This year of 2020...
Miracle manifestation of glory suddenly... much in this new year. Yes, these are words shared in last season... timeless... to come to fruition
A simple Word to share before moving onto what is to be shared here...
I hear to share this one word... PERSIST! The meaning: to continue to do something, to do something difficult or something others want you to stop.
This might not come to you as something you do not know or fluidly aware of... a reminder to catapult you into 2020's newness. Grasp the immense love God so desires to share!
Ask in prayer this: Is God pursuing your heart regardless of your continuity toward Him? If so, to 'persist' is exactly why I share this one word with you... because if the answer to this question is 'Yes' then we know that 'all the promises of God are Yes and Amen to the glory of God'. This aligns to scripture and likely the aggravation resulting in the negativity is a direct result of an issue of the flesh, wrong spirit or both. This is an aim straight word for you to tuck away and bring to rememberance always because your entire life is to give glory to God. The church name is not a name I came up with for an establishment, rather 'Glory To His Name' is from God.
... PERSIST in your well-doing!
Now then...
Resevoirs of every kind of wisdom and spiritual understanding! There is a fountain of love for you in 2020! It's in the heavenly realm in the heavenly places.
Seen from near and far... a drawing kind of light, a beaconing glorious light to come and see the glory taking place round about and within.
Glory in the heavenly realm... highlights for all year and beyond!
Your faith and love rise within to access treasures of inheritance stored in the heavenly realm. This glory has power in the heavenly realm to change hearts when touched by the reality of God's grace... both by literal touch producing such and the glory in the atmosphere of the heavenly realms... all manifesting of the Holy Spirit... empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Know this ...this will happen and also purposefully in 'Glory To His Name' Church. What you practice becomes you. The Spirit implores you to do this now and also then... *Declare your love for one another in all ways*... and grow in your empowerment of the Holy One. Be strengthened with might according to His glorious power! Pray you and others are energized with explosive power from the realm of magnificent glory, filling you to overflow! Producer of such joyful graditude! This is a mere portion of inheritance. Strengthening, enabling, might... the dynamite kind of power that holds supernatural dynasty-producing kind of love! Colossians 1
A glorious beginning of the new things so desired and for so long we have heard that I have too spoken of for so long...
'Worship in awe and wonder, all you who’ve been made holy! For all who fear him will feast with plenty.' Psalms 34:9
Not been made holy?...whether this is a skewed confession of your heart. Good News! You have been given the right to become children of God. John 1:12
Moreover, you cannot enter the kingdom lest you become like a little child... regardless of your physical age... so receive Him!
Glory in the heavenly realm... where much is established, heavenly places, heavenly changes take place from darkness to light, where the weight of the world is released in place of the peace of God that surpasses human understanding, the place of heavenly graces that heal what ailed you just moments ago, healing happens to a wrong thought, a stronghold, a thought-uncurable hurt and in it unconventionally healed miracles takes the place of these. The glory changes things that you needn't associate with incorrect kind of change any longer. The glory sets you up for success where failure told you differently. God's glory wins for you, with you, comes around you and perfects all that concerns you. It holds the power to remove that which seems insurmountable and gives you ability to walk in the glorious heavenly realm. It's the place to be! It's the place to pursue and PERSIST to find God. There... you find treasures of answers, healing, revelation, confirmation and a discerning that is often secondary to what is first sought or gained in the glory! In other often don't realize it as you are surrounded with, intuned to, blessed by, immersed in, enlightened by in the heavenly realm.
Glory in the heavenly realm brings heaven to earth. In the heavenly realm is where vision is given of the Holy Spirit... where you know what to PERSIST for and in God's glory, where God's light shows up to bless you and set your heart in alignment with His own. The glorious manner that God so loves you in the heavenly realm. A place where birthing takes place toward heavenly things.
These I share to bring you from a place that I so learned long ago. I was taken back, in the spirit in a moment to a place found in Psalm 134...where I stood in the middle of the night at the altar in the Sanctuary in prayer and worship as I so often did in those days. I share this to say these... the revelation gained in prayer through those many nights and only by prayer and worship can I share so much given to me in the spirit that came directly from the glory realm...and I have shared over the years that your worship is to include both.
"Never forget what God tells you or imparts to you in the dark!"
This is not an eerie word. Align this to the Holy Word. What I was told on many occasions on my face in prayer and standing lifting holy hands will take you further than you can ever go on your own. Praising God in the house of the Lord is some of the most favored moments to listen attentively. 'Glory To His Name' Church will never be closed and most especially not for prayer! This is some of what was given to me in prayer as a portion of the vision. Oh the further along the church would be through the heeding of the mandate of prayer through the years and in honoring the gifts. Be encouraged no matter! Redeem the time! God is good.
Glory in the heavenly realm in 2020 will manifest in the vise of love and wills to be the opener of much greatness! It begins with relationship with the holy spirit and one another.
As I prayed and worshipped I saw that there was one gift left beneath the tree unopened with a bow. I sat in the floor with great joy as I opened it sensing strongly that the gift giving season has not come to an end! It shall continue and even grow with intensity throughout this year of 2020!
Moreover though as a manner of most during the holiday season we reach a time where we begin to undecorate all that was beautified for the Christmas season and move into a time of organization, a regrouping, a restructuring toward and with spiritual eyes to a more fine-tuned core regarding spiritual matters...
Glory in the heavenly realm 2020! There were precious gifts full of heavenly grandeur. You must see the blessing in side each gift.
You will also be as a crown of glory and splendor in the hand of the Lord, a royal diadem [exceedingly beautiful] in the hand of your God.
Isaiah 62:3
Last New Year's Eve 2019 after one of the most radical spiritual visions I ever received... just days before the door literally and unexplainably flew open.
Throughout this year of 2019 God is given much discernment about that open vision that Sunday morning in November and though my heart nearly bursts with the same excitement to share it with so many and specifically so and then too for years to come, I can share more about the glory in the heavenly realm for this year regarding the teachings so many have already heard about the mouth.
Open your mouth and taste. Open your eyes and see!
'Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God. Experience for yourself the joyous mercies he gives to all who turn to hide themselves in him.'
Psalms 34:8
'Open you ears to tested knowledge.' Apply your heart with wisdom.
Psalm 23:12
'Open your mouth for the speechless.'...the defenseless
Proverbs 31:8
'Open your mouth and I will fill it.' Drink of the Spirit, continually being filled.
Psalm 81:10
'Speak up for the poor and helpless and see that they get justice.'
Proverbs 31:9
'Winsome words pour from a heart of wisdom, adding value to all you teach. Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words. For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits.'
Proverbs 16:23-24
Take heed or open your spirit to receive.
There is an open door...effectual, fruitful, productive. Shut out are all that desire to close the door. The doors of the church are open doors. Anointed for service. Glory in the heavenly realm.
Opening up the things that wills to access heaven on earth....the heavenly glory realm!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
You are so very loved!
Glory in the Heavenly Realm 2020!
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