Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Out of the Past- Forward to Destiny Part 2 (Blurbs from "Tendermommycare" Blog)

The Acts of the Holy Spirit- Monday, October 2006

The glorious prayer meeting of all prayer meetings! The wind that blew in and filled the whole house, filling every person with a heavenly language as the Holy Spirit gave utterance! (Acts 2:2) Be continually filled with the Spirit. Renewal of your ministry in prayer! Look Church, what prayer can accomplish! It's a time of travailing in the Holy Spirit! Renewal of your ministry in prayer! Look church, what prayer can accomplish! ........................................

Heaven is my Throne, the Earth is My footstool. What house will you build for me? says the Lord, or what is the place of My rest? (Acts 7:49) lt's the building of hearts with the Most High God! There was great joy in that city for all that were being healed. (Acts 8:8) Thank you God for anointing your Son, Jesus with Holy Spirit power and healing all who were oppressed of the devil and for God being with Him! (Acts 10:38) Amen!!!Thank you for being the example of holiness!

They remember the word, how He said,  "John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit: (Acts 11:16) Such cleansing! The one comfort you have longed for! It's not how the others always said it was. The final authority is Jesus Christ! There's no denying the one true living God!

Earthquake rocks the foundation and everyone's chains loosed as Paul and Silas sing and pray down His Glory! Powerhouse worship! Clearly marked for deliverance of the captives. Health to all the hearers! It's here today. God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Discover His power by way of the Holy Spirit. I was raised in the strictness of my father's law but praise God I am zealous toward God as you all are today (Acts22:3)

Praise the Lord for the salvation of God! Praise the Almighty for the Holy and Santified Word of God!

No Waiting on Aisle #1- Monday, November 13, 2006 

Oh my Lord! How precious you are! How funny you are to show up in the most gracious my dreams as I awake, walking the block on a chilled morning, in my song of praise to you and havin' church! You are so funny! How I love you! Let me count the ways...Uh, I can't count that high!


It's about December 23rd. Walmart.Got the picture?! Many think to go now so that they pick up their last minute gifts in order to save the hustle bustle on Christmas Eve! There's a man available with an empty line on Aisle #1 with no waiting!...Imagine Jesus, tattered robe, long beard and long hair, worn, brown, dusty sandals (from going from  town to town) with piercing eyes of love and a sweet smile. "No waiting on Aisle #1 He (Jesus) calls out on the loud speaker with a voice that speaks to hearts. No one moves. Why? Everyone has needs this busy December night!

Rebellion...."I'm not moving now. I have been here for 25 minutes already and don't want to be here any longer than I have to."  ----Reality- You wind up there another 25 minutes because you chose not to hear His voice as they did in the rebellion!

Reasoning..."If I move over there someone will likely jump in front of me and if I do that then I will never get out of here. I have to get home sometime tonight. Not my best option. I think I will stay put." <---Reality-Stop thinking, its with your heart that you will get out of this desert of busyness and into the real festivities!

Judgment..."You would think that there would be some kind of dress code here. They must just hire about anyone here these days. From now on I might just go the new Walmart.----I would hate to be sitting with this one on judgment day! Never know when you are entertaining angels!

Religion..."No way am I moving. He can call all he wants. The sign says '10 items or less' and I have a cart full. I will just stay here in my comfortable line, no matter how slow it might be. ----...Oh look out! A small, rambunctious child playing with His siblings comes rushing by and hits your cart knocking it sideways, spilling all your 25 gifts all over the floor! Such embarrassment and aggravation and lots of gifts are broken now...well, I only have 10 items now and should have listened and moved! Oh, that wasted perfume! (makes me think of washing Jesus feet)

2 Corinthians 10:5 says...Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity ---traps your thoughts, throwing them out to keep you from disobedience.Rebellion, Reasoning, Judgment & Religious thoughts are vainly created imaginations setting themselves up against all God says! This is the way we might tear down the old wrapping paper of our minds and replace it with the new wrapping paper.

What is the new wrapping paper? Philippians 4:8...Finally (---now, you are listening Paul says!), brethren (---His church), whatever things are true (----not false), whatever things are noble (---of His high call), whatever things are just (---right), whatever things are pure (----oh my! He's coming back for the spotless church), whatever things are lovely (----like the colors of Autumn trees), whatever things are of good report (----not gossip-filled), if there is any virtue (---moral goodness) and if there is anything praiseworthy (----exalts our Lord)- meditate (---think and ponder) on these things.

NO WAITING ON AISLE #1...Leave Rebellion, Reasoning, Judgment and Religion and get in the Healing Line!!! Have a Bles-sed Merry Christmas Jesus calls out and please come back!

Extravagant Love...Extravagant Praise- Saturday, December 23,  2006 

I feel the Holy Spirit all around as I write this post. You have spoken this into my spirit for a few days. I have found the time to give to you You wholly My Lord! Oh Jesus! My heart cries out with love for you! I want to Worship you, give you Extravagant Praise! I hear you Holy One. You are speaking about love...Extavagance in Love...Faith, Hope and Love...but the greatest of these is Love. Some would say...She's flipped! There's no balance in all that. That is well....just plain excessive. Off her rocker. Yes, reasoning! That's right. Off the deep end, excessive praise! Loss of religious piety, rules and the ways of the usual! Webster's calls it "wandering beyond limits" and "one who is confined to no general rule" so yes, Extreme!

What Extravagant Love?! What Extravagant Praise?! It's the breaking of a jar that was filled with the expense of precious love for the Lord of Lords, King of Kings to anoint, to pour forth love out of a pure heart of rich true love. A love that defies all laws of religion. One that loves a friend or stranger in a way that seems odd to the carnal eye. Extravagant love in only received by the Spiritual at heart, those walking in excessive and sweet love for the Holy One!

All else balks at this sort of love, sticks it's nose up and wipes off the holy kiss from the cheek of a brother or sister because "that is just too weird"! That was for the bible days they'd say. You who choose to love Him in an oracle of greatness will soon not miss the blessing of such great measure of love salvation! The house was filled with the extravagant love...immediately along came the spirit of ridicule, judgment and reason to attack her. Jesus said "Let her alone"! (Mark 14:6) He knew she truly loved him! She bowed down in extravagant praise to her Lord. She had ardent zeal! She had a love for Jesus that was expensive and excessive, over the top...just crazy they thought! In all their religious piety and iced love for what they called concern for the poor, Jesus himself put them in their place quickly!( Matthew 26:9-13) It took that crazed love that brought forth the miracle of the moment to cause her through tear-filled eyes to bow to anoint his dusty feet. The love she had was uncalculating , risk taking, overwhelming even and was a certain kind of love filled with faith that fueled her love for the poor. This was her admiration for Jesus that exceeded reason and all moderation!

Pour out your alabaster jar of extravagant praise and love to the One who was born to save your soul! If you have not have nothing to give to Him! The wise men brought gifts! What gifts do you bring to the King....the One King that held the hope of the Word?! Merry Christmas to My King!

(Inspired by the Holy Spirit through the song...One King by: Point of Grace)

Monday, January 15, 2007-I Will Not Be Denied  

Solid Rock of Revelation...You are my solid rock!............................

Praise you Lord for Sunday. Oh, the childlike heart I feel as I awoke that morning and every Sunday morning! I leap out of bed like my daddy is taking me to Heche's Dime Store in Fortville, at maybe the tender age of 5. I don't remember Dad ever taking me there...just me and him to spend my dime for a pocketful of candy, but my gracious heavenly Father took me and takes me there every Sunday morning! His heavenly candy is likened to watching salvation taking place, singing glorious songs to Him, gaining His precious wisdom and loving those that are loved less than before you offered your conversation or hug. You are my joy and my strength! Freely give, freely receive!

...............The desires of my heart are mine because I delight myself in Him and I demand every thing precious that the enemy has tried to steal from me thus far! You call forth war and my God  breathes on you and you vanish in this air! Amen! Tenacity to do God's will, supernatural...he (the enemy) does not have! But God! ...Let the voice of faith ring loud and clear this day to the love and worship of You in which I am called. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Eph. 3:20) Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless, before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God or Savior Who Alone is wise Be glory and majesty, Dominion and Power, Both now and forever Amen. (Jude 23 ; 24) He will lift us all up with exceedingly great joy. This faith...will not be denied! (not for me, not for you)

More Blurbs from Tendermommycare Blog to come......

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