Oh, the powerful vision I was given to love all over you with! Freedoms are these that I share with you...that become to you treasures to you...that you come to know the treasures you are! Oh, how I love you!
I saw a bottle filled up. It didn't make sense at first amidst such joy, but only in an instant I knew what it was...a bottle of salty tears. I questioned in the moment for a second what it was...a cloudy liquid. As I pondered the vision...the cloudiness looked heavenly, purposes within the bottle.
Proverbs 15:6 says...'In the house of the righteous there is much treasure,' You are treasured!
...a bottle filled with tears. I felt the tears, the griefs poured out...the deep need.
This represented to me the desire for you to see the exchange. God has stored all your tears that you have sowed to exchange them for radical joys untold to date. The Holy Spirit has spoken just one month ago that God wants to be the shelter, not a container. To hold back your tears would be to hold back your greatest joys, the treasures of your heart.
I seen there was much waiting, interceding, the fervency that went along with filling this heavenly jar. It's contents was love extraordinaire'! The desires of the beloved saints. The true desires never voiced. The longing that needs lighting to bring clarity to the cloudiness!
Psalm 56:8-9 Amplified says...'You have taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not recorded in Your book? My enemies will turn back in the day I call. This I know, that God is for me.'
Wanderings...remove (to cease perhaps), shake (stir your belief), way (to be in it), skip for joy (when ceased perhaps because of...God knows your potential!), shaking head in sympathy. This is some of your only defect...because you do have so much potential. Let the Holy Ghost minister to your hearts!
Tears...weeping (for needs, desires, healings, hidden perhaps or a time of travail out of deep need)
Bottle...Skin (a vessel, stored up), a bag of fluids, to be great, to expand, magnificient!

This vision took place on the morning of July 14th. This morning; July 21st I awoke this morning telling you how 'Magnificent' you are! Do you know what magnificent means? ...Extraordinary, rich, impressive, luxurious! You are this!
Oh the freedom treasures in the glory!
Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of the brethren and companions. I will now say, 'Peace be within you'. Because of the house of the Lord our God. I will seek your good.
I love you so much!
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