Monday, June 12, 2017

Praying in the Depths of Glory!

I began praying in shallow waters. From the time I could open my mouth I recall praying and singing...worship!

Praying in the depths of glory...Set aside negative whisperings and draw near to what God would rather have you hear. Go after God! Invite the Holy Ghost to move through you with utterance and unction. So many know. Very many do not. Many have forgotten. Oppression has been heavy but we know it should not be so.

Revival comes to the spirit, to the heart and spreads love round about. With it comes a discerning of many things. The depths of flowing love becomes convergent to those close, begging fruit to be there. Love becomes deeper while going deeper in prayer in the depth of glory! Where love is not found, is then a stepping stone toward love. There is a stirring of gifts.

Without love you find law, less the freedom found in love. Karma is purposed hate, not in God, unholy, rather a derivative of the stirring of sorcery. Break it! There is no care, no concern, no love, no unity, no furthering. But God...ALL good gifts come from above in the light.

Ask yourself why you believe. The Word is the handbook of life. The Holy Spirit igniting your spirit is like dynamite that fuels your prayer in the glory!

Ask God to reveal to you miracle wonders!

My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations! He gathers the outcasts!

What next? What have you seen? What to do with what is given to you in prayer.

Some insight...
Some have been corrected so much they gave up doing their best to be obedient under the anointing. Some are stilled by the 'no'at every turn that is truly Yes and Amen! Some have had no faith to believe. Some have never been believed and some have no further faith to move from their seat into their blessing or salvation. Some simply need practical help. Some have a greater part in the kingdom and dont know it. Some simply are not taught daily who they are in the kingdom and therefore dont know. Some have turned away because so much has been taken away that they no longer have a reality of what a good God looks like. Some have been chided specifically to go to save some...coming out from of the depths of prayer and have not been heard and rather turned aside.
...2 Timothy 3:16.

John 21:6... Jesus knew it was the right side of the boat where the catch  was to be found. So directionally one must take the revelation and be obedient with what is being said. What you gain by praying in the depths of glory is revelation. There is answers within....whether you can see through the waters or not. Nothing is impossible with faith, for it is pleasing to God.

Hebrews 10:24 says to consider one another in order to stir up love and good works....not forsaking, but exhorting one another....

Psalm 85:6-7...Revival to last, grow and continue...purposed to worship! Actions of revival in everyway, everyday, not merely a special time, but carrying revival life!

Luke 5:4 (Launch)...commence, begin, commemorate, set in motion, push, set forth, put in the water. This means so very much! Praying deeply in the glory! What does this launch look like to you? ......Launch out into the deep without fear,  praying deeply, ministering with power, worshipping wholeheartedly, laying on of hands without disbelief of the healing.  Let down your nets for the catch...a Word of revelation knowledge that saved souls, healed and encourages without a hook that hinders! One must let go of what you think and receive. We are missing the love given so often!

Read these beautiful words of Jeremiah 30:19-20.The vision was poured out without restriction by praying in the depths of glory! solidified in worship; thanksgiving, joy, multiplication, growth, in the glory, very large. shall be built and established with divine protection.

Ephesians 4:12-16...Equipping the saints, working in the ministry, edifying the body, laying aside all deceitful plotting, being so in love with one another, speaking as such, joined together from the whole body, working together, causing growth...edifying in love!

Oh, how God loves you! Oh, how I love you! Giving glory to his name in the depths of the glory!

In a formative manner a special grace enveloped me, coming around from behind...a sharing with great importance...though no place that I could share in that caught-up moment. Glorious! After this, there I saw 3 sets of soft plush angel wings, white...and immediately I knew they were coverings, fillings, mantles. They came in 3's and they came around 3 persons at a time, one after another, after another with the wings flowing in and around the back of the persons. I saw the wings engulfing the person with what I can only tell you was salvation first (this I know by the Spirit, so these had to have received salvation). I knew that gifts of the Spirit were being given, even at the same time as salvation was taking place.

First, Coverings; Salvations and Infillings.

Next; Mantles (...and recovered mantles) and Restorations.

Last; Callings and Gifts ( this included broken healed, hurts healed, ones that had stepped away from their call and had now stepped back and I saw robes of righteousness placed over these.

Psalm 36:7... How precious your lovingkindness...Children of men put their trust in the shadow of your wings!...Read vs. 8, 9 and 10  over and again!

Oh continue your lovingkindness that growth come from these many prayers for the saints from my entire life of fellowship in prayer, that it go forth to many and manifest how it is purposed!

Instantly I saw a white cloth hanging in my closet from years gone by, and for years with purpose to cover another in encouragement, love and healing though not received. 'It had hung there for a long time in my prayer closet' I heard from within. Though not an actual closet of prayer and is no longer physically there, though a covering from a great deal of spiritual prayer. Though this was purposed specific, this I carry for many specifically. Love must be poured out. Love one another like one loves oneself or the church.

Remember, your position is your purposed everything!

Glory To His Name church is purposed in the gifts as above even as I was shown the vision. These offices and many gifts of the Spirit have so much purpose, so much potential!

Renewed strength...mounting up on wings like eagles...a spiritual walk in the anointing with great importance that shall fly with a flight that carries wisdom in the anointing to do a quick work. Many years have passed without reception.  I have seen this even in the Spirit and even as it was given.

Open house, day and night...without restriction of reception. No open door less the success promised in it, no laying on of hands and not receiving what was asked for, no Word given without revelation of it. Godly potentials. Godly love. Godly reception.

Praying in the depths of glory for all that comes forth from the prayers in the the depths of glory!

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