5 Ministry Gifts + Office of Helps(Explanation but not limited to)
-These very often overlap or you will see characteristics of others in different catagories listed below. The important thing to know is this is just the undestanding in words here and there is not only new revelation all the time but the experiential knowledge is where you learn the most. Yet another reason to heed the word and not give up meeting together and showing love to one another.
Realizing that the gifts are not for heirarcial control, assignment, systems or people ranked one above another though respect for others we always have, the gifts not for control, competition or to build formulas for personal gain but to show forth what God is doing through us for the profit of all...to love the brethren and allow the Holy Spirit to flow in and through us. There is no gift mix. I am going to type that twice. There is no gift mix. It is how God wants to move through you. It is how you are prepared to receive.
Carry with you with enormity of great measure the "discerning of spirits" because many things will come to you and you have to discern what is for you, not aligned to the word and spirit or what is for you but perhaps not for this time or what is being called forth for or in the moment. As we grow in Him and also as we are thrust into deeper measures of the Holy Spirit's move in our lives we must be aware of how He is calling us to be used.
We are all growing in some form or fashion in the spirit. You will also see that as you read down you may find that there have been seasons of one gift or another that you have flowed in and now you are experiencing another gift in your life or you may also see that you have always carried a particular gift and maybe you are blessed in the read that you didn't realize it. It's about His grace. Oh how He loves us!
Gifts of God...Romans 12:6-8 (Character of...)
~Prophecy-Ongoing prophetic insight, manifestation of spontaneous thought, independant or of public office
~Teaching- Instructor of truth of God's word or those in public office of a Teacher
~Exhortation- Encourager, Marked of a Pastor, brings encouragement
~Giving- Giving in area of emotional, physically or financial support
~Leader-Those able to lead or function in administration
~Mercy- Compassion shown by word or deed to another
Gifts of Jesus....Psalm 68:18-19 and Ephesians 4:11 (Character of...)
*Sometimes the Gifts of Jesus are demonstrative, a form of art or a supplied gift
Apostle- Often travels, concern for the churches, does not dominate, not hierarchial, not governing office, means "sent forth", has a commission; not merely going, marked by signs and wonders and mighty deeds, marked by deep encounters with the Lord, has beyond the ordinary relationship with the Lord, 1st a preacher or teacher of the Word, seems in some way to embrace all the gifts, ability to establish churches, sometimes a missionary sent out. Gentle, affectionate love for the brethren. Able to provide outstanding leadership, power and abilities to establish churches, spiritual gifts stand out.
~There are 4 classes of Apostles 1) Jesus, Chief Apostle sent from the Father 2) 12 Apostles of the Lamb (original) 3) Messenger, delagate, representative, witness 4) Those who pioneer new churches and new territory
*Examples- Hebrews 3:1...Jesus, 2 Corinthians 12:12...signs and wonders, 1 Corinthians 9:1-2, 1 Corinthians 4:15 ...not many Fathers, 1 Thessalonians 2:6-12 gentle, affectionate; character of, 1 Timothy 2:7, 1 Timothy 1:11...preacher and teacher, Galatians 1:13-17...deep experience
Prophet- Foreteller, Inspired speaker, for the perfecting of the saints, speaks by divine inspiration or impulse of sudden inspiration, called to full time ministry, difference in prophesying and the ministry of a prophet, 1st a preacher and/or teacher of the word, marked by visions and revelations and even dreams, a seer; meaning to see and know things supernaturally, may simply say what the Holy Spirit is saying, not perfect because the gift is manifested through human beings, office is marked by 4 gifts of the Holy Spirit continually which are....Discerning of Spirits, Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge and Prophecy, laying on of hand for healing may go along with this office, misrepresented as knowing everything...though only knows what is asked for or that which is revealed to one called to or operating in this office, public office may also look like tongues and interpretation
*Examples...Ephesians 4:8,11-13...Ministry Gift, 1 Corinthians 14:1...desiring to love first, 1 Corinthians 12:29....Ministry gift of tongues, 1 Corinthians 14:3.....speaks edification, Acts 22:17-18,1 Corinthians 14: 29-30...how to judge prophecy for yourself, Romans 8:14...led from within, 1 Corinthians 12:1-3, Luke 4:27....lepers cleansed, 2 Kings 5:10...washing at the Jordan 7 times, Luke 17:12-14, John 9:6-7, 2 Kings 5:20-27...does not always know everything
Evangelist- Marked by signs and wonders, often a roving ministry, messenger of good tidings, encourager, can be matter a fact in nature, many times an exhorter, office marked by gifts of healing and miracles from salvation to physical healings, preacher and/or teacher of the gospel, preaching to affect the will of one in need of salvation, repentance and conviction, marked often by travel, has a supreme gift to bring one to the Lord for initial salvation experience, this office often is marked by all the offices across the spectrum in a different way than an apostle without a specific commision other than salvation of souls and healing.
*Examples...Ephesians 4:11-12...Ministry Gift, 1 Corinthians 12:28...healing gifts, Jeremiah 20:9...burning fire to preach good news, Acts 8:6...miracles, Acts 8:12...preaching and baptizing men and women
Pastor- Literally means shepherd; corrector, protector, friend, provider, leader, rules, overseer, poiman, no higher call, marked by great example but not superhuman, undershepherd to the local body of believers generally, marked by much compassion, settled and stationery office but is not limited to; but generally of the heart, the only one appointed to the five fold ministry, can stand in office as a preacher or teacher or both, not a hireling, overseer of flock, not a position of a novice, definite leadership, no more respected office, heart aches for people, often may feel like you want to care for them all, outstanding characteristic of love, nourishes and nurtures others in the Word, concerned with the wholeness of a person
*Examples- Ephesians 4:11...Ministry Gift, John 10:9-13...shepherd vs. hireling, 1 Corinthians 12:28...governments refers to this gift, 1 Timothy 3:1...desiring to be an overseer or bishop, 1 Timothy 2:4-5... rules household well, 1 Thessalonians 5:23...wholeness, Matthew 9:35-36...compasssion for the weary or the scattered
Teacher- Divine gift, supernatural endowment, aim straight, well-defined, doesn't cause division, an office of edification, marked revelation, not an inferior call, instructor, watering ministry, brings light to the understanding of, always growing this area of learning, study important, wisdom
*Examples- Ephesians 4:11...Ministry gift, 1 Corinthians 12:28-29...gift, 1 Corinthians 3:6-9....watering, Romans 12:4....office, 1 Corinthians 3:1-2...a teach, Romans 12: 6-8...teaching gift
Office of Helps - A helper or reliever, providing assistance to help support the ministers of the five fold offices, shows mercy with genuine eagerness, cheerfulness and joy. Servant/hospitality, music ministers, prayer, intercessors and administrations, various art forms that glorify, edifying dance
1 Corinthians 12:28...helps, Romans 16:1...servant, 1 Timothy 3:8-13...deacon, Romans 16:3-4...helpers, Romans 16:6...laboror, 2 Kings 3:15-16....ministers of music, Romans 15:9, 1 John 5:14-15; and many more on prayer
These are not exhaustive to ministry gifts to the church but gives somewhat of an outline.
Often times other gifts to the body of Christ think that characteristics of that gift or gift mix is so very different from their own...A teacher sometimes think evangelists are too flamboyant and sensational. Evangellists think teachers are dry and dogmatic. Evangelists and teachers might however, agree that prophets are intense and extreme. While all of these thoughts might carry a bit of truth birthed from perspective it would be wrong to judge each others gifts because without it we can no longer be whole and it takes all the body together to make it whole.... Rather the prophet is to inspire the teacher. The teacher is to steady the prophet. The evangelist is always reminding us that the lost are dying and in need of a Savior. The pastor demonstrates much nurturing and care. The apostle is to lead the way to new ground and establishment of new works.
Now let me say this....with a story. My daughter was always neat as a pin, organized to a fault you might say, kept a list at her bedside complete with a list of all she needed to do the next day or even "in the middle of the night" inspirations. I would explain her closet to you like this...Long sleeved, short sleeves, long sleeve sweaters, short sleeve sweaters, jeans, capris, longer skirts, shorter skirts, shorts, jackets...and so on. You get the general idea. It was nice and neat and likely as I recall also within each category was color coordinated. She went off to college in August and by mid November when she arrived home for the Thanksgiving holiday within hours she was off to visit friends. As I poked my head in her bedroom to get something I was shocked that I could not even open the door. It was a disaster area. I literally had to push the door open. After I took a deep breath in shock, not because she needed to clean it up since it was vacation for her....but because this was not her character at all.....I had the biggest laugh of my life! I was really very happy for her because I saw what had happened. She found freedom in being able to let go and be messy and not have to worry about it because she had now figured out how to let go of "having" to do it one way. I giggled and as I walked away it was as if I seen her throwing a bucket of paint on her perfectly aligned closet. Now that would not be the sane thing to do and would not accomplish anything but I am trying to say she had the foundation of what to do and not to do and she was finding balance from always being the task oriented, teacher, highly organized type...and there is nothing wrong with this...but she was now learning how to let go and flow with what was happening in the moment and she could not do that before. There was a far deeper meaning there than an organized closet. It was like she displayed or likened to the teacher and later moved into more of a prophetic area. She was not a preacher or teacher but did display characteristics of these gifts.
Everyone learns differently. This is why there is no gift mix. I have personally seen it happen exactly backwards for two other of my children...hands on, really had to concentrate and pay attention to even think about being organized but could do anything hands on quickly, singing, playing instruments came easily and learn sign language quickly without a thought. As time went on they learned the qualities of organization. These two children displayed other qualities first and then learned organization with time.
Sometimes you will note a gift operating in your life or someone will tell you that you display characteristics of a particular gift. Test the spirits. Listen. Pray. Let the Spirit confirm the Word. What are your personal experiences? Listen to your spirit. He will equip you. Be moved by what you believe and not as much by what you see or feel.Study. Look for characteristics of that office. You may find you display more than one gift or office in your life. A quick overview...
Apostle-Commissioned Specific
Prophetic-Inspirational Insight
Evangelist- Messenger of the Good News
Teacher-Divine Aim-Straight Teach
Helps- Reliever
Reading over all of this can be used as a study but can do more harm than good if you think you have to fit into it somewhere specific. A suggestion might be to read it, study it ...if you deem necessary and then...throw paint on it and enjoy! : ) The Holy Spirit will show you. Let's do something edifying with the Holy Spirit and have revival. I bet when it winds down if it does : ) we will know more because it's in that deep place of the spirit that you get the confirmation of all that is written in the Word.
Amen! Let's go!
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