The enemy wants you to believe that the blessing is not coming, that it will always be meager...that this will not end, that the abundance is simply held up. More than this as it settles in as a believed truth of 'how it is suppose to be', a poverty sickness, a disease fed of the lie it is, then becomes the only thing holding up the stronghold.
"Because you say I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing' - and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. " says Revelation 3:17.
These have lost sight of seeking after God. They have forgotten there is need and worse so, a desire to go after all that He is. The break in this verse is not only the anointed and anointing that breaks the yoke, but is the place where you have no longer have longing, a purposed demise pointed out of the deception against the heart, a depressed place without Him, a place far less than the joyfulness than intended for your salvation, a spiritual poverty of the heart, uncovered. These are the deceptions pointed out to you that you have a sudden light to your spirit; a place of fervancy, where removed is the despondency and lethargy that holds back your heart from seeking after God.
This directly affects the identity of the believer. I teach my children they are worth far more than this purposed deceit. Evil desires that the blessing not be and the blessings known are not validated by God's love...untruths!
The Holy Spirit bring renewal and regeneration to you according to mercy...Titus 2:5
The eyes of understanding are enlightened. You carry a knowing in your identity of who you are, knowing the riches of His glory....Ephesians 1:18
There is trickery. There's is God's will. There is the light that shuts off darkness and trickery to see God's will.
This exceeding greatness is an utter extravagance for those who trust, an endless energy and a boundless strength!
There's an opening of the eyes from darkness to light, receiving forgiveness to the power of God, away from the power of Satan...Acts 26:18
1 Corinthians 14:1 tells us to pursue love and desire gifts. This is a cleansing wisdom to the purposed love spoken of the spiritual....
Knowing the scriptures does not always mean that the one that should be showing love has the best interest, loving from the heart of God! Wisdom says in these last days to bind all that is not heaven! Loose the heavens! 《----Hear this Word!
Why would a simple towel affect me so? My eyes were stung less by tears being prepared ahead of time to give everything I owned away. I have had my children taken from me, my very life threatened and also purposed against. I knew that what I felt was God's heart and my great desire to see the church flowing in radical abundance where I know it can be, should be and will be. This is my joy! And it is lined up!
It started the evening before after eating dinner and it did not settle with me. I do not do this, highly uncommon. Tossing and turning; with more of a spiritual concern than a physical. Yes, in this country we are rich though it's when we have need of nothing...or do not know because of pride where we are.
My heart spills with gratitude for something so small as a few towels as I had need for years of these. Those aligned to God's heart are these who hear my heart. But those who move about in vain jealousy in the letter of the law are these that cause concern to my heart. Imagine being so satisfied in your flesh that there is need of nothing.
And then there are those whom the enemy tries to talk into a lesser identity and the riches that belong to the church. This is what I felt as a constant churning as I tossed and turned all night. It was as though I was ministering to many people and was sensing this as a need under the anointing, knowing the anointing longs to break the yoke unto many healings. Ministers of the gospel would recognize this, the ache that comes on with such strength that you know that you must call this out, must remove this thing, must cast this out. This is the ache within birthed from compassion to break the yoke to the ones with spiritual need. Healing is always the standard.
This goes back to a many year old vision. Isaiah 54:17...The Servants are so loved! There shall be a moving depiction of what your knowing who are in God from Isaiah 55...a necessity with flow! These that shall know shall be those knowing...sustenance given of God, an inheritance , 100 fold return and of eternal ability to sit with Him and feast. He is in love with you and I saw Him there seated in His authority. There are some things of grand importance for you to see.
"Ho! Everyone who thirsts, ome to the waters; and you who have no money, come buy and eat. Yes, come buy wine and milk, without money, without price."
All people are thirsty. This defies the lie. To be thirsty spiritually is to have continuity in one's longing after Him. It has found my hearts desire for the church. It finds belief that He will give freely....a given freedom. You shall have water but you also shall have you go about (denoting a verb), you shall have celebrations of joy in all perpetual needs being met with ease. The added blessing is the honor bestowed upon you.
These two towels will surely be a sweet blessing to me and to you just because of the message given in it.
Rid yourself of the staunchy thinking of going without in order to have some sort of religiosity that you hope to minister with nothing should this be how you think.
I have very little though trust fully asking God to built this church providing its every need and desire! He will give with abundance. God's abundant life is free! Light to the heart!
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