Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Harvest Fast

The harvest fast is that which pleases God. Isaiah 58 begins with a shout, an anointed preach, a clean up message for the heart.  God wants you to come into His house and it be nothing less than exciting each time you enter into the House of God. This is as much encouragement to the messenger as it is the hearer, though not just listen but truly hear with the heart. God is in the business of a true righteous nation and not one that just reads and hears about it, rather to never turn their back on God. There is no request too large or small that is too lofty for Him, though unimpressed with vain works. He wants you to believe who He is and what He is and what He is capable of, knowing that He hears! God knows when true fasting is touching your spirit and is becoming real. There is an attitude of gratitude that is cultivated. There is change toward others. Your heart changes and it shows in the outward actions and life. There is a sweetness that becomes more evident and there is fairness toward others effortlessly and without it being as though going through the motions. You will be able to easily test the fruits. Your earnings will not be cheated and you will have a ‘want to’ in your doing in helping those in need and you won’t turn away your family members. God wants it to be your desire to help the poor in spirit. Your salvation will come first thing. Your healing will be quick and there will be flow to your life with each obedient step. His response will come swiftly. You won’t hurt the helpless. You won’t speak negative rumors. God wants you to give food to those who are hungry and lend a hand to those who are in difficult conditions. Any darkness will then become bright. There will be a flow within, like a nonstop watered garden. You will grow. You will be put together again…your walls will be rebuilt from what previously fell apart and a way will be made with a clear path. There will be an ability to repair anything birthed from the Word of God that says all things are possible for those who believe. God wants to be the greatest enjoyment and wants you to be free to enjoy. Honor God and His Word with His Spirit, giving Him your whole heart. God promises to give the full inheritance. This is what He says! Your goodness and and the glory of God will be upon you! Flowing in an attitude of freely giving and freely receiving…knowing and honoring the Giver of Life. This true worship sows with your whole heart, knowing the object of true worship, believing for the harvest from he One who answers is bringing it. God says it is so!

And then…My strength and my song! Isaiah 12

Learning of Him as a small child, seeking Him and seeking hard after Him later, overcoming diseased negative thought, coming to know what was not and what is true, real and honorable, being showered in His great love, reception of forgiveness no other can offer, being released from unrighteous deceptions, being immersed in the living Word of God, engulfed in the Holy Spirit of God, walking in depths of the Spirit I did not know a mind could comprehend where the physical meant less to have gainful knowledge of what the Spirit of God offered and to show what is to be.

I received from to give back. The anointing has become a love not to be held back, shut down or closed off. There is to be flow that there be reception to those that believe, that gifts be employed, that all that is wrong be righted, resolve come to hurts as offenses flee, healings happen, continuity to God’s love.

After many years of believing, praying, studying, leading, serving and teaching and fasting I entered into a time of fasting ten years ago that cannot be justified in written form. Given in this time was the God kind of life that produces spiritual fruit. From recall a consumption of physical food entered this vessel only but a few short month of a given year and two. It began with the eagerness to be in the midst of all that He desired to do, surrender. Prayer…continuous communion…united, quietness of relationship, together with family, awakened in the morning, amidst the daylight, within the church house, where I walked, wherever I went, awakened in the night time….about my worship, in a song of praise, before the people, a song at the midnight hour, awakened of the Spirit, flooded with the power that only comes from on high. Expressions given so strong and so fluid, without the Spirit of God would be incomprehensible to the mind. Most often, speaking or worshiping in song in the Spirit in heavenly language more hours a day than the few minutes that remained in speech of our known language or known song.  A pouring so strong that shattered deep oppression in the midst. So powerful that it could not receive unbelief, this that cannot commune with that of the Spirit, where prophecy poured, vision was showered, gifts were given, and love was deepened in intimate communion with Him in prayer. This place; a magnified joy that was a powerful encouragement gained and to be gainfully given. An understanding of how the people hear, how God flows toward those who will open their hearts. Love so power-filled that it was without question for and not against and knew that what was against would come to know the truth aligned to the scriptures. Knowledge, insight, healing, discerning strongly all that was not worshipful.  For this was the intentioned purpose…to show the incredible love of God.  The illumination recreated the mind of the spirit and caused ‘the knowing’ that this was to be lived in reality. This is that which wills to regenerate all to life and life more abundant.

Let the Holy Spirit light up the way. Be open and full of belief, a desire to know and to hear with expectancy. Allow an entrance of newness to flood your heart, mind, soul and spirit to what God wants for you and what you want God to do for you. Fling wide the love you know, are coming to know and are longing to know. He is so good to pour forth to an open hearing heart. Worship in the way that you open your mouth and be filled and let the Holy Spirit bubble up out of you and with excited hearts receiving what is given. Get in the river of blessing in prayer, at the altar, in the quiet, in the corporate house of the household of the bles-sed love of God’s whole heart!

I am hearing the harvest from the greatest time of fasting in all of my life is upon me…for my desire has been to do His will in what has been shown and continues to be shown each day. Oh, church…do not be dismayed, believing is for the believers! I sought, believed for, held onto, sowed for, prayed in, walked amidst, had faith for, taught amidst and studied toward no small thing. My God is the God that is more than enough, the God of abundance, the One and only, Jehovah Jirah, The Answer to all that I asked for…for you, for me, for mine and all those who have not heard yet and those who have desire to know Him more, to live amidst the love of God, to see the visible manifestation of all that was first given of the Spirit for the purpose of the things of the Spirit. Compare spiritual things with spiritual…greater than all that could be sought for, thought of or imagined! Let these be wisdom and full of glorious worship as an entrance is made into giving glory to God and know and receive the harvest of all intentioned toward and not against you. I believe still that “Glory To His Name” shall be built just as it was told to me and great will be reward to me and to many as the harvest is ready and in this harvest fast!

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