Many miracles are on the way!
2 Samuel 12:1b-5a says… “there were two men in a city, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had very many flocks and the other poor. The rich man had very many flocks and herds, but the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb which had bought and brought up, and it grew up with him and his children. It ate of his own morsel, drank from his own cup, lay in his bosom, and was like a daughter to him. Now a traveler came to the rich man, and to avoid taking one of his own flock or herd to prepare for the wayfaring man who had come to him, he took the poor man’s lamb and prepared it for his guest. Then David’s anger was greatly kindled against the man…”
These were precious things to the family. Customary of the times an unthinkable atrocity, as stolen treasures.
2 Samuel 12:6 says…He shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing and had no pity. Having no pity is evil. The fruit of salvation is a turning… a turning is key. There is great refreshing that comes from repentence in the presence of the Lord.
In Exodus 22:1 the thief makes restitution.
For blessed is He who considers the poor. Because Proverbs 11:25 tells us “The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will be watered himself.” This is as much as saying…Do not quench the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19)!
Luke 19:8 tells us that Zacchhaeus went far beyond his means to simply make right what was wronged by false accusation and restored four times. Do you believe that Jesus himself did not know that salvation was not coming? He hurried to him and was highly joyful. The Holy Spirit is speaking to the little in faith within you. Zacchaeus was going after God.
Luke 19:10 says that Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. Twenty some years ago I taught this to a group of tiny children, who wrote it, drew it, spoke it, sang it and memorized it, built it and with great joy of receiving it! In other words He was coming to bring prosperity. He was a rescuer. Salvation is the greatest gift, greatest miracle… a present well worth opening. This salvation brings on even material blessing in the temporal sense and certainly brings about the greatest gift in the eternal and spiritual sense of the future blessing, a knowing that there is a greater future to look toward. The very heart of the father is salvation! It’s the beginning that goes on into the future.
Tests the Spirit and the spirits holding back the church. If something looks like it is not moving on into the future from the glorious gift of salvation that was and is never scheduled to cease loving and growing, then one might ask yourself some serious questions to get to the real reasons why. It is not God to hold back. This is a controlling spirit, a manipulative, Jezebel spirit and the church needs this understanding to come to them quickly!!! It has held back life, life, life… for far too long turning a blind eye to what the church actually holds in its midst and that where there is so much more!
Many miracles the Holy Ghost said, very swiftly, very profoundly! Many years ago the Holy Spirit showed me time and time again that the first thing that comes to you in interpretation of prayer is it, the thing that is necessary in the moment that the church be edified, that hearing take place!
And I heard, “There will now be many miracles because of the lamb!”
We know that because of Jesus’s substitutionary death there are miracles as a result of salvation. This is relevant throughout the ages for those who believe.
But it was both with Word and Spirit that I speak to you as it was said to me…. “There will now be many miracles…because of the lamb!” In these days, in these hours many miracles will be ….because of what has already been accomplished at Calvary. Reception is the necessary joy!
Leviticus 6:4-5 says… “then it shall be, because he has sinned and is guilty, that he shall restore (or return) what he has stolen, or the thing which he has extorted, or what was delivered to him for safekeeping, or lost thing which he found, or all that which he has sworn falsely, He shall restore its full value…and give it to whomever it belongs…”
Do you know church that at times the only thing that is required is the reception that is your necessary joy of the gift of salvation offered? What was already done has taken the place off all else. Discern a rightly to find that there is the fruit of love that goes on and into the future that is holding back your very joy; your healing. Fear never changes until repented of. It is the very thing that holds back miracles, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the church being built of vision, the unity brought about of the Holy Spirit. It is further what is causing a Jubilee year to look like God’s Word is less than the perfect than it is, bringing discouragement to the body of church. Theft is being dealt with this Jubilee year (not danced with or make friends with; for this enmity with God).
Think of all that has been lost and knowing how and believing for its great return. Returned to me…oh my, just to edify the church in all that you have a right to claim and set the record straight from the most heavenly Word of God….
I, myself, shall have all returned to me which was stolen (what have you had stolen?) The Word of God makes plain of what is available and what shall be returned. I shall have relationships restored to me, wealth I have never had, but alwaus available and manifest ministry. Where shall I begin?
* My family …the ones that do not even know the Lord that will not receive Him shall come into relationship with the Lord which brings unity, my children who are away from God shall be blessed exceedingly as the lies fall off in a moment and they run back into fellowship; a true and meaningful relationship with the Lord, one full of joy and great refreshing! (Has it been on any person’s heart, spoken to the Holy Spirit to go after those who are away and deceived, because it is on God’s heart!) Ask yourself who is your family or who it is that you desire to be your family or who is it that God desires to be apart of the family of God?) I ran from my home to get my children away from the massive control and lies, desiring to not ever live in this lie or teach them to do the same. My children were taken from me, deceived, lied to, abused, cursed at, burnt with cigarettes, told drugs were ok, given no mercy, not one to help and have continued being mentally manipulated for years, while nothing has been done in making this right. What does the scriptures tell us about that? What, I ask you, (and get really real) what has been taken from your family? Oh, but it is Jubilee… and the Holy Spirit said, “There will now be many miracles …because of the lamb!”
* My home…I had my family’s home taken from me and on the day of my birth at high noon. This in itself explains much of every host of hell. My children standing in front of their home sobbing because they were told they were never going back, because I chose life and not death….and not merely one home. I gave and sold all that I had away to those who needed it and more than once. I have honored God’s word, sown for others homes that they not lose what I lost and I have never been given my home back and struggle greatly, seeing many deceivers come and go. Then came to the place where I gave all away. What do the scriptures tell us about that? I now ask you (and again, get really, really real) what has been taken from your home? Oh, but it’s Jubilee and the Holy Spirit said, “There will now be many miracles because of the lamb!”
* My ministry…Having written to you for more years that it would have ever taken to simply speak to you I have written to you for many, many years with the Word of God and Spirit as it have forth all around about everywhere, with few exceptions has anyone ever acknowledge it, though the entirety of the reason it is to grow you up in relationship; the unity of fellowship and into maturity of the Word of God. I have ministered in every way not because it was always my call, it was how I could serve at that time, or was being told there is nothing else for me, receiving offices a long, long time ago having become solid truth. The vision God placed in me that many sons and daughters come to glory (irrevocable the scriptures say). God will not bring you to it to take it from you. Go back and read the vision that has been written to run your faith for so very long. How could a ministry so blessed of God be quenched? What do the scriptures tell us about that? I now ask you (and again, get really, really real) what has been taken from your ministry? Oh, but it’s Jubilee and the Holy Spirit said, “There will now be many miracles because of the lamb!”
* My finances…I have little to no means to care for a home, children with empty closets, cars for years that have been broken down barely running, never enough, no vacations, no extras, having worked tiringly and for always for the church, my family and in dead-end jobs that were not ministry, having nothing to do with church ministry of where I am to be, schooling my own children with no extras to have them taken from me, years of schooling for ministry after being schooled in the Holy Spirit that gave the vision that you have read for so long well before starting school, to have little to nothing. The Word says that when you give your life to His Word and for His service He will abundantly bless. This remains the same. What do the scriptures tell us about that? I now ask you (and again, get really, really, real) what has been taken from your finances? Oh, but it’s Jubilee and the Holy Spirit said, “There will now be many miracles because of the lamb!”
The thief that has come to kill, steal and destroy is commanded and released from every demonic strategy against:
* my family, my home, my ministry and my finances and to attack no other!
The thief is now released from every demonic strategy against:
* your family, your home, your ministry and your finances and to attack no other!
Do unto others in love as you desire then to do unto you! The generous shall be made rich and these waters of great and loving revival shall water you!
*********Love is the turn key of heaven that unlocks every blessing!*********
2 Timothy 2:13 says to “hold fast the pattern of sound words (I hear a key!) which you have heard from me…” I heard sound words.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable”. Divine inspiration is of the very breath of God to inspire those of no faith to faith, those of no life to be given a life in God, those who have had great faith to be given a life in God and to those who have had great faith to bless others with it.
Many miracles are on the way!
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