Monday, June 03, 2024

The Triumphant Church ...Highlights In The Glory ...2024!

      The Triumphant Church... The Highlights In The Glory... 2024!

There are highlights to share in the glory! 
Highlights brought forth in the glory realm of light
The Triumphant Church...the light of the triumphant church! There are highlights that bring unity to light! 

Oh, clap your hand, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!

Psalm 47:2

To Him who made great lights; For His mercy endures forever. 

Psalm 136:7

Have a blessed New Year 2024!

May the light of God in this New Year shine brightly on your life which opens the door to everlasting peace and happiness, good health and prosperity that brings joy throughout the New Year!

This newness, I shall remind you of always as these are the will of God for our lives!


For God, who said,
“Let brilliant light shine out of darkness,” is the one who has cascaded his light into us—the brilliant dawning light of the glorious knowledge of God as we gaze into the face of Jesus Christ. 

2 Corinthians 4:6


Glory Word: (June): Highlights!



Even them I will bring to My holy mountain 
and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar.  For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.

Isaiah 56:7

There are highlights in the glory of the triumphant church! Come up and into the high light to see clearly and with heightened expectation into the glory realm in the church! 

Know the voice of light. Hear the instruction for relationship. Align the voice to the vision. Hear His call. See his truth in prayer, in worship, in the glory!

Then I looked, and, oh!—a door open into Heaven. The trumpet-voice, the first voice in my vision, called out, “Ascend and enter. I’ll show you what happens next.”

Revelation 4:1


The possibilities are endless of the highlights of worship!

The Holy Spirit is the author of all creativity. By opening the atmosphere, highlights in the glory, God gives a freedom in the atmosphere to grow and mature in your identity that you must become aware of. 

To the intent that now the manifold (much varied, many-colored, word pictures, colorful expressions, variegated wisdom) wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 3:10

The prophetic creative offering of worship that teaches us in the outpouring of who we were made to me. In this identity we can speak to the principalities that desire to skew one's identity in the Lord. Only the Holy Spirit can bring such

individual and corporate growth while offering freedoms never known previously. This opens community to the thriving relationship with the Lord He so longs for, a revival fire that is new every morning. Not in trends, a loss of religious tendency to believe the planned order is God's order of worship. His answers, his voice, his vision comes in highlights in the glory! Learning of, being changed by and being touched by His glory through many creatively inspired endeavors. It is the creative and innovative worship that testifies how the heart is touched of and in many forms of health, from sickness to health. God is not held back by certain ways of doing things. The Holy Spirit is a creative genius in the glory realm that touches the heart.

...we should also walk in the newness of life.

Romans 6:4

But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.

Romans 7:6

Find alignment in this verse...

Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising Him always.


Philippians 4:8

Worship must be coupled with right teaching. There is a divine set up in the glory that is highlighted to the reviving and rejuvenating of hearts and lives in the church. This comes with the understanding that God's desire is to be ever closer to His bride. It is in this authenticity that draws one ever closer in worshiping in Spirit and in truth. This finds its way in becoming an agent of redemption, a force for good, and finds the

 hearts that are searching for a one-day heavenly home. This is a prepping of the bride of Christ.

...that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the Word that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

Ephesians 5:26-27

Every gift God freely gives us is good and perfect,  streaming down from the Father of lights,  who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow or darkness and is never subject to change. God was delighted to give us birth by the truth of his infallible Word so that we would fulfill his chosen destiny for us and become the favorite ones out of all his creation! 

James 1:17-18

The Holy Spirit allows the church to speak His language in the gifts and in the culture, releasing creativity and showing the message in the doing, drawing us into the adoration of the Lord. Joyful and freeing experiences that brings God's people into furthering their gifts and calling, making sure one's election, growing in heightened relationship and brings unity to the church. This releases the beauty of His glory opening up greater channels of His love to  define God's reality as a heavenly reality to be brought to the earth realm. Not of this world, the church is to be bringers of healing and instruments of illumination in unique and powerful ways. Removal of hurts unnecessary in the glory realm are healed in surprising ways, reconciling the artist of the Holy Spirit within unto God. Joy is the measure that removes unbelief, remedies objections and furthers faith. Leaning into the imagination of God is what changes the trajectory. The Holy Spirit is love and recognizes no barriers, connecting desires of the heart, reaffirming the reality of heaven in a world standardized of negatives, God solidly affirms his love a rightly, showing forth His salvation focus with solid trust in the Lord and flourishing of one's gifts. 

For by You I can run against a troop, by My God I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is perfect, The Word of the Lord is proven; he is a shield to all who trust in Him.
Psalm 18:29-30

Press in where love abounds and recognizes no barriers with blinders of tenacity that merely focuses on the goal of love, knowing that all things are 'Yes and Amen' to the glory of God. Pass over all the negativity with love, pressing in, seeing nothing else other than eyes that will be opened of the heart (Ephesians 1:17), then hearing, seeing and refreshed in the Holy Spirit, God's love for us!

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be stopped, then the lame shall leap like a deer and the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters will burst forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become like a pool. 
Isaiah 35:5-6

Beautiful and prosperous (as to be thought of as) a crown of glory and honor in the hand of the Lord and a royal diadem, exceedingly beautiful in the hand of your God. 

Isaiah 62:3

And the blessings keep coming! Then all the ends of the earth will give Him the honor he deserves and be in awe of Him!

      Psalm 67:7

 Highlights In Communion

It is spiritual nourishment. Don't allow a 'spirit of religion' to downplay the bread and the wine, the very sacrament of remembrance. Recall and repent of sin, asking for forgiveness, remembering what was done to take every sin, from years ago, yesterday, today and all of our tomorrows. But realize fully that He rose that we rise with him to life. This is the purpose of remembering His body and His blood. The wine imparts to the body, just as the blood gives life to the flesh. It strengthens, nourishes, gladdens and refreshes. It is more than occasion. It is a lifeline to wholeness. It unites His transformative presence. It is the highlight of life into all that God has for you. 

Psalm 103 tells us as we draw into worship to "forget not all of His benefits, the healer of all disease." A few of several benefits representative of the body and the blood...

  • Experiential Forgiveness
  • Encounters with the Living God
  • Creates Community
  • Makes us Reconcilers of the Cross by its Life
  • Brings Unity to the Church
  • Captures His Redemptive Plan
  • Proclaims The Gospel
  • Heals Our Body
  • Removes Sin Consciousness
  • Deepens Our Thanksgiving
  • Reminds Us of Heaven
  • Brings Powerful Connection
  • Renews The Mind To Right Thinking
  • Exchanges No's for Yes's (to the glory of God!)
  • Deepens Our Relationship with God
  • Removes Ails of Every Kind
  • Shatters Unbelief
  • Promotes a Mindset of Truths
  • Answers Prayers
  • Brings Alignment of Motives of the Heart
  • Creates Godly Fellowship
  • Reminds Us of Humility
  • Prospers Our Lives
  • Brings Solidarity to One's Call
  • Renews Our Courage
  • Gives Us Life
  • Strengthens One's Spirit
  • Removes Discouragement and Brings Encouragement
  • Provides Us With the Reminder of Freedoms

Highlights Of Baptism

It is necessary for the believer to live our their baptism in their lives (1 Peter 1:21). It is ever refreshing to mindfully remember His death, burial and resurrection life. It tells the story of His death, though of being resurrected to life and the promise of our future being raised in His likeness (Romans 6:5). 

It is in similitude even unto this day that we celebrate resurrection life. Realities of our baptism are highlighted in four great ways of importance...

  • Living in Total Freedom from Guilt... Acts 22:16 
  • Living Alive In Christ (Died with Him, buried with Him, and and now alive in Him!) ...Colossians 2:12
  • Living as Beloved Sons and Daughters, learning our identity in Him ...Ephesians 5:1
  • Living in the Spirit (continually being filled again and again with His Spirit!) ...Ephesians 5:18

Discerning Doubt

'If' is the 'doubt' word that talks itself and others into loving less. When speaking out vision for the church to grow, be healed, be transformed in revival, this one expects it will surely come to pass. There are those who do not carry a '...but God' in their spirit, because they need to be filled with the Spirit. These may not be seeking the Lord or relationship with Him or others, having been predisposed to a negative spirit, are a one without vision, carry a negative mindset, have not been taught to honor God or a watered down version rooted in religion of it, preach out of offense and refute all changes toward betterment. Some outwardly carry an antichrist spirit that despises what God has accomplished on the cross because it takes away from their flesh and often with greatly hidden motive. God sees. An open door of doubt sometimes is as much mouth giving as just the excuse to not agree, press in, come alongside and love what God loves. 

I will say this many more times than once. If you believer you carry a prophetic word that does not edify, encourage, lift up, share direction, motivate with love and you do not pray for the change you say you see, you were not first convicted by the Holy Ghost with compassion to use the gift and it was not from God. 

Many desires of the flesh has flown from the mouth of the hateful heart that pronouncing words of witchcraft for the benefit of self. 

Be wise in discernment. Be gentle with your love. (Matthew 10:16)

Cast down arguments and every high thing that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captive to the obedience of Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5

Vision is directed from heaven where there is a purposed deepening of community, truth seeking of the heart and the wisdom in knowing that the church is the undefeatable. 

Did you hear me? 

The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church.

Matthew 16:18 

The church is the substance of God's global rule on earth. The church needs strong spiritual leadership in a time of unprecedented opportunity and plentiful resources. Get excited for the church. It is a divine set up!

Think of the spies of the Old Testament. The unbelievers didn't gain the inheritance, merely the few who did believe. Be on the believing side knowing that God desires a healthy church that multiplies with righteous cause in depth and number.  A thought-provoking verse...

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in His Holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids tests the sons of men.

Psalm 11:3-4

Let us cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. 

2 Corinthians 10:5

Visions of Highlighted Glory

There is a core that is comprised of vision. It is this that is given because fulfillment in it will bring Him honor, glory and joy! Individual discovery begins with humility in becoming a vessel for His glory. A way to combat with the word of truth all that comes against vision is this recall. Remember simply that the reviewer of the vision doesn't carry the capacity to understand and has not been qualified to review the vision and does not carry the ability to shape your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors toward the vision. Simply stated, the reviewer did not pray into my vise or yours. It was given solely to the one purposed for it. This in total will free you from judgment of others and lends you the discernment necessary to edify and encourage. 

The eyes of your understanding be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of your calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of His power and toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power.

Ephesians 1:18-19

This is a distinct truth and is also a prayer for wisdom and discernment. 

Vision is detailed, customized from on high, unique, provides direction and is strategic. It requires the investment with a heart of love. It exemplifies unity to raise up people to glorify God. It is the fuel of the future to become reality, and is given to those entrusted with treasured gifts as still an offering of vision. It reflects knowledge of all circumstances and understanding of all potential and possibilities. Vision directly correlates to His plan for the best interest of others and carries the ability to  accomplish God's desire for and with His power. It is not humanly conceived and is divinely given to each individual. 

It is all about the glory of God, the name of Jesus, the health of the church and first, the Good News of a Savior. It is about the fire of God burning with the holy zeal of God that consumes every heart until, we long for what He longs for. The brightness of God burning in the hearts of the church, fulfilling His dream that is ascertained to become our own.  


“To those who were rejected and not my people, 
I will say to them: ‘You are mine.’
And to those who were unloved I will say:
‘You are my darling.” 
Romans 9:23-25

It is to see the vibrant church full of His transforming presence becoming a reality. It begins with the acknowledgment of revelation that there is needed growth and healing. 

  The call to express joy and to delight in the privilege of loving and serving God, both the church and the world. This joy shines as a dominant outlook. One's countenance speaks volumes. What is the hurting and lost world more drawn to? Do we carry a joyful attitude? A litmus test of the Spirit regarding the kingdom of God is this; living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Roman 14:17). Joy is the natural response of salvation. This is instrumental in the vision to move the church into abundant multiplication. What is it that adds to one's highlighted expectation? Seeking Him in a journey of prayer, where healing is evident when you come into the place of joy.  I desire the whole church to be taught to minister from a place of joy because they love what they do in loving service in the kingdom. This is the value from the heavenly realm  that opens the heart of others to the kingdom. 

    You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand in pleasures forever more.
Psalm 16:11

Highlights of Healing in the Glory!

  Can you imagine the cynical, the hurting and embittered healed, refreshed and renewed? Where the offenses and contentions that were previously like the bars of a castle are broken, that had been harder to win than a strong city (Proverbs 18:19). These are the really hard hearts that most had given up on or simply ignored by loving less. No more. What about seeing with your own eyes the glory of God on the countenance of those for the first time in years? Would our heart be set aglow? Can you imagine the spiritual harvest that would naturally follow? I can only imagine what it will be like!

By the blessing of the upright, the city is exalted.
Proverbs 11:11

Highlights of Valued Vision
      The vision is centered around what God loves and values; the life of the individual and the gifts God has given these for service in the kingdom of God. It is no longer ordinary when one comes to know the Lord. These are then each considered a valued resident in the kingdom of God having become His children. Does God use His children to fill up space in heaven? I think not. It is His great joy of all that become a child of God having been given that right (John 1:12). This comes with provisions of the Spirit. 
  • Leaders with vision carry renewal for the church and it is healing. We do not fill slots. 
  • We utilize God given gifts that would otherwise not be utilized with purpose to their fullest, where the glory of God is not is not full. We cannot be fulfilled otherwise. 
  • Highly qualified leaders end up discouraged as they know they have much more to offer and desire an investment at a much higher level.
  • To do so lacks comprehensive insight and vision to get the right people in the right place for the right reasons. 
  • This is not aligned to the teachings of scriptures. 
  • And finally, there is absent the highlights of glory unto the gloriously triumphant church!
The absence of the crystal clear vision to edify the church with health and prosperity or it is not. It is a call to unite, to go deeper, to come in contact with the living God that these catch the Holy vise, brightly highlighted in the direction of His heart. This is a holy zeal in a manner conductive to the production of light that cannot be put out. 

The path of the just is like the shining sun that shines brighter unto the perfect day.
Proverbs 4:18

      Highlights of a vision 'on purpose' are these:
  • Strategically Empower ...on purpose
  • Build with a Plan ...on purpose
  • Educate and Teach Others ...on purpose
  • Gather others with Focus ...on purpose
  • Structure with Vision ...on purpose
  • Preach the Word ...on purpose
  • Purpose to share God's Prosperity ...on purpose
  • Plan the Calendar ...on purpose
  • Evaluate areas of Vision ...on purpose
Therefore, as we have opportunity to do good, let us  
 do good to the household of faith.
Galatians 6:10

The Joy of the High Light in the Glory!

Come up to the place of God's heart for the whole church being taught to minister from a place of joy because of the love of the Lord and loving what they do for Him! This is the value from heaven that opens others to the kingdom all the same with a willing heart, not feelings, but one of integrity and eagerly (1 Chronicles 29:17 and 1 Peter 5:2). A rallying of the saints of God, having taught the church of its true worth to operate in the marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). Identity affects everything. Should the church not know who we are, we would not know whose we are and thus not know what we are or how to share this very truth. Health and growth to the church! This is a high light in the glory! This encourages the truths of God's Word toward continuity that God so lovingly calls unto healthy growth. 

The Highlighted Vision

Vision is a powerful motivator, involving the people of God in the fulfillment of the vision God gives. Casting vision requires painting the whole picture, not just the good parts. When others hear and catch the vision these are inspired to run with greatness. They do not take 'no' for an answer as these see only a fulfilled vision unto a revitalized church... a church revived... a church coming toward or in the midst of revival. It is this revelation that moves God and moves His people.  The spiritual work of prayer is where the rest, the work and the success is found. There must be a renewed honor, love and reverence for the saints of God that the glory of God to grow unhindered in the church (Ephesians 5:1-2).  This is to be a work undenied to be completed with the highest degree of excellence. 

 Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you. Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ—and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. Amen!

    Ephesians 3:20-21

There are keys in the glory realm in 2024! These are highlights in the glory for the Triumphant Church!

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