Tuesday, February 20, 2018

To Be Found in the Glory!

You are to be found in the glory!

The 24th verse of Jude...The ability to keep you, sustenance, the realm of knowing who He is that has you and says who you are!...a presentation of reality, rather than anything else or anything less. The end of the matter that has the final word, clean, clear, whole and healthy!

The result: placid truth found in the realm of His glory with the excessive joy that can only come from Him...to again worship with fullness and powerfully fueled by a joy, not of self but of the gift given. He is able! 

Ephesians 1:14...who has guaranteed your inheritance? Until...occupy now! You who are purchased with His blood. Worship him with who you are!

Ephesians 1:18-19...the mighty power with exactness that brings greatness and calling which is rich and in your belief there is found power, power, wonder-working power.

Ephesians 2:10...He knew ahead of time what He has for you so you can have the joy of this perfected kind of worship in this way to be being and doing.

Ephesians 2:20...the Word has went before you and been built up on a strong foundation of called-out ones.

Ephesians 2:21...being all apart of the whole building put together that grows more holy with completeness infused, filled up by the Holy Spirit!

Ephesians 3:8...this most precious grace has been gifted (and saw it set before you, amongst you, amidst you, all around you and in you and still nearly unsearchable because of the richness of treasure I see in you!) Oh the outpouring of, yet, it was said, variegated wisdom to His peoples and so His people can utilize this grace through His people.

Ephesians 3:20...Worship...a giving in the knowing and plenitude of all your being that believes on the power to get it done by the one who can, greater than ever dreamed possible in a far greater measure than ever even once imagined.

Ephesians 4:3...Powerful people put together in love and to love! ...a uniting unexplainable but to be sought after; put together and with ease that is peace-loving.

Ephesians 4:7...Are you certain of the gift given? Do you know the measure? Do you know your need? Your place? No limitations to growth.

Ephesians 4:11...Some were given to be of the ministry leaders, heads of service to serve the church!

Ephesians 4:12...to equip others, to encourage others, to edify others, to show, to love, to enlighten the many, uplifting the church to its place as the building is fitting together. Brick and mortar fit together. Oh but to be found in the glory! ...of the unity of the preciously gifted much loved ones of the church!

Ephesians 4:13...coming into the knowledge of who God is, what exactly He has given us in being edified and into that place by love. This is unity! 

Ephesians 4:15...Speaking to one another by love and with love with truths that love us into growth without limits. 

Ephesians 4:16...a putting together, a part, linked, supplied of love by the other, a putting together that actively grows up and together in love that love grows ever greater in love with one another. 

Ephesians 4:23...renewal, regenerated in the Spirit of the mind, having His manner of love!

Ephesians 4:24...the newness...that truly seeks out righteousness and holiness. This newness knows it  'gift of righteousness' and its Holy worth!

Ephesians 4:25...Relationship...lifting one another, loving one another as He first loved us...as we know the value of love for each other.

Ephesians 5:1...walk about in love. Being in love with one another. 

Ephesians 5:8...You are in light. Be in light. You are in the light. 

Ephesians 5:15...walk wisely!

Ephesians 5:16...make the most of time. It is most precious! What time has it been? What time is it? It's time!...less the time you forget when in worship. Meditate on this. 

Ephesians 5:17...Know in all wisdom what the Lord has given you to do and be!

Ephesians 5:18...Seek it out by being always and continuously filled by prayer, by Word, by worship, by hearing, by laying on of hands...but never, ever quit being filled up!

Ephesians 5:20...The thanks that knows worship and loves to do so, to know in all things to be ever thankful!

Ephesians 5:26...Read the Word. Hear the Word. Be washed in it!... as a fountain of love, flowing over you.

Ephesians 5:27...being clean and faultless, pure in your hearts, holy before Him!

Ephesians 6:1 and 2...Obedience; a want-to to bring unity and an honor to those who first loved you and gave you life.

Ephesians 6:4...commandment with promise to bring them up, edifying and loving them by the training in love for a triumphant life of God.

Ephesians 6:8...You have done well. Do you believe you will receive goodness from God?

Ephesians 6:13...Take on the whole armor. Be completely dressed in this love so offered for you to use. 

Ephesians 6:18...Praying constantly, always eyes open...and for each other!

Ephesians 6:24...Lifting one another to the place of grace as we greet one another in sincerity of love that peace and unity prevail.

Unity...Do good to the household of faith (Galatians 6:10)

1 Timothy 6:17 ....the living God's desire to give you all things for enjoyment. This passion helps all see who they are that they may see eternal life and know their eternal worth.

Let me tell you about God's faithfulness.
Zephaniah 3:15 says...He has cast out your enemy. The Lord is in your midst. There will be no more disaster. 

Take this and grow with it. Disaster says there is confusion; spiritually and/or physically. Confusion goes! There hasn't been confusion for a lot longer than many are willing to confront, but...there is a promise of God of great restoration (Amos 9). 

Found in the glory! The former glory!...a new thing! v.13....the grain and grapes will build and grow, bring back, fill up, plant vineyards and inhabit and eat and drink from its fruit. Mountains drip with sweet wine! God wants to inhabit praise, commune always...fellowship always! A place where growth takes place faster than can be harvested...a new thing, a new beginning. Flow! A firm planting, a place for not only sustenance and the elements, but teaching, growth. Strongly rooted. Enjoyment of what God has made you to be. 

As I share here what I know describes God's whole love for the church and desire for this year I will share a story! Isaiah sums up the acceleration of time (not driving, but God's love and ambition to see the church thrive largely!)

Isaiah 65:24 says...
It shall come to pass that before they call I will answer and while they are still speaking I will hear!

I planted a small grapevine some years ago. In the first year there wasn't much need to tend to it. It was slow. I was aware it would be slow getting started (this is not a lesson in patience). 

The second year signs of faster growth. 

The third year the fruit lined up to the Word...overflowing fruit! Luscious, full, great growth...so quickly that you couldn't pick it quick enough. 

This is a minimal comparison to the third year of sowing and reaping, planting and eating and enjoying of all of the vast fruit. What began as a mere stick and some miracle grow grew into fruitfulness where there was a need to tend to what was now flourishing vines in order to enjoy the third year harvest! The enemy desired to take it as it was the perfect example then when it was ready in the fruitfulness of the day and the perfect example of the fruitfulness as we fast forward several years to the example given in this day! 

The overflow was with purpose for then. Yes, purposed and prepared even then. Now, there is no change in schedule for the year regarding what God wants to do for the church evidenced in what was a stick that became fruitful and has such potential for expansion...and its about relationship.

 The new wine is found in the cluster of fruit. There is a blessing in the midst growing ever so quickly! What once provided fruit to be chosen for a few could now can produce communion for many believers. 

Fellowship! The new wine...to be found in the glory!

I love you and bless you in this year of 2018! 

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