These are the Days of Elijah***Declaring the Word of the Lord***And these are the Days of Your Servant Moses***Righteousness being Restored***And these are the Days of great Trials***Of Famine and Darkness and Sword***Still we are the Voice in the Desert crying Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord***Behold He Comes***Riding on the Clouds***Shining Like The Sun***At The Trumpet's Call ***So Lift Your Voice***Its the Year of Jubilee***Out of Zion's Hill Salvation Comes
These words of worship are profound, offering a spark of truth to ignite communion with the Lord...sharing where we are, where we are going, what we have, what is going on ...and then...still...who we are, showering hearts in the identity of who you are and who you can become. And further still, the joyfilled anointing that wills to fuel the worship of the church and break diseased thought that holds back from what God really wants for every heart. He truly wants you to shine like the sun. As you grow close and commune with Him in the Word, joy rising, anointing of rejoicing is evidenced in your heart and overflows into your lives, faith grows. It shows up on your shine. You continue to lift your voice in worship and you continue to lift your heart in prayer. The knowledge of your identity becomes natural as life, real life...the love of God and you spill out in a shine that lights up all those around you. Igniting this flame of love is contagious. Only this contagagion is not share the Lord, to fellowship, to worship, to release the disease and be full of God's light!
These wise are a bright light to hearts that know not the love God truly has for them, these that having been deceived into to thinking the breath and life and likeness of these that have been fashioned in His image, have been forgotten. These have not. But you are wise to love these. Your leading these into the knowledge of God's love toward righteousness makes you shine! This is the whole of the gospel and the vision aligned to the bringing into manifestation the church "Glory To His Name". Not only for the vision of the church but to bring glory to God. These are His promises. This is His Word. This is the glory. I know His promises. Do you want to know Him? Do you want to be take part? Do you want to shine like the stars? Do you want to be His light?
Be the bringer of the blessing. Be the light that shines toward a dark place, to those who do not know God, or do not know who they are or have temporarily forgotten. He is the only true light and if you are among the wise you are His light. Be the bringer. Ignite the light and shine like the stars. Hasten the removal of unbelief, from all that has not been encouraged. Edify life. This both means to be the encourager and to bring it to life. When you get ahold of the dynamite, powerful love of God that is full of joy you will spill life unto every step you take. You will ignite others light and you will be shining like the sun!
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