Saturday, October 16, 2010

Promises of the Season

Love that doesn't give in or give up...loving the household of faith. Exasperating love for each other that always has something good to give away. Promises arrives in it. The iniquity about those are covered from our eyes....glorious realm; not a thought where we are. Seeking the higher arena of the Lord; removal of all things daunting to the heart...absent from the fleshly reality, but engulfed in all matters of spiritual reality. A rising up in our authority...the authority is completely covered in love...the only way inside. We are not about that which does not edify, love or encourage. We were once of the lower place but no longer. It's the time of the year when the beauty of all creation shines and colors itself precious and hell wants to rear its ugliness round about...a true decoration of no design. Let us not be confused.....we speak of the fire of the Holy Ghost... a moving in love, righteousness...Hallelujah, magnifying what is being as we look and we see already. Amen!...Making the "once was into the right now"!...And so we are blessed in the ever surpassing peace in love. The attitudes of longsuffering, kindness, goodness we have with our loved ones and the brethren; being guided by such faithfulness, gentleness and self, it can only spell fun! Makes the normal everyday "Got to do ______" be void of it's duty in the spirit realm as it might seem, where all things are actually accomplished complete. AMEN! Brings us all to a place called Beautiful where the Spirit of God is magnified and radiates largely on the inside and you become aglow on the outside. Takes you to the a place of unprecedented humility; not religious piety; stuffiness, but a contrite awareness that has a scent of precious love that can be enjoyed in the immensity and intensity that it was intended the church, inside...growing in love. Removal the handwriting requirement; not the enjoyment or edification; but of requirement meaningless...being nulified in the song, the dance, the prayer, the lives of one another in the newness where the roots are deep...where the roots are established; where the roots get nourishment and grow. Where they flourish; where they speak even and thus grows and flowers. It's where the trees get their leaves or at this time of the year; turn to such beauty of all creation made for our eyes to behold. For a look inside and is the day the Lord has made! No more wrong thinking. No more sickness. No more brokeness. No more poverty. No more less than intended for us all...woohoo! Let the rich treasury of His glory fill us...the fullness! Let's Rejoice!...Promises of the Season!

....see Friday, May 14th, 2010...just where its at for this day! Let's go in!    

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