Monday, December 31, 2018

The Abundance in the Glory for 2019! Part 1

This new year brings wisdom and abundance!

Let's let go of the lesser for 'all the more'!

Pray! Awaken into 2019 going after and receiving your purpose. Seen continuously...the graces of God not abounding or flourishing or void of Spirit. Why? The letter of the law without love isn't its opening! The grace that saved, healed, loved and gifted is the same grace of God that discerns truth.

A lesson on 'belief' for NOW! Where are you? Locate your heart.

Unfaithful, heaviness, hate, jealousy, offense, wrong, pain, hurt, lies...


Positive, full, truth, love, correct, faithful, light, grace, mercy....

You will RECEIVE if you are not operating in this... floundering in, dabbling in, soaking in, staying in unbelief until you cannot see, believe or ask for anything more than what you have!

Get dressed! Put on love! 

Be filled with ALL joy and peace in BELIEVING! You will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Proverbs 10:22...The blessing of the Lord  makes one rich.

Proverbs 12:18...the words of the wise soothe and heal...promotes health!

Proverbs 16:24...Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words. For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits.

I have a personal 'Word' to share with so many of you to bless and not for the less, but for your abundance! 

What does that look like for you? My hands are blessed, my heart enriched and has kept my heart to fulfill building 'Glory To His Name' church as this is what has been laid before the eyes of my heart.

'For I am about to do something new.'
Isaiah 43:19

Have you considered the former things? I will do a NEW thing. 'New'...accomplish, advance, rebuild, renew, fresh, repair, bestow, bring, furnish, grant. Shall you KNOW it? 'Know'...teach, perceive, be endued with, discern. MAKE a ROAD. 'Make'...determine, regard, place, call, appoint. 'Road'...conversation, talk. 

Verse 20 goes on to say...'give waters and RIVERS. 'Rivers'...flow, cheerful, sparkle, stream. Give DRINK to My PEOPLE, My CHOSEN. 'Drink'...make drunk, to be filled, merry, influence, irrigate, furnish, moisten, to give, satiate, tipsy in a good sense (your thirst will not be quenched physically or spiritually with alcohol or strong drink. This kind of drink is life-giving water!) 'People' ...plurality. 'Chosen', chosen, elect.

There is abundance in you! No small thinking in 2019!


Study these verses! 

Romans 7:12
Deuteronomy 7:6-7
Deuteronomy 26:18...Special people!
Romans 5:2, 5
2 Corinthians 8:14
Deuteronomy 28:11...Plenty!
Psalm 119:130
Proverbs 9:4
Proverbs 22:17, 19-20... 17...Listen carefully as you read and open your heart! Drink in the revelation that I impart! 19...Potentially, based on your decision to believe!

Abundance: ample, quantity, lot, bunch, bushel, carload, gobs, good deal, loads, masses, mountain, multiplicity, pile, plentitude, profusion and quantity.

I have received a powerful vision to share with many that wills to obliterate all weariness! Oh, the excitement! Hope does not disappoint...both in the delivering this 'Word' to you and in your receiving! 


Abundance is first cultivated in the heart. Let God's abundance overwhelm you with love in 2019 that you can overwhelm others in giving!

Declare abundance to salvation, health, life, relationship, finances and minustry in 2019! Declaring great abundance to all in 2019!

I have shared in explanation many keys! The door is wide open with no pun door just flew open! But God!

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 24, 2018

The Vision For 'The Tenants of Faith' in the Glory!

The vision for 'Tenants of Faith' continues in explanation and starts with!

Large wall at a main entrance. One side sharing tenants of faith. The other side is a church directory. The directory is a map of the ministry and grounds that lends these: area you are searching for, who leads this area of ministry, contact information, guided print out and best means of travel (inside or outside).

On an adjacent wall you will find the 'Spiritual Gifts Treasures' Wall'. Written in the center there wills to be inscribed these scriptures...

Proverbs 15:6a
Deuteronomy 28:12
Matthew 6:21
Psalm 119:162
Proverbs 21:20a
Matthew 13:52b
2 Corinthians 4:7

This is this...a structural setting for the church in making plain the obvious, bringing out the peculiarity of the people, qualifying the called, distinguishing that which has been hidden, bringing out the identity and ultimately bringing light from the darkness...every gift in the church! Every leader in the church! Every place in the church! Your place, your name and your title in the church is everything to you. 

The bible tells you so! Who are you in Him? Who are you because of Him? What is the place wrought for you? We will find it together!

Edification to realization to utilization to raising up a great nation in this international ministry to be...that especially includes YOU!

Raising up a Godly, glorified, triumphant, grace-filled and blessed church!

'Tenants of Faith' is to be located in 'Fellowship 1" hall. It is a free-standing structure incribed on a large wall as a tablet at a main entrance or vestibule area. 

'Tenants of Faith' - 'For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, that flow out of valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing; a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig copper.'
 Deuteronomy 8:7-9

This is the vision for 'Tenants of Faith' in the glory!

I love you! Have a very 'Merry Christmas'!

The Vision For 'Tree of Life' in the Glory!

The vision for 'Tree of Life' continues...

'Tree of Life' is a ministry of built on knowing and learning the scriptures and being both highly practical as well as highly spiritual to bring provision for learning, guiding others in the scriptures, making invitations into God's love, a means to utilize giftedness and to grow in one's gifts not designed as a store, though open to anyone. Instrumental music plays here in the background. All who enter here know and encounter the Holy Spirit rather than a shopping experience. An atmosphere shall be cultivated in this with very specific prayer purposed to be an encouragement of spiritual fruit in oneself and others no matter the age. 

Where you will find practical pieces that can be used for study, to ad to personal collection, for decor both for daily, themed and spiritual holiday decor. Also can be used as conversation pieces, family study or special gifts for others. New pieces are introduced each month. Should this ministry lose this focus, resembling a mere store without integrity in love as in its original intention, this ministry will be closed until opened only in order to accommodate with love it's original intention edify and to love others! 

This ministry is not to become a house of merchandise! Original, low cost, service oriented area with a resting place to order, purchase or pre-order upcoming item one month in advance. Order examples will always be available, though some will go into archive after many months. Designers of pieces to be replicated shall be paid a royalty for chosen design from within the ministry as participants are encouraged to be designers of pieces to be replicated here.

Both 'Tree of Life Playground' and 'Tree of Life' Growth Ministry is to be located in 'Fellowship 1' hall.

The large Playground area is in 'Fellowship 1' inside. Shouts fun! Benches and seating area amidst this play place for fellowship. Security though no childcare provided. Three levels of play....nursery and toddler age, tweens and adults....for every age. Great area of freedom and fun. A fellowship area for the entire family. One of three large fountain where all monies collected goes to Missions.

Spiritual growth that brings you to a childlike spirit...this is central focus here!

'Tree of Life' - 'In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.'
 Revelation 22:2

This is the vision for 'Tree of Life' in the glory!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Vision For 'Garden of God' in the Glory!

The vision for 'Garden of God' continues on the tour of the church...

'Garden of God' is an art gallery and ministry with a vision to share that many are encouraged and spurred on in seeking their own vision. The visionary ministry exists for the purpose of sharing the character and likeness of God's love. 

From the sharing of this vision, creativity, revelation and and giftedness with expectation that vision, creativity, revelation and many gifts will be received and many are edified.

'Garden of God' is to be located in 'Fellowship 1' hall.

This portion of the ministry is an Art Gallery. Prints sold here. Art classes offered by painters. Visionary study groups to encourage visionaries. Original paintings from those in the ministry can be sold on consignment here. Children's creative play room.

1 Book in print sold here. Music always playing. Free custom gift wrapping purchases. Vision groups and/or Art classes scheduled also at time of purchase at selected gallery stations.

'Garden of God' - "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” 
Revelation 2:7

This is the vision for 'Garden of God' in the glory!

The Vision For 'The Giving Place' in the Glory!

The vision for 'The Giving Place' continues as the tour continues...

Having served in personal outreach to others, ministry outreaches, given to ministry outreaches, driven many miles in giving into specific needs personally....all by direction of the Holy Spirit and seeing the fullness of the scriptures' giving love....this ministry shall be an extravagant blessing of love to many with intentional purpose to bring such provision to the needy that a poverty spirit is removed and exchanged for a continuously prospering spirit and life of all that is touched by this ministry of 'The Giving Place'.

'The Giving Place' is to be located in 'Fellowship 1' hall.

Ministry of lavish giving. Food Pantry (Food Cupboard) and newly tagged clothing. An outreach center. All giving is to replenish needs. Seasonal quarterly outreach events. Guided loving mentorship.

Ministry holds finance class 2 x's per week with focus on giving as a major wisdom piece (though is to be part of this church, though specific to this ministry's focus on financial freedom.

Changing visual media message designed monthly to carry a message of giving in picture, video, scripture form....always speaks to the worth of the individual and prosperity of the soul that each prosper, always moving to the spirit and designed to move the heart of the viewer toward love.

ATM set up for giving only at the door. All contributions fund replenishment of food and clothing as well as seasonal outreach. Greeters and servants of this ministry are exceedingly great encouragers full of extravagant love.

'The Giving Place' - 'For I bear witness that according to their ability, yes, and beyond their ability, they were freely willing, imploring us with much urgency that we would receive the gift and the fellowship of the ministering to the saints. And not only as we had hoped, but they first gave themselves to the Lord, and then to us by the will of God.'
2 Corinthians 8:3-5

This is the vision for 'The Giving Place' in the glory!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Vision For 'Retrieving Center For Animals' in the Glory!

The vision for 'Retrieving Center for Animals' continue on the tour of the church ...

'Retrieving Center For Animals' is a center for animals to be provided a temporary stay-place until adoption takes place. As we are given authority over animals this ministry exists to extend authority to love these animals that need a home where they can be cared for, protected, learned from and loved.

'Retrieving Center for Animals' is to be located in 'Fellowship 1' hall.

This ministry fosters a love for animals. The ministry does pet adoptions amwith guidelines of care upon adoption.

'Retrieving Center for Animals' - Then God said, "Let us make God in our image to be like us". They will reign over ....all the wild animals of the earth , over all the small animals that scurry along the ground. 
Genesis 1:26 (New Living Translation)

'A righteous man regards the life of his animal, But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.'
Proverbs 12:10

This is the vision for 'Retrieving Center for Animals' in the glory!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Vision For 'This Way' in the Glory!

The vision for 'This Way' continues on the tour of the church...

Having seen mass confusion apart from true direction, the focal point of this ministry is to remove distractions, to encourage visitors and all members to the church with a sense of calm to new surroundings, to direct with hospitality, love and help all find the best parking with each visit with no confusion.

'This Way' is to be located in 'Fellowship 1' hall.

This area of ministry is a Traffic Ministry serving parking needs of the church at service times and special events. Cordially gifted and joyous service is rendered to all visitors here.

This area of ministry serves as a hub, huddle and place of organization for all who take part in this traffic ministry. Business cards are given at every entrance with map and personal cellphone number and name in case of needed further directives. This is also acts as a point of contact where further ministry can take place. These are servant hearted, happy, helpful encouragers who serve here.

By living in God, love has been brought to its full expression in us so that we may fearlessly face the day of judgment, because all that Jesus is, so are we in this we world. Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love's perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts. Whoevever walks constantly afraid of punishment has not reached love's perfection. 

1 John 4:17-18

These here are also prayer warriors, intercessors and with a heart for the church. What this ministry is not about is competition. These here carry a serious love for the church. They beacon these to come. They are those those that carry an ushering kind of the spirit. They point the way not only physically but also spiritually. Theses have a 'calling out to show the way' kind of spirit, one's without fear that show forward the way.

This is the vision for 'This Way' in the glory!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Vision For 'My Beloved' in the Glory!

The vision for 'My Beloved' continues on the tour....

The ministry of 'My Beloved' is purposed to encourage married couples with fellowship, outings, group gatherings and counseling needs.

The ministry 'My Beloved' is to be located in 'Unity' hall.

Marriage ministry. Quarterly events held in this ministry for all singles. Marriage counseling for all areas of need. Extended to immediate family at close of marriage counseling. Group studies. Groups and couples social gatherings and outings. Fellowship meetings of role play. Giftedness is encouraged use at all session tines.

Begins, ends and rests on love.

'My beloved is mine and I am his; He pastures his flock among the lillies.'
Song of Solomon 2:16

This is the vision for 'My Beloved' in the glory!

Monday, December 17, 2018

The Vision For 'Brides and Grooms' in the Glory!

The vision for 'Brides and Grooms' continues....

This wedding ministry provides creative insight with full service wedding planning for each honored couple, an important ministry for the church as to bring relationship, communion, unity and family together as these have find their mate. Planning, putting together and being a part of the wedding industry in many aspects through the years has brought a belief that love should be doted upon on each special day to be a treasured part of marriage.

'Brides and Grooms' is to be located in 'Unity' hall.

'Brides and Grooms' - 'We are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.'

Ephesians 5:30-31

This area of ministry is staffed with 3 full service wedding planners. Serviced by local wedding companies and also small boutiques. Service brought on site.

Here there are 7 planning stations. Creative insight. Honorous care for the desires of  each special day is what makes the heart of this ministry a servant of full service wedding planning, from the service, to the venue, dress and formal to the reception.

This is the vision for 'Brides and Grooms' in the glory!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Vision For 'Fit For The King' in the Glory!

The vision continues on the tour of the church to 'Fit For The King'...

The purpose of 'Fit For The King' 
ministry is to be supportive in practical ways to both men and woman, for purposes of teaching, learning, prospering inside and out and to be lavishly doted upon as kings and queens as God sees each one as, to see ones value, worth and identity. Focus of the ministry include: etiquette, nutritional aides, study, gift giving and wealth. Ministry is for both men and women though separated in areas of service of hair, facial, sauna, massage and fitness for both men and also women to learn and grow from these services offered within this ministry in both freely giving and freely receiving.

The ministry is to be located in 'Unity' hall.

Ministry of complete encouragement. One verse study and counsel time daily at the top of the hour prior to workouts. Personal trainer. Planning specifically tailored for results. Fitness room. Onsite childcare where there is a focused teaching on manners and character. Choice spa services daily. Nutritional aids and training.

Focus is on and titled...Joy, Rest, Laughter, Prosperity, Holiday, Honor, Gifts, Wealth Light and Feast!

There will be 'etiquette couses' taught here!

Spa services to include...message (from Healing room only), hair, skin care, manicure/pedicure and sauna services.

The 3 businesses; Premier, Plexus and Mary Kay are ministries and companies who I have found integrity in, both their mission and their foundational structure of God first (though I may not endorse every portion of each company). These 3 areas will to be utilized within this ministry and will be lead by someone other than myself whose heart is in each ministry.

'Premier Designs' jewelry will have a place in the 'Gifts' portion of this ministry! There will be a jeweler (higher hire) to run this ministry whose heart is to encourage and love others.

'Plexus' nutritional supplements will have part in the 'Feast' portion of this ministry! Nutritional-Balancing-Weight Loss... Providing life changing blessings, from natural energy to incredible healings. Plexus is now available per my website information or my contact information, as each day I have utilized for many days explanation of each ministry within the church in the area of healing coinciding with health to the body of the church. There will be another ambassador as a higher hire whose whole heart is to lead this portion of the ministry in having a heart for individual health!

'Mary Kay' will have a place in the ''Honor' portion of the ministry where there will also be a higher hires who has a heart to pamper men and women honoring others greatly.

'Fit for the King' - 'The Jews had light and gladness, joy and honor.'
 Esther 8:16

Crowns aren't made merely of rhinestones and gems, but of discipline, determination, courage and love!

This is the vision of 'Fit For The King' in the glory!