Sunday, December 09, 2018

The Vision For 'The Servant's Place' in the Glory!

The vision for 'The Servant's Place' in the glory continues on the tour...

Having served the church in many areas of service through the years, the purpose of the ministry is to honor one another, to bless with otherness of the gifts that we may or may not possess in order to ultimately grow in love towards one another. This service ministry is meant to honor each other as a gift, not merely serve and enjoy a meal. Pleasing decor', a place of service to the church. All who enter sense honor and love for who they are in Him.

'Ho! Everyone who thirsts come to the waters. And you, who have no money. Come buy and eat. Yes, come buy wine and milk. Without money, without price.'
...Isaiah 55:1

Isaiah 55 mural in a moving depiction of the scriptures continuously flowing with ministry and activity updates.

The time spent here is to be greatly enjoyable and restful! Growing friendships, growing in fellowship.

'The Servant's Place' is to be located in 'Fellowship 1' hall. This ministry is devoted to anyone serving in this ministry as a higher hire (from Helps ministry to Pastoral staff). Serves as a lounge area with meal served daily.

This is the vision for 'The Servant's Place' in the glory'!

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