who will to do His good will? Yes, because He knows the freedom He so longs to pour out upon those who will unite in loving Him. He wants that for you with one mind and one mouth to glorify Him (Romans 15:6)
His Word says in Exodus 25:40, “See to it that you make them according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain.” What has He shown you? What was the purpose? He certainly does want us to be His utensils using our giftedness that He gives to us which are greater than gold. Many do not know. It’s not only a dream. It aligns and was given of God and to glorify Him in unity. Yes, it is truly heavenly…right here on Earth.
Hosea 14:4-9 NLT says this…(then read it in the Message and Amplified)
The LORD says,
“Then I will heal you of your faithlessness;
my love will know no bounds,
for my anger will be gone forever.
5 I will be to Israel
like a refreshing dew from heaven.
Israel will blossom like the lily;
it will send roots deep into the soil
like the cedars in Lebanon.
6 Its branches will spread out like beautiful olive trees,
as fragrant as the cedars of Lebanon.
7 My people will again live under my shade.
They will flourish like grain and blossom like grapevines.
They will be as fragrant as the wines of Lebanon.
8 “O Israel, stay away from idols!
I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you.
I am like a tree that is always green;
all your fruit comes from me.”
9 Let those who are wise understand these things.
Let those with discernment listen carefully.
The paths of the LORD are true and right,
and righteous people live by walking in them.
But in those paths sinners stumble and fall.
Nehemiah 8:8 says they helped others to understand the Word of God and they stood in their place. That place of understanding and wisdom is not stationery, but only looked to be standing still. The people gain understanding and then the Word of God continued as the Word of God is shared.
Oh, that glorious liberty to the household of God! Love, full of joy!
Joel 2:24 says…
The threshing floors will again be piled high with grain,
and the presses will overflow with new wine and olive oil.
God is faithful. Loyalty of the love of God is precious. He called you into fellowship and unity. (1 Corinthians 1:9) Fullness of His love and Philippians 2:2-4 takes place love furthers and things get done. This is my prayer for you.
His eye searches out the House of God for those desiring freedom…. Because each one looks not only to His interests but the interests of others. Is it your desire to have freedom? Then the place that I have adamantly stood as I have gain from God is rightly and righteously my whole heart to give to you. To further the kingdom of God toward salvation (Hebrew 1:14) See the people full of light and joy and generosity, physical gifts given but all the glory be given that there are spiritual gifts to pour upon the willing hearts that so long to use them. For there are many to bring into the ministry by His great and powerful love.
There is no peace for those who do not desire God. Receive the Holy Spirit and His love that will take you farther then you ever thought possible! To those who desire freedom!
God Bless You!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Healing Waters
For this…it is the purpose, the intention, the reason; should there be need of one, the goal and dreams of my heart that I write the vision that I pray manifests into all that God has given to me into a fervent and fruitful ministry of the church.
There is a river of life and it waters the tree of life and brings forth fruit in every month of every season Revelations says. Water flows. It’s beautiful to see, mesmerizing almost, at the miracle of it. The understanding of it is like a wellspring of life Proverbs say. John tells us that there is a river within that springs up of the Holy Spirit. A man was told to go and wash as a commandment unto obedience. Water was used as a source to serve in watering camels. Water is a sign of the Holy Spirit. Water is divine in that God spoke and it was. It was then purposefully used for many reasons.
We are given the example to be immersed in waters as an outward sign of an inward change in taking on the Lord in baptism. There being nothing particularly special about its ritual oh but the inward change in its reality. To the obedient the blessings are overwhelming.
God knew what He was doing when He created water. He used it to display great servant hood to others in bowing low to wash another’s feet. He rebuked others standing by when another washed His. He created us in His likeness with tears of joy and tears of sorrow being an outward sign of what our heart sees, knows or feels. He called one man a weeping prophet, full of God’s heart as a mouthpiece for God. There’s an inexpressible joy that many have not felt or known. Oh God, my heart pours from the depths of my soul for these. It is a miracle in a season of drought, whether spiritual or physical. It grows our crops, waters vegetation and makes our flowers beautiful and sweet. Divinely purposed is water in Gods heart and plan. It is both inwardly cleansing and yet cleans us physically. In the depths of it there are known and unknown mysteries uncovered from life of the sea to the miracles of the Spirit of God.
There’s a song that sings…”Running waters dance, you and I romance. Unto you I give all the glory”. A song singing to the tune of my heart…an inward need too great to sit here and it not take place…a love so full I cannot think on anything but what He has said should be. I was a little girl of incredible faith that had a faith that was so real, like the song sings…you can touch it, feel it, know it on the inside and I want everyone to know about this kind of love divinely purposed of our Heavenly Father. The enemy has used me, abused me, stolen from me but has not realized or received what wills to be. The practicality of it seems for some reason to others to be less than the desired, but the joy found in the service on the way, says, “Walk a mile with me and I will go with you two”. I will tell you about it.
A scripture flows from the page this morning…”In the light of the king’s face is life and his favor is like a cloud of the latter rain.” Oh that precious latter healing rain. There is favor in a lit countenance, in the eyes of favor.
My heart cries out, “Oh, God please help me….vision given to me…please help me do this. You know my heart and oh how I love you. I have believed you when a thousand times I could have said no more. I ask you for your favor and love and blessing for me and my family and unto manifesting this for the blessing of many. I want them blessed, spending years in showing my heart for them. You know me. I know you. I believe you. Do it for me and for many. Raise this dream for millions. Raise this dream for thousands. Raise this dream for hundreds. Raise this dream for only a few, but my prayer is that you raise up this dream unto reality. I have for many other men and women of God believed for and served. I have put my faith forward and thus far none have desired the gifts of God I have to share, so give me wisdom that you have said you would lavish upon us as we ask according to your Word and make a way for this place to give all glory to you in blessing so very many. If I had not believed so greatly I couldn’t even have the faith to ask, for you know my state. I have far less than the necessary to do this. We have gone without less than needed, so Father God, I ask you to bless us as we see your house be built and be full of hungry hearts for You. Therefore I rely fully on you to make my dreams come true and for my prayers to be answered. I have asked for a lot of things, this being only in part but I believe you Heavenly Father for it. There is healing to be had and I know you will honor this prayer because I humbly ask. I want to see the gifts of the Holy Spirit flowing in great manifestation. I want to see healing come, dreams be answered in the moment, your Words blessings others in ways they never ever dreamed would take place until that very moment. That place of incredible, yes, inexpressible joy that removes every prior hindrance and that carries you until meeting again, perpetual love and joy. It’s that heaven on earth, occupying in great love while attending to your will. Surely, surely you hear and will attend to my prayer. There is a dry, thirsty and weary land that you have taught that in repentance there is a great flow of rivers of living water that heals. It’s in the moment, in the heart of man, of your Spirit, at the altar. I have found the wisdom of your great and most very precious Words of life and they indeed are sweetness to my lips. I can scarcely wait to share your most holy love with them.”
I promise to give you all the glory for you have given healing waters and I bow before your heavenly throne Heavenly Father in most humble adoration asking the only one that can make this prayer reality for those you love with all of your heart and all of your heart given to me.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Glory To His Name
I believe by way of the Holy Spirit am scheduled to encourage your hearts toward a greater belief; a greater faith. I have received. I do receive and I will continue to receive. No other gets that which they seek. Oh yes, I need something from Him. He knows our needs but longs to hear us reach for Him; the kind of sweetness that yearns to bless. Men of God I have heard many times say that it is a kind of brokeness that longs to give...the heart of God. God loves the contrite and humble spirit of man!
I have incredible financial needs so I ask of Him.
I am in need of great miracles in ministry so I ask Him.
I am searching for my beloved one to love here on this earth for all of my days, so I ask Him.
I am in need of divine redemption of oh so many things lost...first of which is much time redeemed in the loss my home, loss of vehicle, belongings replaced, my children no longer being in my care, justice to come to situations that do not and have never served to bless, ministry, full on I ask Him for these.
Do you want something you have never had? Indeed. I want another that will love me like the Word of God teaches to love one another and to give this same love to whose hearts melt with the great love of God in fulfilling one anothers goals. Whomever you are, you do not have ahold of the exact same message I have been given...I gained through the Spirit of what was spoken, not of man, though highly and forever eternally grateful. I want to prosper financially: personally and towards corporate ministry. In these, I need His grace, His mercy, His great love, His great provision allowing vision to come to pass. I want to build incredible friendships in God. I want to see other friendships restored and repaired. I, above all other things, want to allow the Holy Spirit to flow to you in blessing you with your greatest hearts desire....for this is the will of God for my life. What is the will for yours? Without unity and fellowship neither will come to pass...BUT GOD!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I long to bless you. All else aside from blessing you have for me is not a gift God wills for me to receive.
This Easter day and night seems the perfect time to share much of what God has given to me. You are so very loved that words can scarcely express in heavenly or earthly knowledge to grasp with greatest understanding. It seems my heart should best explain in written form that it may excite toward accomplishment those who read. For to see your countence light up with revelation is one of my sweetest desires to see.
Writing has been a tool of blessing, though it is exceedingly past time for what has been given amidst a very many years to be and do towards manifest healing and love toward many. I have submitted to man, to God and to men of God...having a true love at heart for the ministry of God. God has given to me over the years incredible understanding and vast wisdom that offer blessing that looks quite fearful the average because it was most always bigger than our simple humanity. I have come to realize when God wants to do something huge, you just better believe Him because He will bring a fresh wind to make all things good no matter what. This is His precious grace. This wisdom given has wrongfully feared leaders and growth has been stolen from those whom I have prayed for so very often with many shed tears of love I have held for them...not merely my dreams. God will always start with your heart for others to cultivate your own dreams. So, here we go!
Keeping a contrite heart of love for others doesn't mean to be quiet and never do great things for God. Quite contrary it means to know and believe when something great is offered to you that God has blessed you with His ability the mighty hand of God is upon you and all that is pursued. In cannot get me to disbelieve. I have people to encourage, to love, to bless, to counsel, to reach, to speak to with prophetic wisdom that is only given of heaven. Therefore, it is only by God that men and woman of God will hear and receive what I have been given to share.
God called me prepared years ago. Honor has told its story. Reception of honor will allow it to be and do that growth in the kingdom of God have its perfect work. Who needs help, has a vision, has a dream, needs to go further, needs love and fellowship in the midst of this life, needs actual and tangible goals accomplished, has things to be and to do and whose heart breaks at what they see and long to change it toward something better? ...and will reach out to go toward it? If you have none of have surely answered these questions. Log off this blog. You certainly do not want me! Deceptions are unwelcomed to me and to those whom I love which are numbered as many.
Amidst my own servanthood in which men and woman of honesty would attest as real and true I was given dreams and goals as well. Laying all aside, I served with intense fervancy of love!!! Is there a blessing you are in need of amidst your own goals and my dreams and goals? This is the household of faith we are speaking of. Thoughtfully consider. Because I will gracefully and yet quite sharply, if necessary, remind you that God loves the household of faith! To say that you do what you do each day and do not hope for more and believe God for their fulfillment would be an atrocity. The deception of mistrust and distrust is foul and is only produced that none of the church become effective. Therefore I say to you amidst my walk I have a great vision but love abounds amidst. It is what the deepest part of our hearts are made of.
I have written to leaders with great needs requested regarding ministry, those whom claim anointing in areas of need of which I have no understanding of but come to them with ease, only willing to go where God said answer. God have mercy on your understanding of what He was truly asking of you in the question. Deceptions toward the house of God are but rubble. It is exceedingly time for new insight and new gainful forethought that sees straight ahead on a lighted path and not being drawn away from the good things. This new year has become a level ground to begin afresh with growth of the things of the Spirit where true wisdom can be received.
Why oh why you might ask have you served in what I call blood, sweat and tears? I wanted you to see the worth of God that was given to me for you. I also want you too see Jesus lounging at the alter with the smile that could rock nations. I want to sing with you. I want you to intercede for others with me; to see the worth of a Pastors heart and get equally excited about honoring great men of God. I wanted you to not be afraid of great big projects that others have vision of that you do not. I wanted you to be spurred onto greater things in it however. I want you to see the miracles that have been wrought for you and are real and believeable as anything. I wanted you to see the impossible be possible...because all things are possible! Many years ago I taught a study about believing in God...and it rocked my whole world.....because it will rock yours.
This morning I will to have the Word of God speak for itself in what I shall bring to you.
Exodus 23 speaks of justice. Wisdom of the law and a grace within it.
Exodus 23:25 promises to take sickness away and bless your bread and water.
Exodus 25 speaks of bringing an offering to the house of God to build according to what is given. The Word of God is timeless. Take a look at the outpouring of grace of the Macedonian church. There was more than enough for every need.
Deuteronomy 4:35-40...What promises are you being given?!
Nehemiah 8:1-12 gives us great encouragement toward the church. His heart was to get the people of God to rejoice in what was happening. The reading of the Word of God brings great emotion and repentence. Within these are often what looks like a misunderstanding of mourning in which there is a time for, however, in time of celebration this weeping turned to joy. And he said out of the fullness of the Word of God that you have been given, go and give to others because it is your great strength. It was a time of celebration for those who heard. Mock never again the spirit of laughter. I know this place and it is highly full of grace and love. These people got excited and further the obeyed as they went. They were excited. They ate, drank and was merry. They rejoiced! They understood what they heard. Generosity was the fruit of this Word and it both manifested physically to the giving to others without but it also was a Word gained within the hearts of the people. They were full.
Proverbs 11:25 says...The generous soul will be made rich and he who waters will also be watered....and so the Word says in 3 John 2 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Perpetual grace.
Proverbs 22:6 says...Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:9 says...He who has a generous eye will be blessed for he gives of his bread to the poor.
Psalm 71:8 says...Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day....for I shall give glory to his name!
He didn’t give to condemn but to bless. Read Romans 8:1. It’s the only way to believe and be fruitful.
Why now the vision? …Because it has been always and in all ways. God gave me much of this in a matter of hours in July 2012 and there is much work to be done! But how? But God! By the grace of the Almighty God in whom has promised me a future after all that I have endured in pouring out everything I have to many. I have nothing. In fact just after this vision that was being lent to me in a great measure of time I lost everything I had. My home, my vehicle, my family. Why because God loves you. Because God loves me. Because God loves my family. Because of vast unbelief that shall be turned belief. Because miracles are all about my great God. Because His love spurs one another on toward love and good deeds. Because He wants to do the miraculous from a people that have grown weary. I know Him. I tried to lend the vision to others whom have not believed. I only pray that God turn this around for His good and bless it and prosper it in ways that only He can.
It was in lights I saw the words “Glory To His Name”. This shall be the name of this mega church with the feel of a cozy home with the richest spirit of love anyone has ever surely felt of God’s great love. And so I write today the vision which has been given to me to manifest into a ministry of giftedness to many. There is no other way for it to come to pass. You are needed. Your gifts. Your love. Your devotion. Your blessing. Your giving. Your belief.
The greatest secret of God’s heart is held and was given me bringing me to a place of intense need to show you, to tell you, to teach you, to worship and sing of His great joy that you know and believe that in that moment the wind of the Holy Spirit flowed to me and within me it said this…for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption in the glorious liberty of the children of God God. Romans 8: 19-21 There is something greater to have and it is life!
The Building: Large white lettering on the building in lights. Dome like, three floors, largest dimensions on the second floor which only houses the Sanctuary, the other two slightly smaller. The first and third levels contain offices and meeting rooms of all kinds. There are no escalators. All of the choir and worship rooms for adults and children, as well as media rooms are just behind the platform either from the first or third floor. There is a 24 hour on-site prayer team with security at all times. There is an enormous tree in main entrance with a large playground at the base of the tree. There is a stairwell that runs through the middle of it for climbing up the middle of it and slides coming down on three sides in small, medium and large sized, designed for children of every age. Benches for resting are located at the bottom with a fountain and pool near. Life size animal figures/sculptures are there to play on all around the tree’s area. This is a play place for all as well as a fellowship area. There is a large directory on the opposite side of the foyer with clearly marked entrances, elevators, stairwells and department heads for each area listed here. There are verses stenciled above every doorway in the church.
Sanctuary: In white lettering or lights that is equally proportioned around the middle of the Sanctuary are the words of the verse in Revelations 4:4, “Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes and they had crowns of gold on their heads.” The platform is large, though the alter area is double the size because of its great use. There is a life size sculpture of Jesus lounging on the steps…just like the vision, with a small child at his feet with a bowl of water, looking out the window toward His right. This sits in front of the pulpit, just beneath it on the steps. All seating is always open every service. There is no part closed. Access into the Sanctuary from steps from first and third floor and from elevators where there are four entrances from each floor. Entry hallway surrounding sanctuary will be stenciled with scripture in different versions all over the walls. Artists will stencil or hand paint with excellent handwriting (not fearing heights) There are four large entrances into the sanctuary. Always a countdown screen timing until next service start date only to be interrupted by use of the Sanctuary aside from Sunday services. There are no cellphones on in the Sanctuary upon entrance and absolutely no clocks in the sanctuary mounted on the walls at all ever! I will never budge on this for any reason.
The Structure: There will be three persons specific to work side by side in scheduling the entire church and every single function that takes place within the church and always two with one who is learning the position. These will handle open and closing times and all in between, from meetings to people on staff and will be the receivers of all proposals from every area of the church of what is needed to be added, specific requests to be addressed to serve the needs of God’s children in a greater manner. They will also oversee all departmental scheduling. This wills to be a very supernatural job therefore it will not be titled human resources. Highly articulate and full of the spirit are these that oversee this area.
Monthly vision casting meeting based on Revelation 22:2b (monthly fruit) Department heads and every employee head (referring to the mentor model to be discussed)
Two CEO type people on staffs that are uniquely gifted in MANY areas and have large vision and one of unity. Will work closely in a group of 3. The mentor model will work like a finger system always connected. Three will oversee the ministry. These three will oversee 3 other large arenas of the ministry. That one area that one of those three has oversight of will mentor another three areas of ministry, where each of those leaders will mentor three areas of the ministry. What looks like more will be balanced responsibilities. This is how areas of care regarding giftedness will be overseen. Will always report to three others that oversee your area of ministry in having someone to give account.
15 traffic guards in parking lot to direct in most appropriate door with a readied map and marker to tell them the exact way in and what door they are looking for regarding their business complete with personal cellphone number in case of needed further direction. Must give name to traffic guard and phone number. This is written on a card for visitor in person. Conjovial, happy and loving direction will be give from these.
2 people are specific tour guides and whose only position is this. They will know everything regarding explanation of the ministry in order to share with others.
There is a 7 day a week full calendar. Doors are never to be closed, just service toward others.
Time countdown until next service always running but when worship begins it goes until Holy Spirit closes it.
Worship can last an hour, 3 hours or 3 days! You decide. There is NO exaggeration when I say this. This church is being built.
There will be no ‘completely’ set order of worship weekly however service will begin with communion and end in worship.
There will be a very strong 5 fold ministry in this ministry who will bring their unique gifts to use. Every gift of these will be utilized every service no matter what for a whole vision of what God is calling for His church. This is a spiritual position. These will use their gifts in other areas of the church to mentor others to mentor gifts in others. The anointing will align it all!
Sunday morning prayer- All pastors and worship teams (as adult worship team meeting convenes) along with entire 5 fold ministry will pray prior to service. Pastors are seated on the platform along with all heads for service.
There is to be a monitored security system for dual purpose. Every area will be monitored but also for own uses such as nursery area. For any reason should areas purposed of fellowship is not taking place in any and all areas of the church you can expect open public rebuke on Sunday morning. This is a church of life and to be used as God has given it to us and therefore an attitude of love and gratitude will steward its use. Fellowship and unity is a biblical mandate. Anywhere mentoring, love, invitation and good company is not happening there is a breakage in the household of faith- unacceptable!
Tenants of Faith shall be inscribed on a tall tablet at entry of the foyer with Deuteronomy 8:7-9 from the Living Bible. These are to include generosity, servant hood, worship, love, unity, prayer and healing.
There will be a Servants Lounge where between shifts or at anytime they may fellowship. This is only for servants of this ministry. This is a lavishly blessed place with couches, sky angel, restrooms, massage chairs, kitchen with chefs, soda fountains, snack bar offered by donation only. Servants here are to be treated very special and never overlooked or looked at as less.
Uniform colors for every person in the building are Dark Blue, White, Gold and Ivory. This is throughout the church. Wear whatever you want in whatever combination you want modestly, however stay with these colors.
Name Tags with picture identification are zapped for access at the security door and for 50% off of goods sold in every area of church to Minister/Associates.
Gift counseling is one week long training prerequisite to serving in any area of this ministry.
Worshipful spirit of joy inexpressible. No deceit and division. Not fake, but rather full of glory, positive attitudes, ill-tolerant of attitude of sickness without prayer, joy filled and loving toward others. Negativity not tolerated.
There will be an almost inner need ‘to honor’ taught, learned and displayed in this ministry and without exception it will be cultivated.
Areas of the Ministry:
Training Room- Matthew 6:33
Learning, Teaching, Facilitating, Mentoring, Bible Studies, Department Meetings, Community Meetings…though the sole purpose is monthly meetings specific to the church heads….from children’s leaders, youth pastors, counselors, healing ministry, missions, intercessors, travel, fitness, homeschool, stores and library.
Mandatory Fellowship Gathering to collectively give praises first, second; to share needs and third; to give constructive thoughts.
Notes always recorded for those in emergency situations and to have record of events.
Meal served first.
Final input is always in closing with 5 fold ministry.
Purpose is unity in love. Purposeful, worshipful and fun.
The Fountain (Prayer and Intercession Room)
Fountain in the center of the room
Always dimmed lighting
Ceiling made to look like glass, dark blue like the sky with stars shining through
A few comfortable chairs, a few chase lounges, bean bag chairs and a 3 to 4 steps up to a platform
Music always softly playing
The Healing Room
Church hospital
One- on- one counsel available
Team prayer
Place to come to get ministered to and get your miraculous healing
Rooms to stay in for meditation, set up as a small apartment
Provided to stay in atmosphere that healing is sought and gained and classes/teaching on how to keep your healing provided before you leave.
Counsel is tailored to the need
Decoration should be simple and pleasant and non-distracting
Travel Gracefully – Ephesians 2:8
Airplane; Vans equipped with church map location and on-site maps
For use of all others traveling amidst the church
Visiting Pastors (for their accommodations)
Traveling Evangelists; Special Speakers
Worship Teams/Bands/Singers (from out of town)
Multi-tasking position on many levels
Also accommodates missionary travel and on site accommodations for Missionaries and their families
Missions Hub – Joshua 4:16
Lectern in this area overlooking a teaching area
Room will be staffed with servants and wait staff
Set up with a 3 bedroom/ 2 bath apartment for each family (4 apartments in all)
This will be their resting place, temporary stay place and act as a layover until leaving on new missions. From a day to a few weeks.
Knowledge and study place where they are going on missions to (someone specific to research, be knowledgeable in discussion, counsel and have hands on information collected and gathered in a professional manner for travel and research purposes for the missionary and or family.
These “want for nothing” during their stay regardless of its length.
Every Tribe, Every Tongue – Philippians 4:13
Daily bible study held here for all and in needed language
3 most prominent languages for area (in beginning) for on-staff translators and teachers
Studies transcribed into print and kept for future need
Personal computers available for study use while here....but understood to never take the place of true fellowship.
The Babes Room/Nursing Room
Fully equipped, child proof, security system, upstairs with darkened glass as not to disturb children, cameras provide additional security
Equipped with every need a baby, toddler, small child or nursing mother
Restrooms, comfortable furniture, water provided for nursing mothers
Soft music playing
Noah’s Ark Animals with real / simulated fur and skin to feel
Stickers for rewards of behavior
Theme is the friend system to teach each other and be accountable to one another
Fruits and Goldfish provided to age appropriated children
The Play Yard
Ages 3-8, children’s 3rd birthday they are able to come here (party upon arrival)
Interactive fun playground equipment
Teeter Totters
Play Gym
Sponge flooring
Shoe Check in and out
Sock floor only
Stock socks for $1 each, Innovations rotates Associates in this Ministry
No food or drink
The Secret Garden
Ages 9-13, children may come here on their 9th birthday (party upon arrival)
Provides a playground, clubhouse, tree house, mazes, building toys and an animated secret garden with growing flowers and hidden keys for different areas in the garden
No food or drink
High School Alumni of Innovations rotates Associates in this ministry
Ages 14-20, may come here on 14th birthday (party upon arrival)
Also for high school Alumni when visiting on breaks and the like
Bright red and black and white tile flooring
Lounge areas with couches
Pool Table
Air Hockey
Innovative Pastoral leadership always on the up and up
Big Screen TV with sky angel across the wall
High Spirited yet strong leader, one of direction
Exciting opportunities provided for fellowship and study
Golden Years
Ages 50-100+ Years, party upon arrival
Place of fellowship and study
Only Children of this age allowed ; )
“Words of Life” Library – Genesis 2:7
50 copies of every translation of bible available in book format
Large table (long rectangular) in middle of large room
I-pads mounted to table with Strong’s and other study tools available
Set up like a desk for each
Literacy counselors to help anyone learn to read from the young to the incarcerated to the illiterate
The "Word of God" always available in audio format (Romans 10:17)
Faith Academy Alumni Room
Decorated in red, purple and blue
This room is devoted to our homeschool family and future portions of our family and other homeschool families of the church and community
Divided amongst 8 sections to accommodate this many families at once or in combination of
Large tables and chairs, reference books, atlases, dictionaries, computers, refrigerators with light snacks and drinks provided, couches, big fluffy pillows
To use to “do school” elsewhere now and again, for parents who have things to do within the church who need their children to be with them that also homeschool, for homeschool parents to study or plan school
No child care but a door man on staff as oversight for families
Used also as a community room for support group meetings or classes (adults and children)
Lemon heads and jolly ranchers stocked here for children, big and small
Small reference book library for public use
Run your Race Sports Arena
Length of 2/3 areas
Weekly and daily practices and games
Set for changing rotation
Floor hockey
….then weekend games
Sign up for terms to play for approximately 6 weeks. 5 games and 1 weekend tournament (Friday/Saturday)
2 week break twice a year (Spring/Winter). New term begin
Fit for the King
…for those of us who are not already : )
Fitness room
Personal trainers and fitness planners
Study and counsel daily before workout (one verse and open discussion each day)
Tailored for results and personal needs
Scheduled workout times each day
Onsite childcare worker
This place emulates great encouragement
Each time you complete one week as you leave there are choices of spa services offered at no additional cost (30 minute massage from someone from healing room, beauty: hair do, facial, manicure or pedicure or sauna)
Use your choice by appointment (donations accepted)
Decorated in spa and counseling areas like a palace
The Giving Place
Servants here dress very nice for work
ATM (like machine) set up at door provided for giving (also one set up in entry foyer and parking lot locations)
Food pantry for food needs
Clothing pantry for newly tagged clothing (giving and needed are new only)
An outreach center
Above entrance reads….freely give, freely receive
Greeter with an intense love for people and to be read on the countenance of this one.
Specially selected servants here
Giving is to replenish food and clothing and to fund seasonal outreach 4 x’s yearly
Mentor system- to be brought in and introduced to servants at the Giving Place by another from the church and perhaps toured the entire church (if requested this can be scheduled if not happening at time of visit) If there is a need for food and clothing and someone knows no one from the church, they will be placed with someone as a mentor. This mentor is loving, compassionate and gives a blessing to the Giving Place on behalf of the one in need. This can be as small as a few coins or as large as you like. This is how the mentor system works to help others. Contact is kept periodically with those who had needs met.
Gifts Counseling – 1 Corinthians 12:7-11
Joyful, high spirited, soft music plays here always
Presents hanging from colorful ribbons provide decoration
Fine-detailed, honed-in on, free counseling lasting one week to explore all areas of giftedness, weekly and daily counsel one-on-one with cordial and best suited counsel or to meet your needs (assigned to one or group of people or team)
This counsel is a prerequisite to involvement in any way in any ministry in this church or to be part of faculty.
Particulars: no gift mixes left out, encouraged are the gifts, mentorship to use them, honing in on individual greatest gifts
My Beloved
Quarterly groups hold a gathering/social connection of some form of party for all singles and mentors
Marriage ministry
Free copy of “My Beloved” once put into print to all who are counseled here
Offering marriage counsel for relationships regarding issues of abuse, emotional, sexual and mental abuses within relationships
Extended counsel to family of couples following good health in marriage counsel coming to a close
Group studies in the Word of God
Group Social gatherings (meal out as a group or outing)
Lots of role-play! Gets things accomplish in relationships.
Utilize giftedness within groups and encourage in sessions
Begins with goal of love
Counsel 1-2 x’s per week
Brides and Grooms
Wedding dresses and tuxes are décor for walls
Bright, lively, great personality with great organizational talent
3 people on staff as full wedding planners
7 large screen computers with ability for a few to sit around it for planning purposes with interactive wedding planning software
Contracts cut with major wedding chains to bring in material for clients to try on and to see in person; our focus is the ministry of marriage
Some services on site some sub contracted services
Seeking My Better ½
Coordinator to work along side those from “My Beloved” and “Fit for the King” to put together exciting events (in-house) and create venues of socializing with others.
Thought provoking materials used for discussion groups designed to inspire discussion and used as a tool of growth
Person who heads this is highly encouraging, high spirited and has no personal agenda
High Praises – Psalm 100:4
Worship room
Sleeping quarters for out of town guests, bands, and singers and or their families (large apartment like 3 bedroom/3 bath)
Excellent sound, mics, pa system guitars, bass, drums, instruments as backup that they do not have to et up twice if they do not wish to in order to practice
Servants trained in what to do and what not to do in helping worship teams visiting including mannerisms, care of instruments and also in sound
From Heaviness to Happiness Counseling Center
Burdens left here
Leave light and happier
Offering grief counseling of every kind
The most compassionate and sympathetic and discerning of the ministry can be found here
Garden of God Art Gallery – Revelations 2:7
Music box with changing music
Separate play room for kids with sky and stars and outdoor sounds of frogs, bugs and the like
Sold here are replicas of prints of original paintings sold on consignment of requested painting and then approved by staff
1st book in print for sale here
Art classes offered by painters
Counsel groups to encourage vision
Music always playing here
Tree of Life
Large 20 foot tree in center of room with ornaments hanging on it. Playground for children at the bottom of tree with sitting area…small version of tree at church entrance located in the foyer
This is the main attraction to this shop.
Sold here are 3 foot, 5 foot and 7 foot replicas of this tree with ornaments to purchase.
Suggested practical uses include: As a study piece, conversation piece as a family study, Easter or Christmas to purchase for use or as a gift, or as a monthly treat for family choosing a new ornament, a reward for children. Ornaments are typified of character of God replicated from our study. Sold here are items you would find in a typical store.
When a member of the church designs a new ornament and we find that it can be easily replicated or made we will use the design as an ornament that is added to available stock; named and dated by designer.
Coffee house
Bar with stools to sit at
Pool Table
Air Hockey
3 levels (Quiet floor, Coffee/Food and Social Floor)
WIFI Available
Decorated with large fountain on 2nd floor overlooking a pool to toss change into (collect, monthly for missions), Palm trees (small and large...everywhere)
Lit by sunlight- glass windows (tall and high and lots of lighting)
Retrieving Center For Animals
Pet Shop
Adopts animals out (puppies, kittens and fish)
Puppies area is decorated in orange with bones
Kitten’s area is decorated in neon green with yarn
Fish area is decorated in aqua blue with water
Joy In His Presence – Acts 2:28
Apostle’s quarters
For those visiting the ministry overnight traveling and those who are on in-house teams of ministry
This training will include first meeting them and knowing their specific message to the people in order to know how to serve. Highly specific servants in this ministry.
Prophet’s quarters
Both modern and ancient décor mix
Place for overnight visitors and speakers
Training specific in how to minister and serve here towards this ministry gift
Beautified area of prayer, adequate study place of both quiet, cordial and inspirational
Water brook music to be played over sound system
Salvation is Here
Evangelist quarters
Study place, overnight stay for traveling to visit ministry
Training in how to serve here in this particular ministry gift
Very simple and cordial décor, stocked with necessities of study
These visiting evangelists are asked to mentor those leaders in the healing room!
And You Shall Be Taught – Isaiah 54:13
Teacher’s quarters
Study place, overnight stay for those traveling visitors to this ministry
Training on how to serve this ministry gift in this area. Must be gentle and specific in demeanor
Servants to meet the specific needs of these visitors
Very orderly and elegant décor for this area
Shepherds of the Flock – Psalm 23:1-3
Pastor’s quarters
If outside pastor/teacher team visiting…they choose where they would like to stay (Pastoral quarters or Teacher’s quarters)
Servants on staff to meet every need around the clock; held at a higher standard
Expected are greater needs in this area…(orders from oasis, prayer needs, dry cleaning, errands)
Meetings held here for community or in house pastoral staff
Comfortable, regal and lavish décor
Treated as royalty upon entering this ministry
These are to meet “honor” in a way they have not known at this point until upon entering this ministry because it has been and wills to be wrought to bring glory to His name.
I have incredible financial needs so I ask of Him.
I am in need of great miracles in ministry so I ask Him.
I am searching for my beloved one to love here on this earth for all of my days, so I ask Him.
I am in need of divine redemption of oh so many things lost...first of which is much time redeemed in the loss my home, loss of vehicle, belongings replaced, my children no longer being in my care, justice to come to situations that do not and have never served to bless, ministry, full on I ask Him for these.
Do you want something you have never had? Indeed. I want another that will love me like the Word of God teaches to love one another and to give this same love to whose hearts melt with the great love of God in fulfilling one anothers goals. Whomever you are, you do not have ahold of the exact same message I have been given...I gained through the Spirit of what was spoken, not of man, though highly and forever eternally grateful. I want to prosper financially: personally and towards corporate ministry. In these, I need His grace, His mercy, His great love, His great provision allowing vision to come to pass. I want to build incredible friendships in God. I want to see other friendships restored and repaired. I, above all other things, want to allow the Holy Spirit to flow to you in blessing you with your greatest hearts desire....for this is the will of God for my life. What is the will for yours? Without unity and fellowship neither will come to pass...BUT GOD!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I long to bless you. All else aside from blessing you have for me is not a gift God wills for me to receive.
This Easter day and night seems the perfect time to share much of what God has given to me. You are so very loved that words can scarcely express in heavenly or earthly knowledge to grasp with greatest understanding. It seems my heart should best explain in written form that it may excite toward accomplishment those who read. For to see your countence light up with revelation is one of my sweetest desires to see.
Writing has been a tool of blessing, though it is exceedingly past time for what has been given amidst a very many years to be and do towards manifest healing and love toward many. I have submitted to man, to God and to men of God...having a true love at heart for the ministry of God. God has given to me over the years incredible understanding and vast wisdom that offer blessing that looks quite fearful the average because it was most always bigger than our simple humanity. I have come to realize when God wants to do something huge, you just better believe Him because He will bring a fresh wind to make all things good no matter what. This is His precious grace. This wisdom given has wrongfully feared leaders and growth has been stolen from those whom I have prayed for so very often with many shed tears of love I have held for them...not merely my dreams. God will always start with your heart for others to cultivate your own dreams. So, here we go!
Keeping a contrite heart of love for others doesn't mean to be quiet and never do great things for God. Quite contrary it means to know and believe when something great is offered to you that God has blessed you with His ability the mighty hand of God is upon you and all that is pursued. In cannot get me to disbelieve. I have people to encourage, to love, to bless, to counsel, to reach, to speak to with prophetic wisdom that is only given of heaven. Therefore, it is only by God that men and woman of God will hear and receive what I have been given to share.
God called me prepared years ago. Honor has told its story. Reception of honor will allow it to be and do that growth in the kingdom of God have its perfect work. Who needs help, has a vision, has a dream, needs to go further, needs love and fellowship in the midst of this life, needs actual and tangible goals accomplished, has things to be and to do and whose heart breaks at what they see and long to change it toward something better? ...and will reach out to go toward it? If you have none of have surely answered these questions. Log off this blog. You certainly do not want me! Deceptions are unwelcomed to me and to those whom I love which are numbered as many.
Amidst my own servanthood in which men and woman of honesty would attest as real and true I was given dreams and goals as well. Laying all aside, I served with intense fervancy of love!!! Is there a blessing you are in need of amidst your own goals and my dreams and goals? This is the household of faith we are speaking of. Thoughtfully consider. Because I will gracefully and yet quite sharply, if necessary, remind you that God loves the household of faith! To say that you do what you do each day and do not hope for more and believe God for their fulfillment would be an atrocity. The deception of mistrust and distrust is foul and is only produced that none of the church become effective. Therefore I say to you amidst my walk I have a great vision but love abounds amidst. It is what the deepest part of our hearts are made of.
I have written to leaders with great needs requested regarding ministry, those whom claim anointing in areas of need of which I have no understanding of but come to them with ease, only willing to go where God said answer. God have mercy on your understanding of what He was truly asking of you in the question. Deceptions toward the house of God are but rubble. It is exceedingly time for new insight and new gainful forethought that sees straight ahead on a lighted path and not being drawn away from the good things. This new year has become a level ground to begin afresh with growth of the things of the Spirit where true wisdom can be received.
Why oh why you might ask have you served in what I call blood, sweat and tears? I wanted you to see the worth of God that was given to me for you. I also want you too see Jesus lounging at the alter with the smile that could rock nations. I want to sing with you. I want you to intercede for others with me; to see the worth of a Pastors heart and get equally excited about honoring great men of God. I wanted you to not be afraid of great big projects that others have vision of that you do not. I wanted you to be spurred onto greater things in it however. I want you to see the miracles that have been wrought for you and are real and believeable as anything. I wanted you to see the impossible be possible...because all things are possible! Many years ago I taught a study about believing in God...and it rocked my whole world.....because it will rock yours.
This morning I will to have the Word of God speak for itself in what I shall bring to you.
Exodus 23 speaks of justice. Wisdom of the law and a grace within it.
Exodus 23:25 promises to take sickness away and bless your bread and water.
Exodus 25 speaks of bringing an offering to the house of God to build according to what is given. The Word of God is timeless. Take a look at the outpouring of grace of the Macedonian church. There was more than enough for every need.
Deuteronomy 4:35-40...What promises are you being given?!
Nehemiah 8:1-12 gives us great encouragement toward the church. His heart was to get the people of God to rejoice in what was happening. The reading of the Word of God brings great emotion and repentence. Within these are often what looks like a misunderstanding of mourning in which there is a time for, however, in time of celebration this weeping turned to joy. And he said out of the fullness of the Word of God that you have been given, go and give to others because it is your great strength. It was a time of celebration for those who heard. Mock never again the spirit of laughter. I know this place and it is highly full of grace and love. These people got excited and further the obeyed as they went. They were excited. They ate, drank and was merry. They rejoiced! They understood what they heard. Generosity was the fruit of this Word and it both manifested physically to the giving to others without but it also was a Word gained within the hearts of the people. They were full.
Proverbs 11:25 says...The generous soul will be made rich and he who waters will also be watered....and so the Word says in 3 John 2 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Perpetual grace.
Proverbs 22:6 says...Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:9 says...He who has a generous eye will be blessed for he gives of his bread to the poor.
Psalm 71:8 says...Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day....for I shall give glory to his name!
He didn’t give to condemn but to bless. Read Romans 8:1. It’s the only way to believe and be fruitful.
Why now the vision? …Because it has been always and in all ways. God gave me much of this in a matter of hours in July 2012 and there is much work to be done! But how? But God! By the grace of the Almighty God in whom has promised me a future after all that I have endured in pouring out everything I have to many. I have nothing. In fact just after this vision that was being lent to me in a great measure of time I lost everything I had. My home, my vehicle, my family. Why because God loves you. Because God loves me. Because God loves my family. Because of vast unbelief that shall be turned belief. Because miracles are all about my great God. Because His love spurs one another on toward love and good deeds. Because He wants to do the miraculous from a people that have grown weary. I know Him. I tried to lend the vision to others whom have not believed. I only pray that God turn this around for His good and bless it and prosper it in ways that only He can.
It was in lights I saw the words “Glory To His Name”. This shall be the name of this mega church with the feel of a cozy home with the richest spirit of love anyone has ever surely felt of God’s great love. And so I write today the vision which has been given to me to manifest into a ministry of giftedness to many. There is no other way for it to come to pass. You are needed. Your gifts. Your love. Your devotion. Your blessing. Your giving. Your belief.
The greatest secret of God’s heart is held and was given me bringing me to a place of intense need to show you, to tell you, to teach you, to worship and sing of His great joy that you know and believe that in that moment the wind of the Holy Spirit flowed to me and within me it said this…for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption in the glorious liberty of the children of God God. Romans 8: 19-21 There is something greater to have and it is life!
The Building: Large white lettering on the building in lights. Dome like, three floors, largest dimensions on the second floor which only houses the Sanctuary, the other two slightly smaller. The first and third levels contain offices and meeting rooms of all kinds. There are no escalators. All of the choir and worship rooms for adults and children, as well as media rooms are just behind the platform either from the first or third floor. There is a 24 hour on-site prayer team with security at all times. There is an enormous tree in main entrance with a large playground at the base of the tree. There is a stairwell that runs through the middle of it for climbing up the middle of it and slides coming down on three sides in small, medium and large sized, designed for children of every age. Benches for resting are located at the bottom with a fountain and pool near. Life size animal figures/sculptures are there to play on all around the tree’s area. This is a play place for all as well as a fellowship area. There is a large directory on the opposite side of the foyer with clearly marked entrances, elevators, stairwells and department heads for each area listed here. There are verses stenciled above every doorway in the church.
Sanctuary: In white lettering or lights that is equally proportioned around the middle of the Sanctuary are the words of the verse in Revelations 4:4, “Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes and they had crowns of gold on their heads.” The platform is large, though the alter area is double the size because of its great use. There is a life size sculpture of Jesus lounging on the steps…just like the vision, with a small child at his feet with a bowl of water, looking out the window toward His right. This sits in front of the pulpit, just beneath it on the steps. All seating is always open every service. There is no part closed. Access into the Sanctuary from steps from first and third floor and from elevators where there are four entrances from each floor. Entry hallway surrounding sanctuary will be stenciled with scripture in different versions all over the walls. Artists will stencil or hand paint with excellent handwriting (not fearing heights) There are four large entrances into the sanctuary. Always a countdown screen timing until next service start date only to be interrupted by use of the Sanctuary aside from Sunday services. There are no cellphones on in the Sanctuary upon entrance and absolutely no clocks in the sanctuary mounted on the walls at all ever! I will never budge on this for any reason.
The Structure: There will be three persons specific to work side by side in scheduling the entire church and every single function that takes place within the church and always two with one who is learning the position. These will handle open and closing times and all in between, from meetings to people on staff and will be the receivers of all proposals from every area of the church of what is needed to be added, specific requests to be addressed to serve the needs of God’s children in a greater manner. They will also oversee all departmental scheduling. This wills to be a very supernatural job therefore it will not be titled human resources. Highly articulate and full of the spirit are these that oversee this area.
Monthly vision casting meeting based on Revelation 22:2b (monthly fruit) Department heads and every employee head (referring to the mentor model to be discussed)
Two CEO type people on staffs that are uniquely gifted in MANY areas and have large vision and one of unity. Will work closely in a group of 3. The mentor model will work like a finger system always connected. Three will oversee the ministry. These three will oversee 3 other large arenas of the ministry. That one area that one of those three has oversight of will mentor another three areas of ministry, where each of those leaders will mentor three areas of the ministry. What looks like more will be balanced responsibilities. This is how areas of care regarding giftedness will be overseen. Will always report to three others that oversee your area of ministry in having someone to give account.
15 traffic guards in parking lot to direct in most appropriate door with a readied map and marker to tell them the exact way in and what door they are looking for regarding their business complete with personal cellphone number in case of needed further direction. Must give name to traffic guard and phone number. This is written on a card for visitor in person. Conjovial, happy and loving direction will be give from these.
2 people are specific tour guides and whose only position is this. They will know everything regarding explanation of the ministry in order to share with others.
There is a 7 day a week full calendar. Doors are never to be closed, just service toward others.
Time countdown until next service always running but when worship begins it goes until Holy Spirit closes it.
Worship can last an hour, 3 hours or 3 days! You decide. There is NO exaggeration when I say this. This church is being built.
There will be no ‘completely’ set order of worship weekly however service will begin with communion and end in worship.
There will be a very strong 5 fold ministry in this ministry who will bring their unique gifts to use. Every gift of these will be utilized every service no matter what for a whole vision of what God is calling for His church. This is a spiritual position. These will use their gifts in other areas of the church to mentor others to mentor gifts in others. The anointing will align it all!
Sunday morning prayer- All pastors and worship teams (as adult worship team meeting convenes) along with entire 5 fold ministry will pray prior to service. Pastors are seated on the platform along with all heads for service.
There is to be a monitored security system for dual purpose. Every area will be monitored but also for own uses such as nursery area. For any reason should areas purposed of fellowship is not taking place in any and all areas of the church you can expect open public rebuke on Sunday morning. This is a church of life and to be used as God has given it to us and therefore an attitude of love and gratitude will steward its use. Fellowship and unity is a biblical mandate. Anywhere mentoring, love, invitation and good company is not happening there is a breakage in the household of faith- unacceptable!
Tenants of Faith shall be inscribed on a tall tablet at entry of the foyer with Deuteronomy 8:7-9 from the Living Bible. These are to include generosity, servant hood, worship, love, unity, prayer and healing.
There will be a Servants Lounge where between shifts or at anytime they may fellowship. This is only for servants of this ministry. This is a lavishly blessed place with couches, sky angel, restrooms, massage chairs, kitchen with chefs, soda fountains, snack bar offered by donation only. Servants here are to be treated very special and never overlooked or looked at as less.
Uniform colors for every person in the building are Dark Blue, White, Gold and Ivory. This is throughout the church. Wear whatever you want in whatever combination you want modestly, however stay with these colors.
Name Tags with picture identification are zapped for access at the security door and for 50% off of goods sold in every area of church to Minister/Associates.
Gift counseling is one week long training prerequisite to serving in any area of this ministry.
Worshipful spirit of joy inexpressible. No deceit and division. Not fake, but rather full of glory, positive attitudes, ill-tolerant of attitude of sickness without prayer, joy filled and loving toward others. Negativity not tolerated.
There will be an almost inner need ‘to honor’ taught, learned and displayed in this ministry and without exception it will be cultivated.
Areas of the Ministry:
Training Room- Matthew 6:33
Learning, Teaching, Facilitating, Mentoring, Bible Studies, Department Meetings, Community Meetings…though the sole purpose is monthly meetings specific to the church heads….from children’s leaders, youth pastors, counselors, healing ministry, missions, intercessors, travel, fitness, homeschool, stores and library.
Mandatory Fellowship Gathering to collectively give praises first, second; to share needs and third; to give constructive thoughts.
Notes always recorded for those in emergency situations and to have record of events.
Meal served first.
Final input is always in closing with 5 fold ministry.
Purpose is unity in love. Purposeful, worshipful and fun.
The Fountain (Prayer and Intercession Room)
Fountain in the center of the room
Always dimmed lighting
Ceiling made to look like glass, dark blue like the sky with stars shining through
A few comfortable chairs, a few chase lounges, bean bag chairs and a 3 to 4 steps up to a platform
Music always softly playing
The Healing Room
Church hospital
One- on- one counsel available
Team prayer
Place to come to get ministered to and get your miraculous healing
Rooms to stay in for meditation, set up as a small apartment
Provided to stay in atmosphere that healing is sought and gained and classes/teaching on how to keep your healing provided before you leave.
Counsel is tailored to the need
Decoration should be simple and pleasant and non-distracting
Travel Gracefully – Ephesians 2:8
Airplane; Vans equipped with church map location and on-site maps
For use of all others traveling amidst the church
Visiting Pastors (for their accommodations)
Traveling Evangelists; Special Speakers
Worship Teams/Bands/Singers (from out of town)
Multi-tasking position on many levels
Also accommodates missionary travel and on site accommodations for Missionaries and their families
Missions Hub – Joshua 4:16
Lectern in this area overlooking a teaching area
Room will be staffed with servants and wait staff
Set up with a 3 bedroom/ 2 bath apartment for each family (4 apartments in all)
This will be their resting place, temporary stay place and act as a layover until leaving on new missions. From a day to a few weeks.
Knowledge and study place where they are going on missions to (someone specific to research, be knowledgeable in discussion, counsel and have hands on information collected and gathered in a professional manner for travel and research purposes for the missionary and or family.
These “want for nothing” during their stay regardless of its length.
Every Tribe, Every Tongue – Philippians 4:13
Daily bible study held here for all and in needed language
3 most prominent languages for area (in beginning) for on-staff translators and teachers
Studies transcribed into print and kept for future need
Personal computers available for study use while here....but understood to never take the place of true fellowship.
The Babes Room/Nursing Room
Fully equipped, child proof, security system, upstairs with darkened glass as not to disturb children, cameras provide additional security
Equipped with every need a baby, toddler, small child or nursing mother
Restrooms, comfortable furniture, water provided for nursing mothers
Soft music playing
Noah’s Ark Animals with real / simulated fur and skin to feel
Stickers for rewards of behavior
Theme is the friend system to teach each other and be accountable to one another
Fruits and Goldfish provided to age appropriated children
The Play Yard
Ages 3-8, children’s 3rd birthday they are able to come here (party upon arrival)
Interactive fun playground equipment
Teeter Totters
Play Gym
Sponge flooring
Shoe Check in and out
Sock floor only
Stock socks for $1 each, Innovations rotates Associates in this Ministry
No food or drink
The Secret Garden
Ages 9-13, children may come here on their 9th birthday (party upon arrival)
Provides a playground, clubhouse, tree house, mazes, building toys and an animated secret garden with growing flowers and hidden keys for different areas in the garden
No food or drink
High School Alumni of Innovations rotates Associates in this ministry
Ages 14-20, may come here on 14th birthday (party upon arrival)
Also for high school Alumni when visiting on breaks and the like
Bright red and black and white tile flooring
Lounge areas with couches
Pool Table
Air Hockey
Innovative Pastoral leadership always on the up and up
Big Screen TV with sky angel across the wall
High Spirited yet strong leader, one of direction
Exciting opportunities provided for fellowship and study
Golden Years
Ages 50-100+ Years, party upon arrival
Place of fellowship and study
Only Children of this age allowed ; )
“Words of Life” Library – Genesis 2:7
50 copies of every translation of bible available in book format
Large table (long rectangular) in middle of large room
I-pads mounted to table with Strong’s and other study tools available
Set up like a desk for each
Literacy counselors to help anyone learn to read from the young to the incarcerated to the illiterate
The "Word of God" always available in audio format (Romans 10:17)
Faith Academy Alumni Room
Decorated in red, purple and blue
This room is devoted to our homeschool family and future portions of our family and other homeschool families of the church and community
Divided amongst 8 sections to accommodate this many families at once or in combination of
Large tables and chairs, reference books, atlases, dictionaries, computers, refrigerators with light snacks and drinks provided, couches, big fluffy pillows
To use to “do school” elsewhere now and again, for parents who have things to do within the church who need their children to be with them that also homeschool, for homeschool parents to study or plan school
No child care but a door man on staff as oversight for families
Used also as a community room for support group meetings or classes (adults and children)
Lemon heads and jolly ranchers stocked here for children, big and small
Small reference book library for public use
Run your Race Sports Arena
Length of 2/3 areas
Weekly and daily practices and games
Set for changing rotation
Floor hockey
….then weekend games
Sign up for terms to play for approximately 6 weeks. 5 games and 1 weekend tournament (Friday/Saturday)
2 week break twice a year (Spring/Winter). New term begin
Fit for the King
…for those of us who are not already : )
Fitness room
Personal trainers and fitness planners
Study and counsel daily before workout (one verse and open discussion each day)
Tailored for results and personal needs
Scheduled workout times each day
Onsite childcare worker
This place emulates great encouragement
Each time you complete one week as you leave there are choices of spa services offered at no additional cost (30 minute massage from someone from healing room, beauty: hair do, facial, manicure or pedicure or sauna)
Use your choice by appointment (donations accepted)
Decorated in spa and counseling areas like a palace
The Giving Place
Servants here dress very nice for work
ATM (like machine) set up at door provided for giving (also one set up in entry foyer and parking lot locations)
Food pantry for food needs
Clothing pantry for newly tagged clothing (giving and needed are new only)
An outreach center
Above entrance reads….freely give, freely receive
Greeter with an intense love for people and to be read on the countenance of this one.
Specially selected servants here
Giving is to replenish food and clothing and to fund seasonal outreach 4 x’s yearly
Mentor system- to be brought in and introduced to servants at the Giving Place by another from the church and perhaps toured the entire church (if requested this can be scheduled if not happening at time of visit) If there is a need for food and clothing and someone knows no one from the church, they will be placed with someone as a mentor. This mentor is loving, compassionate and gives a blessing to the Giving Place on behalf of the one in need. This can be as small as a few coins or as large as you like. This is how the mentor system works to help others. Contact is kept periodically with those who had needs met.
Gifts Counseling – 1 Corinthians 12:7-11
Joyful, high spirited, soft music plays here always
Presents hanging from colorful ribbons provide decoration
Fine-detailed, honed-in on, free counseling lasting one week to explore all areas of giftedness, weekly and daily counsel one-on-one with cordial and best suited counsel or to meet your needs (assigned to one or group of people or team)
This counsel is a prerequisite to involvement in any way in any ministry in this church or to be part of faculty.
Particulars: no gift mixes left out, encouraged are the gifts, mentorship to use them, honing in on individual greatest gifts
My Beloved
Quarterly groups hold a gathering/social connection of some form of party for all singles and mentors
Marriage ministry
Free copy of “My Beloved” once put into print to all who are counseled here
Offering marriage counsel for relationships regarding issues of abuse, emotional, sexual and mental abuses within relationships
Extended counsel to family of couples following good health in marriage counsel coming to a close
Group studies in the Word of God
Group Social gatherings (meal out as a group or outing)
Lots of role-play! Gets things accomplish in relationships.
Utilize giftedness within groups and encourage in sessions
Begins with goal of love
Counsel 1-2 x’s per week
Brides and Grooms
Wedding dresses and tuxes are décor for walls
Bright, lively, great personality with great organizational talent
3 people on staff as full wedding planners
7 large screen computers with ability for a few to sit around it for planning purposes with interactive wedding planning software
Contracts cut with major wedding chains to bring in material for clients to try on and to see in person; our focus is the ministry of marriage
Some services on site some sub contracted services
Seeking My Better ½
Coordinator to work along side those from “My Beloved” and “Fit for the King” to put together exciting events (in-house) and create venues of socializing with others.
Thought provoking materials used for discussion groups designed to inspire discussion and used as a tool of growth
Person who heads this is highly encouraging, high spirited and has no personal agenda
High Praises – Psalm 100:4
Worship room
Sleeping quarters for out of town guests, bands, and singers and or their families (large apartment like 3 bedroom/3 bath)
Excellent sound, mics, pa system guitars, bass, drums, instruments as backup that they do not have to et up twice if they do not wish to in order to practice
Servants trained in what to do and what not to do in helping worship teams visiting including mannerisms, care of instruments and also in sound
From Heaviness to Happiness Counseling Center
Burdens left here
Leave light and happier
Offering grief counseling of every kind
The most compassionate and sympathetic and discerning of the ministry can be found here
Garden of God Art Gallery – Revelations 2:7
Music box with changing music
Separate play room for kids with sky and stars and outdoor sounds of frogs, bugs and the like
Sold here are replicas of prints of original paintings sold on consignment of requested painting and then approved by staff
1st book in print for sale here
Art classes offered by painters
Counsel groups to encourage vision
Music always playing here
Tree of Life
Large 20 foot tree in center of room with ornaments hanging on it. Playground for children at the bottom of tree with sitting area…small version of tree at church entrance located in the foyer
This is the main attraction to this shop.
Sold here are 3 foot, 5 foot and 7 foot replicas of this tree with ornaments to purchase.
Suggested practical uses include: As a study piece, conversation piece as a family study, Easter or Christmas to purchase for use or as a gift, or as a monthly treat for family choosing a new ornament, a reward for children. Ornaments are typified of character of God replicated from our study. Sold here are items you would find in a typical store.
When a member of the church designs a new ornament and we find that it can be easily replicated or made we will use the design as an ornament that is added to available stock; named and dated by designer.
Coffee house
Bar with stools to sit at
Pool Table
Air Hockey
3 levels (Quiet floor, Coffee/Food and Social Floor)
WIFI Available
Decorated with large fountain on 2nd floor overlooking a pool to toss change into (collect, monthly for missions), Palm trees (small and large...everywhere)
Lit by sunlight- glass windows (tall and high and lots of lighting)
Retrieving Center For Animals
Pet Shop
Adopts animals out (puppies, kittens and fish)
Puppies area is decorated in orange with bones
Kitten’s area is decorated in neon green with yarn
Fish area is decorated in aqua blue with water
Joy In His Presence – Acts 2:28
Apostle’s quarters
For those visiting the ministry overnight traveling and those who are on in-house teams of ministry
This training will include first meeting them and knowing their specific message to the people in order to know how to serve. Highly specific servants in this ministry.
Prophet’s quarters
Both modern and ancient décor mix
Place for overnight visitors and speakers
Training specific in how to minister and serve here towards this ministry gift
Beautified area of prayer, adequate study place of both quiet, cordial and inspirational
Water brook music to be played over sound system
Salvation is Here
Evangelist quarters
Study place, overnight stay for traveling to visit ministry
Training in how to serve here in this particular ministry gift
Very simple and cordial décor, stocked with necessities of study
These visiting evangelists are asked to mentor those leaders in the healing room!
And You Shall Be Taught – Isaiah 54:13
Teacher’s quarters
Study place, overnight stay for those traveling visitors to this ministry
Training on how to serve this ministry gift in this area. Must be gentle and specific in demeanor
Servants to meet the specific needs of these visitors
Very orderly and elegant décor for this area
Shepherds of the Flock – Psalm 23:1-3
Pastor’s quarters
If outside pastor/teacher team visiting…they choose where they would like to stay (Pastoral quarters or Teacher’s quarters)
Servants on staff to meet every need around the clock; held at a higher standard
Expected are greater needs in this area…(orders from oasis, prayer needs, dry cleaning, errands)
Meetings held here for community or in house pastoral staff
Comfortable, regal and lavish décor
Treated as royalty upon entering this ministry
These are to meet “honor” in a way they have not known at this point until upon entering this ministry because it has been and wills to be wrought to bring glory to His name.
Throneroom Worship
What a beautiful morning to see the heart of God that is for see the love in His heart and to be ever so grateful for this day that He has made just for you. Open up your hearts and let the flow of His love touch your heart. Worship Him with everything that He gives you this day and never cease the gratitude of love for Him. It is your power of loving grace toward all that is purposed of love to receive and to be and to do. The grace of God is fervant. See it. Hear it. Feel it. Know it. Let it touch you as you worship Him this morning. And purpose inside to remember His great and empowering love to never forget what has been done for you after this day. Take your salvation wrought for you. Believe it. Receive it. Learn Him. Be about Him. See what miracles are available to you and take them for what they are. Believe in the impossible that is made possible in Him. Let the light of His great and merciful wonder have you and let His presence overtake you in His sweetness.
There is no greater morning to believe in the story of old that manifests in the new in the heart of people. Grab hands with one next to you and love one another like you have never loved from a love that you may have never known until this morning as a new light shines in your heart. There is so very much to do and the empowering comes not of ourselves but from the belief in Him.
Do you believe in Him? Receive Him.
Do you need something from Him? Ask Him.
Do you want something you have never had? It is in Him.
Let the morning star rise in your heart this day and find the "all things possible" in the throneroom as you worship!
Happy Easter!
Posted this morning 10:29am
There is no greater morning to believe in the story of old that manifests in the new in the heart of people. Grab hands with one next to you and love one another like you have never loved from a love that you may have never known until this morning as a new light shines in your heart. There is so very much to do and the empowering comes not of ourselves but from the belief in Him.
Do you believe in Him? Receive Him.
Do you need something from Him? Ask Him.
Do you want something you have never had? It is in Him.
Let the morning star rise in your heart this day and find the "all things possible" in the throneroom as you worship!
Happy Easter!
Posted this morning 10:29am
Monday, March 25, 2013
Victorious Joy
After these things...victorious joy! I was in the Spirit; in prayer. I had not asked for vision. I saw the train of His robe high up and swirled around. Being reminded of this time so very long ago, yet in the moment wanting to know the meaning. A many years ago vision given. God has taken me to heavenly places that brings finite understanding to perpetual victory and joy and what it means to get there. There's a reality of inexpressible love in the heavenly places. Vision given, vision to manifest. It was always for you for this is the scripture that rests within.
What will you do when you see His face? Will you bow? Will you dance? Will you shout? Will you fall at His feet? His love is so very amazing that words escape me my explanation. He wants you to have your hearts desire here and now. He wants you to know who He is now. He wants your gifts to manifest in the present. He wants your vision to be that which you have waited for.
He has said that He has everlasting kindness and mercy toward me (Isaiah 54:8) He has said a foundation shall be laid and all of my children shall be taught of the Lord. (Isaiah 54:13) He has said that no weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Just after this He showed me the abundance (Isaiah 55:1-2)for me and for you, under which all powers of disunity and poverty and injustice shall be no longer belong because the power of His love is exceedingly full and rich. There is nothing unattainable in this kind of love; no need unmet. Rather an attempted theft of my song, my worship, my explanation, my teach, my God given ability, my fellowship, my leadership, my home, my children, my vision given to me for you...but God!
In the flesh, in our mindfulness, in our weakness we do not attain; we know not how. God has dreams to be reality or He would not give them to us. If you do not see in the Spirit, you cannot give of the Spirit. Having less of the anwers in the flesh but possessing all things with the Spirit of God dreams become reality.
It was in lights that I seen it "Glory To His Name" and this I knew well was not merely the giving of glory to His name but was in manifestation of what it actually means. The enemy wanted to capitalize on all that I did not have in the way of abundance because I was not in the place to show you what that meant, wanting to prove me inadequate, without understanding, poverty stricken, unable. But His ways are higher! (Isaiah 55:8-9) Miracles matter to God. What is on paper must leap from the pages into a fuller knowledge. God demeans no one on the journey, but rather stops to grab hands and love another and with great joy of heart.
There is salvation to be had...the greatest of all miracles! There are healings to be! There are places and people to see! There are gifts to be given with Spirit-filled words that are followed by real life mentorship. There is blessings of abundance to given and received and for good purpose. There are unity of believers coming together in the gain of new and fresh new revelation...the old flowing toward the the heart with a flood of the river of the Spirit of God. There is an ascertained envy, pain, religiosity to be stopped boldly and blown on with fresh insight that breaks it away forever to never return to the heavenly places. The tainting of the most precious to cease, the people hear the reality of God's heart. There are words to touch hearts with newness.
Gone! I prophesy are the days where we look on the church house with hurting hearts because it is not what we see the scriptures to be in all fullness. The reality of God's Spirit to touch hearts and it manifest prayers and love and His true healing. A joining of hands that receive no less than healing, where sickness and disease hold no presidence.
There are people needed, leaders needed, helpers needed, worshipers needed, teachers needed, pastors needed, evangelists needed, intercessors needed, builders needed, missions needed, prophets needed, apostles needed....Simply given to give and to bless. God had a dream. He humbled me. I received Him and His dream and vision. I fought to give it. Oh yes, it was in what has felt like blood, sweat and tears. It was against ill spoken words and forked tongues. It was those who couldnt see the path, who neither wanted my help or my leadership of which is together. It was found under intense intercession and great love given unto me and given to bless others with. In my heart it has grown from 'where two or more are gathered' to a greater understanding that from where that 'two or more are gathered' shall be a grandiose ministry.
I have leaders to fellowship with, people's lives to speak into, lives to encourage, business to conduct, those to see to it they find their niche' in ministry for and in this life.It is for me to undo the doing of the immobilization of the church....the removal of loss. What is a hospital without healers? This is to flow forth in every area. There is an art of love to be learned lessening all that does not love the household of faith. It takes on a Spirit of worship first, last and always that supercedes all we do in our lives and yes, from the inside out. An outworking of all that is in the heart, taken in and operable in our worship filled lives. There are people, those with hearts for the Lord, that I am to see to it that have the dream that God gave them. Why? Because that is God's church to build, to grow, to love, to flow forth, to be and to do. I am to show how the mundane is to look like alive with the Spirit with great excitement to do the practical without every looking and seeming practical again. It is to allow the church to see the reality of one another but to realize it doesn't have to remain broken and out of place but to grow in the things of the Spirit and to walk into that which is seen. However long the enemy has wasted in detouring you and me from what is needed has been counted as soon to be turned into the intended blessing. It's time for blessing!
The intention of God's Spirit is being called to attention! Romans 8:14-21 After these things...victorious joy!
Posted 1:49pm
What will you do when you see His face? Will you bow? Will you dance? Will you shout? Will you fall at His feet? His love is so very amazing that words escape me my explanation. He wants you to have your hearts desire here and now. He wants you to know who He is now. He wants your gifts to manifest in the present. He wants your vision to be that which you have waited for.
He has said that He has everlasting kindness and mercy toward me (Isaiah 54:8) He has said a foundation shall be laid and all of my children shall be taught of the Lord. (Isaiah 54:13) He has said that no weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Just after this He showed me the abundance (Isaiah 55:1-2)for me and for you, under which all powers of disunity and poverty and injustice shall be no longer belong because the power of His love is exceedingly full and rich. There is nothing unattainable in this kind of love; no need unmet. Rather an attempted theft of my song, my worship, my explanation, my teach, my God given ability, my fellowship, my leadership, my home, my children, my vision given to me for you...but God!
In the flesh, in our mindfulness, in our weakness we do not attain; we know not how. God has dreams to be reality or He would not give them to us. If you do not see in the Spirit, you cannot give of the Spirit. Having less of the anwers in the flesh but possessing all things with the Spirit of God dreams become reality.
It was in lights that I seen it "Glory To His Name" and this I knew well was not merely the giving of glory to His name but was in manifestation of what it actually means. The enemy wanted to capitalize on all that I did not have in the way of abundance because I was not in the place to show you what that meant, wanting to prove me inadequate, without understanding, poverty stricken, unable. But His ways are higher! (Isaiah 55:8-9) Miracles matter to God. What is on paper must leap from the pages into a fuller knowledge. God demeans no one on the journey, but rather stops to grab hands and love another and with great joy of heart.
There is salvation to be had...the greatest of all miracles! There are healings to be! There are places and people to see! There are gifts to be given with Spirit-filled words that are followed by real life mentorship. There is blessings of abundance to given and received and for good purpose. There are unity of believers coming together in the gain of new and fresh new revelation...the old flowing toward the the heart with a flood of the river of the Spirit of God. There is an ascertained envy, pain, religiosity to be stopped boldly and blown on with fresh insight that breaks it away forever to never return to the heavenly places. The tainting of the most precious to cease, the people hear the reality of God's heart. There are words to touch hearts with newness.
Gone! I prophesy are the days where we look on the church house with hurting hearts because it is not what we see the scriptures to be in all fullness. The reality of God's Spirit to touch hearts and it manifest prayers and love and His true healing. A joining of hands that receive no less than healing, where sickness and disease hold no presidence.
There are people needed, leaders needed, helpers needed, worshipers needed, teachers needed, pastors needed, evangelists needed, intercessors needed, builders needed, missions needed, prophets needed, apostles needed....Simply given to give and to bless. God had a dream. He humbled me. I received Him and His dream and vision. I fought to give it. Oh yes, it was in what has felt like blood, sweat and tears. It was against ill spoken words and forked tongues. It was those who couldnt see the path, who neither wanted my help or my leadership of which is together. It was found under intense intercession and great love given unto me and given to bless others with. In my heart it has grown from 'where two or more are gathered' to a greater understanding that from where that 'two or more are gathered' shall be a grandiose ministry.
I have leaders to fellowship with, people's lives to speak into, lives to encourage, business to conduct, those to see to it they find their niche' in ministry for and in this life.It is for me to undo the doing of the immobilization of the church....the removal of loss. What is a hospital without healers? This is to flow forth in every area. There is an art of love to be learned lessening all that does not love the household of faith. It takes on a Spirit of worship first, last and always that supercedes all we do in our lives and yes, from the inside out. An outworking of all that is in the heart, taken in and operable in our worship filled lives. There are people, those with hearts for the Lord, that I am to see to it that have the dream that God gave them. Why? Because that is God's church to build, to grow, to love, to flow forth, to be and to do. I am to show how the mundane is to look like alive with the Spirit with great excitement to do the practical without every looking and seeming practical again. It is to allow the church to see the reality of one another but to realize it doesn't have to remain broken and out of place but to grow in the things of the Spirit and to walk into that which is seen. However long the enemy has wasted in detouring you and me from what is needed has been counted as soon to be turned into the intended blessing. It's time for blessing!
The intention of God's Spirit is being called to attention! Romans 8:14-21 After these things...victorious joy!
Posted 1:49pm
Friday, February 01, 2013
Hearts of Thanksgiving
Why do you fear the glory of God? The blessings? This is not for me but for me to give. Why did fear seize your very mind? No is forgiven but you haven't what you want, wanted or are wanting and there is a turning necessary to the furnished blessing your heart so desires. A rainbow of blessing; not the destruction of a hurt heart that sent fear your way. Gird yourself my beloved- I am going to love you to a place you want still but your response must believe and must love and must know the gifts so lovingly offered on high and yet I so long to share!
Write the vision that it might run those who read it!...(not to make to run in fear)
Nulified is the wait as I wrote and retreival of all things lost to me and to the people. Healed! Healing. Health. Love. Life. Joy...on Earth as in Heaven. Occupied place of love in the heavenly places, thrust from the realms of love that could not and can not an will not come from any other place but God! Not a rejoicing that hates or mocks your loved ones but loss to the realm of the enemy that so longs to harm all that is blessed before God!
I cannot leave the romance out of the vision. He loves you so much. So very, very much. Vision birthed out of the most grand magnificence of love. I cannot find or erect a word for the rendering of understanding of just how to lend explanation of how much- but this I must begin in the manifest practicality because this is where the miracle of love takes place! The beginning of great blessing! How could you let weakness hold onto you or hold back what is for you? Don't worship the vision-come together to make it happen! Going to the place of need is met with blessing-all under the blood. Received or not?!
How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of your wings. They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures. For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light. Oh, continue Your lovingkindness to those who know you, And Your righteousness to the upright in heart! Psalm 36:7-10
Write the vision that it might run those who read it!...(not to make to run in fear)
Nulified is the wait as I wrote and retreival of all things lost to me and to the people. Healed! Healing. Health. Love. Life. Joy...on Earth as in Heaven. Occupied place of love in the heavenly places, thrust from the realms of love that could not and can not an will not come from any other place but God! Not a rejoicing that hates or mocks your loved ones but loss to the realm of the enemy that so longs to harm all that is blessed before God!
I cannot leave the romance out of the vision. He loves you so much. So very, very much. Vision birthed out of the most grand magnificence of love. I cannot find or erect a word for the rendering of understanding of just how to lend explanation of how much- but this I must begin in the manifest practicality because this is where the miracle of love takes place! The beginning of great blessing! How could you let weakness hold onto you or hold back what is for you? Don't worship the vision-come together to make it happen! Going to the place of need is met with blessing-all under the blood. Received or not?!
How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of your wings. They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures. For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light. Oh, continue Your lovingkindness to those who know you, And Your righteousness to the upright in heart! Psalm 36:7-10
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