Friday, October 20, 2017

Welcome Gifts In The Glory!

'Hear I say'...'Here I say'...'Its here I say'...'Hear what I am saying'...'Celebration I say'...'Celebration' I have said....

So many returning to belief, captive no longer to their own hurts that never aligned to Gods tender mercies....returning and with joy!

These things were given in the coming so fast you cannot count! To be given as quickly as they are being they have already been quality made and designed specific; not hastily so but hastened, quickened, though not unaligned, not the blessing given having no true lasting blessing.

There is room. There are to be many rooms and a place for everyone...the divine exchange; usury for hearts' desire! Miracle growth for many...because all along... there it was. The water is deep. Draw it up and pray it forth, because what you desire aligned is not out! It's the 'in' thing! When we pray demons flee. Clearness. Clarity.

Isaiah 60:5 says...'then you will see and become radiant...hearts swelling with joy'!

The first day of the new year claim was made on the ground. It will be built and with you and me and for you and for me...and for those afar off, spiritually and distantly, though not so for long! Glory To His Name Church will be lit up with the blessings of God. I will to put it in place and placing many!

This wait is about to burst forth into radical blessings, untold, unheard of...many in prep mode, many, simply put, awaiting obedient love, prepared long ago.

When the rain is heavy of the season before the harvest, the seasons are set up for colorful blessings! These are gifts of God! Every tear cried shall become your radical freedom in the doing of God's glory!

I desire that you be comforted in all the hurts. I desire to be tender to you now, not like the testing, not like any lawless love that said you were worth all the less. That was loving less. Comforted in the hurts, removing the debris from the river within that life more abundantly come flowing freely, knowing that what is in and all that is new!

Welcome gifts in the glory!

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