A miracle moment in the glory!
Incline your ear. Shut off all that would distract. Pay attention and discern arightly. A new thing. Not same. Are you aware there has been made a way unto a greater blessing, a greater fullness for your life?!
...a miracle moment in the glory!
The scriptures say 'it shall come to pass' (Acts 2:17)...
There will be prophecy, seeing visions and dreaming dreams!
Acts 2:19 says, 'I will SHOW WONDERS...'
Heaven brought to earth a surprise! What a precious facet of God's love!
'It shall come to pass...' (Acts 2:21)
Never doubt!
God has mighty power to work in you!
God will accomplish it!
Whatever you've asked for...God is bringing infinitely more than your grandest request!
What is your most unbelievable request?! No, not the casual request. Rather, the unbelievable one 'the one with human reasoning you cannot fathom'...kind of request.'
God will outdo your big dreams!
His miraculous power will energize you continuously! God will do it!
You will see as I say!
The Word of God is powerful! Renew your mind to these powerful truths! There has been a radical power of God poured out. Everyday mercies are growing greater and greater. The power of God wants to bring on great abundance!
Joel 2:21-27
Verse 21 says, 'O Land'...heaven is assuring earth and its inhabitants a great blessing! 'Be glad and rejoice. For the Lord has done marvelous things!'
Verse 22 says, 'open pastures are springing up.' And 'the tree bears its fruit'. Also, 'the vine yields its strength.' (loaded down once more with fruit)!
Verse 23 says, 'Be glad' Celebrate with honor His generosity! 'He has given the former rain faithfully' and all to vindicate and clear the suspicion of. Goes on to say, 'will cause', meaning, an actively giving and receiving to demonstrate faithfulness. It further says, 'will cause the rain to come down for you, the former rain and the latter rain.'
Verse 24 says, 'threshing floors full of wheat'...spiritual food!
Verse 25 says, 'will restore to you the years' (THIS is a lot of years!) God will give back from all the loss, make up for and compensate you, compensation for all the years of loss and lack!
Verse 26 says, 'eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord.' You shall live, worship, be in what God has called you to be and without choice, in plenty, not an either or but all! Continuing on... 'has dealt'. God has done and does miracles for you and you will not experience disaster! On and on! Then, 'wonderously', meaning; to distinguish, wonderful, accomplish, marvelous, miracles, wonderous things! And more still, 'My people will never be put to shame'. You cannot outgive God! God hates shame! It reads, 'despised' Never again will there be dealt a blow like this! Yes and Amen! 'the house of God' is the heart of God!
Verse 27 says, 'then you shall know'. You shall know without question that God is in the thick of life!
Where is the Word refreshing you?! Do you want more?!
Now hear the 'Word' God has given to me to share with you and be satisfied to overflowing!
Abundance in the glory for 2019! A miracle moment in the glory!
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