Thursday, July 08, 2010

Heart After God

One of the greatest gifts you can bring to your King is the gift of absolute sincerity in prayer, intercession or song. <----(This has spurred me on this day!) My every fiber of my being shouts's the way...oh wow. Pure hearts that says in it...a sincere heart, soul, mind and strength. Totally given over to Him. Total abandonment is sweetly sincere to Him. This is the bottle of perfume Mary 'wasted' at Jesus's feet. Total abandonment. Shouts LOVE. Smells ever so sweet. Loving like this is sharing and having the character of Jesus. It is pure and carries fidelity. Knowing you love the people sincerely; a pressing into it. Tears are reality. Tears mean that you mean business of the Father's business. Some say your communication won't take you there. I say you were made in His image and He made us to be love and to communicate and how we do that is every way He did or we could not. Is not everything given of Him? Genesis 1:27 We simply look to Him to go deeper. And deep calls to deep. That place of placid purity, forgiveness, repentance, cleansing, fullness and wholeness.

This place doesn't place you at a place of defeat but should you look through the binoculars it looks like a sweet child digging for treasure and the look of excitement when it's found. And your excitement to see it in your view. In Genesis 1:29 He says...See, He says..Look. Now drop the binoculars because those are to see things far from you. Press through the atmosphere. Now just look through the eyes of your heart (what do you see?) and let Him speak to you and sing to you and love you and be through you....all things we already have understanding of. He is not far. Much healing right there. No magnifying glass, no binoculars necessary. They have their place but not so much here. His love is always available. It speaks. It washes you with His purity so to speak. It meditates on the law but doesn't become unbending. Shares and loves..

It reminds me of Sarah's character... recalled in 1 Peter 3:6, in love and adoration calling Abraham lord. Purity. Strong love, a contrite heart.One verse in 1 Chronicles 29:17 (NLT) says...I know my God, that you examine our hearts and rejoice when  you find integrity there. That makes me Shout!

It's were the light of grace is available to the spirit...the complete package of all that is sought out in prayer.There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, The Holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High...Psalm 46:4 It's begins in humble adoration and when prayed through ends in the answer of laughter. Let go of all you hang onto....such glory rests comes....and it is powerful!!!

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