The Anointing of Glory in the Light!
The anointing of glory in the light of truth. The anointing breaks the yoke, healing all that is hurt and broken...oh so precious!
And I heard... The anointing, the 360 degree plan, God's plan for life where the high places of disease fall and God is glorified. Light.
And so, as I prayed I saw the following in an open vision...
Angels filling and filing through a narrow door. Hundreds, maybe thousands, a whiteness; transparent though could see their figures and knew they were angelic beings and that they were on a mission.
I knew that everyone could not see them, only those who believed and knew the purpose of their presence. This was of an inner knowing. It was as the vision was given for a specific need though also within the vision, foretold of an event to be, as seen many years ago in prayer to only solidify that healing is coming to, against disease and into the house of God as it was always intended to be.
They filed in quickly, these angelic beings, each following quickly behind one another in an order of heavenly formation and went quickly up, up and and further up. Finally, I saw that they went to the top of this building that was a hospital until they could go up no further. They were very still as they hovered about as if in wait. In wait for what? To accomplish the business for which they were sent; to affect the atmosphere unto healing. Sickness cannot reside where the holiness of God occupies. People began filing out of this building, this hospital. The angels all waited until all the people left the building and excitedly so. As if to be finished with the task at hand, only then did they file out orderly.
They were there to chide others onto faith, to affect the atmosphere, to cheer them on, to by their presence help others realize their worth, their value, to charge the atmosphere with healing, to bring about the plan of God, to give hope to the hurting and health to all.
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. For those who lived in a land of deep shadows- light! Sunburst of light! You repopulated the nation, you expanded it's joy. Oh, they're so glad in your presence! Festival joy! The joy of great celebration, sharing gifts and warm greetings.
Isaiah 9:2-3 Message
There are those who have never known the light, those who have seen the light, those who didn't know how to receive this light, those who have set up high things above the light that they not see the light, those who haven't been taught about the light or encouraged how to share the light and there are those who who used to know the light. No less, there is healing in the the anointing; the light of God's glory!
This is the joy, the presence, the joy in God's presence, the relationship, the love, the great grace, the sharing of the celebration; bringing, sharing of warm love, in the light... an atmosphere of glory! Thankful hearts permeating lives.
Proverbs 21:21
God's Glorious Grace
May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose. We will rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our God will will set up banners! May the Lord FULFILL ALL your PETITIONS. Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He WILL ANSWER from His HOLY HEAVEN (because He already has, let it be unto faith) with the SAVING STRENGTH of His right hand (life and length of days in the anointing... let it touch you, save you, heal you and anoint you to fulfill all of God's purpose).
Psalm 20:4-6
And I heard these words clearly... Hear what the Spirit of the Lord says...
"I am sending 'identity' to the 'crisis'!"
What ever does this mean? You must know WHO and WHAT you are IN HIM! It begs the question, what is not fixed yet? Who needs healing? Who carries the identity in the anointing for the ailment in the moment?
For God says, "I am sending identity to the crisis!"
Identity in God crushes the crisis, heals the need, fills with the merciful graces of God and breaks every power that is not of heaven. Further, it brings balance from the need to the favor. This is how heaven is brought to earth. And it shall be to you, to yours, to me and to mine, to all those who are near and to those afar off.
Divine rewind of glory in time! God has done it. The Word says so. The Spirit brought it forth. God is bringing it back and into manifestation. Yes, this is what has been in wait.
November 18th, as now three years have passed... divinely answered prayer, one so favored as to save, heal and bring grace to so many according to the Word and Spirit of God, a day never ever forgotten. A morning to be told of morning after morning of how God is a God of miraculous provision, though brought with great intentionality and continual and effectual provision always and in all ways.
God has not forgotten you, nor changed his mind. Loving you always.
For the Lord will not cast off His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance. But judgment will return to righteousness, and all the upright in heart will follow it.
Psalm 94:14-15
Inheritance... the Church!
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
God's Decree...
This is God's Most Holy Word. Mediate for a moment on its meaning. God said it. Blessings flowing so quickly unto another. This is in God's will. This happens in God's will. God said it shall happen. You won't be able to get away from it. It wills to be all new, fresh, a refreshment. Joy follows where there was pain, though not merely from a birthing of a blessing that has been hard sought and prayed into existence, but in the receiving. There shall be a transfer from what was not called 'favored' to what shall be. A divine turn of events as you go. An awe as you look about, an amazement that settles over your heart, mind and vise realizing it is all turning toward the good, the right and the Word. Renewal and regeneration happening. Manifestation. Growth. The 'more than enough'. Not the taking away, no memory of it, just as though and is as sin washed away, that so easily besets, forgotten and gone amidst the vise of all things new.

There is no room for logic in the vision... no provision made for skepticism, reasoning and doubt. These are the high things that set themselves above the Word of God.
Rise above the fact that what the world
didn't provide for us, heaven did!
The anointing of glory... a key to your healing and the growing of the triumphant church in the light!