Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Election of Lover's of God

Today is Veteran's Day as we of gratitude of heart honor Veteran's of war. I will say once again, this is of those involved in not only physical battle but spiritual battle as well. The unseen battles of the Spirit are some of  most intense of all and unbelief of others renders counsel ineffective. If this is difficult to understand I challenge you to pray unceasingly for a Pastor and journal how your heart changes and seek what Honor truly means in the spiritual places. The Holy Spirit will honor your heart, prayers and feat in all you do and you will be blessed. I say  this here because spiritual responsibility has rendered truth in this arena. A veteran servant I am as many of you are and long to be. Service to others, servanthood, battles fought and battles won is the grand walk of one of these. Love is the cornerstone of the heart of this one. An attitude of graditude is indeed one that is cultivated, being found rendered competent to do that which you have served for.

The election is over politically but the election of the lovers of God has scarcely began. Having been both in the trenches and nearly overtaken with excessive and inexpressible joy God calls me prepared. Prepared to love the church like I have been reared up to love from the pages of the Word.  I tell you the love is so intense I truly don't know why or what could have thought it possible that God could be held back from the rich love so desired to be poured forth. He says this to us all...You who are a hinderance and not a help shall be no longer according to the Word of God.

Isaiah 41:10-13 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Behold, all those who were incensed against you shall be as nothing, And those who strive with you shall perish. You shall seek them and not find them. Those who contend against you shall be as nothing. For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, Fear not, I will help you.

You veterans will find yourself singing prose, no pun intended....singing pros! Because those who are evidential of the greatest gifts of love in the church are found worshipers in all certainty. Spirit and in truth! These are those that know how to love and are givers. It is love that flows upward. I am reminded of walking up to the top of the landing on the steps of a stairwell, sitting next to Jesus praying through until such estatic joy. This is when you know the healing has taken  place. Division, loss, harming the spirit of a child is not the heart of a veteran. I commend those who are. I caution those who are not. God sees the attitude of the heart. Yes, be thankful!

I was reminded today of days of President Reagan. Regal honor, rightly and righteously poured forth to love others from what looked like a pulpit I saw in my  church once. My point; bring back America to a place of glorious repentance and refreshing (Acts 3:19). When things look bleak and fiercely oppressed of the enemy ...the Holy Spirit is about to pour out a blessing to not be contained. There is a meeting on your knees that causes this righteous flood so to speak...of the spirit (not the weather). We have to gather round  about, grab hands, pray through to the blessing. True veterans know who to fight for and who to hang onto.  It is the household of faith. Amidst the battle, the church grows.

One day sooner than not, I call forth a divinely appointed time of fellowship that is going to wreck (in a good way) the church unto great blessing...those things that we have merely waited for, prayed in, stood up for and desired. There won't be a Jezebel spirit present because the blessing of God cannot be in the same place as this sort of thing. It is not planned gift giving. It simply happens.  Those things spoken against you and against me had a short lived lifespan. God speaks good things to those He loves and the veterans know that the election is of the lovers of God....those that know love.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Glory of God

Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” The very first verse I ever recall memorizing was this and later at some point I decided that with all for my heart I would always give Him all the glory for being my God and King and still later it became a magnified grateful heart. One called it an enlarged heart. It is as if in every struggle God arises within me and gives me the patient love amidst the strongest of troubling times. The only reason for troubling times is lack of belief in the belief in what God has already done for you. He has already cast forth sins committed. This is why it is finished. Left with no excuse. This is the bottom line of the forgiveness of the cross, the most foundational belief. That is the one drop that healed it all. Faith is not awaiting to believe. Faith actively believes. When you truly believe the middle wall of separation has been torn down and you begin actively using your salvation, speaking your salvation, desiring to do something intentional to bring glory to God with it.

Romans 8:26 says that He demonstrates in the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

Let me tell you about my faith should it be difficult to know the depths of me or what or how the Spirit of God speaks through me. It is readied knowledge of misunderstanding. This is a demonstration in this present time of His righteousness that God is just and that He is and shall continue to be the justifier in me because of faith in Jesus and because this is where the great love began....likely sometime before I was but a few years old and memorizing that in my heart that verse that said, “Give Glory To God”.

I have not chosen to give glory to God to boast, oh but I will boast in God all day long! I have not exchanged the truth for a lie. I have not picked this verse and decided it best that I be something that I am not. I am fully aware, believe and received and daily receiving His great love.

Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Talk about it aloud, speak about when you lie down and when you are awake. Another place says to write it on the wall of your house. Write it on the tablets of your heart and talk about them with your children. Let the Word of God have you fully. This is free sustenance to your spirit!

Romans 10:9-10 says to confess with your mouth from your believing heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. This means you are forgiven of everything as you have confessed with your mouth that you believe and are forgiven.

I want you to read, study, meditate and drink in the scriptures from Romans, chapter 3-10…all 7 chapters. Read them over and over and over again. They say much about His covering, how His sacrifice was sufficient, belief, new life, hearing, righteousness, motives, freedom and liberty.

I have went from negative to positive, ungrateful to gratitude. I have went from taught to teaching. I have went from silenced to shouting. I have went from fearful to fearless. I have went from childish to childlike. I have went from pretending to realness. I have went from singing to worshiping. I have went from a simplistic love to extravagant love. These are the used-to-be’s to the present are’s in my life. These are’s in my life need manifestation in using the positive attitude, gratefulness, teaching, excitement, childlike faith with a heart of a real worshiper having excessive love for people.

From years of memorizing a verse to writing many and on the walls to pouring with a whole heart  prayer and study of the Word of God and doing my best to be what God says to be and do, I have been fought in every way.

I have been graced and therefore long to and with great love to extend the grace of God in understanding of a place of the Heavenly realm that I know will bless your heart. This night I know and realize with untold certainty that it wills to bless your heart by its hearing (because faith comes by read aloud for now, because I know that I know that it will not always be behind a computer screen!) and because it is of dear importance of God or I would not have been prompted to write in form of a book so very long ago. The fullness of God is a blessing and longs to bring blessing.

If all have sinned falling short of the glory to God, we should see in this a few things. One, this is an acknowledgment of all. Two, this should bring upon us humility in desiring to be all we can be for Him and Three, a continual longing to give glory to God.

I have been shoved down, pushed, shut off, shut up, thrown out, pointed out, spoke against. Why?…Because the enemy does not want me to give God the glory for anything. This is not because I have not forgiven man for many evils committed against, some directly to me, but rather it seems it takes away from the true issue that this is what I am scheduled to be and do. It shortens the enemies’ timeline of success in my life. Moreover, it is what God says in and through me and the enemy has been given no power.

I have not been scheduled to wait for hell to make decisions to bless dearly loved people but for belief’s sake for those perhaps who don’t believe this is what it has come to. Why? Because the enemy had to see if I was going to bow to hell’s ways to get what God already says is mine.

My portion in this life is that I be a very happily married Woman of God, an instrument of the Holy Spirit, a mighty worshiper, a teacher of both my children and adults that have been pained by many sorrows and want to break free from it, ministry in full, fulltime and all the time because that is my heart, to be very prosperous, not because I must be rich for we know we cannot take these with us, but because it is scripture that we be prosperous and giving and this is the full motive of my heart to bless and further the church. I am to be a giver of gifts of great encouragement in love of God. It is His Word, my call, words given for your blessing.

Now…here is what I have had to fight through because of other’s disbelief and not nearly as much my own in more recent time. I say this because I have believed. I have spoke and many have not answered, answered adversely or simply not been as the church of the Lord Jesus Christ and not answered at all. However unbelief happens and offenses come when there is a lack of belief. Why is this? Because your strength in God is weak in these times, as if your shield of faith is down in order that all the fiery darts of the wicked one are not caught. Once hit with unbelief, it does not serve as likened to cupids arrow, it serves to destroy you with unbelief, disagreement, lack of love, lack of faith, lack of energy and in general unconcern for those of the household of faith. My words are to be full of encouragement though there are times you must know the strategies of the enemy that wants just behind your belief to keep you from it. Negativity, back biting, wrong doing, offenses, pain, great sorrows, unhappiness, strongholds of unworthiness, deceits, wickedness, most all of Galatians 5:19-20…adultery, fornication, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outburst of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies….seeing many of these turn to outright stiff-necked rebellion that seeks the people of God to have gain of nothing…and most of all while I was walking in the depths of the Spirit of God. These things coming against are as a religious spirit likened to the days of teaching of purgatory where you will just never get there kind of teaching…lies that are equivalent to hell itself. It seeks to destroy your faith, it drags your faith in the faith message you know and perhaps are all about. It wants you to go no further, but rather have you seek after them. A root of religion with a deep thorn, not a thorn in the flesh that simply holds back, a thorn that wants blood that ensures your death and that you go no further. It plays in idiocracies and cares not for your life and will do anything that you not love further. It sides with hell itself, with murders and liars and spirits of, believing there will be more gain this way. Having been through so much I have much to offer. And most know this is truth and those who won’t know this are those in unbelief, having already been offended and are perhaps not lovers of others and lovers of the household of faith. The Word of God puts it best like this in 1 Timothy 4:1-5. Let these verses change your heart into one of even greater Thanksgiving.

I have five very precious children and a son-in-law. I have either been unable to find income to meet the needs of my family, which include being able to visit with them, have believed in faith that something was on the way or have sacrificially used what little I had to do what I could when the internet was of no assistance to me with its falsified ads and additives. I have been unable to travel many hours to see my family for over a few years now. I have had lies try my family members toward deceits, deceptions, lies and torments to the point of open and bold faced lies that were found so ridiculous that they are barely believable. There have been ever so slight lies and twisted tales that have weaved their webs of a constant legion of lies stemming from a spiritual legion of liars being made up of hosts of wickedness. Not only can I readily discern these, I command them to go in Jesus Name. There has been attack verbally, physically and spiritually that I have been talked into with vain advice that I should best just go with it because it was the right thing to do where society is concerned, but not for the good of the church, being openly mocked, scorned by family and hated by those I love most. I have been verbally abused in work place and in my home and at my dinner table. I have told much truth that was disdained from the beginning but rather than hearts grasping much needed support in the love of God I was treated as if I knew not that which I spoke. Moreover, as I walked in the power of the Holy Spirit, with openness I was told I did not know enough of the Word of God. Feeling so deeply sorrowful for these I pray for their hearts to see true love and reach out in faith to show it. My walk does something more!

I have asked advice as the scriptures state to be the multitude of counselors that there is safety amongst to never be answered, ignored amidst true and real need. I have sought further understanding in the way of confirming visions in my call and it was confirmed by others in the church in spirit and in truth to be shut off. I pray church’s leaders would pray, would repent and openly that great freedoms of love flow amidst their heart’s once again and miracles are abundant in these and in respect to all. There have been a multitude of direct and indirect attacks upon finances that I simply not go further. I have forgotten how long it has been that I have asked God to bless me with a happy marriage, a companion of like-mindedness with great respect for the ministry to love fully, for a home, an adequate home and vehicle. I have been conspired against, lied to, sided against, all while my enemies believe I do not see. God gave me vision that I see long ago, this is why I have been fought with sword to be able to use it. The real sword is the Word of God.

I have had riches placed before me in great magnitude just to see if I would take it and the missing ingredient was honor and true respect and then yes, I would gladly receive because should you so desire to call me to one who is like Jesus, I have somehow and in many ways felt many blows. You can fling my heart, mind, body, emotions all over the place and all over the internet but this serves the devils purpose and not the blessings that God so longs to distribute to you and for you to further you. This in its doing gives way to death that wants to own you. Like another once stated, I have prayed your faith not fail you. Had you truly known the love that God wants to shower you with through me, you would answer readily. I have done the work of a few men alone and often without any help at all in what most would call impossible situations, yet with open disdain unintentional from the church. It is not the same that I have been reared up in to serve one another in all ways of loving one another. Children are put on the back burner to money and the grasping of it or worse for it. I have given gifts yes, never responded to, as if they were never received, never honored...sent in the greatest measure of love! I have gone without so many needs, had I had no perspective of the Word of God aligned with truth I would have long ago thought I was suppose to be poor all of my life and rarely a met need. I have been spoken down to by lawyers and many in high reaching authority, which would cause me to question their place. Over a few years ago there was an accidental download accepted to my computer not knowing what it was, prompted me by way of control to type in a password and this being the only way I could often get to a desired website. Sickening control that has many names attached, for what purpose…to send forth a message of love? I think not. Always and continually not the way of God and always and forever giving the wrong idea. Giving glory to God is the furthest from its truth because this is not giving freely. Many have bit this lie and are confusing and longing for that which they have not. I have thought to have been weak willed and in need and served for a place that cannot be given, watched endlessly with a message of great protection that looked more like detection of decoding something that wanted to be found a lie but is truth. There have been God going before me to pave the way, but rather liars that sought my call through false love. I have been disdained for great love of messages God has spoken to me to love others with for the purpose of healing. I could go on to tell you that I lost my home on my birthday this year, purposed for certain, that I spent so long building, on the Word of God, with wrong foundational love, the kind that loves one another and does not seek destruction. I have now came to the town of my childhood home, to see further deceptions want me and my family. Placed in employment that was the furthest from my call, in fact very opposite, and am now losing our home today. We have no vehicle and no real home to go to. It has been made very and highly clear to me that the ministry I so desire to be amidst and for all that God has given to me to love with…that there is purposed of the enemy to thieve credibility from ministers of the gospel via the internet while the enemy claims against the truth to be something greater to seek after. The blessing you so desire is found prostrate before God praying for that which you know you already are or for the sin that so wants them and you. Humility speaks. I fear you did not see in the spirit that which was given unto me for you. It was never for your destruction. This is not God. A man recently said you cannot go physically where you have not first seen and been in the Spirit. I am authorized.

I plead the blood of Jesus over these ministries, these men or woman of God, over the truth that has been exchanged for a lie, over my family and the division the enemy openly aimed at our destruction, over my future companion, over our home and manifestation for a home, over a manifestation of a vehicle, over my need for legal counsel that is Godly of which I have never had and am in current need of….because I have sought help, called on many of the ministry and they have either not believed or have bought into the lie that I wanted to take away that which they had. I have received no honest response to my great and exceeding needs and this in much part gives glory to God in itself. The enemies’ game is sorrow and I and my family have had enough for ye all! The reason: I am to be blessing you daily in ministry. I plead the blood of Jesus over each hearer and reader of this Word, realizing that it carries a different flavor. Oh, yes indeed there is a still a garden of God. In fact this place I was brought back to so many years ago was healing and was the blessing that overtook me unto a furthered spiritual walk. I write to you the things in which you must hear to get into the depths of the places that God wants you to see, feel, sense and know how very deeply loved you really, really are. Your sins are washed. Give glory to God!

Monday, August 06, 2012

Honor & Integrity

…is not hiding behind others to pretend it wasn’t you, but can lend voice to the truth & bring about much justice.

…are righteous tears of honor for the Pastor’s Appreciation Day because your heart breaks for all they do and feel with a great urge to comfort them, and not because man has added a day to the calendar.

…is less than it can be in His presence when fellowship with the right people is taking place.

…is not secret manipulation at another’s expense.

…speaks often through the eyes of the countenance right from the heart.

…allows yourself to be submitted to and to submit to another and it is full of joy either way. the teach that a parent has begged that you learn.

…is submitting one to another in the love of another in right conversation. given often when least expected and creates supernatural blessing when received.

…is pouring out your heart in Worship in ways that give glory to God.

…sometimes look like Gods requests as an offering of Worship to Him.

…is knowing who your friends are and releasing those whom never were when no unity is made available.

…is bowing humbly before our God in reverent love for Him.

…is not letting the element of surprise take away your humility in the moment.

…washing the feet of another, realizing the same servant hood is required of you to be a part of God’s great blessings.

…is making yourself low before the lowliest to show the love of God.

…trusts people fully, without preconceived notion of anything otherwise and forgives often when this is not always reality.

…makes relationships real and ceases from all acts of falsehood.

…doesn’t pretend to be someone they are not by hiding behind the letter of the law for fear of another or for selfish reason.

…is forward with their true feelings.

…acts as a leader no matter where you are at.

…keep a pliable and contrite heart before God.

…has the sweetest fragrance of blessing.

…find its way before kings and dignitaries.

…knows humility in bringing God’s Word before Him that He acquits you.

…gets the blessing of that which you seek.

…is a precursor to breaking the disease of unforgiveness.

…will not be the lost and dying art of the church.

…are these you become as you think, feel and speak and act on them.

…prostrates facedown for the church to know the love of God.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Anointing...It Frees You!

I look and I see a spirit of disillusionment; deep sadness, lack in the depths of the heart, like something has passed and without retrieval, something without meaning any longer. The devil is liar! ...and the author of 'it's over'. The Father of liars! He is commanded to return all that belongs to you and to me. Return of great joy in the struggle!

Consider 1 Timothy 6:9-10 with an eye of wisdom as a beginning of such pain. Read with great understanding 2 Corinthians 2:3-11. The enemy of the household of faith wants nothing more to dissolution the people within until they themselves have no viable direction, his strategy, though not divine. Sorrow upon sorrow is the game of the enemy.

My own family has had these constant deceptions thrown at us and I shout with a roar of God…ENOUGH! With a heart of very great encouragement I have loved you. I have reached a place of 'past seeing the distruction come to me, my family and the church' with disbelief pressing in whispering 'its over, they really don't believe'. ENOUGH!!! If you need me to speak to you, to counsel with you, to meet a need for you, I will love you with the greatness of God given to me! But there comes a time when having reasoned to always learn and grow, knowing what it is like to be in submission to God that the enemy has no place at all, purposing to be a blessing to leaders, knowing what it is like to be a sevant to all, being one myself and further; to raise them up. But I am about to call out by name and with great authority, every devil and schedule their scatter that true unity can take on great love in the church house where my heart is and will always be in loving you. I and my family will be where God has us to be and with great effectiveness. He has shown me already and many times. God says "ENOUGH!!!!!!!"

You must be wise enough to pick your battles and realize some are not worth fighting and where the presence of the Lord is there is love, freedom and all at the expense of the enemies loss. Where love is not, God is not. Know your audience. Father God, forgive me when I have not moved on sooner from another who would never really let me love them, could not receive what I had to give, or openly chose to dishonor me and my family. Hanging on to a relationship of this nature for great length can be harmful to family; children and the church. God had intended a bles-sed lifetime. A relationship is mutual conversation, mutual goals, and mutual love.

Paul spoke many different testimonies to many different audiences, all true, but directed to what he knew they needed. Being in a place where I thought I would step over into heaven a time or two I have much to share with you. Divinely aligned honor to the Word of God and my heavenly Father is how I came to this place. There is a garden so sweet  and so filled of God that I nearly loose direction of how to explain it all. I want you to know God’s love with desperation in my heart. To share purposed of love and knowing how to best share with you without being in person is harder at this point in my life. My ministry should have long ago taken on far greater areas…though having been turned away on every side; I know God and He does not lie.

With this in mind, to look at love in a positive light and a negative light as it is my hearts greatest desire to encourage and to excite you further in the Word towards the belief I know works miracles. 1 Corinthians 13 and 14…Negative love is a desire that denotes jealousy and envy. This negativity rooted deeply is a dead root that gets no nourishment. It can easily be said it is not full of life. Sometimes the ill nourishment this root has taken in has been unable to grow and is diseased with manipulation, often looking like a well watered, well nourished tree. But on the inside it is without and is hurting and the pain has become more like fear and control and it roots are dark and lifeless. This is the kind of tree that wills no longer to accept help of a caregiver to water it or to bring it nourishment. Its roots are inwardly drawn.

Positive love is a love that burns with great desire to love more. It is intense and eager and it doesn’t die out. It is a love that wants to see others blessed. Its position next to other trees causes nourishment to surrounding soil. This is a vibrant, healthy tree with roots that go deep and pulls continual nourishment. It can always take on more life because it is that kind of tree. Its leaves are strong and provide shade when needed and drinks deeply when the rain comes.

The anointing that spoke in days, hours, weeks of constant and continual prayer, study and  fasting is now calling out for a return and newness within it….a measure not worth letting go of but in depth. Could you have the presence of God around and on you and not be changed for the better by it?

The love of God does not hate, manipulate, deceive, and judge you in condemnation or steal from you, hoard power and placement, cause to be without, to not go further, and walk on you or your family.

It is most abundant and always a seeker of your best. The love of the anointing is a giver of life, a tree of life, a water fountain of joy; and one of life bubbling up on the inside, a restorer of returned joy, sweetness bestowed, and gifts given. Its love is profound and brings you renewal. It continual, shares growth and breaks every yoke with no fear. It’s the love of God. The love of the anointing….it frees you!

Posted 11:44 July 31, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Set Free

I thank you Heavenly Father for what you are doing in the life of the family of the church, my immediate family as well as the family of the church (blood relatives & made of His blood). This is that which I have prayed...unity of the Spirit.

Vision – A hole opens as a portal in the spirit above the church house. Rather than a blessing falling on those just below the opening, it traveled throughout the room. It was very directed and suggested it searched out the church and its people with great love, purposefully. I heard, “All leaders please stand!” These are those all over the room but directed of the leaders and those who stand who are going to grow into a leader. Up! Up! On your feet! Walk it out! This is where the anointing originated.

Oh how some thought it false; trying to find reason. Christ be deeply rooted within is the reason. The Word works and believing works! I have not been scheduled by God to wait until hell itself freezes to use what is already mine because someone else either didn’t see it , didn’t believe it, didn't trust or didn't feel adequate. Always knowing to encourage and worship and to gift others with what was given. Time to walk in. 
The Word, then spoken makes way for the Spirit to flow. The Spirit quenched is nothing short of control. See the 5th chapter of 1 Thessalonians for ways to keep this from happening that the church be furthered. Doubts and fears control outpouring.

Those the anointing touched first in the vision are those first responsible for the call to love many those having a great call but with unbound freedom to feed the spiritually hungry. The anointing or the anointed is not purposed to kill. That is the letter! The walk of the spirit is to push into freedom to where you are to be. I knew God was taking me somewhere and I told you ahead of time and I told you through the anointing He wants you to go further as well. The love of God is blessed this way.

God showed forth in a vision to turn the knob for a divinely purposed turn around. Let it go- enough for everyone! The vision is too grand to sit still, to be unused, unheard of, untold.

God once showed me many years ago, though very useful now, of a vision of two smoke screens that came down amidst the sanctuary! There on one side was a house, car, money and the like. On the other screen was the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, the Cross; religious symbolisms. When divinely understood in light of the totality of the scriptures tells us there is abundance amidst God! But He comes first in your heart. Matthew 6:33. Up on the high mount the devil is trying to give Jesus an ultimatum. And He quickly refutes it with the Word of God, letting the enemy know in not so many words that it is not his to give.

One drop of the blood that dripped off the cross contained enough healing anointing to touch each of us in whatever is needed. Access granted!

Those in freedom release more freedom that no other be restricted in one another’s gift. This is the flow of the anointing. Time to let go and let God!

My spiritual enemies that would have liked rather to sell me off have had zero blessing in the doing. Did you see and do nothing? God is bigger than love being held down or held back. I want to love you with everything deposited within my spirit to do so. To the one who says, there simply is not room, know not the scriptures. Time is of the essence.

Consider this…To segregate means to separate, to isolate, to require by force by separations of things or personally. Segregated means practicing racial, ethnic discrimination by maintaining separate facilities. A sectarian is narrowly confined by sects, limited interests or purposes, a bigoted or narrow-minded person. Oh, can I just tell you that this kind of sectarianism makes the heart of God hurt and inadvertently angers Him greatly. This is not often something we try to do, but by not acknowledging what God is doing or saying it happens. There should not be envy, strife and divisions among the church. We are told to turn toward unity.

Will you now receive me?! Be set free!

Posted July 29, 2012 11:49pm

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Let Freedom Ring

The fireworks tonight were the best I’ve ever seen since I was a small child… since sitting on the hill overlooking the field watching the sky light up, family reunions, playing horse shoes, lighting sparklers and playing in the woods. Those days were grand! This summer is hot and the enemy knows his time is short. In God, however, apart from those things that try us, there is a blessing in the air of the Spirit. I sense shifting taking place toward momentum and something monumental. True blessing. Do not let the short lived celebration of the few moments of fun watching fireworks leave you dissolutioned that they are over. God's celebration in not the same....far and exceedingly greater than that which we can think or imagine (I hear the song: I Can Only Imagine) and is a producer of continual blessing.   

Romans 8:20-22 says in the Message…That's why I don't think there's any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. The created world itself can hardly wait for what's coming next. Everything in creation is being more or less held back. God reins it in until both creation and all the creatures are ready and can be released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead. Meanwhile, the joyful anticipation deepens.

Freedom makes the call…the call of strength and fervent love! Freedom loves like there’s nothing else to do. Big hugs to you! ....because, you know there isn’t anything better to do! Don’t be misunderstood or misunderstand. Freedom hasn’t been free. There’s been a price and those seeking to edify the church in love know it.

Colossians 1:13-15 says, “For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.”

These are the met need of another. When hell attacks the church stands for none of it. Who and what are you apart of?

2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

There is upset in the kingdom when unity lacks. Go into the river, the river upon the entrance of intercession. Open the door of love and be flooded with the light of love. You have rightly seen. Be graced in the anointing and of sweet fellowship. God wants to speak to you and wants your attention that you know how dearly loved you really are!!! It’s easy. There is promise in the message. Go into the river, the river of love, where freedom reigns! Let freedom ring!

July 7, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012


***Written approximately one year ago. Worthy of the share.

Get filled...figure you are normal ---what does that look like to you?
Get contrite.
Dreams are not over.
They have not the symmetry of ideas.
Given as you get filled in the river......the incident by accident, with light to your way.
The miraculous accompaniment.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Romans 10:17-Faith comes by hearing! This is the missing element here, though there is certainly more to speak. This is a message I can speak to you with absolute conviction in my heart. Why? Because I have been sold out to the Word of God for a lifetime! I have had to believe my way to everything, having been walked on, lied to, shunned, spoken against, used, threatened and mocked. There have been many acknowledge this yet would not answer a message of a need for prayer. Where is your belief?  Yet, God laughs at the prospect of causing harm to one of His. I know full well where His miracles are located. They are right in the center of belief. Where is yours? The Holy Spirit knows and has been honorous for a very long time. You recognized me. You recognized my countenance. The Word of God says you are without excuse! I have believed even for you in ways no one reading this can likely comprehend, for those who simply did not know who I was or am. When I am told things of the Spirit, they are as good as done. I have served you for many years with blood, sweat, tears and many, many prayers, having reached a place where it is not enough to write to you here no matter how large the letters. It is simply not the same and you cannot hear. I have cried out to God for you even amidst loosing my own home all the while believing for a husband, new home and ministry. In part, I can say...Receive your rebuke! many who have known. I am called to office as many of you have many callings as well. I am qualified to get you to believe for it, to show you how to get there and to put you there and am greatly excited to do so! And I will do just that as you recieve God's love. I do not carry about envy and jealousy because I know who God has made me to be and see full on how hard the enemy has tried to take it all away and use scripture to say there was no need for me. There is an incredible need for my ministry because God says so! Deep excitement and love well up inside me when I think of how excited you would be to hear what you will know in your heart was always true and just for you. I have heard in vain for a lifetime...We are not ready, they are not ready, you are not ready, it is not ready.... It is time. God is ready. You are as ready as you believe to be. I have believed for greatness in ministry (not vain success), but blessed ministry I know it belongs to me and mine and also the one I am to marry. How can I say this? Easy...belief! I believe in miracles. I believe in God given dreams. I believe the pain the enemy has caused me and my family will be turned into God's glory in a moment's notice. I believe in a global traveling ministry. I believe my husband is a blessed man of Almighty God and will be exceedingly blessed! I believe that every ounce of hell unleased upon my dreams shall be returned 100 fold and then some. I believe and therefore I speak. Walking in the light of the Word of God has taken on many facets but now is to walk into God given dreams. Do you believe? God has waited for a very long time.   

Acts 3:19-Believe that repentance is healing
Mark 16:14-Call out unbelief
2 Corinthians 10:4-Break strongholds that hinder!
Matthew 21:22- Believe in prayer
John 3:36-What's in you?
1 Timothy 6:2-Belief benefits all in honor
Mark 16:16-Belief w/benefits (17-18) vs. condemnation
Acts 4:30-31-Belief in action
Hebrews 11:6-Commanded to believe
Ephesians 5:18-Helps you believe
Mark 11:24-Belief gets things done
1 Corinthians 2:4-Believe in the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 2:13-Be brought near by belief
Colossians 1:20-Plead the blood

*What is your "fear to faith" testimony? Just behind it is great belief!

~Believe God! ...say...
1-God is who He says he is
2-God can do what He says He can do
3-I am who God says I am
4-I can do all things through Christ
5-God's Word is alive and active in me.
~Believe God!

See-Friday, May 14th, 2010 !!!

With Everything

Monday, February 27, 2012

Built Up Together in Unity

Romans 8:26, Jude 20, Colossians 2:7
The anointing is flowing. What can you see with the eyes of the heart? Build yourself up on your most holy faith. God cannot bear inequality in giving any longer from what is being given in the Spirit. Ask God to give you a contrite heart of love to partake in the blessing. So much love. So much grace.  Here on Earth as it is in Heaven…in the heavenly places. A sweetness. A place of no fear of unity and encouragement. Places to go in the Spirit. Understanding of life and of words that cannot otherwise be explained. The Spirit of God shows up to the willing heart. Falsehood is not in this place. It is an ascertained place of victory where no one walks away hungry for the word; for the fullness of the Spirit. All of the accomplished want you came for in praying this day would be the day of renewal yet more than you had first thought. Oh, God how I pray every root of offense be released and it no longer have any further interest to the heart or mind. Encouragement to you that is in the place of the miraculous wonders that you cannot with the logical mind predetermine how blessed you will be when you leave, if it is important that you do. A time that means a loss of time. Truly a place where the Spirit of God fills and furnishes all that is necessary for the next task or place you have to be. Its where the wind of the Spirit our every word and where receptivity is not purposed. It just takes place. Smooth oil flooding the Sanctuary. A flooding of every issue that daunts the heart. Sureness supersedes lack and limit to blessing and new realities of what really can be. Let the Holy Spirit speak into you. Be still and know that God loves you in such magnificent ways. There’s simply no loss when you let go in this. Joy untouchable to anything trying in opposition to cause lack from berating your blessing-the one you just realized belonged to you. Explanations come to your spirit in miraculous ways, where questions are answered and here are simply forgotten questions. Freedom is here. Freedom is not optional and its an option that doesn’t even know of its asking because the need is not a conscious thought.  God loves you so very, very, very much! Legalities you considered law are found covered in blessing. It’s as a courtroom of grace that purposes so much love. This is as the Sanctuary, even as the spiritual temple.  Removes past negatives by turning positive to a further height of endearing promise. It’s the place to be, in the center of all that blesses your heart. Together in unity is the location. God will do it in love because he is so in love with you!      

Monday, February 20, 2012


Intimacy. Prayer Contact. Going into that secret place with no distraction, shutting the door to hear the love of God! Finding his heart.  Worship. Reverence. Falling at the feet of love. Sincerity. Waterfall overflowing in the vise but up and out of the spirit, streaming rivers flowing. The anointing. The touch of another’s hand so sweet. A tear flowing down one’s cheek from the heart of an unspoken word. A sweet dance, cheek to cheek. The awakening of a precious dream that speaks to the heart. A renewing verse to the mind that deepens your love for God. A song that floods your person that warms the Spirit. A scent that brings recollections of years gone by to memory. The newness of friendships of old and also the freshness of new one’s seemingly older. Fresh flowers born of creation. Tangible glory revealed. The rush of unexpected intercession pouring with unction. Passion’s concern for another. Intentions leaping into reality. Felt acknowledgement of repentance. Glory song. A knock at the door of great surprise. The wind flowing effortlessly through the trees. The anointed touching you of a willing vessel. Recognizing Spirit and truth in worship. Freedom. The love of God. Intimacy.    

~Originally written 2:00am 2/19/2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vision of Love

Vision from the heart of God to You: Place originally dark, a street made of stone and bricks; ancient is a word to describe the view. Doors; rounded at the top; several doors within this round shaped room of sorts. Lights shining down upon from on high. Hands (of faith) reaching to turn the knobs; in unity. Gold coins flowing out in high piles onto the floor as the doors swung open. Abundance of riches. No telling how deep the entrance was.  
Spiritual vision during worship.  This has always proved true to bring Glory to His Name. As I pray and interpretation continues I see even more. Met need in a vision of many people in need. A nation in desperation. Miraculous timing of encouragement I was graced with to pass on. Not a means to an end but rather a blessing for the needy; wealth to meet the needs of the church. Concerning the nation. Something incredible had to take place in the heavenly places to open this up I know. This was not given for or to greed. This is certain above all else!
What did it speak? When the house is swept it makes room for many more spirits. Many years have passed of a senseless & loveless fight within the church and within it much has been swept under the door. Unknowingly the wealth of love and prosperity wrapped up in the unknown amidst the fight, accomplishing less than the greatest love.  Proverbs 10:22 speaks of governmental wealth in the extent of digits. Clarity and no sorrow added to when the blessing is aligned and useful. There was most certainly an accumulation of wealth in these enormous piles. See this with a giving heart.
2 Kings 6:7 says, ”Pick it up for yourself”. So he reached out his hand and took it. I saw for someone specific me reaching out and putting a pile of coins filling a bag for another; a person in need who has cried out not only for the church but has struggled in prayer heavily for it, though seeing many blessings come to pass. I know above all else God wants to remove the struggle and sorrowing after that which belongs to the church.  I share this incredible love for the church as well so I know that this too was a blessing for another. I have heard it said, you cannot give what is not yours. Know your identity. I know what belongs to me and when I give with right spirit I know where it comes from. While the above verse speaks of a sharp axe head and how the miraculous comes to pass in the building of the church, the Holy Spirit can only relay the heart of God. It has been said that the church is already built but looking deeper I believe it is not only for the walls of the church but to further the church; individually, for ministry and collectively to further the church in all it has to do.  This is among and amid the gifts of God that the heart of God cries out that the church see. Not greed and need but giving and abundance to one another.  What I know God wants you to see in this is the intention of His heart; not a collection of opinion or religion that serves only as a thief. Love! Love! Love!
Let me switch gears a moment and tell you in teaching my children of kindness and honesty just yesterday we read a little children’s story about 3 axes…an old one, a gold one and a silver one. The old one was sharp and useful. The gold one contained great wealth as well as the silver one. The old one symbolized wisdom and carried the strength of the story in being the one most reliable. Honesty did not take the gold and silver axe until given as reward. When received however, provided immense wealth that was not only needed but also desired, being in the end worth more than sought for in the beginning. The moral of the story was many. What you think God is going to give you or what you pray for is far less than the blessing in store. Reward is worth the claim of the Word of God in the 100 fold return we see in Luke 8:8. And we know the last few verses of Jude holds great promise as well…able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless. No sorrow added to it! The family; your and my family as well as the family of God is rightly sanctioned BLESSED! It’s a circle of mighty worshipers filled of love less division in the flock of God.
The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous! This was the dirt being swept under the door. Claimed rightfully in the waiting for God looks like a miracle in the vision just as water be turned to wine!  It takes time to oil new wine skins. Fill up on the anointing being given. It is time that these things from the good to what one might term as the bad have served its place but for now in what God is giving each of us…Glory! It is something new. Oh, be encouraged! This is about prosperity in every kind of measure. Vile hatred is commanded shut up! ...To be turned to love. Wealth indeed or the seeking of it has much potential toward the negative; a ring sought until eaten up in pain with an unaligned heart. Not the kind of engagement God desires. Indeed money answers all things. Do you hold even encouragement to one in need? This too opens a door for vision of what rightly belongs to those in need. Faith speaks. Let loose of love and let God. This is how I know that love’s prosperity is the center of the answer. I have lived in a particular realm of plenty and of want but this version of the vision spoke personally to me that I am going to a different realm of plenty where I am the lender because I have been and am a spiritual and physical giver. In essence I am going to the other side of the door where my enemy has sought to sweep me and my family under the door. Every negative perspective of that which I speak is bound and prosperity in many lives loosed in freedom.
For me, I have seen with my physical and spiritual eyes prophecies of old come to pass; those of warning, of encouragement and that which takes the church further and binds that which is not doing anything to further those in need. For this, I will stop here to encourage the Prophets who have served the church of God with diligent prayer and love toward the people of God. Your love has not been in vain and you need not wait till you feel as if you have nothing left to give in knowing you are so loved and to be revered.  You also know that illegal, unlawful judgments in the spiritual matters must be bound. You have seen rightly. You are the ones who have prayed when you have been given specific request of need and others have not. This loving word goes toward those whom have given the Word faithfully from a heart of prayer and worship and have never been encouraged or have been slighted in the area if encouragement. Honor always gives back! Honor, said to be the lost thing in the church…To be restored!   These Ones, and you know who you are in the reading of this publishing, are the ones that God sends love and encouragement to right now! This has been on my heart for a few days to write to you. You know your names. Let the Spirit of God tell you.
I have watched the position of law use its lofty power to discourage, to demean and downgrade, to thieve from the Spirit; from not only the people of God but of me and my family with intent to destroy and take from those in need, yet all the while in the faith having been taught see it is being stamped with significance of the whole counsel of truth. Justice will be done. Did you think God was upholding hell or those operating in it? This position should not be taken lightly that demeans because it is being called to humility to see the pain it has caused. The decree is being re-written!  Those that institute pain are guaranteed a healing in their repentance.  God hasn’t called you or me to stand back and give authority to such. Do you believe God has lack of understanding? Religion has taught us these. God is far above petty schemes that hold down the church and not love where it is necessary. This is NECESSARY! Ask with definite requests that which you seek.  I have sought the kingdom first and this is why I am certain that the table that the dog has chewed on has been turned. This has happened literally but also happening spiritually. Read Esther 8. Enemies are being overtaken. Read Daniel 6. Not a hair on his head was touched. We love his law and the Spirit is Life and grace is being brought to the letter! Glory! Most recently I was reminded of revelation given to me in May of 08’ that simply speaks. When you spit in the face of God this is the kind of heart without kindness that needs to repent quickly! Betrayal was remorseful in Matthew 27. Prosperity is being returned. Yet life is being restored! Death is being caught and bound that life can take place. There is no need for loss of life and proves no good thing. Goodness and mercy is our portion!        
I write to challenge you to ask and seek what this means for you. This was not only for me. Should I have not spoken this vision aloud I would have been the same as a greedy person; seeking to keep this incredible and unceasing wealth for myself. This has never been the heart of God. Let me say that one more time…This has NEVER been the heart of God! Not for self! Not for others! Not for the church!
Turn your attention for a moment to Solomon. 1 Kings 3:5 God says, “Ask! What shall I give you?” He asked for wisdom. What did he stand to gain? More than enough.  God  is more than enough. He will turn the spiritual vision into met need; met desire. His Word does not lie. Integrity and thanksgiving, wisdom and honor.  Humility of what God has to give gets that which we seek. We are told to seek and knock and to seek His kingdom first. It is the heart of God to build the church, to edify, to strengthen that which is weak, to fulfill needs, to pour out gifts from a heart that knows how to give and to love greatly the people of God. This is God’s heart given to me. And so I share with you! Let your love shine! Favor flowing toward the saints! Let us be amidst the vision.