Monday, December 04, 2017

All In For The Glory!

...whilst we still have time in this day... All in for the glory!!!

I wrote to you in the early hours of this day as the Holy Spirit desires for everyone to have their very healing ....and so precious this has been. I pray these words reach the ends of the earth, because healing is vast, free, necessary that even the scales or blinders be lifted from seeing the need for healing. Your healing will come to you in one way and to another, another way. 
I write to you, not because I believe this is the only way to find healing, though to some it is or can be if received. To those who do not hear because of choice, God will not be mocked or slighted where healing has concern. Faith comes by hearing. You must know your worth. You must know your identity. You must know this to go further. Shame cannot receive honor. It will go around every way but through the receiving. It can only work to be scorned or to cause it believing that there is a blessing of a servant in it, though far from it. Be all in for the glory and be changed by it. Be, being filled over and again, though taking charge of one's vessel. It's the deposit of healing given to you.... as the healing receives the anointing and removal of all that once ailed you. Allowing the Holy One to do the quick work without all  the added unneccessary.

As healing comes to you and you will know it... as a song sings...You will feel as if a strong and glorious lighted wind just blew into the place...and you can go further, receive more, though having believed first and after be able to receive the blessing so longed to give to you. It's not coming from another. It is simply not from another to give. There is work to do now. It will not seem like work should you keep your self in the glory, being continuously filled afresh and love on another in the anointing. It will always feel this way in the church. Glory To His Name will know nothing less. It's what breaks the yoke. And it is precious beyond all things.

....All In for the Glory!

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