Saturday, July 31, 2010

Life In The House

Communication is the message. Incredible importance to Him today. Conveyance of all that matters. Convergence into reality. For the body has been heavy about this of late. It's of immense importance. The things the eyes of my heart see...that intercession states...that the cry flow out onto a puddle of words here....I pray you hear me. My heart is heavy in love with you, with a message of His I cannot contain.

(Small testimony - A little side journey...Perhaps you may know other who relate...Buck teeth, tripped over my mouth as I spoke, my mouth open as I slept...would this not be enough but there's more....couldn't sing right, was told I wasn't aloud, couldn't make it to choir, didn't like my music, never fit it, shut off at every prospect, drownded dreams at every turn, made fun of for dozens of reasons, used, lied to, tried to be abused in many areas, devil showing up strong, broken home, wrong paths, much responsibility. Can you get a tiny glimpse of why the enemy would not want us to use our gifts to glorify His Name? Enough I say! Silence is crushed under these words! Romans 

How do you communicate? Dance, art, teach, sing, preach, laugh, hug, chat...Do you do all to His glory? I speak out righteous desires. Do you purpose to love the many and help them or does motives suggest something less than full spirit of worship...? Worship has penetrated my life for more of my days than not, even at times I look and I see such pain and deception. Oh God! Oh God! From playing as a child; endless fun unto the sweet desire of mature worship that really looks like a child. The true love cannot be missing to all the members. Inside and outside of our hearts. I sense already a movement upon my fingers that there is a progression coming of a check in the spirit unto the fullness of worship flooding the ground we kneel on. Forgive us Lord! For all things are made perfect in weakness. All creation made to Your Glory. 

We see indeed into the realm of the Spirit but the enemy of our life and dreams wants to bring division into half-hearted devotion. It is ever so small. Begins in an organized thought, control comes in, a larger door is opened to offense, pain is given out, love to the brethren is weakened to a state that flashes its eyes openly, lack of compassion is in place (Heavenly Father, forgive us!) doesn't receive the encouragement, won't receive that another be blessed, pride, doesn't submit to one another in love that was created between all...that design of absolute truth; the pleasure of the anointing- a coming together in fellowship with one another and nothing but nothing could make you "really" want to depart this place of sweetness. All else has no other remedy but repentance. The element of time in the supernatural doesn't know a limit because that requires a place of cessation. But...His Mercy endures forever and ever and ever!

Let us flow in Him, in the Spirit, no regimen, door open to love and care of one another, blessings given, character of the Lord that removes all deception of love....woah....the anointing within comes alive and truly...nothing but nothing could make you "really" want to depart this place of pleasant love for each other. Sing. Bask in the joy. Just play. No discouragement allowed in this realm. Life! Purpose! Encouragement! I need to hear you! We all need to be heard! It's the cycle of Blessing. Sometimes...the words grace the page so fast I become breathless at the love I know wants and needs to be poured out through each of us. Looks never ending from this view. Almost euphoric. A prayerful, worshipful, repentant state, thick fog filling the house, fillling your spirit, filling the sanctuary, filling your sanctuary...Unmistaken. Undeniable. Woah..The brilliance of the wedding. It's coming.

Sometimes... more often than not, I do not know what the beginning of the task looks like until I've begun forward unnoticed. Go to that one person needing a hug, that one needing a drink, that one that needs just one word, the one whose smile will be graditude enough to satisfy one long into the day, the one word the Lord gives and shared that sets someone on a cloud long into their dreams. Ah, the overflow....but there's more than this. Oh church, we have been there...each of us. Perhaps its lack of rest. Thats an enemy to you and me. Erase figuratively, yet as a spiritual act of worship any devisive way off the chalkboard of the heart. Praise him for the infilling of the Holy Spirit! Honest before him. Let communication unveil to the ultimate worship. Ask for it, give it away, pray it down...all around!  

Adore Him, be ruined for Him, sing, pray and with understanding...He said yesterday...."Sing, blue, depths of you, deep calls out, holy, righteous, wonderous lovely one, full of measurement of all your love, pure, touch of righteousness, streams come alive, graditude spills, angels shout aloud, mercy, joyful grace". Prosperous and best are the ways of the Spirit. Call on the anointing within...

Are you cold? Of course you are. It's 90 degrees out : ) Don't forget your Garment of Praise! Leave the spirit of heaviness behind. Wear well, in your spirit, the Oil of Joy! Everyone be beautifully dressed in the place of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit...Romans 14:17. Royalty. Joy is pleasure within. 

Let all things that ail you be cast off the shoulders onto Him. He took all the pain, all the offense, all the untruth, all the lies, all the bitterness, all the sin, all the past, all the judgement, all the lack, all the limitations, all the fear, all the brokenness, all the trouble, all the grief and.....When we let it all go...every ounce of hurt supernaturally.. it is like an ounce of the expense and the expanse of perfume....poured out. It is removed and carried in through the same door...the doorway of Love! Powerful, Unceasing, Magnetic Love!

We will find it. It's a guarantee. Sealed. 7 days ago confirmation came in the spirit of so much undone. Extraordinary things about to happen. Authority. Devil stopped. Truth. Rejected by most but the word flows on the inside. Calendar marked tonight. Church age about to end. It's about to be given back. Kindness. No more fear in the churches. Priceless and valuable. Let me hear you. You have been disappointed even in your trust. Great courage. When others were afraid you ran track. No backing up. Bow the knee in the night. Receive. July was the marker you saw back then. Measure by word and spirit ...never man. Begins in the household of faith. Chosen rightly. Ready. In motion. Open your heart. There is a sound to find and there's the sound of a drum. Great grace being poured upon Pastors and leaders. Open the heavens over much for me. I share with you..........Woah!!!       

With their voices (shout aloud, fame, lightness, noise, spark, yell sing, sound) they shall sing (triumph, joy, shout, stridulous sound, shout aloud for joy, rejoice) together; For they shall see (advise self, visions, view, gaze, discern, consider, joyfully, look upon, present, provide, have respect) eye(fountain) to eye (fountain)  
Isaiah 52:8 b

But the hour is coming; and now is when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. 
John 4: 23-24 

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching, and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual (singing in tongues, supernatural newsong) songs (chants, metrical compositions), singing with grace (graditude gift, influence upon the heart, benefit, liberal pleasure) in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossians 3:16   

Prostrate on my face....overtaken in the grace.
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?! 

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