There were two scriptures I will use to describe the setting or could easily describe what I saw...
Genesis 28:12 says...he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. (NKJV) and...
Hebrews 1:7-10 says…God speaks of his angels as messengers swift as the wind and as servants made of flaming fire, but of his Son he says, “Your kingdom, O God, will last forever and ever; its commands are always just and right. You love right and hate wrong; so God, even your God, has poured out more gladness upon you than on anyone else.” God also called him “Lord” when he said, “Lord, in the beginning you made the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. (Living Bible)
To further describe...The people were pressing in for further revelation. This was very obvious in this setting. I looked up to see many very small angels flowing down toward the worshipers. More visible were the larger ones, that which I saw as larger angels until I saw that something about these larger beings were hindering that part of the light of the space they were taking up in the beam and I knew that the angels were bringing revelation to the worshipers and those in prayer within the church. A net like device encased them in a circular fashion and cast them out of the light beam into the dark area outside of the light beam or you could say, outside of the arena where the revelation was being given to the worshipers below. It was dark outside, but not within the beam of light.
A few more verses...
1 Corinthians 2: 13-14 says…These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (NKJV) This can only bless those open to the things of the Spirit. This is the only way this vision can be received and thus wills to be a creator of joy in your heart.
Hebrews 2:4 says…God always has shown us that these messages are true by signs and wonders and various miracles and by giving certain special abilities from the Holy Spirit to those who believe, yes, God has assigned such gifts to each of us. (Living Bible) And God longs for His church to come into knowledge of through prayer, to utilize and use these to bless abundantly.
Much was taking place and it was coming quickly to the people and it was evident that the angels were very focused and there was direct line of communication from the source which was God being accessed in prayer. The beings that were distracting, the hindering spirits, were in the way, this netting immediately engulfed them and set them outside of the beam of light. It was as if God could not get the revelation that He wanted to the worshipers and those praying to them quick enough. And there was not a wasted second in removing the hindering spirits from taking up space or time in the task that was happening in the moment.
Interesting to note were many other things...The worship was being freely given and the revelation was being freely received and for a only a split second as it seemed was all it took to bring in a heavenly understanding that this was to be the natural or the norm. Nothing else fit into this vision, as it was deeply meaningful and with heavenly purpose. Also, it was as if by the prayers being lifted there was an undoing of what I see in the latter portion of the 1 Timothy 4:1. There was no heed being given to the deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons and the prayers of the many within the church were what was bringing the help to take out such spirits that the revelation come down. This was being accomplished through discerning of spirits and binding and loosing in the spiritual realm. Also, though inside the churchhouse the light was not broken up by the structure as it passed directly from the light source unto the worshipers as if to flow through it. I cannot describe to you what was happening in the hearts of the people but I know they were being changed there was just a supernatural knowing. It was not a destructive vision at all; in fact, one of incredible grace and love. Even when the larger spirits were removed from the light (and to my spirit that is almost aggitating enough) it was a smooth and non-violent transition; a simple movement, quick and almost a split second vanishing. This made it even more known to me that the revelation being brought was of the upmost importance, almost with a speed in its need to be answered.
Luke 15:10 says… “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (NKJV) This indeed was a joyful atmosphere, though more heavenly than loud. As I read this verse I see that the hindering spirits that were being taken aside out of the path of revelation that it get to the ones below praying and interceding was receiving the divine access intended. It takes the revelation of something to repent and thus there was great joy amidst these angels as repentance takes place. Acts 3:19 says that in repentance refreshing comes in His presence. Joy! Indeed it is was not earthly and great joy fills my heart to have this to share because it only compounds strongly the known blessing to the church in this inexpressible kind of joy...so full of glory.
Freely give, freely receive!
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