Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Out of the Past- Forward to Destiny Part 5 (Blurbs from 'Tendermommycare' Blog)

Paradigm Shift- April 30, 2007


Everybody loves a rose
But will you be thankful for the thorns?
Love is easy when you are loved,
But do you curse another when you're alone?

Oh, I give my life to You so I can gain it back again
Oh, I stand silent while the paradigm is shifting

You say live and let live,
But people are dying everyday
And you say what I don't know won't hurt me
But if what I do not know
Is the very thing I need, Then I say

Humanity sees truth through a shattered window pane
that blocks the view, and plants the seed
So, we draw the curtains to close but I say
That the sun can still shine behind a closed mind
and sticks and stones do hurt
When tossed from the tongue of mankind

Paradigm shift...a song filled with so much much one could say on this...what is it? It is the shift from living based on facts and theory and shifts to a new way of thinking based on the Holy Spirit, based on the mind of Christ.; making him the primary love of your life. It is moving from fact to truth and getting your mind off of what the world says and letting the truth rule every part of your being...the real truth. The shifting to the virtue of God, allowing Him to serve as your model for  life and everything godly; to always being in that heavenly state of supreme happiness. Not just being a servant who loves people because they are told to, but one who finds first the identity in the Love they have for he Lord. It the revelation of the Bridegroom in all profoundness. It's knowing you are to be a lover of the Lord first. Then the flame will ignite into great passion......................

Get that fire of desire in your blood. His blood is the only thing that can do it. All that is pure, holy, noble and of good theories, false or inaccurate, half truths. It's like a cluttered closet with no order being transformed in the renewing of your mind unto a redecorated, God-managed, complete redesign. Above all, God can't move without it. He is a God of order, though He seemingly illogically died for the world and speaks in parable that flesh does not comprehend. He is still God and the only means to the greater glory. Oh , that greater glory! The Spirit speaks loud and long lately on this.

Paradigm shift...History, revivals of the past being reawakened to a new way, His way...a way of loving on, not conforming to the ways of he world but loving in the social moral sense, just how Jesus loved. Revival by definition is just this...A new production of an old play, reawakening of interest; awaking restoration of life...Ah, that Zoe life! It says...I do not and will not give up on what God has called forth toward the greater glory. Shift toward the greater glory!

One Friday Afternoon- Sunday, July 29, 2007  

Holy Spirit, you are amazing at the mystery you bring unexpected. You wow me. You surprise me. You mold me. So exciting and so wonderful You are. All in Your time.

Holy Spirit stirring, swirling in a circle-like a whirlpool, creating. Doors.Doors. A great and effective door is opening. A door of blessing. It's opening. The door. The doors of the church. The church door are opening. It matters not what name. It matters not what section of the church that God has named-swirling together! Making one. The doors are opening. Many coming- sections of the church matter no longer. Swimming in a whirlpool. Changing in the church. Healing. Swimming. floods in a circle....wind-can't see the power is so great-go without sight. Faith. Faith realm. Go. Circles of healing in the door. Strong and powerful. Full of life and healing. Full churches. New thing. Health to all. I've set before you a great open door.

Thank you for powerful words pouring. Continue to speak and show yourself to me. The way you manifest is new. Bless you Holy Spirit. Flood the Church, Lord. Flood your church!

(An outpouring of His Spirit one afternoon by way of Prayer)

Revival- Saturday, October 6, 2007  

...........I cried to you Lord with my voice, and You heard me from Your Holy Hill (paraphrased..Psalm 3:4) Imagine looking out over the valley onto a crop of wheat into a community of the people. Or better still being in the valley and having many look down inside to see what all the racket is about! : ) They thought it should be quiet as usual..oh, but no longer. It is now full of joy and very loud!

We're not keeping this quiet, not on your life just like the Psalmist who wrote, " I believed it, so I said it," we say what we believe. And what we believe is that the One who raised up the Master Jesus will just as certainly raise us up with You, alive. Every detail works to your advantage and to God's glory, more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise! So, we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye..................................

...............More Blurbs from 'Tendermommycare' Blog to Come

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