Friday, January 03, 2014

The Vision for the Ninth Year to Manifest for His Glory!

It is the ninth year of writings bringing light and vision in love to you. This year is unlike the ones before as I see the goodness of God shining out of the darkness that has oppressed for many more years than nine: my life and yours. Choose this early day of the New Year whom you will serve- life or death. There is really no question but a definitive choice.


Isaiah 41:11-12(NKJV) - Behold, all those who were incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced; they shall be as nothing and those who strive with you shall perish. You shall seek them and not find them, those who contended with you. Those who war against you shall be as nothing, as a non-existent thing.

I bind every demonic force that comes against this word and I loose its every freedom. This is where the church is going. Choose this day. God gave vision that solidifies this word and the vision is life breathing and love giving.

Isaiah 40:28-29(NLT) – Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the Everlasting God, the Creator of all the Earth. He never grows weak and weary. No one can measure the depths of His understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to powerless.

(Message)…verse 31 says…But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like Eagles. They run and don’t grow tired. They walk and don’t lag behind.

I know of this, this soaring like an eagle, His freedoms so great of the Spirit that I long for you to know; this is that which will grow the church in worship, in giftedness and the lavish use of and in unity of His great love. This freedom is known so that it is not to remain in written form but to be and do, to yes, teach and train you blessed ones with a love that is only from God. To show that great love that has been given to my heart that is excited to share. This is the measuring line of love from our one true God.

This is what the Sovereign Lord says in Isaiah 51:22 (New Living Translation) – (For He is our God and Defender) “See I have taken the terrible cup from your hands. You will drink no more of my fury. Instead, I will hand that cup to your tormentors, those who said, ‘We will trample you into the dust and walk on your backs.’ (Remember the ones who spoke kind words over you but on the inside full of disdain, drink of His pure love!)

Your tormentors may not have said it quite like this but recall that God’s Word is the standard and this is what the Word says. So however the enemy planned to harm, ye all are covered by the most precious blood that one drop covered all as you receive His great love.

Isaiah 3:10-11 (Message) tells me to… “Reassure the righteous that their good living will pay off. But doom to the wicked! Disaster! Everything they did will be done to them.”

Not as karma of a wrong spirit, a spirit of witchcraft or fate, but of the Word of the Lord bringing actual correction that certainly leads to a repentant heart that too gets to enjoy the sweet presence of God (Acts 3:19) when it is real.

God speaks of His true love in Isaiah 43:4-5a (New King James Version) – “Since you were precious in my sight you have been honored. And I have loved you. Therefore I will give men for you and people for your life. Fear not for I am with you.”

This is surely the heart of God as He so graciously poured out vision to me for His beloved church. The Word and Spirit agree and has become my heart for you, because I love you so!


There is a childlike heart to awaken the Spirit’s love in the church, the foundation of His throne, both in the scriptures, of the vision and in the heavenly places of the church. Reality has been given to us of its truth. Do we want it, is the question. Ponder deeply this question. Finish reading and come back and reread this question.

Many shall be brought into their gifts. Condemnation, vacillating between two opinions, negativity and misplacement does not have to exist.

Who told you the blessing was just a certain amount? Who told you of the rewarded specifics? Who taught you to believe for less? What lofty negativity threw your heart off course? What made you fear the dream? I assure you it was not me, as I have longed to help you build it. Rather…cry out in prayer and exhortation (yes, a loud shout of excitement) to increase your belief, to break things that are holding back and ask that it come to pass. And then do something practical, perhaps less spiritual that will bring about the spiritual results you have so longed for. Unity gets things accomplished.

It shall make all the difference in the church, for the vision, both the one I serve and furtherance of what I know has been given so lavishly and how all that flows together. I pray and with intercession and exhort with a loud shout that removes all else from this ninth years vision! For this…is worship!

It has been said and agrees with the Word of God, “Miracles are going to happen!” Believe!

Here is what the Spirit says. You align it to the Word and see if it sets well with you… The enemy in previous years has purposed pain and even from his own pain, purposed wait to the blessing, lack where there has been need and unfruitfulness to the vision. What I see God doing is rising in authority of a true believer and binding the enemy plan making void all that has held back true worship along with all of his cohorts. Freedom is loosed to this ninth year vision and all else who tries it is bound. In this, I rebuke you fear that holds back true leadership! You have no place!


These shall always be taught to the child in us all. The reason; these are that which access all the realities of true worship and true worshipers. One hears (attentiveness) and accesses faith (Romans 10:17) and one does (generosity) because it hears arightly. Together they bring divine love. Together they brought unity to the Macedonian church and brings worshipful hearts together for a greater purpose likened to that same church’s purpose. The Word never changes. No one was with need. Imagine as you look with natural eyes and ears the need. Now shut off the natural eyes and ears of the need and be drenched in His Spirit of fullness that with spiritual eyes the dreams and goals are met. You know longer ask, How can this be done? You begin to say, “Let’s do this!” Your faith walks. It shuts down the negativity of poverty and not enough and accesses riches from the Spirit that meets the every need and from a changed heart. An excited fullness floods your person and further unites other persons.

Generosity comes from the attentiveness of the heart. The heart hears by purposed listening, is changed into God’s kind of love and generosity is produced and many are blessed from the hearing of the faith. I hear generous hearts. I have both taught it, lived it, discern it and envision its blessing for many.

I heard a cry from the platform. It went on for a long time and was purposed in the will of God….that attentiveness further the faith unto generosity of the heart; the place where the Holy Spirit resides.

Isaiah 43:21-26 (Message) – God says this in His Word… “But you didn’t pay a bit of attention to me Jacob. You so quickly tired of me, Israel. You wouldn’t even bring sheep for offering in worship. You couldn’t be bothered with sacrifices. It wasn’t that I asked that much from you. I didn’t expect expensive presents. But you didn’t even do the minimum- so stingy with me, so closefisted. Yet you haven’t been stingy with your sins. You’ve been plenty generous with them and I am fed up.”

It is aligned of goals and dreams, though the most prominent message in this plea for your attentiveness was not to meet the goals, but for the hearts to be changed of its hearers faith. It was gentle and peace giving, as some of the desire is hard to understand. It is birthed in prayer as you grow so close to the Spirit you know of its far reaching truths through attentiveness. Generosity becomes the doing with a fluid faith that only sees further love, further generosity as its highest goal. It breaks God’s heart for the attentive faith to not operate generosity to its fullest. It is the true love of a worshiper’s heart. This is the prime goal!

The meeting the need birthed from that goal is the blessing of the changed hearts of the worshipers that only brings further unity. Its difference is in the Spirit. I cannot bear the pain of disunity as I so hear the heart of God in these matters of worship. This can either have your heart prostrate on the ground weeping in the undesired results or prostrate on the ground with intense joy of met need. I so desired to meet Him in the latter, rather the hurt was deep for the church as I as my spirit hurt with a deep hurt.

His mercy endures forever! “Lets do this!” The presents have in part been unwrapped, but many have not been given. This was given in vision. Did you not see?...with the eyes of the spirit? There is an over abundance enough for all, overflowing, flooded with grace. Enough for all needs met. Oh church, “Let’s do this!”

It was prophesied late last year the beginnings of this Yew Year shall not be shallow in abundance. How could it be any other way? He owns it all. Get filled up and realize this truth because we can do this!...And…it is a secret place of an inexpressible wisdom as it is accessed. On the other side of this gentle rebuke is intense worship-filled joy for what we are already aware of what God wants to do! Press on! Put into action your generosity.


There are fewer things that I could share with you for this ninth year vision that could bring clarity to every other thing God wants for you than these…and its equity is in these bold and encouraging words of the Spirit – GET IN THE RIVER!!!

Go with me to 1 King 18: 25-39 (Message)

This was in the days of the law but there is a swift and timely principle here. Verse 26-Instructions to either learn or disobey. Verse 26- No blessing in worshiping a false God. Verse 27- God hears no matter what Verse 28- Get away from that which is common to man Verse 29- No words, no answer Verse 30- Come near and make repairs Verse 31- Showed them according to their understanding Verse 32- Built the altar (for what?) Verse 33- Poured out the water onto the altar Verse 34- Pour out the water again and a third time Verse 35- Altar now drenched Verse 36- (Pay attention here!)…He reminds God of His Word and who he is and what he has done. God loves this! Examples of these within the most precious Word of God…Nehemiah calls out saying, “Remember me for good” and for that which I have done. Isaiah says, “Come let us reason together. State your case that you may be acquitted.” Jesus thanked His Heavenly Father ahead of time for the witness of what He knew He would do when He then called Lazarus out of the tomb and to life in John 11. Esther, she prayed, she fasted and she went. Verse 37- A plea to God that the hearts be turned back to God. 38- God answered the request Verse 39- God’s love wins and worship takes on all new meaning in the ninth year!

Much to gain from these…This is a set up to a blessing. There is water that there might be fire! Logic sees that water puts out fire and that water is good and fire is bad. There is a lot of misconception about the body of the church that can cause confusion to many. Where there is confusion there is every evil thing. Let me clarify this way…True worship begins with cleansing and turns into revival. Water then fire. Water quenches physically as well as spiritually. When you are spiritually full you are not thirsty. Thus you are filled and filled again as Ephesians 5:18 commands us to be and with great blessing. Reflect on John 4 regarding true worship. Quench can mean both of these; to stop or halt or it can mean to satiate or fulfill. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 says, “Do not quench the Spirit.” …or do not despise prophecies and is in essence saying this, do not shun the love of God. To quench here carries the idea of dampening the flame of the Holy Spirit which is poured out to enlighten, warm and melt the heart with love.

In 1 Kings 18 the Holy Spirit showed what it was like to not be quenched and the blessing of the fire of God. Revival takes place when hearts are full and love is at an apex!

To clarify…GET IN THE RIVER! There is nothing to fear at all altar. God the Holy Spirit wants to show you things, give you gifts, bless your hearts, heal your lives, increase your faith, remove your unbelief, show you miracles and bring ease to your day, fulfill dreams, lend to you vision and above all…love you in your need and mine! Ask for His fullness! The Spirit of God brought forth in a teach, in a preach, in a word, in a song. The Spirit drops down over the attentive ears to the heart. Rest and filling takes place. Understanding is. The Spirit flows. God’s glory comes over you. This can come in a word, a teach, a preach, a song, by the laying of hands. Great love awaits in the river!

There are no more false freedoms to go on in the church according to Hebrews 11:1. Substance.Reality. Evidence. Faith scheduled to get real. Mine is…anointed in many areas of service, seemingly unnecessary for any. The devil is a liar above all liars and will no longer have any further contact with leadership of the household of faith, nor will his filthy ways infiltrate

with fear and without falseness in leadership that I so love. AND…I am to be part of it for real, church…working the vision…in great love….motivating many…in love…in fullness! I was not anointed for every act of service that I was to merely write a vision. The enemy of us all has been sadly mistaken!

Isaiah 43:8-9 says this (New King James Version) – Bring out the blind people who have eyes and the deaf people who have ears. Let all nations be gathered together. And let the people be assembled. Who among you can declare this, and show us former things? Let them bring out their witnesses, that they may be justified; Or let them hear and say, “It is the truth”.

Lets do as the Word says and state real case; real reality, the real love. The Word says, “State the case that you may be acquitted.” I am stating my case and the vision is to go forth, to bless those I serve, to grow and to love and bring in all that the devil has stolen from me!!!

Now, we will need transportation to haul all the spoil that I am receiving for me, mine and THE CHURCH! This year my home will be returned to me furnished to care for my children, adequate transportation for my children that have been taken from their mother wrongly! There will be much repaired in the loss of time in the vision, the very theft of it, great repentance will come from truth and while we are at it, the devil will take his hands off of my grown children in every way that has been purposed to harm and hold back. Every child of mine is to be called fully into the blessed service of serving God and not mere men. All relinguished blessings shall see turn around. Healing to the children whom I birthed from the womb and schooled along for nearly 20 years. I did this for God to use them and the devil has no further access to abuse them. Given to me shall be my very beloved husband whom I will love with a love he never expected,a joy will fill my home that it extend to the church that we all work in every day with the greatest of joy!

To the church of the living God, not the one who serves satan: You are scheduled blessed beyond your wildest dreams…merely a woman but God has plans to prosper you and not harm you, to give you a hope and real life blessings. From this point forward, it is not about a Word of Faith that ruins ones faith but the true leader that grabs arms with the need and says, “Let me show you how put the Word you were just given into real practice.” Oh the joy inexpressible and full of glory that this will produce! Nothing else acceptable.

A few months ago and then again not long ago and confirmed I saw a tug of war game going on. This was a spiritual war was not a knot to hang onto that you have a firm grip, not even the definite understanding that spiritual strife and competition was at work. The vision said and I rightly believe it is for here in this Ninth Year’s vision. The interpretation of what I saw was this…Get on the God side of the line because the enemy of your faith and I know certain for mine is about to get dirty! What can you pull from this?

One side of everything wins right? There is a few ways to see this. We come to get clean, be refreshed and renewed, to be healed, and for salvation. We are then clean, we are on God’s side! Be on His side because the enemy of the faith is going to get dirty before he decides to be washed!

Have you read what has been done for you in love? Believe and you shall receive His great love!

This is… The Vision in the Ninth Year to Manifest for His Glory!

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