Power! Power! Wonder working power. I praise my heavenly Father for the wondrous power in the mighty blood of Jesus that cleanses, heals, protects, renews, restores, delivers, provides, fills, furthers and strengthens. To prophesy that which was and is becomes from breath unto life and speaks from that breath unto that which is not and the breath is heard and received unto life. That which is dead and the skeletons that lay slain, seen round about, the death that is seen round about, the spiritual wickedness that has had reign, the idolatry of death, the false celebration…both of the time and the death which is an abomination in the sight of God…these are what is rallied by the spirit of God to hear the words of life. In the hearing it cannot help but receive life. In the authority of God there cannot be disease, sickness or death received. It is not present. It is not in the life of God. And under the authority of the words of life without dissension and disease there are no further options. Life is. The breath from the Word of God brings spiritual healing, physical strength and renewal. Repentance is. Restoration is miraculous. The cut off unto death is shut off. Life takes place. The wind that surrounds brings life and blessing. Flesh is formed aright and afresh with a stance that receives nothing else but the goodness of God. Oh the wonder working power of the blood of Jesus. It flows, brings function, life, living, and breathing, receiving, filling and filling again of His great love. It receives the wonder working power of the blood of Jesus, salvation to souls, life abundant. The wonder working power of the miracle of shed blood of Jesus…just one drop, yet all was given, and is received under even the sound of your belief speaking it out of your mouth that you believe in Him that gave his death for your life…to restore you from death and give you life forever more.
Power! Power! Wonder working power in the blood. To plead the blood of Jesus is that which is received of life. Once His life is received there is power, power wonder working power in the blood that was shed. There is healing, protection, renewal, restoration, deliverance, provision, filling, furthering and strengthening of your body, of your mind, of your soul, of your strength. And these you are scheduled to love Him with all of your might from a heart that now knows that there is power, power wonder working power. The breath you have confessed unto salvation of the belief in your heart has cleansed unto life with newness unlike no other. You have wholeness and can breathe, and run and play and have the ability to receive life and the knowledge of the wonder working power of the blood that now flows within.
This kind of power is full of grace, mercy and love. It contains the life of God. It now walks in the knowing of the powerful wonder working blessing and there is access to the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. It is the power of the blood. It is the breath of God that brings the anointing to further.
I speak to you oh spirit of death by the blood of Jesus. The blood is being applied so death is bound and loosed is every healing property contained in its wonder working power. Oh, the wonder working power of the blood applied to every area of grief, to the loss of a husband, to the need and desire to have a husband, to the tragedy to turn into victory, to the label of sickness that are cleansed unto what God calls healed, to the stubborn ways that melt under a compassionate word, to the life poured out feeling like there is nothing left, to the humble hearts that have more to receive, to the ministries that can give no further without this power, to the one too young to be with child because you are not fully grown, to disease that by this power is called healed, to aging that still have so much to give, to the lack that is brought into fluid met needs and desires, to the control which is broken by this wonder working power, to the enemies threats that are no longer when this wonder working power is applied, to the bones that are told will never be right again, to the wrong spirits that have tried the anointing and anointed…oh the wonder working power of the blood. To the ones who knew spiritual blood was on your hands because of you tried to harm the anointed…I speak to you that you find repentance. To the mom who is worn beyond measure I speak salvation to you by the blood of Jesus to you that you receive and your family be healed, to the overworked and underpaid I plead the blood of Jesus over your job situation that you no longer have a job but a giftedness at work in the ability of God and there is compensation, to the broken family who is struggling I apply the blood to this situation, to children that have experienced loss in every way possible, restoration by the blood to you. To the many, many prayers I read and pray of the need for direction of God, I apply the blood of Jesus. To the loss of homes I apply the blood that restoral come and every demonic stronghold be broken and all that has been lost be restored. To the one that has walked so long and so far yet feels like they have not arrived…oh the wonder working power applied to the knowledge of what you have and where you are. To the lifelong minister that seems spent of days I speak healing and restoration and renewal by the powerful blood. I speak the blood of Jesus be applied to every ligament, every joint, every muscle, every blood cell, every organ, every function, every thought, every memory…all things that hold you back physically, I speak the wonder working power of the blood applied to our life. To the oppression that has held you down, held you back, held you up falsely and completely deceived, you are broken by the blood of Jesus. Your false authority is no longer. Oh, and to the deceived in the church of false, deceptive and lying spirits, your work is done by the power of the blood of Jesus applied to all the mess you have made. There shall be a massive undoing of that which has been done falsely and all is made whole by the power of the blood. To those who have never known the Lord because it was not the norm for all they knew the blood is applied to your situation, your friends and your family that the wonder working power of God heals miraculously. I speak to the addiction that has become a part of life to you and to others around you that there is the miraculous in the blood of Jesus applied to that which is foreign to the body and is called healed. I apply the blood of Jesus to the church that has not seen how to further growth and by the application of the blood of Jesus that wisdom come to you spiritually and physically that many are saved, healed, whole and filled up to overflowing with the Spirit of God. I plead the blood of Jesus over that car wreck that has caused bodily harm that full restoration miraculously takes place. I plead the blood of Jesus over that loss of your child that you cannot bear without the love of Jesus that by His blood applied to your hearts and lives you are healed. To the circumstance that is daunting, overwhelming, hopeless, full of sickness, full of lack and limitation, a spiral downward and without a good word…I speak fully to you and by the blood of Jesus that the mass oppression go from these situations and by this wonder working power of the blood that all things become new, whole, healed, filled up, hopeful, abundant and a freedom come like there has never been to all circumstances now turned to miracles. I speak to the overworked and I speak to your need to control this by the wonder working power of the blood. I speak to the one not in the place of true blessing that the blood of Jesus put you there in His wonder working power. I speak to you children who are walking rebellion to God with every excuse…I apply the blood of Jesus to you and your heart and your offence and your pain and your loss and your lack. Your hardness of heart is to be softened towards God by the blood of Jesus. You are healed by the blood of Jesus applied to the life that you now have. To the missed opportunities, I apply the blood of Jesus to that very lie as all things are refreshed and made knew and brought into the present by the blood of Jesus applied, that gifts are called into manifestation and loss of time is full of redemption in the now. I plead the blood of Jesus over my home and my needs and that every need and desire that I have be covered by the blood of Jesus restoration for my children, my finances, my life, my dreams, my present, my future and all that has been stolen be repaid. All these that I speak over my family of children being returning home, needs being met with ease, relationships being healed, desires being met for yourself and others in your midst, finances being made whole and accounts being made full to meet every need, dreams being resurrected unto manifest fruitfulness; a doing, a physical representation of what your heart says by the wonder working power of the blood. To the evil that tried you and me with little might be broken by the wonder working power of the blood of Jesus that every tie be severed that has brought less than the desired blessing by the wonder working power of Jesus. To the love that has not been given but longs with everything within I apply the blood of Jesus that it find direction and flow that others be healed by what has been purposed of God for others. I apply the blood of Jesus to one in a struggle to lose weight or in less than desired health… by the blood applied you are healed. For the need of something you have asked for over and over again feeling as though your prayer has not been heard, I apply the wondrous power of the blood that it open the floodgates of reception and it be as you and I have asked. I plead the blood of Jesus over the anointed that the anointing grow even more fully and spread like a wildfire shut up in the bones and to those that seemed to have lost areas of the anointing that it grow miraculously that now has release and flow to the many who long to know this greatly prized blessing. All of these I speak to in that wondrous power of the blood of Jesus where all things old have passed away and all things have become new, where bondage is bound and blessing is loosed, where loss is shut off and abundance flows freely, where death is no longer and the life of God overtakes the spirit unto fullness.
Oh, The Wondrous Power!
Sharing the Love of God through the Mighty Holy Spirit! ...Bringing light to the World!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Freely Give, Freely Receive

There were two scriptures I will use to describe the setting or could easily describe what I saw...
Genesis 28:12 says...he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. (NKJV) and...
Hebrews 1:7-10 says…God speaks of his angels as messengers swift as the wind and as servants made of flaming fire, but of his Son he says, “Your kingdom, O God, will last forever and ever; its commands are always just and right. You love right and hate wrong; so God, even your God, has poured out more gladness upon you than on anyone else.” God also called him “Lord” when he said, “Lord, in the beginning you made the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. (Living Bible)
To further describe...The people were pressing in for further revelation. This was very obvious in this setting. I looked up to see many very small angels flowing down toward the worshipers. More visible were the larger ones, that which I saw as larger angels until I saw that something about these larger beings were hindering that part of the light of the space they were taking up in the beam and I knew that the angels were bringing revelation to the worshipers and those in prayer within the church. A net like device encased them in a circular fashion and cast them out of the light beam into the dark area outside of the light beam or you could say, outside of the arena where the revelation was being given to the worshipers below. It was dark outside, but not within the beam of light.
A few more verses...
1 Corinthians 2: 13-14 says…These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (NKJV) This can only bless those open to the things of the Spirit. This is the only way this vision can be received and thus wills to be a creator of joy in your heart.
Hebrews 2:4 says…God always has shown us that these messages are true by signs and wonders and various miracles and by giving certain special abilities from the Holy Spirit to those who believe, yes, God has assigned such gifts to each of us. (Living Bible) And God longs for His church to come into knowledge of through prayer, to utilize and use these to bless abundantly.
Much was taking place and it was coming quickly to the people and it was evident that the angels were very focused and there was direct line of communication from the source which was God being accessed in prayer. The beings that were distracting, the hindering spirits, were in the way, this netting immediately engulfed them and set them outside of the beam of light. It was as if God could not get the revelation that He wanted to the worshipers and those praying to them quick enough. And there was not a wasted second in removing the hindering spirits from taking up space or time in the task that was happening in the moment.
Interesting to note were many other things...The worship was being freely given and the revelation was being freely received and for a only a split second as it seemed was all it took to bring in a heavenly understanding that this was to be the natural or the norm. Nothing else fit into this vision, as it was deeply meaningful and with heavenly purpose. Also, it was as if by the prayers being lifted there was an undoing of what I see in the latter portion of the 1 Timothy 4:1. There was no heed being given to the deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons and the prayers of the many within the church were what was bringing the help to take out such spirits that the revelation come down. This was being accomplished through discerning of spirits and binding and loosing in the spiritual realm. Also, though inside the churchhouse the light was not broken up by the structure as it passed directly from the light source unto the worshipers as if to flow through it. I cannot describe to you what was happening in the hearts of the people but I know they were being changed there was just a supernatural knowing. It was not a destructive vision at all; in fact, one of incredible grace and love. Even when the larger spirits were removed from the light (and to my spirit that is almost aggitating enough) it was a smooth and non-violent transition; a simple movement, quick and almost a split second vanishing. This made it even more known to me that the revelation being brought was of the upmost importance, almost with a speed in its need to be answered.
Luke 15:10 says… “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (NKJV) This indeed was a joyful atmosphere, though more heavenly than loud. As I read this verse I see that the hindering spirits that were being taken aside out of the path of revelation that it get to the ones below praying and interceding was receiving the divine access intended. It takes the revelation of something to repent and thus there was great joy amidst these angels as repentance takes place. Acts 3:19 says that in repentance refreshing comes in His presence. Joy! Indeed it is was not earthly and great joy fills my heart to have this to share because it only compounds strongly the known blessing to the church in this inexpressible kind of joy...so full of glory.
Freely give, freely receive!
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