United Lights in Triumph... To The Glory of God For The Church!
Filled up to overflowing, lit up together... this place of togetherness carries victory triumphant, giving glory to God for the church!
One light lights the next light.
One blood-bought child of God, who knows the victory they each carry, brings others who before they knew not, into this blood-bought position.
Their light is now lit.
Lights in unity!

These now have realized the mercies and sacrifices given for them. They are awakened as the learned. These now forgive. These too love. These grow. These are greatly strengthened. These have been and are now given unto. These are ministered to. These move into place. Their light is glowing!
They give mercifully as they were given unto. They give sacrifices realizing the ultimate sacrifice. They now learn by teaching. These are forgiving to others, as much as they have been forgiven, that others come to their light. They shower others in love. They are edifying to others. They now sow into others as these are sown into unto greater light. These minister to others. These bring others into place. Others see that this light is greater than themselves and they must share this light giving glory to God!
And so... the light grows brighter!

Light expels darkness. It is received. Light shines out. Light grows ever brighter and is far reaching. Light was and forever is in God. Light is shared. Light removes darkness and exchanges it for light. Light makes a way. Light gives direction. Light brings about wisdom. Light is love. Light reveals. Light opens. Light is of the Spirit. Light was and forever will be of God. Light cannot be contained, yet contains all things. Light was from the beginning and is also everlasting. Light brings miracles into manifestation from the place that darkness once did reside leaving it no more. Light is a bringer. Light changes. Light is joyous.
In unity, these that are in the light grow, giving glory to God in and unto the triumphant church. This is how the church grows in it in the light of God. `The church is light. The church is to be triumphant! A lit up church gives glory to God!
And so, the church grows in the light into triumphant unity... and this gives glory to God!
United Lights in Triumph... To The Glory of God For The Church!
The church... the very most glorious unified entity given of God!
A vision to share... in two parts that became light.
This happened in a moment of prayer in the church as a vision opened unto me. This took place about two months ago. More and more revelation, though some immediately obvious, has grown in light to share to bring more and more light to those seeking, the young and old in the Lord and to those who were not seeking the Lord though you are now counted among those that have been found.
The Vision... Part 1
A speaker was sharing in a church about how unity 'comes into being'. At once one by one (not by religious rote, but by revelation knowledge to bring light to others and to edify each others) each one came out of their seat and came and took a specific place on the floor of the altar area where the others watched where they were going intently.
Each time another point was made of how the church works together another person came out of their seat and took a different position on the floor. Some were curled over into a ball. Some were stretched out flat, feet together, others stretched out feet and arms apart. I marveled at how each person moved directly into perfect placement, even horizontally on the floor, that each were not looking on one another to come into perfect alignment, but was directed specifically according to the Word spoke and the Spirit moving in the midst, though no one told them where to be. It was a quiet and prayerful time. And so it is with the leading of the Holy Ghost.
This continued until there were no more left in their seats. Though the more the person spoke the more came out of their seats to take their place. And simultaneously, the more people filed into the church from the outer doors and it kept going. The floor seemed to expand.
I watched as the people that made up the church individually took their place collectively on the floor. What I suddenly looked on was a large person with a head (that was comprised of several people curled in a ball to fill in a large circular shape), arms that were a few people in width and a few people's body length to make up the arms and even longer in width and length, the legs. This human figure of a person was stretched from one side of the church to the other. You could not see from one side of the altar area of the sanctuary to the other. I watched this unity take place as a demonstration of the Spirit.
1 Corinthian 12:12-14 says...
Just as the human body is one, though it has many parts that together form one body, so too is Christ. For by one Spirit we all were immersed and mingled into one single body. And no matter our status-whether we are Jews or non-Jews, oppressed or free-we are all privileged to drink deeply of the same Holy Spirit. In fact, the human body is not one single part but rather many parts mingled into one.
18-27 goes on to say...
But God has carefully designed each member and placed it in the body to function as he desires. A diversity is required, for if the body consisted of one single part, there wouldn't be a body at all! So we now see that there are many differing parts and functions, but one body... there will be no division in the body... You are the body of the anointed one and each of you is a unique (even the ones who have yet to receive Jesus as their Savior) and vital (God is awaiting you to come into the Kingdom) part of it... THE CHURCH!
The church... the very most glorious unified entity given of God!
12:13 To “drink deeply” of the Spirit is the same as receiving his power and gifts until rivers of living water flow from the inside of us. See John 3:34; 7:37.The church... the very most glorious unified entity given of God!
12:18 Every believer should be content with the place within the body God has placed him. And God is pleased when we serve him with joy in every activity or ministry that we engage in for the sake of the body.
The Vision... Part 2
So I spoke these words from God, just as he told to and suddenly there was a rattling noise from all across the valley, and the bones of each body came together and attached to each other as they used to be. Then as I watched, the muscles and flesh formed over the bones, and skin covered them, but the bodies had no breathe. Then he told me to call to the wind and say: "The Lord God says, 'Come from the four winds, O Spirit, and breath upon these slain bodies, they may live again". So I spoke to the winds as he commanded me and the bodies began breathing; they lived and stood up - a very great army.
Ezekiel 37:7-10 The Living Bible
The next portion of the vision I prayed into during worship and I was taken back into this open vision, though it was as the first part of the vision was in replay through the eyes of the Spirit.
I saw all of the people that had taken their place on the floor to make up a large a human person, though in a spiritual place of the church. I looked up to see a rushing of water over the top of the people, a cleansing water. I was ascertained it was the washing of the Spirit; a filling of the spirit afresh.
I then saw large words dangling over the top of the people written in light. The words were lit up over the top of the people in this vision. I knew the words I saw were not just specific to each person that they rested atop of. In times past this might have been been well-defining individually for personal edification and encouragement, though I knew these words were not specific to an individual person, though it was about the collective corporate church, these words to edify the church.
These words were for the collective spiritual body of the church. It is important to share that they did not read left to right but were written in the spirit vertically atop the people that formed the church. The words (there were many, though a few here) that were prominent were these:
These words spoke for themselves that rested atop the beloved ones. As I prayed I saw how as this great army came together and stood up it was made in the shape of the cross. How gloriously creative! The church coming together individually strengthened and then corporately unified!
So much can be gained from the vision. Take note of these:

Interpretation of the Vision... Part 1 and 2
- There is always a cleansing when the Word of God is present.
- Words given of God to speak are full of the life of the Spirit.
- Something took place without any prior notice.
- The rattling, the noise, the movement took place in the valley.
- The noise took place in the mountain first; speaking life.
- There is always a place to come up higher.
- God is into multiplication when placed in the light.
- There truly is a river of people coming into kingdom fellowship.
- Light is overcoming darkness and strategies of hell are being bound.
- The Spirit of God blows everything into place, nothing disjointed.
- The bones were given to breathe in human likeness.
- These bones that came together formed one body.
- These bones collectively then formed the one; The Church!
- God is in the restorative and unifying business.
- Being attentative will make ready to see the miraculous.
- When God calls for the wind for life, it will be pure, free of debris.
- Spirit-filled, life-sharing, edifying words bring life and breath.
- The Spirit of God is a bringer of life.
- The Spirit of God causes a standing for the beloved church.
- The exceedingly great army is a heavenly army, occupants of heaven and earth.

Every door of darkness is being closed... individually, corporately, regionally, nationally. This must be accomplished in prayer first.
Let light be in the church as this shall bring the revival that it sought in love!
United Lights in Triumph...To The Glory of God For The Church!
A key to the kingdom!
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