TRUST in the Lord and do
good. Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself in the
Lord, And He shall give you the desire of your heart. Commit your ways to the
Lord, TRUST also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass...Psalm 37:3-5
....Psalm 37:29...The
righteous shall inherit the land AND dwell in it forever.
....Psalm 37:40...And
the Lord shall help them and deliver them from the wicked. And save them,
because they TRUST in Him.
Proverb 3:5...TRUST in
the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
....'Teaching'....Isaiah 54:13 says, "All your children shall be taught by
the Lord AND great shall be the peace of your children."
This scripture has
spoken to me for more than 20 years in many aspects, as I have spent much time
here, both in meditation of and in the doing of teaching with my own children
for many years, teaching in the church and have written here for your growth and
edification for over 14 years. My children and spiritual children...and great
shall be their peace. True peace! Peace by what they/you are taught, how they/you are
taught, how they/you live, what they/you learn daily (both the young and the old
alike...all the children!) Not simply being taught but also the receiving the
peace into an actual state of the heart, mind and spirit. Overflow of what
truths are brought forth.
My children are to be
continually taught of the Lord and the result; Great Peace!
...Isaiah 12:2-3...Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid;
For YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song. He also has become my salvation.
Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
God 'becomes' or 'is'
your salvation. You trust and are not afraid or begin to trust because you know
you are His and to whom you have placed your fears to take them and be feared no longer. A
fresh drink of water! He becomes your everything! Your worship become
righteous. Youthfulness and energy, full of vitality!
Isaiah 40:31 says… 'you shall have your strength renewed' (to those who have waited on the Lord ...a very perfect place to shout 'Glory'!... 'shall run and not be weary…shall walk and not faint.' …flying, soaring high, youthfulness, youngness, not superhuman idiocracies, but the energy that only God provides, vision and knowing it can be accomplished. Knowing that ‘Glory To His Name’ in vision, though in the knowing that there is a youthfulness coming to even myself and all that sees the vision. God has spoken. It will feel like to me and to many, many people like 25 years of those of like age will simple not be there any longer. I can with all accuracy only describe this in one way…the ANOINTING! The toil, the damage, the sorrow, the unanswered prayer, the wait, the negatives, the longing, the lack in exchanged for FULLNESS, BRIGHT OUTLOOK, LIGHT, RIGHTEOUSNESS, YOUTHFUL, POSITIVE EDIFICATION, LIFE, TRUTH, GOODNESS, LOVE…Because I have walked in it AND it is when the vision was coming and then I seen it within vision and felt it. The anointing is perfected wisdom when given in which I trust. I know it, knew it and it is confirmed. It is graciousness given to me and for you! I was reminded of this greatly in the past few months through prayer, prophets and the Word and recall of the vision of the White House. Instinctively, I knew it was time to call in counselors from there regarding the building of the church. 'Glory To His Name' is awaiting this meeting and response. And I am fully expecting connection in the anointing to bring to pass from vision what has already been spoken out and for the church!
Isaiah 40:31 says… 'you shall have your strength renewed' (to those who have waited on the Lord ...a very perfect place to shout 'Glory'!... 'shall run and not be weary…shall walk and not faint.' …flying, soaring high, youthfulness, youngness, not superhuman idiocracies, but the energy that only God provides, vision and knowing it can be accomplished. Knowing that ‘Glory To His Name’ in vision, though in the knowing that there is a youthfulness coming to even myself and all that sees the vision. God has spoken. It will feel like to me and to many, many people like 25 years of those of like age will simple not be there any longer. I can with all accuracy only describe this in one way…the ANOINTING! The toil, the damage, the sorrow, the unanswered prayer, the wait, the negatives, the longing, the lack in exchanged for FULLNESS, BRIGHT OUTLOOK, LIGHT, RIGHTEOUSNESS, YOUTHFUL, POSITIVE EDIFICATION, LIFE, TRUTH, GOODNESS, LOVE…Because I have walked in it AND it is when the vision was coming and then I seen it within vision and felt it. The anointing is perfected wisdom when given in which I trust. I know it, knew it and it is confirmed. It is graciousness given to me and for you! I was reminded of this greatly in the past few months through prayer, prophets and the Word and recall of the vision of the White House. Instinctively, I knew it was time to call in counselors from there regarding the building of the church. 'Glory To His Name' is awaiting this meeting and response. And I am fully expecting connection in the anointing to bring to pass from vision what has already been spoken out and for the church!
I don’t know if anyone
has ever known this anointing I speak of, but I so long for you all to know its
incredibly loving gift!
36:8...abundantly satisfied with the fullness of your house, and you give them
drink from the river of our pleasures. And from this drink comes revelation
from prayer; a continued lovingkindness of the upright at heart.
This is not about getting up the same way! Some will understand this and some will to.
This is not about getting up the same way! Some will understand this and some will to.
U...'Unity' ...John
6:45...It is written in the prophets, And they shall be taught by God.
THEREFORE everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me.
Read this slowly and
with fresh reception...by no means cast out. The sheer, unfathomable, merciful,
abundant graces of the love of the Almighty!
...1 Corinthians
2:9-10...But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have
entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who
love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit
searches all things, YES, the deep things of God.
Childlike life is in where you are to be and being and doing it!
Childlike life is in where you are to be and being and doing it!
because...1 John
2:20...you have an anointing from the Holy One!
How often or the depths
of understanding has the Holy Spirit spoken to you about unity?
...1 Thessalonians
4:9....for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another. ...10...that
you increase more and more. Taught by God to love one another...that you
increase more and more. This is for me, mine, you and yours. Continuous as
prayer, a bringer of revelation, bringing forth growth and unity. The devil has
lied excessively to you!
57:18-19 says, 'I have seen his ways and I will heal him; I will lead him, And
restore comforts to him and to his mourners.' Salvation. Healing. Restoration.
Comforted. Rest for the one's who have prayed relentlessly for the healing of
...Psalm 91:16...With
long life I will satisfy him AND show him My salvation. Receiving! Life and
life more abundant!
...Psalm 11:14...Where
there is no counsel the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there
is safety. A directive with power and love in this new year!
15:22...Without counsel plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they
are established. I don't find it to be safe for plans and visions given of God
to not go forth into the manifestation meant in the giving of the gift. The enemy has no further part or portion in plans going awry. You must know what is of God and what is not.
2:3...in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. All the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge spoken afresh to me in the Spirit as I prayed
standing amidst all the treasures I see.
...Proverbs 15:6 says
that in the house of the righteous there is much treasure! Oh the love. Oh how
loved you are!
Your righteousness shall
exalt nations! Both whom are and those whom shall be!
Isaiah 59:15-17...The
Lord saw all the evil and was displeased to find no steps taken against sin. He
saw no one was helping you and wondered that no one intervened. Therefore he
himself stepped in to save you through his mighty power and justice. He put on
righteousness as armor, and the helmet of salvation on his head.
In this you will see 'identity' and you are spoken to, to 'get dressed'. Get dressed in the armor of God, Ephesians 6. 1st things first! A prayer prayed first each day for decades for self, family and others. Where is your equity?...fairness or impartiality, in treatment or judgment, a value of property, beyond a mortgage or liability. I have valued equity in the physical, yes, that will be returned! But I have equity or seed faith in the spiritual things and these shall be opened. It is impartial love, full of glory and power.
Doors with keys to open awaiting obedient love. What is at stake? The place has been chosen, a vision given January 1, 2017. Fast forward to all that could have been accomplished. I weep when I think of the lives that could be saved from the many years, the spirits that could be filled, the lives aligned to heart's desires!
In this you will see 'identity' and you are spoken to, to 'get dressed'. Get dressed in the armor of God, Ephesians 6. 1st things first! A prayer prayed first each day for decades for self, family and others. Where is your equity?...fairness or impartiality, in treatment or judgment, a value of property, beyond a mortgage or liability. I have valued equity in the physical, yes, that will be returned! But I have equity or seed faith in the spiritual things and these shall be opened. It is impartial love, full of glory and power.
Doors with keys to open awaiting obedient love. What is at stake? The place has been chosen, a vision given January 1, 2017. Fast forward to all that could have been accomplished. I weep when I think of the lives that could be saved from the many years, the spirits that could be filled, the lives aligned to heart's desires!
59:19-21...then at last they will reverence and glorify the name of God from
west to east. When the enemy comes the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a
standard against him! (Exclamation added!!!) He will come as a Redeemer to those in Zion who have
turned away from sin. As for me, this is my promise to them, says the Lord: 'My
Holy Spirit shall not leave them and they shall want the good and hate the
wrong, they and their children and their children's children forever.
Glorious and Victorious 2018!
Glorious and Victorious 2018!
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