Monday, July 25, 2016

Glory Keys

Holiness is the way in the Sanctuary...not religiosity, but holiness that unlocks hearts; glory keys to the hearts of those so loved (Psalm 77:13).

Your arrows flashed about (77:17), arrows full of love. Words anointed to heal, full of light! All that was aimed with harm has been sent sailing back with love...a love that will not let you go. Darkness flees amidst this kind of love. Flees in His presence. Flees in worship. Flees at His Word. Light brings the love needed to heal and will not return void for the very purpose for which it was sent.

There was and is so much more to walking in His fullness, the being in, amidst and taking on this love (Psalm 77:19)...Your footsteps were not fully known. Walk in His Spirit (Galatians 5). God gives power a greater walk (Isaiah 40:29)....Life in the church!

1 Samuel 2:9 says that He guards the feet of His saints. In this care there is a graced wisdom; a knowing of the disallowing the very thing
that desires many generations. Give darkness no authority. It holds no glory keys. If it is not life, it has no entrance. Test the Spirits. God will judge and defend and have compassion on His servants  (Psalm 135:14).

Flip on the highlighted areas of the heart...the parts that carry right thinking, aligned to His love. He who walk in uprightness fears the Lord (Proverbs 14:2) and among the upright there is favor (Proverbs 14:9).

He never sleeps nor slumbers (Psalm 121:4)...always on duty, a 24 hour protection...and so it is that the church doors shall never be shut. The scriptures say to occupy until He comes. One who mentors under the shadow of His wing from on high will become as one who teaches. Submitted hearts hear from on high paying mind to what the Spirit says. Watchers have been learned of heaven and seek their learning from that which is heavenly...protectors, preservers, looking to what the Lord loves most! 
Thrilled to learn, share and rejoice with are these that love what God loves.

 Be holy because He is holy...necessary verse! (1 Peter 1:16)

He made heaven and earth and will bless those who love with increase (Psalm 115:13-15) and yours, me and mine. He has given life.

There's a prospering in the house for all who love Him (Psalm 122:6) unspeakable! Rejoicing at your Word as people's who find great treasure (Psalm 119: 162)

Glory to His Name is not just the church but for the sake of the Lord's people, a 24 hour prayer covering of protection. Peace and prosperity to all of it! (Psalm 122:7)

Peace within... (Psalm 122:8)...for the sake of all present, seeking good, seeking God for His great love...the church, keeping the main things the main things: worship, revelation, unity and justice!

 When my son's and daughters ask....what is the meaning of all of this? (Deuteronomy 6:20) I will tell them how I inclined my ear to hear and my heart to  do His statutes. I'm going to tell them of experiences and remind them for the sake of thanksgiving in the heart (Deuteronomy 8:10-16)...because I write believing for the many blessings, many miracles! 

The promises are on the door. Don't forget what you were taught of good. Ask for rememberance. 
It took wisdom gained to know such attitudes for His glory.

Let every propensity toward bondage from sins gone before us in generations past be broken and transmitting only the predisposition (an already decided upon stance) toward the inclination of or leaning to all that is after His holiness. These are the graces and mercies received...bind on earth all that is not heavenly. Loose the heavens!

Have a God agenda, the very opposite of the intended hellish standard of hate that we often look about and see. God's treasure is human beings, His special people..treasured  (Deuteronomy 26:18). There are some things that the Lord hates (Proverbs 6)...these are against all that God loves....of worship, revelation, unity and justice. Against such is wrong keys!

The promise are in the glory keys that open the door that He might bring us in to give us what we have desired! 

There"s a "coming out of" in order to "go into" a blessed door. These are the glory keys I have found. Be led of God! Be being filled! Returning after a big fight with the keys to the God-given vision that are hell tested and heaven approved! ...Glory Keys!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Light to the Heart!

A deep saddening came over me in a moment as I stood surveying something so small as kitchen towels, mere rags that you can literally see through and yet the needs are far greater and on a greater and more corporate level of the church and I heard to share, "I counsel you to buy gold refined in the fire...".

The enemy wants you to believe that the blessing is not coming, that it will always be meager...that this will not end, that the abundance is simply held up. More than this as it settles in as a believed truth of 'how it is suppose to be', a poverty sickness, a disease fed of the lie it is, then becomes the only thing holding up the stronghold.

"Because you say I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing' - and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. " says Revelation 3:17.

These have lost sight of seeking after God. They have forgotten there is need and worse so, a desire to go after all that He is. The break in this verse is not only the anointed and anointing that breaks the yoke, but is the place where you have no longer have longing, a purposed demise pointed out of the deception against the heart, a depressed place without Him, a place far less than the joyfulness than intended for your salvation, a spiritual poverty of the heart, uncovered. These are the deceptions pointed out to you that you have a sudden light to your spirit; a place of fervancy, where removed is the despondency and lethargy that holds back your heart from seeking after God.

This directly affects the identity of the believer. I teach my children they are worth far more than this purposed deceit. Evil desires that the blessing not be and the blessings known are not validated by God's love...untruths!

The Holy Spirit bring renewal and regeneration to you according to mercy...Titus 2:5

The eyes of understanding are enlightened. You carry a knowing in your identity of who you are, knowing the riches of His glory....Ephesians 1:18

There is trickery. There's is God's will. There is the light that shuts off darkness and trickery to see God's will.

This exceeding greatness is an utter extravagance for those who trust, an endless energy and a boundless strength!

There's an opening of the eyes from darkness to light, receiving forgiveness to the power of God, away from the power of Satan...Acts 26:18

1 Corinthians 14:1 tells us to pursue love and desire gifts. This is a cleansing wisdom to the purposed love spoken of the spiritual....

Knowing the scriptures does not always mean that the one that should be showing love has the best interest, loving from the heart of God! Wisdom says in these last days to bind all that is not heaven! Loose the heavens! 《----Hear this Word!

Why would a simple towel affect me so? My eyes were stung less by tears being prepared ahead of time to give everything I owned away. I have had my children taken from me, my very life threatened and also purposed against. I knew that what I felt was God's heart and my great desire to see the church flowing in radical abundance where I know it can be, should be and will be. This is my joy! And it is lined up!

It started the evening before after eating dinner and it did not settle with me. I do not do this, highly uncommon. Tossing and turning; with more of a spiritual concern than a physical. Yes, in this country we are rich though it's when we have need of nothing...or do not know because of pride where we are.

My heart spills with gratitude for something so small as a few towels as I had need for years of these. Those aligned to God's heart are these who hear my heart. But those who move about in vain jealousy in the letter of the law are these that cause concern to my heart. Imagine being so satisfied in your flesh that there is need of nothing.

And then there are those whom the enemy tries to talk into a lesser identity and the riches that belong to the church. This is what I felt as a constant churning as I tossed and turned all night. It was as though I was ministering to many people and was sensing this as a need under the anointing, knowing the anointing longs to break the yoke unto many healings. Ministers of the gospel would recognize this, the ache that comes on with such strength that you know that you must call this out, must remove this thing, must cast this out. This is the ache within birthed from compassion to break the yoke to the ones with spiritual need. Healing is always the standard.

This goes back to a many year old vision. Isaiah 54:17...The Servants are so loved! There shall be a moving depiction of what your knowing who are in God from Isaiah 55...a necessity with flow! These that shall know shall be those knowing...sustenance given of God, an inheritance , 100 fold return and of eternal ability to sit with Him and feast. He is in love with you and I saw Him there seated in His authority. There are some things of grand importance for you to see. 

"Ho! Everyone who thirsts, ome to the waters; and you who have no money, come buy and eat. Yes, come buy wine and milk, without money, without price." 

All people are thirsty. This defies the lie. To be thirsty spiritually is to have continuity in one's longing after Him. It has found my hearts desire for the church. It finds belief that He will give freely....a given freedom. You shall have water but you also shall have you go about (denoting a verb), you shall have celebrations of joy in all perpetual needs being met with ease. The added blessing is the honor bestowed upon you. 

These two towels will surely be a sweet blessing to me and to you just because of the message given in it. 

Rid yourself of the staunchy thinking of going without in order to have some sort of religiosity that you hope to minister with nothing should this be how you think. 

I have very little though trust fully asking God to built this church providing its every need and desire! He will give with abundance. God's abundant life is free! Light to the heart!

Saturday, July 09, 2016

The Light of Freedom

Light is the way!

True light will give light of the Word!

It is acceptable for the gospel to be accepted!

It is light that we learn from. It is acceptable to be compassionate, to show justice, to show love and allow the yoke breaking power of the anointing  to take burdens away, destroying hurts by the Spirit!

The Word of God comes before the Spirit of God in the sense that we understand it so. The Word inspired was written, given with great generosity for all to receive, be changed by it, speak it and as it is spoken it becomes a producer of life breathing revelation, a freedom light....bringing light to the darkness, resurrection life!

However the Spirit is moving produces anointing when given to it. There is so much to share in this. The anointing is likened to a light that removes darkness, however it is, corporately or within flowing prayer, word or and obedience. Many times it is hard to discern.  I have had too much practice in knowing where the anointing is. Think of this...of a message prayed out of the Spirit and there arises two interpretations.  Can they be similiar, but still of the Spirit and anointed with purpose? Yes. When the anointing flows it manifests in different ways.

Discernment has come up on me so strong and the anointing in this...there is so much available....a great liberty. There is oil in it, a liberating a treasure of wealth untold. The Word is spoken and the Spirit moves or to give direction. This is the "what to do next" directive and it is the moment often that it is given.

I will be taking a show of hands soon to ask not for opinions that matter little where the anointing is concerned,  though to truly ask if the Spirit has ever been quenched. 

1 Thessalonians 5:19 says, "Do not quench the Spirit."

When the anointing moves on you and is flowing fevantly and the church of vision is not built, considered, conversed or when there is no where to share...what seems like only due to unnecessary circumstances, an untimely word,  not untimely at all to the Holy Spirit it is out of God's character! Hear God's heart when I say and with purpose...THERE IS NOTHING WORSE THAT BREAKS GOD'S HEART! Without the spoken Word there is no healing to the church. This is not God. The love of God is shut down. The very heart of God is to bring liberty and light to any that are held captive. This is honor. 

And so the Holy Spirit said quite abruptly, "Hold liberty message with a liberty call!" Whatever and whosoever the call pertains to in the moment will regard heath, love and life! What happens? This is a mystery of a blessing! What it has taught me for years now is this...the anointing moves swiftly, obedience is where the blessing is, seconds count and the enemy works to disquise this right in the midst of the corporate anointing. 

 Two weeks ago there was a prospering anointing in the house, certainly of healing, but abundance...a true thief of distraction was present, but the anointing carried a message of provision. There was so much provision! It was being given. Confirmed and I was grateful in it! Shouts that I couldn't stop. Why? Because it's God's will, distraction did not have its way and this merely told me what God has already shown. No wonder the Holy Spirit has moved on me and in me undistinguished often by others for so many years. No one knows if they are not taught then the people go astray if they do not hear. There is so much to get to you! 

And so I saw this...healing to those who have no faith, those who have never been here, those that are feared (perfect love casts this out!), simply doesn't know about the church, do not have the God kind of life, longs to not be amongst the multitude though really was never taught things of the Spirit, those that didn't know how to speak because they were not to speak and those who have had heaven beat out of them by religion. It is these whom God heals. These are those that need their faith to be shown they too are still loved and these that have already been motivated toward healing by whatever their need help heal these that have never been helped. The Holy Spirit would say these have not been encouraged. These are ones who have been passed over, walked on and these also shall be healed! 

There is liberty in this because there is liberty proclaimed to the captives! The love and graceful mercies of God are poured out like water flowing. Rich abundance I believe for the church. 

There is desirable treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, says Proverbs 21:20. 

Let justice run down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream. The tender mercies of God endure forever. Take the oil. Take the Word. Hear it's light. Receive it's freedom and be filled!

The anointing, the light of freedom, shall bring back those who have gone away. This shall build the church and build up the heart. God has surely spoken. Will He not do it? The church shall flourish continually, be residual, spiritually minded, carrying fast flowing blessings with swift production, flowing with rich abundance so quickly you must stay conscious of a thankful spirit in all of its blessing!

This is the light of freedom!

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Rivers of Light

Rivers of light cascading down from the Father of light....(James 1:16-17)

Be confident in God placing your love in God! Your confidence has great reward. In much celebration!

A few weeks ago I abruptly heard to tell you about  a 'rebounding spirit' while doing menial chores. This thing comes back with purpose, quietly, but always with an agenda of harm but never tells you so. The desire to come back and undo it's frustration or its setback, but take from what God desires for you...seeking rather to kill, steal and destroy; to subtract from you, rebounding and creating for you the frustration and thievery.

We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

This then followed up by taking place in the most heavenly place, the loved household of faith and during corporate worship. Within moments of worship and prayer for family, children of God and ones in the midst ...coming out of nowhere was a vision of a man standing near the back of the church. This man openly against God. So, I said in prayer...Does he desire to be healed? ...then continued in prayer, as this spirit has been tested many, many times as scripture directs to do so and not being given to it continued in worship.

                 Keep yourself in the love of God. Jude 21

               ...Compare spiritual things with spiritual...                                          1 Corinthians 2:12-14

This spirit vacilates between opinion and purpose and wants to make people double-minded, confused and specifically, blindsided from discerning. It stayed at a always before. There was fear apart from awe. The scriptures say...
Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. Psalm 33:8

                      There is no fear in love...1 John 4:18

 This rebounding spirit comes to frustrate and to thieve from God's people. His desire is to destroy and minimally so in prayer, has happened so many times. I did not turn around and look to see if he were standing where I saw him. I knew he was not there. This was not because I did not believe, though to interrupt prayer and worship is the least of how this spirit operates.

Think of a boomerang or a frisbee if thrown just right, curved, comes right back and never reaches the place sent to. This is as taking away from the children of God, interrupting them with foolish intention (because the enemy knows who God's people belong to). Playing an afternoon game of frisbee amongst loved ones is not what is intended by this evil; it is rather meant to harm and hinder in every aspect that transformation not take place in the very prayers and words we speak and pray, all the while knowing in our hearts they are not scheduled to return void. In Acts 16:18 there was a spirit of divination that continued many days. The point is the returning with evil intentions. Its motive is to yield return, to profit the kingdom of darkness, not to abound to your account...whatever it can get by going back again and again...which most always includes your peace and the thing stolen besides. It comes back to keep you in the earlier  condition with a full stategy to never see change, improvement, success and favor have its place in your life.

        Ephesians 4:27 says 'Give no place to the devil.'

Not coincidently at all this 'rebounding spirit' that has theived from me and mine for so long hinders the children of God from giving. This is why the Word says give the devil no place. To hinder giving limits the church from prospering, holds it in religious spirits that desires God's own to believe they cannot get any further, don't need their prayers, best to be poor, inadvertently ineffective and the enemy plans specifically for there to be no fruition to the vision you know God gave to your heart. Oppression, depression, anxious and annoyance is the name of the enemy directed game.

As I was sharing this before writing this to you, I recalled a small child having a Frisbee ran over and this was not purposed and it was then broken into many pieces. It was a gift. When discovered what had happened, the person jumped out of the vehicle frantically apologizing though to no avail in quieting the tears as this was a newest fun thing to play with for the child. The driver left disheartened at the simple mistake. The next day arriving back with an even greater model of the same frisbee, this one nicer, prettier and glow in the dark and much nicer than the original one. The gift of course blessed the child and brought smiles back to the previous days' tears. The moral of the story, which is no story at all...what the enemy desires to take from the children of the most high will always be replaced with the intended gift...the one that blesses your heart. Just hold on because the enemy get no glory.

Sin works, knawing at you, recoils coming back but shutting it off reaps righteous rewards apart from it. This works you, though with a saved and renewed spirit, God will show you these necessary things to learn and grow in Him.

You must have a recreated spirit, renewed in God's love if you have not given your heart unto everlasting life. To receive God's love is to receive your fruit of holiness (Romans 6:22-23). The choice you are given is in His great mercies...a miraculous gift! This fruit is power to the church!

I was directed during worship to tell this spirit to leave and not return unless manifest in person only purposed of healing!

Receive the light that gives great discernment and ask for more. This light will light you with love (Luke 11:36) when the bright shining gives you light. It comes from rivers of His love and longing to fill you with fountains overlowing. You then are in the light of the Lord (Ephesians 5:8).

Psalm 4:6 says, "There are many who say, "Who will show us any good?" Lord, lift up the light of your countenance upon us....Look favorably!

Oh, the light of His love! Have Iever told you about the love of His countenance?! Be in His light as I assure you He is coming back. I have seen him once afar off, twice and then closer and the third time but a few feet. He is not far. Get close to Him. This river of light is full of fellowship and washes us in His river of love, His light.