Monday, August 06, 2012

Honor & Integrity

…is not hiding behind others to pretend it wasn’t you, but can lend voice to the truth & bring about much justice.

…are righteous tears of honor for the Pastor’s Appreciation Day because your heart breaks for all they do and feel with a great urge to comfort them, and not because man has added a day to the calendar.

…is less than it can be in His presence when fellowship with the right people is taking place.

…is not secret manipulation at another’s expense.

…speaks often through the eyes of the countenance right from the heart.

…allows yourself to be submitted to and to submit to another and it is full of joy either way. the teach that a parent has begged that you learn.

…is submitting one to another in the love of another in right conversation. given often when least expected and creates supernatural blessing when received.

…is pouring out your heart in Worship in ways that give glory to God.

…sometimes look like Gods requests as an offering of Worship to Him.

…is knowing who your friends are and releasing those whom never were when no unity is made available.

…is bowing humbly before our God in reverent love for Him.

…is not letting the element of surprise take away your humility in the moment.

…washing the feet of another, realizing the same servant hood is required of you to be a part of God’s great blessings.

…is making yourself low before the lowliest to show the love of God.

…trusts people fully, without preconceived notion of anything otherwise and forgives often when this is not always reality.

…makes relationships real and ceases from all acts of falsehood.

…doesn’t pretend to be someone they are not by hiding behind the letter of the law for fear of another or for selfish reason.

…is forward with their true feelings.

…acts as a leader no matter where you are at.

…keep a pliable and contrite heart before God.

…has the sweetest fragrance of blessing.

…find its way before kings and dignitaries.

…knows humility in bringing God’s Word before Him that He acquits you.

…gets the blessing of that which you seek.

…is a precursor to breaking the disease of unforgiveness.

…will not be the lost and dying art of the church.

…are these you become as you think, feel and speak and act on them.

…prostrates facedown for the church to know the love of God.

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