Monday, August 15, 2011

Word Before Worship

My heart, my mind, my spirit as well as the order of most churches begin our get-to-gethers with worship...and that is a beautiful thing!  God wants your worship, as much as you growing so in love with Him, yearns to worship. It seems only natural to put our heavenly Father first in what we know. It will always be a two-way street...a meeting in the middle. Its where things are accomplished in the Spirit as we come together corporately....blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3) I am writing with the purpose of making our worship worthy in every way; perhaps bringing us all to a place we have never been. A loosening of the rough spots that we become more pliable at heart. Seems fit that it is time for a take down, a take down of things that don't allow us to worship more fully or as fully as we ought. A switched order in view that our worship is moving toward greatness in our hearts no matter what that looks like to us all.

You know, when you drive through a tunnel its only dark for the moment until you see the daylight just as you come out. This one may stir flesh a bit, but we are more blessed in the light at the end, that is really only the beginning of the day.

(Romans 8:6b) be spiritually minded is life and peace...In the Spirit in unity! The Wade version of that same verse reads this way...We are to be taught according to our bent but let it be the mind influenced to our bent but let it be the mind influenced by God which is life and peace and not the mind given to early things which is death. 

For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death is working in us, but life in you. (2 Corinthians 4:11-12)...being always in full enjoyment of life.

(Galatians 3:21) Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not!  For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law. Another verse says...Who hath bewitched you? 

(Hebrews 4:12) The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any other two edged sword piercing even to dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow. The only place of division; aligns unto unity; lets the word do what it does.
When we worship we go high, we lift Him up and it is a blessed place indeed. Someone spoke of needing to find healing in an area of their life. We are worship to Him. We belong to God. We live out from Him. What we give away can only be of Him....or....So we set aside any doubts and pull down the things that don't allow us to worship fully. This one was seeking how-to-get free from a daunting spirit that was causing ail. It wasn't that this person couldn't be all they needed or wanted to be for and to God. You have to have the motivated spirit that wants to be free of the disease of what was standing behind the healing. There is always a lie and often more than one that stands behind, a hiding that causes the actual stronghold.

Ok, now let me explain this. Once many years ago I was amidst a powerful worship service and the Lord spoke almost as an audible voice and said that when you press into blessing the Lord with your worship and I was, its in the middle of it that you will not only perceive truth (refer to John 4:23-24) but also where the most intense battles come and also are won! We can look at the Valley of Blessing and see this truth in Chronicles. We know this to be true of the word and of this life lived from it. This one had to find that which was causing all of the ruckus so-to-speak holding back truth from the reality that allows the Spirit of God to flow and flood. As I stated above, and more often than in this instance, are we given a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom or a word of prophecy during the heights of worship. If even in the instant we don't align this to the word, the enemy either thieves or brings falsehood. What does this have to do with a person's healing? Everything. We are created to worship. When we do not take down the high places; wrong things set themselves us against the knowledge of God. When our thoughts are not His thoughts. We must renew the mind to the word of God. There is a pressing in that really doesn't give Him glory if we don't let go. It can become self motivated,without right motive and not be edifying. It can make a science of the word rather than simply agreeing with and believing it that in all manners of speaking God is glorified. So, in going after that healing know that keeping still doesn't get it. Speak, ask, knock. I most often walk into a service very prepared to praise and fellowship with God and dear ones but when you can't praise your way through one more ounce of pain you go after the victory first, that you might give away rightly. I know this seems long in explanation but the removal of dirt makes room for foundation. Lest the Lord do the building, the labor laboreth in vain the word says in another place. In other ways, no god ever saved themselves. But God! Selfish ambition never got that which you seek and control was never your friend, no matter how lovely or quick witted they might have been. 

To demonstrate further...When you are so high up that you won't have, or don't go after or ever seek counsel...wisdom has left your mind. The bible says in proverbs there is safety in a multitude of counselors. There is an ascertained and purposed reason why God said never give up meeting together. We learn from the Spirit in the midst of the corporate gatherings of believers. Healings and mistakes are only corrected by the grace and mercy of God and sometimes this comes in a just a sweet smile to a friend, neighbor or colleage but serves to break the ice that cause the neck to stiffen to a point of often heart break and hindrance. When you won't seek the healing you are setting yourself up for sickness and self exaltation that isn't in God's plan for you and doesn't get the prize until let go of. The enemy wants to place an apprearance of spiritual things that looks to serve the plan of God but with deception of false humility. The ploy; to steal enjoyment in the real things of God and to cause an end to that which was godly and golden to you. This makes room for covetness, idols of the heart and will do anything to try to steal your joy though never being fulfilled itself.

Now we know. It's time to bring the gold into the house of God. We will do this in a few ways. One; we will know our enemy and in that He cannot steal your joy when you stand in your righteous authority (though you can be so super sweet toward them, eventually it melts the heart of the one carrying the baggage unneeded that they give and worship right along with you). God is about life. If you are given a deadline, see it for what it is...a dead line. We are to be an extention of His life. And if you are being fed or filled of something that does not fill you or edify you rightly- you need a lifeline. 

God is not about lack. God is not about fear. God is not a God of punishment. The law was made only for the transgressors. We all have needed discipline. Without it we would not have been trained up in the way of the Word. Without it we have nothing. It should always humble us in some way, in that it shows us how to love greater than before. A classic example of this is wanting another to walk in the places you have been or watching another gain revelation of the same things you have hold of and same places you are going and be greatly excited for them. That excites me!

For children raised, reared and delivered into the knowledge of the Lord, there will come a time when the truth shines upon the heart and vision is clear how promises are fulfilled, not provoking children that they become discouraged or depressed. 


Proverbs 6:16-19 The Message

 16-19 Here are six things God hates,
    and one more that he loathes with a passion:
      eyes that are arrogant,
      a tongue that lies,
      hands that murder the innocent,
      a heart that hatches evil plots,
      feet that race down a wicked track,
      a mouth that lies under oath,
      a troublemaker in the family.
Your blessing is not the sacrifice of another! This comes from the motive of your heart. Abraham was accounted righteous. This is to all who receive this promise. 

There are spirits that are rooted in strongholds untold in ones held captive by them. In 2 Chroncles we read how he consulted spirits, mediums, fortune tellers and sorcers and encouraged these though this may have been hidden at times, making God angry none the less. Going after these for so long without repentance can cause one to be given over to a debased mind where all you come in contact with is affected. The above verse shows that the high and lofty places were not taken down in the heart. Again, I am not speaking of being high and full of Spirit. That is a blessing that takes place as sin and wrong doing ceases. When the generational things that plagued your past aren't taken down that true worship can take place that there be nothing that blocks the flow unto true worship happening in the house.

Come on Church! Let's get back to love be lifted high less every other lofty thing. Is there something that you are struggling to not carry? We all have to look at this daily...burdens even. 

Lie #1- Says you are too far gone for repair. 
Truth #1- You are already healed. You simply have to believe it, see it, know it and walk in it.

Lie #2- Can't believe the blessing is really for yours.
Truth #2- If you ask anything in His name its yours.

Lie #3- God does miracles but may not do it for you, your household or church house.
Truth #3- God is no respecter of persons and loves all the same.

He wants you to seek Him as a pure resources. He wants to be your  only source! 

God says stir up the gifts...not sorcery, rebellion, offenses, pain. These are not gifts of God. They have no victory over children of God. God is life and that's that. 

Empty the old wallpaper of the mind. Strip the walls of old and put on a fresh coat of paint. Loose the strongholds. 

(Ephesians 5:29-30) For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church for we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.     

Usury is not of God. It's best to ere on the side of caution in causing condemnation or humiliation to another. It's not God's nature. All the wealth; prosperity of the wicked is laid up for the righteous in every form and fashion.

On the high temple mount much was promised if...
1-The enemy will use every excuse or false promise not to truly bless. He can't. He hasn't God's ability.
2-"If" is a doubt word no matter.
3-Blessings will be given in God because...this verse makes me laugh...God owns it all anyway. It's not the devils to give, however it is righteous to call forth what is rightfully ours.  The realization is that if enough belief comes together together much treasury shall be brought back into the house of God. 

This I know. There is coming a day when the people of God are gonna find themselves struck dumb of the flesh because the Spirit of God that overtakes all that is not! There is a indeed a place in God the devil dare not go. Yes, you and me have unfathomable blessings that belong to us! Take down all that is not of the Word and let's Worship God, bringing the Gold into the house of God and to the people of God.  My God is worthy to be praised and magnified!  

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