Thursday, November 01, 2018

The Vision for 'Justice, Mercy and Love' in the Glory!

The tour begins here...Spoken very specifically some years ago.  So here I share with you the vision for 'Justice, Mercy and Love'.... This is a ministry of the grace the God.  

You will want to know about this ministry of the church first, because without it you will not see God's love for the sweet and loving truth it is. This holds a great key. 

'The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting through'....and so it shall be a ministry team of three (as a cord of three is not easily broken) well versed in the law, lined up to the vision of the church. These know their field unequivocally well and with the vision, set it secondary to the impeccable truths of the Word of God where love supercedes all things.

 These will right many wrongs, will carry about their vise an uncontested level of integrity and honor. These will uphold the Word of God and Spirit above all things, carry impeccable wisdom and come with backgrounds in three different fields specific. These will have about their person and spirit within a protectiveness for the welfare of the church. These are among the leaders that you will continually find praying openly at 'The Fountain', the Prayer Ministry open to all, but a purposed directive for every leader or soon becoming leader in the church. 

I desire this as an example of encouragement, and one to lean on and then these fiercely going after bringing remedy to the necessary within hours to but a few days, attacked righteously and orderously in prayer and fasting and then present needful answers and accept nothing but God's answer, a rendered 'Yes and Amen' to the need is every request brought to the table of need. These are conscious and conscientious on that they never walk not without integrity and never gives up to unbelief.

And so....this being what will be held as an incredible standard in this the church ...and projected within, to those coming in and to international ministry that is this in ministry vise, though only serves 'Glory To His Name' church!

Psalm 33:5 says...The Lord loves seeing justice on the earth. Anywhere and everywhere you find His faithfulness, unfailing love.

If you do not find His faithful, unfailing love, you also do not see justice. In this church you will see both. For this is the vision for 'Justice. Mercy and Love'...because justice begins in the house of God.

These three shall be encompassed in the glory...Justice, Mercy and Love!

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