True fellowship with the Spirit prays and knows, having not arrogance, though rather confidence in His love for us. It has been said that He does not give big oil to the foolish. So I ask, "who of you for a moment believe you shall gain what God gives under a delusion of doubt or even in a moment of doubt?" Do not be deceived. Keep this simple truth....You are loved!!!
He hears our petitions...our prayers, our supplications and our thanksgiving...our definite requests, making our wants known. He desires to make it so because of love for you!
Pray you hear from God, that you do not doubt. From many years of prayer I have learned something given to me in vast assurance.... When I know that I have, am going after God specific and coming before him with purity of heart....I NEVER doubt the first word He gives. It is as a sweet smelling aroma that takes down all that stinks of this world. The Spirit separates truth from every lie. This is where my 'never again' starts afresh and it fuels a fire that lights up the heart igniting a passionate love inside to all having been given.
Go to the wisdom book...
Proverbs 18:3...."When the wicked comes, contempt comes also; and with dishonor come reproach". The Message says..."When wickedness arrives shame is not far behind." This can be because of biting and devouring.
Proverbs 18:4 says, "The words of a man's mouth are deep waters; the wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook." artesian spring...The Message says.
Proverbs 18:5 says, "It is not good to show partiality to the wicked, or to overthrow the righteous in judgment." Its not a good thing to go easy on the guilty and come down hard on the innocent. Not good to mock the poor. This brings reproach to His Maker, for those who are glad at calamity do not go unpunished.
Proverbs 18:10 says, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run to it and are safe." There is a name to be looked to above all else and there is protection.
Proverbs 18:12 says, "Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility." Where there is humility of the heart there wills to be honor and in the former state there is no humility found.
Proverbs 18:13 says, "He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him." There is a blessing in stillness, in prayer and then giving that which was given by God.
Proverbs 18:15 says, " The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge." The evil rage against it.
Proverbs 18:16 says, "A man's gift makes room for Him and brings him before great men." Whether this is an ability of a giftness or an office....God makes a way for the encouragement of this gift to do its intentoned purpose.
Proverbs 18:17 says, "The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him." This can be both righteous and right and be used for evil and unrighteousness. Discern what is from the Spirit.
Proverbs 18:19 say, "A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle." This could be a major hindrance as resentments grieve the Holy Spirit and His power, counsels and comforts are stymied. Mercies are compromised because of relationship or lack of relationship. Removing these offenses and ill repute from fellowship or lack of opens a reservoir of graces and power! This has dynamite power-filled blessing to take out pain in exchange for that which is afflicting the flesh in turning on the massive love and joy that heals all hindrances with its power.
'The least loveable need love'...adds up to forgiveness, that our prayers not be hindered. Right here lends to you much deep discernment. There are plans for a good future, full and lit with answers to prayers and dreams come true.
A generous spirit that is culivated from a true heart of love will gain a "spirit of knowing' that supercedes all the vanity of unforgiveness. This generosity not only powers the spirit, but powers the church corporate....and shall be the foundational fruit found in the heart of 'Glory To His Name ' church.
Be and continuously be filled over and again...cleaned, filled, fueled and renewed in the Spirit that changes you from the inside out, brings about all of difference. The Spirit has no stifled intention of not being changed, saved, healed, filled up and dreams made truths....every negative exchanged for that which God has given.

Paraphrased from Galatians 5...a life of love that builds...
"If you are called to a free life. Don't destroy freedoms as an excuse to do just whatever...Serve one another in love, growing freedoms everywhere. Summed up: Love others as you love yourself, an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage one another, know that you will become the annilator of one another. Where are freedoms then? Listen to wisdom in this: Live freely animated and motivated by God's Spirit. You'll not feed the compulsions of selfishness....there's a root of sinful flesh interest that gains no interest of the matters of the Spirit inside at odds and comes against the free spirit...totally incompatible with selfishness...antithetical., be led by the Spirit and so escape the eratic compulsions, which are emotional compulsions of the law dominated existance. Its merely repetition of loveless, stinking mental and emotional garb. Its joyless grabbing at straws of being happy. Its tiny trinket gods that give nothing but fake religion, a lot of cut-throat competition, all-consuming but not satisfactory wants, brutal tempers, impotent love, divided lives, small minded pursuits that depersonalize people into being rivals (at the expense of the message of the moment and even in this hour). It equates to uncontrolled addiction that brings searing of one's conscience. Using freedoms in this way won't inherit the kingdom of God."
God's way: Gifts for our lives as fruit in an orchard, grapes in a vineyard; affections for one another, exuberance about life and serenity. By the way, the enemy of your peace will tell you this love, these gifts are not possible to enter into.
Developed are the willingness to stick to things, a sense of compassion, conviction that holiness permeates people. This is where identity given meets the trust you have in God. You find loyal commitments without force and your energies are not only given of God but are directed in wisdom.
Legalism is helpless in bringing any of these into fruition...only gets in the way. Those who belong to the Lord as a believer, all connections to getting our way of mindless responses are no longer necessary.
We choose life...the life of the Spirit! So let us not be held by the sentiment of it in the heart, but work out details within the spirit by the Spirit.
No comparing each one better or worse, having far more interesting things to do with our lives. We are each originals.
The scriptures sum up the wall of the carnal nature, that must come down in order that the church be built up, in encouragements and in reality. Who can hear by the Spirit if not walking with the Spirit?....
2 Corinthins 10:5 says (paraphrased), "...Casting down arguments and every high thing (oppositions) that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into loving obedience to the true knowledge of God. In this there is an attentive love and it thrives in love and this love gives. It looks out for the best in others always.
Why does it start with the church?
Because God's Word tells us Word and in I have been shown so many times and in so many ways. First, it has been well-known for years that I am to build up ...
and even build the church. Dishonor and many evils have held its start. This I have witnessed, experienced and seen in spiritual vision in prayer. Second, but not least, I saw Jesus sitting at the altar behind a large white house, which is not necessarily The White House...though brings us to the moment and to the message pertaining to the moment.
Most importantly the scriptures coming to life in that to say, "Come up here". I saw days ago a door. It has been said, 'It is open'. In all height there is so much to share, though so important that godliness totally invade the office of the hour...the office of The White maturity and godliness.
Hear this: If you cannot or will not grasp onto, go after and reach for all that has been said above there is an 'unnecessary struggle' in 'coming up here'. Yes, I said unnecessary...having the absence of doubt that it can be so....and be accomplished doing life....and moreover, grow in it, gain in it and see dreams manifest in it. One must want to hear, know and see manifest the things of the Spirit. Do you want it? For whom? What is the goal at heart?

Nearly a decade ago I recall laying facedown, wet tears staining the carpet at the altar of Faith Victory church, pacing the floors, engulfed in and even caught up in the things of God....calling out calling out for righteous change in the city, calling out for righteous change in the election...moreover that the election change things, seeking that it do far more than lifting moral of a nation, but desiring change in all things in every area...and in the fellowship of the church.
I felt the sting of loneliness in prayer, though a sweet and powerful confidence in love amidst the silence that held a knowing.
At a word, a felt nausea, knowing the church had great need of encouragement though the knowing to share (even in the now) to encourage you once again that the church be admonished.
I want you to know that unity brings about great victory; in the church, in the heart, in all the land. Changing a nation starts in the church, that change take place in the nation.
The crown of joy isn't political authority that God desires for the church, as in a competition. It is victory and joy; true fellowship with the Spirit!