Friday, September 09, 2022

The Genuine Love in the Glory of the Triumphant Church!

The Glorious Genuine Love of the Triumphant Church...

It is real.

It is authentic.

It is holy.

It is prosperous. 

It is glorious.

It is genuine.

It is triumphant.

This glorious genuine love shall be ever-present in the triumphant church in the glory...and yes, for the glory of God! 'Glory To His Name' church shall be this as the Holy Spirit has confirmed time and time again through the years... the camels are coming! 

Even when you did not desire the blessing or know how to receive it with genuine love, it is still right where it was, resting, awaiting in the heavenlies, in the heavenly places. God does not change... the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

Isaiah 60 says... and paraphrased notes... the sharing of the vision...

1... Arise and shine! (...a song of the morning! Up! It's time! Let the sunshine in!)

2... ...deep darkness the people (darkness; lacking light, feelings or morals, trying to cause gloom and depression)

3... will come to your light (Nations will come to be encouraged) and kings to the brightness of your rising (to desire also what has been given in vision and wills to manifest) 

4... Lift up your eyes all around, and see: They all gather together, they (and you will know what they need) come to you...your sons (reunion, coming home, turning to God) come from afar...and your daughters shall be nursed at your side (healed, saved, flowing together)

5... You shall see and become radiant, (filled and overflowing, radiant joy) and your heart (Hearts for the church, for the vision with generous spirits, financier angels coming to the house of God!) will swell with joy. The wealth... shall come (Harvest time!)

6... The multitude of camels shall cover the land (as far as you can see the light!)

7... ...they shall bring gold and incense and they shall proclaim the praises of the Lord (The further growth of the kingdom of God, divine exchange, to share the Word of the Lord, to worship together...unity...prayer, word and worship!)

... Welcome gift for worship as the house of God is bathed in glorious temple splendor...Kings assisting in the the conduct of worship as they come to be a part of what God is doing. It is my desire to be tender now. 24/7/365 house day and night (how often I have shared this is to be) build the church to dwell beautify the finest sanctuary. No more hand me downs....only the finest...abundance...the joy of many generations! Gold, silver, bronze and iron; the lesser valued for the more. No more violence heard in the land (changed hearts...Violence, You are no more!). Walls of salvation and gates of praise and written on the hearts and shared from the lips of those also who accompany me. Salvation Way is the path leading there... right unto Praise parkway. Days of mourning ending. A righteous people. Expansion and growth, furthering, a raising up! It is the accelerated time. A little one shall become a thousand, a small one a strong nation (right where it started!) and shall grow from there!

God has provided so very much provision available in the form of answered prayer already! The harvest is ripe! Let the workers be many!


Pray this...Word and Spirit!

Sanctify them in the truth [set them apart for Your purposes, make them holy]; Your word is truth.

John 17:17

...believe in God's genuine love and 
pray this genuine love into your life...

When you abide under the shadow of the Shaddai you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. He's the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me. The only God for me, and my great confidence. He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy and he will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse. His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm. You will never worry about an attack of demonic forces at night nor have to fear a spirit of darkness coming against you. Don't fear a thing! Whether by night or by day, demonic danger will not trouble you, nor will the powers of evil be launched against you. Even in a time of disaster, with thousands and thousands being killed, you will remain unscathed and unharmed. You will be a spectator as the wicked perish in judgment, for they will be paid back for what they have done! When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap, they'll be there for you and keep you from stumbling. You'll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness trampling every one of them beneath your feet! For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: Because you loved me, delighted in me, and have been loyal to my name, I will greatly protect you. I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will feel my presence in your time of trouble. I will deliver you and bring you honor. I will satisfy you with a full life and with all that I do for you. For you will enjoy the fullness of my salvation!

Psalm 91:1-16

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires AND petitions of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

Now, to the one with enough power to prevent you from stumbling in to sin and bring you faultless before His glorious presence to stand before Him with ecstatic delight. (glory and exceeding joy)

Jude 24

Pray these words from Psalm 86:11...
"Teach me more about you, how you work and how you move. so that I can walk onward in your truth until everything within me brings honor to your name." 

....right in front of me I saw a vast multitude of people—an enormous multitude so huge that no one could count—made up of victorious ones from every nation, tribe, people group, and language. 

Revelation 7:9
I desire to see the very many in the church and to be a part of the church with a heavenly home (not an eternal hell!) This is the church triumphant. This is so much the vision for 'Glory To His Name' Church. It has been seen and written that you believe it to be so! I desire this before it is too late for too many!

May the Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you are, and bless you as He has promised you! 

Deuteronomy 1:11

When gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere!

It is where genuine love lives... the making of the Triumphant Church!

7 year ago... an orderous plan given me while in prayer on just one afternoon, that the Holy Spirit flow freely amidst the church; forever unhindered, always fruitful and ever growing, even from that moment in prayer. This plan, an outline carrying the anointing that would ever build upon many truths, create growth, life and unprecedented joy ...a joy that is full of glory!

The sheer mercies of heaven upon the church. For this is what prayer produces...answers. A moment of revelation aligning to the convictions of the heart to bring much grace abundant to build and grow up the triumphant church!


September 6th - "Worship-filled Week"
... a 10-15 minute message shared from the 'Worship Arts Director' including introductions of when each serve of the 7 Worship ministries of 'Glory To His Name' church, their leaders, what makes each ministry unique and what part of worship each of them serve... (brochure with this information ever available)

- 'I Will Sing' (Children only Choir/Children to Adults) ...Serves at 'Special Events' times

- 'Joy-Filled Sound' (Middle/High Choir) ...serves at 'Special Event' and every last Sunday of the month

- 'A Joyful Noise' (Youth/Middle to include praise dance) ...Serves at 'Special Events'

- New Song (Youth/High including praise dance transitioning into story-telling drama) ...Serves at 'Mid-Week Service' and 'Youth/Special Events' 

- Rejoice (Adult to include periodic solos, duets and trios amidst choral pieces) ...Serves at 'Seasonal Events' and 'Special Events'

-Oil of Gladness (Adult 'Oil of Gladness' concludes the worship as the Holy Spirit closes the service with no time limitations) ...Serves at 'Seasonal Events and 'Special Events'

(Platform is designated to accommodate all choir, dance, drama and worship settings collectively in a very open area including the altar area floor space with an atmosphere of an open heaven!)  

Today is not only Sunday (and always a 'special event', but also a very 'Special Event'!

Each of these 7 Worship ministries share their portion of of leading in giving God glory this day!


September 13th - Prophecy/(Part 1) "Refreshing Love"

  • Message shared from 'Glorious' and a message also shared from a visitor to 'Glorious'
  • What is this 'inspiration gift'?
  • Biblical examples of prophecies
  • How do you gain this gift?
  • Is this gift really important?
  • Love requires it. It requires love. Freely giving. Freely receiving.
  • What does this gift accomplish?
  • What does this gift look like?
  • What is this gift 'not' used for.
  • How to recognize this supernatural love for you
  • How to then receive this supernatural love
  • What to do with this gift and what not to do with this the giver and to the receiver.
  • You were given this inspiration gift of 'Prophecy'? How and for what? (...many 3 minute testimonies shared and these sharing should be available for altar ministry)
  • 'Joy In His Presence' concludes message today.
  • Altar Call: Salvation, Healing and Revelation


September 20th - Prophecy/(Part 2) "Love Lives"

  • Message shared from 'Glorious' and also a message shared from a visitor to 'Glorious'
  • Further biblical examples of prophecies
  • This loves produces inspiration, edification, comfort and love.
  • A portion of the message shared from 'Chief Intercessors' of 'The Fountain'.
  • Practicing His presence. 
  • You were given this inspiration gift of 'Prophecy'? How and for what? (...many 3 minute testimonies shared and these sharing should be available for altar ministry)
  • 'Glorious' concludes the message today.
  • Altar Call: Salvation, Healing and Revelation


September 27th - The Inspiration Gifts..."Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues and Prophecy"

  • Message shared today from 'Glorious' and message also shared from 2 visitors to 'Glorious'
  • What is the most needed gift in the body of the church today?
  • How these inspiration gifts work together. 
  • You were given an 'inspiration gifts'? How and for what? (...many 3 minute testimonies shared... these sharing should be available for altar ministry)
  • Altar Call: Salvation, Healing and Revelation

...the anointing flowing and full of radical joy...the genuine love of the triumphant church!

A light scheduled to grow and to shine, that many see and run to it and be saved, healed, filled and made whole! speak, to say, to sing, to worship, to lighten and illuminate, to make manifest, to give glory to God! His burden is light unto the triumphant and victorious church!

Genuine love... it brings light to the hearts that were not previously aware of what they were seeking. Oh the love, when they find out whom they have found! Seek and you shall find God's genuine love!

The genuine love in the glory! It is a key to the Triumphant Church!

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