Friday, May 03, 2024

The Triumphant Church ...Worship...Visions in the Glory...2024!

The Triumphant Church... Worship In The Glory... 2024!

There shall be worship in the glory! 
There is glory in the realm of worship
Worship... The humility of God! The reason for life! Aligned! Renewal! Unity! Light! The entire atmosphere of worship is in the glory! Glorious worship in and for the triumphant church!

...A Heavenly Strategy

A vision prayed, prepped, and prepared as a scripted message to be spoken one week prior to the purposed vision written within, a composition of worship for the church, most specifically from the vise of glorious worship, these that make up the worship vision. 

A worship vision with purpose to bring glory to God! The church is most blessed, here the intended goal is written in Spirit for both physical and spiritual manifestation. The worship ministries of 'Glory To His Name' Church represents ‘Visions of Glory, an ingathering of worshipers with determined purpose, an appeal to heaven to bring heaven to earth in the setting of worship in the churchhouse to be continuously triumphant in the glory. 

Have a blessed New Year 2024!

May the light of God in this New Year shine brightly on your life which opens the door to everlasting peace and happiness, good health and prosperity that brings joy throughout the New Year!

This newness, I shall remind you of always as these are the will of God for our lives!


 No true prophecy comes from human initiative but is inspired by the moving of the Holy Spirit upon those who spoke the message that came from God. 

1 Peter :16-21

Then the Lord answered me and said: "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie, though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. 

Habakkuk 2:2-3


Glory Word: (May): Worship!




Even them I will bring to My holy mountain 
and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar.  For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.

Isaiah 56:7

      Triumphing In Glory... All Worshiper, Please Arise!

Gather in this place by faith, celebrating this Sunday as we are closer than ever to seeing ‘Glory To His Name’ Church be built, anointed, filled, full and prospering. I want to thank you for joining us in worship this day as we await with anticipation brought about in prayer through the vision God has given me for the blessing of many lives. All Glory To God! 

Pray with me, Church!

“Dear Heavenly Father, We come before you on behalf of the church body, requesting your liberal wisdom and ask for the greatest measure of your incredulous strengthening, for the leadership, for the edification of one another, that fruit will be produced in the church always and forever more. We pray for your holiness to be poured out upon the entire future of this church body. Let us all be full of light and life as we receive your instruction. May we pour out to the community, the state, the USA and Internationally with a powerful love and right words full of the grace of God to always be about raising others up for your glory. Let us tune our ears and eyes to what you share with us. I pray we find common ground with others we love but also with those who seem so different from ourselves, finding deference in one another’s gifts, that we learn and cultivate honor in this body of believers. We pray the ‘spirit of offense’ has no part or place in this body and the freedom is fully received. I ask that my lips be anointed for service this day in the share of this message and my life be anointed to carry it out, being guided fully by You for us all, in this vision for worship we so long to give fully to you! Let each person represented come to know you more and be assured of their salvation, cleansed, healed, and filled up to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, given the knowledge of the Holy One to take an active and productive part in these worship ministry lessons that are about to be presented. Have your way in this heavenly atmosphere that we pray grows deeper in relationship with one another and with you each new day. We love you and pray humbly that you answer these prayers for the glory of God to be manifest in the church, in this next week of prayer leading to worship to you that all hear and see your glory! In Jesus Most Precious, Holy and Magnified Name, we pray! Amen! And Amen!”   

     All Worshiper, Please Arise! 

This seems fitting to the opening of 'Glory To His Name' Church in the knowing within ourselves that it has felt like a radically long wait, though this share for the purpose of worship in giving glory to His name. So, tune your eyes and ears and “All Worshiper, Please Arise!” In sharing the vision there is also a next stage of the vision and what it shall look like. Worship is so much more than we realize. 

Be healed! Be filled! It is all things blessed of worship! 

The Most Precious Entity on Earth

     How do you describe the most precious entity on earth, the church? I get excited every time I think of it. ‘Glory To His Name’ Church is what some call a mega church, though I might refer to it for its structural size, moreover the numerous people God desires to bless through it in very many ways. 

The church; it is made up of three floors; Fellowship 1 (houses 28 ministries), nestled in the middle is only the Sanctuary, and Fellowship 3 (houses 22 ministries). Its purposed locally north of the bible belt in a rural community. Aspirations of the church are built on the solid truths of a body of believers going after God, utilizing God-given gifts for His glory and to be missional in outreach, taking relational arts to the world and connecting with people through it. This is for all of the church in all of its worship. The church is built on prayer and vision, where prayer is a prime focus specific to worship, most especially for worship leaders and joy becomes its product. 

There is an order about the church in the scheduled worship to bring greater blessing to God and others, this in part to build a more balanced worship. Fellowship 3 houses the ‘Worship Hub’ of the church which includes seven worship ministries (3 Adult Ministries, 3 Children’s Ministries and 1 Adult and Child combined Ministry). 

A further strength of the church includes a ‘spirit of honor’, paralleling a relationship with God. Along with the cultural character of the church, it is purposed to be made up of multi-ethnic congregants. With an incredible desire to expand, grow and mature. 

Church leaders will to be full of the Word and faith that are intolerant of controlling spirits, racism, separatism, cliques, clichés, and all manners of disease that seek to hinder. 

In casting of vision, a duplication is purposed for the character spoken forth for success exemplified by fairness, justness, and unity. 

The church is made up of influencers with a singular focus. 

This is a church knowing the prosperity offered to it, as it was answered in a single prayer vision all things that made up the physical church to spiritually give God all the glory in it!

It is not segregated by age and preference of worldly trends. In this, there is the bringing up of the next generation. 

Being intergenerational, Sunday morning corporate worship is conducted with the family, through integrated ministries from birth to age 100+ meet together first for Sunday school. Exhibiting childlike faith will be represented with all ages during church worship. 



The Art of Relationships

     Worship is about who we are, about who our God is and about how we choose to live. Therefore, there is an ‘art of relationships'. We are members of one another. We not only worship, serve and participate together, we do so with one another, even in each other, all being an expression of worship to Father God. These relationships are displayed quite like a form of art.  

      Sharing a mutual understanding of God’s indwelling Holy Spirit is centripetal (meaning; tending toward the center or a force that draws or compels a body, such as a body of believers). The body of Christ avidly gathers this truth of centripetal; welcoming and embracing the weak, the poor, the broken, the wealthy, the famous; it takes on burdens and drinks in things of God and believes in that which is lovely and of good report.

      It is also centrifugal (meaning; tending to recede from center, a force which embodies movement around another body, such as a body of believers, where in this depth means further to include unity and fellowship of the entire body of Christ). It is also centrifugal as it hunts the lost, scatters the truth in witness and its feet are beautiful in the outpouring and outgoing of good tidings.

     As relationships make their way into the world in a living breathing manner, in summary, our understanding is this, people need people. Mutual indwelling demands company. Continuous outpouring demands fellowship. Relationships show themselves strong. 

 “Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord.” 

Ephesians 5:19

There is a prophecy to one another with divinely revealed truth. A song sung in truth in forms of art amidst each other to God emulating relationship to Him. This is the art of active love brought from the pages of the Word of God. As our love is poured out toward God with mutual love for one another, our hearts and lives are encouraged in meaningful relationships. This is not only worship, but an art of relationships. 

Love is unconditional. Love loves everything but evil. Love is an art, the highest art of worship.

     You know, truly, worship is about ‘Building a Balanced Worship.’ It means much to me, to life and growth of the church and beyond. This is the full intention. I assure you it is not for the weak. But if you need strengthening it is this too! One thing I have learned over much time is this: Worship must be managed effectively, in worship and ministry.

 Worship Ministry Effectiveness

     I have deeply considered the parallels of the two leadership roles in worship ministry and in leading and managing practices. Leadership areas of worship teams and leadership operations in the corporate world are vastly different. My thoughts can be best conveyed in this manner regarding my vision and authority:

“The worship team wills not to resemble, network like, represent like, or be managed like what I have viewed in the corporate world and some of the corporate church. I believe the church is to be the example and the corporate world follows the example of the Father’s business, a divine reversal from the norm. The church is the leader and in no way is the world to be this for the church. This would be out of line.”

     I believe these that are necessary to serve in  church leadership worship role are of the following: 

  • Worship Ministry-incorporated prayer (Isa. 56:7) This for teams, very most specific to leaders.
  • Worship Ministry purposeful relationships that exemplify worship as communal conversation between us and God. In this heart of relationship, exemplified shall be the following: 

"What a beautiful home, GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies! I've always longed to live in a place like this, always dreamed of a room in your house, where I could sing for joy to God-alive! "

Psalm 84:1-2 The Message

I have spent long hours day and night in prayer and worship in the churchhouse and when you get ahold of this you will always value worship in an honored manner.

Strengths In Worship

       Strong aspects of the worship ministries include a ‘spirit of honor’. This aligns to the Word of God toward doing good toward the brethren as you have opportunity. 

    Take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing to others, especially to our brothers and sisters in the family of faith!

Galatians 6:10

Opportunities are afforded by our God to shower in character to others all around, among the brethren, toward visiting ministers, visiting worship teams and all other visitors to the ministry. Integral relationships among one another that parallel our relationship to God. Flexibility in action and in scheduling, always looking out for one another. And first, prayer! This is the place of relationship, guidance, and vision in all things for the church and in the church. This is prevalent amidst the worship ministries. 

Eliminating Problems

     I have been given understanding in the past of congregational ‘religious spirits’ that would not seek growth in worship. This manifested in there being only one way in corporate worship. I have witnessed this same ‘religious spirit’ look down on those who stepped up and out in greater measures in corporate worship. This has happened in more than one church, whether in part of the church, visitors, a part of the worship team, or by prophetic insight... a jealous envy in worship that wanted to hold back worshipers with impositions of how they should be worshipping, mimicking falsely, or manifesting as a ‘jezebel spirit’. Not a man or woman, a spirit. Inadvertently, it then funnels to the corporate worship atmosphere. This brings chaos where there you might find every evil thing. Unacceptable! Awareness of the problem calls the problem no longer a problem in Jesus mighty name! This is that which that disguises to interrupt and control worship and the church vision.

Cultural Ethnicity

     The cultural character of the church is spirit-filled, therefore full of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. 

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such, there is no law."

Galatians 5:22-23

...along with honor being heavily brought into full focus. The multi-ethnic character of the congregation is one that is open to every skin color. To explain, seeing a beautiful thing the other day. A vehicle pulls up to a local coffeehouse and out steps three men: one of Native American descent, one of Asian descent and the other of African American descent. Multiethnic friendships. This is beautiful in the eyes of God, a resemblance certainly of heaven. A song we all have sung as a child is of absolute truth, 

“Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. red and yellow, black, and white. These are precious in His sight.” 

Therefore, this ministry is free from the disease of segregation, racism, separatism, cliques, and clichés of all manner of disease. God looks at the attitude of the heart.

The Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at eh outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 

1 Samuel. 16:7

Therefore all else is undesirable for the church that is filled up to glorify His name as disease will not!

Expectations Placed On Others

     God is about the lifting off of the heavy burdens. 

"His yoke is easy, and burden is light."

 Matthew 11:30 

We are a ministry of light. We are warned of placing undo expectations, culturally and theologically, that carry a message without the grace of God. At the receiving of faith, a new believer should not be weighted down unnecessarily. There is a liberty mixed with wisdom in tone and practice. It is unrealistic to expect new believers to become spiritually mature overnight. The goal of guidance given in ministry is to lift the weight off.  The Word of God says, 

“Do not submit again to the yoke of slavery."

 Galatians 5:10

Behind The Scenes Leaders

     Leaders are those who help things happen for a Sunday service. These might look like prayer warriors, a hospitality team, media, and givers to name only a few. These are those who are behind the scenes influencers. Luke was a leader in the background when he interviewed eyewitness accounts of Jesus in order that he write theologically and historical accounts of the gospel. Without behind-the-scenes leaders many could not effectively lead. The scriptures then are the most obvious of all examples. For, without it, we would have nothing and certainly not the example.

Worthy Conflicts

     Some battles are worth fighting for. These are those that are worth engaging in the fight. Choose your battles wisely and handle criticism in a godly manner. Avoiding conflict is speaking directly to the division to actually bring unity. It taught Paul powerful persuasion. Titus advised deflecting from unnecessary arguments calling them vain dissensions, quarrels, controversies, and genealogies. Both called quarreling foolish! Engaging conflict is this: The uncompromised Word of God! A worthy conflict? Yes! To be distorted? No! Fury overtook Paul when he found that there was a warped version of God’s grace being taught. It was being taught that it was available no matter their beliefs. It was then a battle to restore truth. Paul taught that right doctrine fights for truth and unity. A distortion of the gospel that feeds unhealthy cravings. Adopt the following: 

  • Jesus’ posture 
  • Mockery is not worth the energy 
  • Insults are not worth the response 
  • Quarreling derails mission 
  • The gospel is what matters 
  • Unity fosters brotherhood 
  • Do your best to ignore most offenses

The Grace of Genuine Collaboration

    Genuinely, people will surprise you if you allow them the chance. Underestimation is real. There is a real strategy against unity. Believers love to serve. There are times when a person’s talents and gifts are those which actually serve to draw them into a relationship, unbeknownst even. You must be aware. God orchestrates friendships from the ‘Yes’! The Word of God says, 

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us." 

1 Corinthians 1:20 

Collaboration gets results. Similar interests draw relationships, create friendships, and cultivates ministry partners all utilizing resources that bless one another in ministry. There are many that want to become a helpful and encouraging friend of the gospel in the unaware. It is debilitating to not involve culture as excellent resources to fill God’s kingdom.

Kingdom Diplomacy

     Cultural chaos is described by wounding's, defensiveness, shouting, grieving, insinuating, arguments, pain, anger and attacks one another. These are the same in the world. No one seems to know how it all got started but it did. Many took control of society by power and wealth, keeping others poor and subjugated. Divisions between slave and free was the biggest boundary. We must close the chasm of gender, political philosophy, nationality, race, and socioeconomic status. More often it is a posture of decisive judgment and self-justification. It is a good place to remind us of a hell that is hot, and heaven being the goal!

     The church is in the restoration business, the Father’s business. True restoration is rare. We are not meant to be an envoy of the kingdom but diplomats, the ambassadors making the appeal. Therefore, it should be abundant. Don’t forget who you represent. Paul expressed affection for Philemon, praising his spiritual maturity, appreciating him, and bringing him respect and these broke tensions with diplomacy and tactfully raised the bar, setting the example by practicing what he preaches. 

“And the blessings keep coming! Then all the ends of the earth will give him the honor he deserves and be in awe of him!"

      Psalm 67:7

This is a vision of glory in and of worship!





What better place to learn just who you 
were made to be but the Holy House of the Living God!

Beautiful and prosperous (as to be thought of as) a crown of glory and honor in the hand of the Lord and a royal diadem, exceedingly beautiful in the hand of your God. 

Isaiah 62:3

  Relentless Reconciliation

     The definition of malice is ‘hoping that God puts them in their place’, which begins with pride. We are called to be a true influencer of peacemaking. These will be called sons of God. God is not on either side of painful conflict, rather in the middle awaiting reconciliation thereof. Treat others like God treats you, not how just anyone treats you. Bitterness hardens the heart. These materialize as internal and external threats to unity. There is encouragement in the coming alongside the saints. Even in pain, he still closes his letter in a ‘spirit of restoration’ with an aim to build and not tear down with gentleness. 

 “Finally, brethren... Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace and the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.”

   2 Corinthians 13:11-14 

It is not in mere hope, but a working toward, an unyielding pursuit of reconciliation to be the influencer. It is trading unreconcilable for reconciliation, the the better, being a representing ambassador. 

Trust God Unto Victory

The scriptures gravitated away from questioning the good news with a commonality of relationship building speech. He did not win them over immediately, but he also did not paint a grim picture lacking encouragement. Keep the focus. God always uses what looks impossible and makes it possible and though there be times that it looks like odds are stacked against, know that God is the God of the Angel armies with unseen back up reinforcement in your favor. Opposition in Ephesus as because of a foreign fertility god, Artemis, said to be the keeper of the temple. I think not! Grievances of craftsmen came from their financial hurt and perceived disrespect of a false God. Idolatry divides devotion and demands allegiance and worship. These were exposed as political perspectives, reputations and materialism that served only a barrier to the Lord. 

Valuable Influencers

     There is a real enemy that is aware of valuable influencers. This is why many things have taken too much time. Even the enemy of our faith acknowledges the reputation for the benevolence of God. Leadership principles, along with strategies carry many solid values as an influencer. These are fueled by passion and zeal. 

Three leadership traits stand out: 

  • Singular Focus: A passion for the gospel that should not be taken for granted. These cause no distraction from the gospel, rather a singular faith. This is the drawing force of attitude and actions. 
  • Treat Equally: A character trait that duplicates to succeed, carrying about fairness and justness. It is of reciprocal influence, casting of vision, seeing cultural hierarchy through the eyes of God. 
  • Unification Agents: These are bridge builders, building up others, proactive reconcilers that only tear down divisions that do not edify. Unity drives these of the personal, caring, love of God. 

It is in this that allows reasonableness to be known. Influencers found here carry a light load: Gentleness and forbearance; envoys of truth unto gracious reconciliation and are agents of God’s peace. 

...A Kingdom Design of Most Excellent Health

Ceasefire! Onto Reviving Relationships

     The melodious theme of the church atmosphere carries one walking in heavenly freedoms, an atmosphere full of glory. The worship ministry is impeccably trained with the charge of leading others into what I call ‘throne room worship’. Should this sound spiritual, it is. And it first starts in the physical realm, purposed in matters of the heart.

Leadership is made up of influencers to bring renewal us into the sanctuary, even, in our temple, the body, to worship, to be the one of peacemaking and reconciliation, seeing the best in being one of peacemaking and reconciliation, seeing the best in one another, having a counterculture of gracefulness in our voice in a world wired for discord. This is where there is a 'plan of strategic action' to create a heavenly atmosphere, holding it dear to our hearts with full unity in the church with love because its goal is to be free of offense. This is how this can grow more closely to the goal. The plan: 'Ceasefire And Onto Reviving Relationships', being a highly appropriate title for the desired outcome. This is a churchwide activity build on the the desire of the holy scriptures. This is a churchwide activity built on the scriptural desire to bring a satisfying aroma of worship to God. In a form of transforming worship, self-examination and confession enables us to embrace divine forgiveness, thereby putting people on the path to spiritual renewal and change. The Word of God says this, 

"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting."

Psalm 139:24

This verse best explains 'getting and staying clear of offense' of the heart. It purposes to go to another in the church, or perhaps more than one; in repentance, making right the attitudes of the heart, with a restored time of fellowship. Oh, the growth to be had! Oh, the freedoms brought into the heavenly places! Oh, the glory in the atmosphere! Oh, the joy!

Honor On Purpose

Relational stewarding is seen as visible in life-giving encouragements to the church in caring for others where remembering other is done purposefully. We are instructed as the saints in his writings, consistently showing care and as much even in his salutation. Further, attention was given to greetings, thanksgiving and blessings and personal notes, in the signature and even in the closings of the Holy Scriptures. The saints (the church) were addressed as 'Holy Ones', always commending others with greetings of kindness, a refreshing and always bringing a strengthening with many encouragements to the saints, acknowledged of their service and hard work. He was deeply thankful for fellow kinsman. There was highlighted all the time and care it took with purpose to craft and deliver these blessings. Impressive is the ways of the way the leader carried his leadership influence, always so honoring to God in making connections meaningful for spiritual growth. His writings reflect general updates, a tone of friendship, deflected attention from self in order to evaluate others, a fostering of comradery, affection, and emphasis of character. In humility, encouragement was the request, being thankful always for the spiritual refreshment.

     One way to accomplish this is what I am calling ‘Honor On Purpose’ to be accomplished from oldest leaders to the youngest members of the church, specific to those leading is simply the order of relating to one another. This is taught of the older generation on to the youngest, by the reporting of their portion from the areas of worship in every part to the appropriated individual leaders. 

These leaders then report to still other leaders and then onto ‘Gifts Administration’, where the administrative team handles all churchwide administration such as schedules, celebrations, announcements, speakers, outreach information, scriptural attention, connections to ministry and so much more are submitted to the leaders in order that ‘relational stewardship’ can take place effectually for the entire church and beyond for growth of all. This information serves as an awareness, a calendar of events but an informative tool written in the form of a monthly newsletter to be hand delivered to each of fifty ministries of the church. 

Sharing The Good News

     Practiced by example is a directive I have chosen to adopt and apply to every ministry within the church. It is to learn from the scriptures on edification and shared to extend as it should be. This ministry lesson to be embraced for each ministry and leader of all fifty ministries of the church monthly. A writer trained in my vision to be shared with the church and somewhat of a learned similar flare to my own writing, having written for more than twenty-five years will be mentored specific for the writing of a Monthly Church Newsletter. This will be printed and physically hand delivered to each ministry leader on a monthly basis on the last day of each month. Chalked full of scriptures, encouragements, important dates, announcements, celebrations, speakers, outreach information, connections and much Good News. This newsletter is purposed as a seed for personal, spiritual, and ministerial growth and as a learned deepening of honor to all. Whether this is family, friends, acquaintances, or church colleagues of those ministries that each recipient of the letter receives and for His glory!

The Churchhouse of Faith

‘Ministry Visitation Day’ is not what you might think. This is an ‘in reach’ activity to find common ground in leaders, workers, friends, colleagues, other ministries, whether of similar background or not. This also builds teams across ministry lines where unity is the focus. This is founded on the basis of prayer. It is not necessarily someone they know, perhaps their ministry choice or not, though something each desire to learn about and then schedule a day to spend with this one of the ministry. 

 You will have noticed throughout much of everything I have written over many years’ time a focus of love toward the church, toward one another. It is in honoring the fellow household of faith that brings growth and triumph, as this is honorous to God. 

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially the household of faith."

Galatians 6:10

We shall have opportunity! This is a preplanned twice-yearly activity I have settled on implementing a lesson on ‘finding common ground’. The scriptures share a vast background of and knowledge that gives the segway for successful ministry. There is a starting place for everyone, whether they have similar influences or not, though of excellent example. The focus will be, however, within the ministry of the church. It always starts at home. It will involve every person who takes part in any daily leadership position or full-time ministry within the church. Everyone would agree that the ministry is busy, though this lesson is designed to impact and meet the necessity of the church. This is a lesson that each ministry worker in the church would take part in on one purposed day every six months, though to bring a depth of understanding that furthers character. In good faith each would be given the objective of seeking out common ground in locating a ministry within the church...

  •  that they do not necessarily know much about 
  • not necessarily know those who works in the ministry of choice 
  • has genuine interest free of obligation to genuinely know more about what this ministry is about
  • and finally, schedule a day to work in that said ministry and to share a noon meal, learning of this ministry that is unlike their own
 This is fashioned to create common ground, make new friendships, break down barriers, strengthen communication, learn of a new ministry, find new examples and grow mentorships, learn of different giftings apart from their own. There is actually a surplus of blessings to be had from this lesson that would all lead to a more balanced worship.

Raising Up Generation

We must become influencers of the next generation of generational influencers, even while still an influencer ourselves. There are people in different spheres of influence that share insights, mentor, bring up and invest in. Some of these are for specific moments. Some of these are for seasons and some of these are for years. At times this looks like a changing of the guard and at other times grooming for a later replacement. This is not merely a New Testament example but also the Old Testament example as well. Wisdom always looks for potentials of investment that will hear and desire the mentoring. God draws close to those who can be entrusted to such precious responsibilities as the gospel. Train up, motivate, influence, teach, cultivate, and always lay a foundation for future ministry. There is a pouring out of the many graces of God upon others to carry on a legacy.

'Raising Up The Generations' is for any member of the worship hub that chooses to be a part of the ministry of 'The Giving Place,' where any of the church can also take part. These shall be dually blessed in ‘getting to’ love so many into the kingdom and into the church by bringing connection to them to the church body, serving the community, offering counsel and direction, befriending, mentoring to individuals and their families in a community endeavor to bring a prospering to the church with a prospering mindset that is amidst and ever understanding of God's prosperity wrought for the church and all being a part of building a more balanced worship in all things.

God's desire is for growth, maturity and expansion to come to the corporate church in worship and beyond.  ‘Glory To His Name’ Church is the kingdom vise of finding a balance in the worship ministry, in practicing His presence and cultivating an atmosphere of glory conducive to an open invitation to the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts and lives of the church. 

"Now to Him who able to exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

Ephesians 3:20-21

     Community Churchwide Prayer... A Unified Vision With Unified Prayer Focus

A very specific strategy to be put into place for worship planning. This is based on the basis of prayer and vision from prayer. This will be held as a two-part event. 

A few things to share... One is that the Word of God never changes. The doctrines of the Word of God will never be set aside among the less important in light of creativity or the design of arts in the midst of worship because I see that the world can infiltrate what God has meant for a blessing, but it shall not be at the expense of His church.   

     Therefore, where these align, let the planning begin! One week prior to the event there is a seven-day open door, twenty-four hour per day, come and go prayer meeting scheduled with the intention of raising up this worship ministry as a first portion in raising up the church. Here is offered onsite security. 

After the seven days of prayer take place, the date being tentatively set is promoted heavily. Drastic vision calls for drastic measures and I have no doubt at all that this can be accomplished. Promotion of this week of prayer shall be the same for the event. It is purposed specifically to pray for worship and the worship ministry of ‘Glory To His Name’ Church. 

This is accomplished in a variety of ways and on purpose: word of mouth, letters of invitation, email, church leadership invites, website announcement, brochures, flyers, email, mail, ministry groups, phone calls, signage, newspaper, Facebook vision groups and social media of all kinds. These shall be put in place based on desire in the leading, leadership qualities, skills, giftedness, and planning though there are none more important than prayer. 

This time of prayer shall spur great excitement for the church and for the prayerful focus of the upcoming event of ‘Visions of Glory’ as from this it shall forward the church and will remain open always for prayer twenty-four hours a day with full intention of setting in place the worship hub of the church. 

“…for My house shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations.” 

Isaiah 56:7

Beginning at 9am this upcoming morning (the day after this message is spoken to the church and it has not yet been) prayer commences for seven consecutive days, though as the church is built per the vision, the primary place of prayer will be held in the prayer ministry called ‘The Fountain’ though other areas of the church will be open for this event as well and the grounds as well to pray should it be readied.


Worship Ministry Design of 'Glory To His Name' 

The design of the worship ministry hub is purposed for each time we come together to show one another and the world all that God has done. ‘Glory To  His Name’

 Church worship ministries is made up of the following

 incorporated ministries of the church ‘Worship Hub’:

Adult worship ministries.

1.      Oil of Gladness - Adult Worship Team (age 19+) where worship styles include hymns, contemporary, original worship, mainstream worship, river worship, spirit-filled selections and supernaturally inspired pieces to include throne-room worship. This worship team is made up of lead singers, back up vocalists, drummers, other drums, bass guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboard, strings, violin, cello, tambourine, maracas, etc. These are scheduled for weekly worship and seasonal events. These assemble for worship weekly and at times alongside prophetic artistry and sculpture as added to weekly worship.

2.      Rejoice - Adult Choir (Age 19+), Choral team. Styles of music selections vary from older selections, originals, mixes, and newer selections; all that carry a ‘spirit of rejoicing’. These can be solo, from any of an eight-part vocal ranges from Bass-Coloratura of voices.

3.      We Declare - Sound & Media Ministry (High Grades-Adult) where they oversee every worship event of the church. These are among the highly technical, diversely gifted, attentive to sound and media. This part of the worship ministry also serves the church in all media needs with a diverse schedule.   

Adult and Youth worship ministry.

4.      I Will Sing - Worship Team Choir (Ages 5-100+). These carry a child-like spirit that diversely makes up a choral team with all ages of voices. Worship styles include hymns, contemporary, and what is at times considered holiday worship. Ministry scheduling includes Sunday morning, seasonal or special medleys, rounds, and mixes. This team is made up of many areas of giftedness. Scheduled are for special events and large group Christmas caroling.

Youth worship ministries.                  

5.      New Song - Teen Worship Team (High Grades), Selections are among many spirit-filled worship songs and supernaturally inspired pieces. The team is made up of lead vocalists, back up vocalists, bass guitar, electric guitar, drummer, other drums, keyboard, and strings. These are scheduled for mid-week church worship.

6.      A Joyful Noise - Teen Worship & Dance Team (Middle Grades), Graceful and joyful in song, varying song selections (often coordinated with prophetic dance). Scheduled for youth events, seasonal outreach, and special events.

7.      Joy-Filled Sound - Choir (Middle/High Grades), Song selection varies, these carry a ‘joy-filled’ spirit in all, distinctly ‘joy-bringers’. Vocal choir that serves at youth events, seasonal events and last Sunday of the month.

     A message: High Praises is another portion of worship ministry, and though interactive with the Worship Hub of the church, it serves in some other facets apart from the Worship Hub. It exists to bring honor to all in-house visiting worship ministries, maintaining all in-house instruments, services all music throughout the ministry, offers special training for in-house worship, special events and outreach (separate from the Worship Hub) and serves as a place of prayer and practice for adult and teens. 

      Worship is missional at ‘Glory To His Name’ Church. Leadership consists of two Worship Arts Pastors overseeing the entire worship department. One oversees the adult ministries, and one oversees children’s ministries. They both oversee the one ministry that collaborates both adults and children.

 These have the ability to incorporate their teams to minister outside of the church assembly ministering in other areas, gathering or churches as missional movements to take place. Scheduled church missional events are large scale seasonal community events, events held in surrounding areas include holiday Christmas caroling and other special events. Worship Ministry schedule and also a scheduler, which are all filtered through the Worship Arts Pastors. Ultimately, ‘Gifts Administration’ ministry handles final schedules.


‘Visions of Glory’ Spirit-Filled Symposium

General Assembly

      Announcements prior to the start of workshops: In assembling a team, it has been said, “Rare is the person who has excellent musical skills, vibrant faith and the ability to collaborate with others.” Know that God believes in rare, therefore, don’t let this worldly standard discourage, as it is being shared to encourage rather and to remind you always that all things are to be aligned to the Word and Spirit. With vision birthed from prayer, faith tells my heart it is better to go with God in the glass being full rather than not. This stance will fuel the faith of all of those who desire to worship with you. Remember this always and in all ways!      

     The search is for those desiring to use their gifts to God’s glory in worship ministry. The search is for the following: vocalists (worship and choral), musicians, dance, artistry, sculpting, media, sound, drama, dance, leaders, directors, choreography, and Worship Arts Pastors. All that is needful for the worship hub always leaves room for growth! Enlisting and training, communication, recruiting, delegating, leading, and managing the worship team beginning with a healthy dose of prayer and an attitude of gratitude are all of necessity.

     These workshops will conclude into a general assembly of all worshipers to perform one of the three songs in whatever form of worship each ministry is involved in. Following there will be personal ministry and giving with no time limitation. There are light drinks and refreshments available. At this time decisions are made as to which of the seven ministry teams to be apart from the three songs taught: Our God, People Get Ready, You Are Welcome In This Place. There is then a time of ‘Activation’ where all teams come back together assembled to perform the music taught. This is followed by a time of ‘Sign ups’ by registering for your part of worship for “Glory To His Name” ministry. Meet today’s ministry leader to receive the following: Sign-up for required one week ‘Gifts Counseling’ Training (an exciting requirement that is full of the grace of God to be a part of leadership of this ministry), Practice Times & Light Refreshments. The only thing that is asked is belief, prayer and being led by the Holy Spirit.  

     Workshop Announcements: There will be nine workshops with three topics covered in each. Some sessions you will not choose to rotate believing they are not well suited for you. This will be only because of your age, a child attending with an adult or an adult attending with a child, or you are not desirous of or do not believe yourself to be suited as a worship arts leader. I challenge you to rotate to every one of the nine workshop sessions. There will be something for each person regardless of your reason for attending.  The following is an outline of the workshops and a topical reference to what each include:

Workshop: Media & Sound

Attendance: All invited

Aim: Adults Needed (Ages 18 and up) 

·        Enlighten: ‘We Declare’ handles all the media and sound for every event, whether weekly worship, mid-week worship, special event worship, weddings, etc. They work in direct connection with ‘Eye to Eye’ security team, though this ministry is not a part of the Worship Hub.

         Ministry Vision/Discussion: Adults are needed to serve in ‘We Declare’ (Sound & Media Ministry). Very high attention to detail, open schedule needful, keen excellence in sight and hearing, very structured by nature, concern for every aspect of worship. Question and answer time.

        Worship Prep & Rehearsal: Group reviews all nine optional musical pieces, discussing aspects of necessary changes in media or sound and why, making all necessary adjustments and then prepping and rehearsing each of the nine musical pieces for General Assembly.

Workshop: Youth Choir

Attendance: All invited

Aim: Middle/High Grades Needed

        Enlighten: ‘I Will Sing’ is a middle and high grades choir, spirited and full of joy, ready always for worship and diligent in practice to bring excellence in choral worship. Also, ‘I Will Sing’ is an all-age choir from 5-100+ who will worship at special events and outreach events.

         Ministry Vision/Discussion: Middle and High Grades are needed to serve in ‘Joy Filled Sound’. These will be scheduled for worship each last Sunday of the month and also special events in the church and outreach events. Collectively, as a middle or high-grades youth, you may also desire to be a part of ‘I Will Sing’.

·         Worship Prep & Rehearsal: Group reviews all nine optional musical pieces, discussing which is best suited to utilize the most for aspects of this specific ministry and what to pull from. Decided upon which piece as a group you will learn, then practice and rehearse that musical piece for General Assembly.

 Workshop: Middle/High Grades Choir

Attendance: All invited

Aim: Middle/High Grades   

         Enlighten: ‘Joy-Filled Sound’ Middle and High grades, full-scale choir: Base, Baritone, Tenor, Alto (1&2), Soprano (1&2). Needed are those who can harmonize and work well with one another to bring a power choir of worshipers.

      Ministry Vision/Discussion: ‘Rejoice’ needs adult worshipers. These sing on the first Sunday of the month and also for special events. ‘I Will Sing’ is an all-age choir from 5-100+ who will worship at special events and outreach events.

·     Worship Prep & Rehearsal: Group reviews all nine optional musical pieces, discussing which is best suited to utilize the most for aspects of this specific ministry and what to pull from. Decided upon which piece as a group you will learn, then practice and rehearse that musical piece for General Assembly.

Workshop: Middle Grades Praise Dance

Attendance: All invited

Aim: Middle Grades   

        Enlighten: Middle and high grades worshipers that work well as a team. Coed team (girls and guys) of praise dancers. A desire to glorify God in praise dance.  

      Ministry Vision/Discussion: ‘A Joyful Noise’ needs worshipers that are spirit filled worshipers and enjoy praising God in dance, considering themselves leaders of the same. These will lead amidst or into worship during or alongside a midweek service and special events.

         Worship Prep & Rehearsal: Group reviews all optional musical pieces, discussing which is best suited to utilize for aspects of praise dance. Upon deciding on a piece, choreography a dance to be practiced and performed for General Assembly.

Workshop: Middle/High Grades Worship (Singers/Musicians)

Attendance: All invited

Aim: Middle/High Grades

        Enlighten: ‘New Song’ Middle and high grades worshipers and musicians that work well as a team. Bringers of worship for mid-week service and youth special events.

         Ministry Vision/Discussion: ‘New Song’ needs worshipers that are Spirit-filled believers that consider themselves leaders of the same. These will lead worship each week at our midweek service.

        Worship Prep & Rehearsal: Group reviews all nine optional musical pieces, discussing which is best suited to utilize the most for aspects of this specific ministry and what to pull from. Decided upon which piece as a group you will learn, then practice and rehearse that musical piece for General Assembly.

 Workshop: Adult Choir

Attendance: All invited/Adults needed.

Aim: Adults needed 

      Enlighten: ‘Rejoice’, Adult full-scale choir: Base, Baritone, Tenor, Alto (1&2) and Soprano (1&2). Needed are those who can harmonize and work well with one another to bring a power choir of worshipers.

       Ministry Vision/Discussion: ‘Rejoice’ needs adult worshipers. These sing on the first Sunday of the month and also for special events. ‘I Will Sing’ is an all-age choir from 5-100+ who will worship at special events and outreach events.

         Worship Prep & Rehearsal: Group reviews all nine optional musical pieces, discussing which is best suited to utilize the most for aspects of this specific ministry and what to pull from. Decided upon which piece as a group you will learn, then practice and rehearse that musical piece for General Assembly.

Workshop: Adult Worship (Singers/Musicians)

Attendance: All invited

Aim: Adults (Age 18 & Up) 

   Enlighten: ‘Oil of Gladness’, Adult worship team. Leads the church in worship. Considered a leadership position. Spirit filled, Spirit led and being a prayer warrior is a must for this worship team. Much practice is involved and are incredible prayer warriors.

       Ministry Vision/Discussion: ‘Oil of Gladness’ needs adult worshipers that desire to hold leadership in the worship ministry of the church. These sing and play every Sunday of the month for Sunday morning worship.

      Worship Prep & Rehearsal: Group reviews all nine optional musical pieces, discussing which is best suited to utilize the most for aspects of this specific ministry and what to pull from. Decided upon which piece as a group you will learn, then practice and rehearse that musical piece for General Assembly.

Workshop: Sculptors & Artistry

Attendance: All invited

Aim: Adults needed   

       Enlighten: Adult artists, Spirit-filled, desiring to give God all the glory in their form of artistry, whether sculpting or painting. Artistry must be God honoring. 

        Ministry Vision/Discussion: There is no ministry name, though these artists are utilized alongside Sunday morning worship, special events, outreach events, midweek service as well as ‘Monthly Ministry Training’ Meetings. 

        Worship Prep & Rehearsal: Group reviews all nine optional musical pieces, discussing which is best suited to utilize the most for aspects of this specific ministry or individually and then practice and rehearse your artistry that will be utilized for General Assembly.

Workshop: Leadership/Pastoral (Pastors, Leaders, Directors, Choreographers)

Attendance: All invited

Aim: Adult leadership   

      Enlighten: Needed are several leaders to lead seven different worship ministries of sculpting and artistry, music, dance, worship, choir, media, and sound.

     Ministry Vision/Discussion: You may or may not decide you can serve in leadership as one of the leaders of the ministries, though if leading worship would have an active role in the team. Need leaders, directors, choreographers, and Pastoral leadership to oversee the Worship Hub. Question and answer time amidst discussion.

        Worship Prep & Rehearsal: Review all nine of the examples of three musical options given for today and discuss aspects of leadership in regard to these and your role in overseeing these specific ministries.

Worship Selections (3 musical pieces to interact with throughout the Symposium!)

 o        People Get Ready

o   Our God

 o   Holy Spirit, You are Welcome Here

Everyone everywhere, lift up your joyful shout to God! Sing your songs tuned to his glory! Tell the world how wonderful He is. for he's the awe-inspiring God, great and glorious in power! We've never seen anything like him! Mighty in miracles, you cause your enemies to tremble. No wonder they all surrender and bow before you! All the earth will bow down to worship; all the earth will sing your glories forever! Pause in his presence. Everyone will say, "Come and see the incredible things God has done; it will take your breath away! He multiplies miracles for His people!" 

Psalm 66:1-5

There is a key in the glory of worship! This worship is found in the glory of the Triumphant Church!


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