Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Anointing...It Frees You!

I look and I see a spirit of disillusionment; deep sadness, lack in the depths of the heart, like something has passed and without retrieval, something without meaning any longer. The devil is liar! ...and the author of 'it's over'. The Father of liars! He is commanded to return all that belongs to you and to me. Return of great joy in the struggle!

Consider 1 Timothy 6:9-10 with an eye of wisdom as a beginning of such pain. Read with great understanding 2 Corinthians 2:3-11. The enemy of the household of faith wants nothing more to dissolution the people within until they themselves have no viable direction, his strategy, though not divine. Sorrow upon sorrow is the game of the enemy.

My own family has had these constant deceptions thrown at us and I shout with a roar of God…ENOUGH! With a heart of very great encouragement I have loved you. I have reached a place of 'past seeing the distruction come to me, my family and the church' with disbelief pressing in whispering 'its over, they really don't believe'. ENOUGH!!! If you need me to speak to you, to counsel with you, to meet a need for you, I will love you with the greatness of God given to me! But there comes a time when having reasoned to always learn and grow, knowing what it is like to be in submission to God that the enemy has no place at all, purposing to be a blessing to leaders, knowing what it is like to be a sevant to all, being one myself and further; to raise them up. But I am about to call out by name and with great authority, every devil and schedule their scatter that true unity can take on great love in the church house where my heart is and will always be in loving you. I and my family will be where God has us to be and with great effectiveness. He has shown me already and many times. God says "ENOUGH!!!!!!!"

You must be wise enough to pick your battles and realize some are not worth fighting and where the presence of the Lord is there is love, freedom and all at the expense of the enemies loss. Where love is not, God is not. Know your audience. Father God, forgive me when I have not moved on sooner from another who would never really let me love them, could not receive what I had to give, or openly chose to dishonor me and my family. Hanging on to a relationship of this nature for great length can be harmful to family; children and the church. God had intended a bles-sed lifetime. A relationship is mutual conversation, mutual goals, and mutual love.

Paul spoke many different testimonies to many different audiences, all true, but directed to what he knew they needed. Being in a place where I thought I would step over into heaven a time or two I have much to share with you. Divinely aligned honor to the Word of God and my heavenly Father is how I came to this place. There is a garden so sweet  and so filled of God that I nearly loose direction of how to explain it all. I want you to know God’s love with desperation in my heart. To share purposed of love and knowing how to best share with you without being in person is harder at this point in my life. My ministry should have long ago taken on far greater areas…though having been turned away on every side; I know God and He does not lie.

With this in mind, to look at love in a positive light and a negative light as it is my hearts greatest desire to encourage and to excite you further in the Word towards the belief I know works miracles. 1 Corinthians 13 and 14…Negative love is a desire that denotes jealousy and envy. This negativity rooted deeply is a dead root that gets no nourishment. It can easily be said it is not full of life. Sometimes the ill nourishment this root has taken in has been unable to grow and is diseased with manipulation, often looking like a well watered, well nourished tree. But on the inside it is without and is hurting and the pain has become more like fear and control and it roots are dark and lifeless. This is the kind of tree that wills no longer to accept help of a caregiver to water it or to bring it nourishment. Its roots are inwardly drawn.

Positive love is a love that burns with great desire to love more. It is intense and eager and it doesn’t die out. It is a love that wants to see others blessed. Its position next to other trees causes nourishment to surrounding soil. This is a vibrant, healthy tree with roots that go deep and pulls continual nourishment. It can always take on more life because it is that kind of tree. Its leaves are strong and provide shade when needed and drinks deeply when the rain comes.

The anointing that spoke in days, hours, weeks of constant and continual prayer, study and  fasting is now calling out for a return and newness within it….a measure not worth letting go of but in depth. Could you have the presence of God around and on you and not be changed for the better by it?

The love of God does not hate, manipulate, deceive, and judge you in condemnation or steal from you, hoard power and placement, cause to be without, to not go further, and walk on you or your family.

It is most abundant and always a seeker of your best. The love of the anointing is a giver of life, a tree of life, a water fountain of joy; and one of life bubbling up on the inside, a restorer of returned joy, sweetness bestowed, and gifts given. Its love is profound and brings you renewal. It continual, shares growth and breaks every yoke with no fear. It’s the love of God. The love of the anointing….it frees you!

Posted 11:44 July 31, 2012

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