Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Vision For The Structure in the Glory!

However did this vision for this structure come to fruition?

The Word of God. Listened to. Studied. Endless notes. Burning the candle at both ends kind of study. Schooling. Writing about the Word. Talking about the Word. Teaching about the Word. Lesson planning around the Word. Dreaming about the Word. Immersion in the Word. Sowing the Word. Falling totally in love with Word. Word just like this...where the vision came for this structure in the glory!

Prayer. Much prayer. Hours and days of prayer. Prayer that lost sleep. Prayer that awakened me from my sleep. Prayer while I worked. Prayer while I worshipped. Prayer in song. Prayer while I taught. Prayer while I planned. Prayer that was painful. Prayer that was radically joyful. Prayer that prayed for days and long nights at the altar. Prayer that got answers. Prayer that didn't take 'No' for an answer because the answer is...'Yes and Amen to the glory of God'. Prayer that spurred revival within. Prayer that spurred revival in the church. Prayer that changes lives. Prayer...in the house of prayer!

'But you beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.'...Jude 20

...because you are precious. ..because you are His building...'because the whole building being fitted together grows into a holy temple in the Lord'...Ephesisns 2:21

I do not apologize for these childlike drawings. This is how I was shown to put these pictures together that I might write this vision to bring understanding to you. They will be upgraded to the building of the church for which they were purposed.

The scriptures say you must become like a child...I recall feeling a childlike believing kind of joy, tears of joy even as I lay on the floor with a posterboard, a bible and a writing utensil. I would be tempted to cease the work in disbelief so I remained prayful and kept at the vision.

Everything around me screamed opposition. I had one chair in the living room, a borrowed foldup table and chairs. I had only a bed for my children. I used my last few hundred dollars to purchase it for them in the attempt to have my children back. I had no income after homeschooling them for nearly 20 years, so I lost them and their childhood home on my birthday at noon.

I was working 60 hours a week at two practically minumum wage jobs and in school. Though I met all the requirements, was in school and working, to make a life for them I was now told this was to my detriment and they did not come home.

This matters not any longer but what does matter is THIS... a kingdom shout says...'It is Harvesttime!' A whole lot more than just my children and children's children are coming home! The church has waited long enough! Enough! I shout a great grace to the church!

It was a bleek view if I didn't see with eyes of faith the prosperity that was on its way to mine, to the church and those coming to it. No one believed, not even believers. Turned away from my own. That whole report of carnality said No. God said Yes! So, I lay in the middle of my empty living room floor and worshipped as I brought this into your vise!

Fellowship 1 this is called...the first floor of 28 main ministries of the church. These halls are titled: Fellowship 1, Study, Unity and Ministry. 

The Sanctuary...turned on its side that I am able to share. At the alter, just behind this 2nd floor Sanctuary is encompassed by the Worship ministries' entrance into the Sanctuary onto the altar area.

Fellowship 3 this is called... the third floor of 22 of the main ministries of the church. These halls are titled: Fellowship 3, Worship, Generations. Travel and the Hub.

This is the vision for the structure of 'Glory To His Name' Church in the glory! To be full of the anointing that saves, heals, protects, fills and guides toward growth in the most precious body that God be glorified all in all!

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