Sunday, December 31, 2017

Angels in The Glory

Fire and light! This night (Dec. 10th)... a large angel, though seemingly a distance away, with a knowing that there was a visit to some or someone in or around the church or associated to it, particularly my church, specific to it. I sensed great protection! I sensed salvation at the apex of the visit. A heavenly atmosphere, primed for heaven to be here on earth. I haven't seen this for some time. An opening up.
Ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?"..says, Hebrews 1:14.

Who is the church made up of? Believers. This angel I seen was to build up, to bring healing, salvation. This vision of this angel was to bring edification and moreso had I explained to you all that was to be accomplished.

Worship, prayer intercession...Ephesians 1:11, "we who have obtained an inheritance, being predestined, according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will." ...using all things that were not of God, changed to being now in Him.

....that many might say, "I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust."...Psalm fear, snatched out of hell, brought into the realm of heaven. Protection. Nothing ungodly coming near you!

Now making the Most High your dwelling place, no evil coming near you or your dwelling."He is giving angels charge of you to keep you in all your ways."...Psalm 91:11

Now to tread upon lion and serpent underfoot, a love set upon to deliver, set upon high with a known name, will be answered, having help in trouble, being delivered and you (even those who don't want it) will be honored.

You will be satisified and saved! This is as a rest you have not previously known.

Angels in the glory! Such heavenly peace they are bringing. Receive!

Monday, December 04, 2017

All In For The Glory!

...whilst we still have time in this day... All in for the glory!!!

I wrote to you in the early hours of this day as the Holy Spirit desires for everyone to have their very healing ....and so precious this has been. I pray these words reach the ends of the earth, because healing is vast, free, necessary that even the scales or blinders be lifted from seeing the need for healing. Your healing will come to you in one way and to another, another way. 
I write to you, not because I believe this is the only way to find healing, though to some it is or can be if received. To those who do not hear because of choice, God will not be mocked or slighted where healing has concern. Faith comes by hearing. You must know your worth. You must know your identity. You must know this to go further. Shame cannot receive honor. It will go around every way but through the receiving. It can only work to be scorned or to cause it believing that there is a blessing of a servant in it, though far from it. Be all in for the glory and be changed by it. Be, being filled over and again, though taking charge of one's vessel. It's the deposit of healing given to you.... as the healing receives the anointing and removal of all that once ailed you. Allowing the Holy One to do the quick work without all  the added unneccessary.

As healing comes to you and you will know it... as a song sings...You will feel as if a strong and glorious lighted wind just blew into the place...and you can go further, receive more, though having believed first and after be able to receive the blessing so longed to give to you. It's not coming from another. It is simply not from another to give. There is work to do now. It will not seem like work should you keep your self in the glory, being continuously filled afresh and love on another in the anointing. It will always feel this way in the church. Glory To His Name will know nothing less. It's what breaks the yoke. And it is precious beyond all things.

....All In for the Glory!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Healing Rivers in the Glory!

I wanna see what You see
Give me eyes to see.

I wanna hear what you hear.
Listening to what you say.

I wanna say what you say.
Speaking the Words that You speak.

...on Earth as it is in Heaven
...Thine is the Kingdom
...Forever and ever

I want you to see what I see.
I want you to hear what I hear.
I want you to speak what I speak.

The Holy Spirit desires you to want, to cry out for, to go after, to desire these here as in Heaven. God's heart is for you and not against you! Romans 8:28-34....God's Everlasting Love!

Worship in and with these words. Do you see what He sees? Are you listening to what is being said? Are you speaking what He says?

I found myself singing prophetic healing over the church...desiring what the Holy One desires for the  church....healing; the misconstrued thing of misunderstanding that healing is so very available in the river, full and running over and to you in so many ways. It's the whole heart for all...those who are going to be healed, for those who desire their healing, for those who miraculously are healed coming under a powerful healing flow in that they are given healing to that which they knew not needed lent this precious gift....

In the river, in so much healing to you....
~There is healing, healing, healing, healing in Your name! There is healing in your name, healing oil! Come to the open door! There is healing in it!

Be touched of the holiness of the river falling under such abundance. Healing running down from a fountain that never ends for those who love what God see and know with revelation knowledge...receiving the brightness of the hope that has awaited within to what fullness of the wealth of healing God so desires for you!...Ephesians 1:17-19. There's a greatness of power, a wealth of wisdom, brightness, yes, of the hope to know the love God has for you.

Removal of the debri, poor, lowly thinking, the pain, unwillingness, the unbeknownst blessing, awaiting you...where there is a devine exchange; your worry, going without the honor and love so desires tobe bestowed that is such part of the great healing God has for you!

Ecclessiastes says...There is a time to heal, a rejoicing healing in even your labor.

Evil afflictions must no longer be! No toleration of that which diseases. Do not bow to less than the standard of God's love for you and all desires for you! Don't let pain, offenses, lack, limitation or any in its likeness hold back healing love!

The healings of the heart are of the joys of the heart...that whose building fits together into the Holy place. In all the parts, doing good to all of the household...healing that will not fail...because it is desired for you! Let the waters flow up from the Sanctuary of your spirit.

There is never-ending healing in the river of Glory! Receive God's love. It's healing!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Welcome Gifts In The Glory!

'Hear I say'...'Here I say'...'Its here I say'...'Hear what I am saying'...'Celebration I say'...'Celebration' I have said....

So many returning to belief, captive no longer to their own hurts that never aligned to Gods tender mercies....returning and with joy!

These things were given in the coming so fast you cannot count! To be given as quickly as they are being they have already been quality made and designed specific; not hastily so but hastened, quickened, though not unaligned, not the blessing given having no true lasting blessing.

There is room. There are to be many rooms and a place for everyone...the divine exchange; usury for hearts' desire! Miracle growth for many...because all along... there it was. The water is deep. Draw it up and pray it forth, because what you desire aligned is not out! It's the 'in' thing! When we pray demons flee. Clearness. Clarity.

Isaiah 60:5 says...'then you will see and become radiant...hearts swelling with joy'!

The first day of the new year claim was made on the ground. It will be built and with you and me and for you and for me...and for those afar off, spiritually and distantly, though not so for long! Glory To His Name Church will be lit up with the blessings of God. I will to put it in place and placing many!

This wait is about to burst forth into radical blessings, untold, unheard of...many in prep mode, many, simply put, awaiting obedient love, prepared long ago.

When the rain is heavy of the season before the harvest, the seasons are set up for colorful blessings! These are gifts of God! Every tear cried shall become your radical freedom in the doing of God's glory!

I desire that you be comforted in all the hurts. I desire to be tender to you now, not like the testing, not like any lawless love that said you were worth all the less. That was loving less. Comforted in the hurts, removing the debris from the river within that life more abundantly come flowing freely, knowing that what is in and all that is new!

Welcome gifts in the glory!

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Hear Love in the Glory!

A storm has been working in great strengths in the physical and in the spiritual....though there are great mercies alive, well and working mightily. Do you feel it? And yet... there are also such alarming warnings...The teacher is so often silent during the test, and so it has been quiet here for some time... until now...

Just after I began to sit to write some many weeks ago, I was awakened one morning to being very uncomfortable...and not so out of course for how I felt everyday at that time, but so much more...but rather spiritually. Intercession came over me so strong from a place within I had not visited in awhile and in the moment no place to put all that was flowing from my spirit. Rivers filling my heart, desiring to cry out, I found myself before the pages of one pleading to save the place of finding righteousness in but a few hearts....conversing, a pleading, a desire that was met with the only love God has at heart. ...I will not destroy it for the sake of ....(fill in the blank). God is in the giving business. Do you not think it be for as many as shall call out for what it is that they righteously desire?


Keep closed every gate of hate that your eyes see and your ears hear. Required rather is truth and in the hearing is love. Keep prophesies true and full of goodness.  Philippians 4:8

So very much to say to you. So much to do. So very excited to be and do.

The keys to the kingdom will open doors to your heart and to the future you had only once thought in a fleeting moment simply impossible. Desires of the heart that were merely a moment of possibility can be reality as your heart hears the truth.

Heavenly places! Hear love in the glory!

~Joy! Joy! Joy!~

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Proclaiming Freedoms in the Glory!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that works in us...Ephesians 3:19-20

Greater than my wildest dreams, working within gently and deeply, far beyond my expectation...though touched with a Word unlike any gift I have ever been given. Surprise! Oh my how I was...shocked so that I didnt know quite how to open it. Have you ever been given such a thing? Costed nothing, yet everything. Dumbfounded with surprise and awe, an honor you may have never known. I certainly have never. Waiting so long, holding a freedom that can barely be held. A gift perhaps of a forgotten request...yes, yes. Though only knowing to speak the Word, to give Word and allow the Spirit to work.  Word and Spirit. Word and then Spirit. The only way I  know I am to build the church. ...and you must know how many that may have already been blessed.  May we never loose our wonder!

A thousand messages I might have spoken to your hearts, rather than write, in the hope that you hear what is far more difficult to gain by your faith...Though I have not had a place in nearly 20 years to put the love stored in my heart. By the Spirit, to those who hear, I have been rejected even in the center of the greatest  anointing, physically, spiritually and simply quenched. But God.

 I thank God for this one whom I honor openly. Oh Most Precious Word!..though in my humanity could not wrap my mind around stepping upon another foundation...a freedom held onto for so  many I have fallen in love with as the precious church. Oh, how loved you are!

 The very most overwelming to me. So many have suffered. So many have spiritually died. So many lost. So many have not been edified and encouraged. The openness of hearts to bring love to one another...proclaiming freedom in the glory! proclaim give them beauty...a garment of praise, to those called trees of righteousness...... 

I've seen it. I believe it. I have walked in the revelation of it.

The edify, honor, love, grace hearts, bring order and peace, is right and full of love. There are been found the high standards 'Glory To His Name' Church shall be built upon. What might we be waiting for as the vision has been poured out for so many years. Do you not believe? Think it not attainable? So much peace and love.

So very much to share with you...from a heart that is both radically excited, extemely heavy for so many and righteously angry for all that has been held back that has to have been such a long, long time ago. You must know how very much you are loved!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Praying in the Depths of Glory!

I began praying in shallow waters. From the time I could open my mouth I recall praying and singing...worship!

Praying in the depths of glory...Set aside negative whisperings and draw near to what God would rather have you hear. Go after God! Invite the Holy Ghost to move through you with utterance and unction. So many know. Very many do not. Many have forgotten. Oppression has been heavy but we know it should not be so.

Revival comes to the spirit, to the heart and spreads love round about. With it comes a discerning of many things. The depths of flowing love becomes convergent to those close, begging fruit to be there. Love becomes deeper while going deeper in prayer in the depth of glory! Where love is not found, is then a stepping stone toward love. There is a stirring of gifts.

Without love you find law, less the freedom found in love. Karma is purposed hate, not in God, unholy, rather a derivative of the stirring of sorcery. Break it! There is no care, no concern, no love, no unity, no furthering. But God...ALL good gifts come from above in the light.

Ask yourself why you believe. The Word is the handbook of life. The Holy Spirit igniting your spirit is like dynamite that fuels your prayer in the glory!

Ask God to reveal to you miracle wonders!

My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations! He gathers the outcasts!

What next? What have you seen? What to do with what is given to you in prayer.

Some insight...
Some have been corrected so much they gave up doing their best to be obedient under the anointing. Some are stilled by the 'no'at every turn that is truly Yes and Amen! Some have had no faith to believe. Some have never been believed and some have no further faith to move from their seat into their blessing or salvation. Some simply need practical help. Some have a greater part in the kingdom and dont know it. Some simply are not taught daily who they are in the kingdom and therefore dont know. Some have turned away because so much has been taken away that they no longer have a reality of what a good God looks like. Some have been chided specifically to go to save some...coming out from of the depths of prayer and have not been heard and rather turned aside.
...2 Timothy 3:16.

John 21:6... Jesus knew it was the right side of the boat where the catch  was to be found. So directionally one must take the revelation and be obedient with what is being said. What you gain by praying in the depths of glory is revelation. There is answers within....whether you can see through the waters or not. Nothing is impossible with faith, for it is pleasing to God.

Hebrews 10:24 says to consider one another in order to stir up love and good works....not forsaking, but exhorting one another....

Psalm 85:6-7...Revival to last, grow and continue...purposed to worship! Actions of revival in everyway, everyday, not merely a special time, but carrying revival life!

Luke 5:4 (Launch)...commence, begin, commemorate, set in motion, push, set forth, put in the water. This means so very much! Praying deeply in the glory! What does this launch look like to you? ......Launch out into the deep without fear,  praying deeply, ministering with power, worshipping wholeheartedly, laying on of hands without disbelief of the healing.  Let down your nets for the catch...a Word of revelation knowledge that saved souls, healed and encourages without a hook that hinders! One must let go of what you think and receive. We are missing the love given so often!

Read these beautiful words of Jeremiah 30:19-20.The vision was poured out without restriction by praying in the depths of glory! solidified in worship; thanksgiving, joy, multiplication, growth, in the glory, very large. shall be built and established with divine protection.

Ephesians 4:12-16...Equipping the saints, working in the ministry, edifying the body, laying aside all deceitful plotting, being so in love with one another, speaking as such, joined together from the whole body, working together, causing growth...edifying in love!

Oh, how God loves you! Oh, how I love you! Giving glory to his name in the depths of the glory!

In a formative manner a special grace enveloped me, coming around from behind...a sharing with great importance...though no place that I could share in that caught-up moment. Glorious! After this, there I saw 3 sets of soft plush angel wings, white...and immediately I knew they were coverings, fillings, mantles. They came in 3's and they came around 3 persons at a time, one after another, after another with the wings flowing in and around the back of the persons. I saw the wings engulfing the person with what I can only tell you was salvation first (this I know by the Spirit, so these had to have received salvation). I knew that gifts of the Spirit were being given, even at the same time as salvation was taking place.

First, Coverings; Salvations and Infillings.

Next; Mantles (...and recovered mantles) and Restorations.

Last; Callings and Gifts ( this included broken healed, hurts healed, ones that had stepped away from their call and had now stepped back and I saw robes of righteousness placed over these.

Psalm 36:7... How precious your lovingkindness...Children of men put their trust in the shadow of your wings!...Read vs. 8, 9 and 10  over and again!

Oh continue your lovingkindness that growth come from these many prayers for the saints from my entire life of fellowship in prayer, that it go forth to many and manifest how it is purposed!

Instantly I saw a white cloth hanging in my closet from years gone by, and for years with purpose to cover another in encouragement, love and healing though not received. 'It had hung there for a long time in my prayer closet' I heard from within. Though not an actual closet of prayer and is no longer physically there, though a covering from a great deal of spiritual prayer. Though this was purposed specific, this I carry for many specifically. Love must be poured out. Love one another like one loves oneself or the church.

Remember, your position is your purposed everything!

Glory To His Name church is purposed in the gifts as above even as I was shown the vision. These offices and many gifts of the Spirit have so much purpose, so much potential!

Renewed strength...mounting up on wings like eagles...a spiritual walk in the anointing with great importance that shall fly with a flight that carries wisdom in the anointing to do a quick work. Many years have passed without reception.  I have seen this even in the Spirit and even as it was given.

Open house, day and night...without restriction of reception. No open door less the success promised in it, no laying on of hands and not receiving what was asked for, no Word given without revelation of it. Godly potentials. Godly love. Godly reception.

Praying in the depths of glory for all that comes forth from the prayers in the the depths of glory!

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Perfection In His Glory

I see a MIRACLE CELEBRATION! I have heard this before...many times over and again, knowing there is more than one meaning attached to the hearing and the knowing though heard once again but days and yet just weeks ago! Perfection in His we sing...'You are perfect in all Your ways!'

The Word says, 'Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall shall fall by the sword before you. For, I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you.' ....Leviticus 26:8 and 9.

Do you want to know the secrets that take down the enemy? Discerning of Spirits, a discerning of wisdom. Who are you fellowshiping with? What do you meditate on? What do you give your time to? Be perfect in all His ways. It's a going after Him, a craving of all the more...a perfection in His glory! The longing unsatisfied. The believing the Prophets because YOU MUST WELL KNOW that God wants to prosper you!

Pure words comes from the PURE WORD. Psalm 12:6-8 says, 'The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. You shall keep them oh Lord, you shall preserve them from this generation forever. The wicked prowl on every side when vileness is exalted among the sons of men.' It sees His perfect love, therefore, I shall not encourage any such wickedness! What are you looking at or for? The Word says 'the one that keeps their eyes from it shall be blessed.' Is this vision too heavenly for you? He says in other places...Come up here! Fellowship. Communion. I have asked for liberal wisdom....and for years! The Word says simply....we can have it! Be encouraged in love!

The Love of God is perfected in Him. By this we know we are in Him. Who is without Him? Conversion to the lighter side of this life, the one held by His love, sweetened by all the many graces given to us each day by God's gentle hand of love. You go after God and you suddenly come to know this perfectness of love and ability to make all things new, all things come to pass that you have asked....encouragement with God's standard of love! This one will not be lowered. Its too precious. His ways are perfect and in the glory.....pure.

The Love of God is perfected in the ones who come to know their identity, who they are in Him. THIS keeps one going, tells of greatness of potential, lends such wisdom, identifies the love within your heart, tells what you are capable of and receives His love for you! You must receive to know and you must know to receive. Reciprocal. What's not available in the perfection in His glory? The inability for miraculous, healing, love. Who is outside of this love? No one that receives. No one that repents. No one that believes. You cannot outgive the love of God. His love is perfect. His love is glorious.

Psalm 18:30 says, 'As for God, His way is perfect; The Word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.' on down unto verse 35. '....a shield to all who trust.' I trust because God already spoke about the shield! He is the protector and salvation. There is much more that is being offered in the perfection of His glory!

A blossom has a harvest. There was once a tiny seed of faith. It grows by the light, in the light. We are taught to preach and teach...with the goal of presenting every man (person) perfect. Holy, without blemish, a glorious church. A nourished church is a cherished church. The Lord cherishes the church! This is a high call of perfection in His glory...a standard filled with so much love and so much is full on with glory!

Light up our lives! Build it! The light is to spread to, friends, acquainted, business men and women, the newcomer, the one across town, the one who by faith makes or has already made radical changes by faith...the blessed, the chosen, the redeemed....these shall be! You have already said You would in the Word of truth. Acts 2 is for always and in all ways...a moment of revelation...comes in the moment, the miracle need met in the 'Now' that sets the course for the church...with the miracle need fulfilled. Bringer of light in unstoppable measure of God's love.

You told me to ask that this vision come to fruition. I have obeyed. Fellowship in His perfect love. And oh yes...they will come and watch us burn brightly with the light of His love...radical and perfect love! It was never given to be gradual. It was always radical  in His perfect love, in great measures in the perfection in His glory!

This that I must share, the Holy Spirit spoke and said to share this...'I am not willing that they wait because they are not willing ...because it is in God's will.'

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Fling Wide The Doors of Glory!

Fling wide the doors of glory! Jesus had compassion when he saw her tears. He hurt for his friend also, for the loss, but believed! He groaned (spiritual prayer) and was troubled (in His flesh). He cried...and He ignored the pharisaical comments. He continued on His way to that place in prayer (a deep expression of both anger and admonishment (radical prayer birthed from deep love) only to reach a place that He had to encounter more restoring now they thought...too late.

There is no such thing! 

Jesus was longing for resurrection, to free him from his physical ailment, to radically change the course of what already was;  a removal of physical frailty. 

The vision and directions came in the walk and with what to walk in! (Romans 8:23, 26-27) Empowered walk in the Spirit, not grieving the Holy Spirit. Proof that it is to be engaged in. You never forget revelation knowledge. Its golden truth and it is life.

The scriptures make clear that, 'My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations.'...(old and new). This shall be as it is written.

So, I say, 'Who is there who would desire to shut the doors that families, friends, loved ones and strangers alike would not come to know, love and give glory and honor to God.?' (1 John)

He remained thankful no matter what time on the calendar it was. Stay tuned for the blessing!

 ...Took away the barrier (removed the hindrance, the door of death, the way that blocked the breakthrough). He believed it would be so and that all would see and know life! 

Jesus cried aloud in belief! And death was no longer....though in this life still he could not be hands, feet and mouthpiece (his hands, feet and face was wrapped physically with cloth). 

There is power, power, wonder-working power. There is power available to be raised up from the dead, into belief and dreams fulfilled. The gift unwrapped and ready to walk through the door of the intended blessing.

We weren't at that door, but we have an open one...awaiting is the joy unspeakable and full of glory... a work that is unwavering but pure joy...a work that is filled up.

The vision is filling up the church! 'Glory To His Name' church shall be and do in fullness of Spirit...and so lovingly includes you!

Hearts moving and growing in the Spirit toward the desire of His heart, too lofty? I think not. I believe not. I know not. It's already been given. I have and do walk with the revelation of the vision. It is fully of glory!

'Getting to the tomb' was on the way...the walk.  The morning star rising in your hearts (necessary)...the belief. Unwrapping the graveclothes...The release of the staunchy enemy of life and the ability to be living life as fully intentioned.

Doors of this life are to be lived! Fling wide the doors of glory!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sanctuary of Glory

Relationship matters! It's what builds up, builds within, builds from the ground up from a heavenly vision...meaning far greater than a building built by man, though with unity spiritually purposed for all those who love God! 

Some weeks ago, one Sunday morning, God gave to me a vision...a stunning picture! This is radical love! 

Tears of heartwrenching love came to me for all those who are not listening...that you know Gods great love for you...full of unparalleled grace and mercy! 

A spurring on toward greater things and with Godspeed added to your faith of these who hear and believe!

Radical what I saw. He's so close! From afar off distance, then closer, closer still and again...seated at the table high above the dome-like Sanctuary, alight for all the worshipers round about. It was lit up that all see and very large. It was a spectacle before my eyes. It evoked gratitude and a discerning of the Lord's body. It was a symbol of relationship and unity, apart from divided loyalties. 

'God looks down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there are any who understand, who seek God'...Psalm 53:2

'A Father to the Fatherless, a defender of widows is God in His holy habitation. God sets the solitary in families. He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a dry land'... Psalm 68:5-6
I traverse the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of justice, that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, that I may fill their treasuries....Proverbs 8:20-21

Unity of relationship...It will build the house, all houses, your house and 'Glory To His Name' church!

I remembered hearing, 'Rays of light. Raise the light. Shine unto the nations!

'Oh God', I pray...'Give to me wisdom and all that is necessary to build 'Glory To His Name' church.' You are pouring out vision continually...because I hear and ask. I need all manner of the plurality of resources. There is so much to do and I am so excited to do this work! He will give wisdom if we ask. God is a revealer of His love. The doors are opening! 

God both raised up the Lord and will raise us up by His power. (1 Corinthians 6:14)

What was shown me about this 'Sanctuary  of Glory'? 

Raise the light. Be a 'Sanctuary of Light' to shine toward all with great love. A divine warning to share that...He is soooo close! It said, 'Get right church!' A word that says...United we shall be obedient, as many has been asked to give. The doors are opening...that no man can shut! This shall be a 'Sanctuary of Glory'....full of God's love!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Glorious Year 2017!

The beginning of a glorious new year 2017!

Proverbs 1:7...Beginning, the main part, starting point and its essence. Correction of vise...God loves! 

Start the year with God...Glorious hearts and it will be a glorious year!

Psalm 145... God's majesty and love...all those connected. Major praises! 11...speaking of God's glory and power...12...making known God's mighty acts...19...fulfillment of desires, saved upon many prayers...20...preserved are all those who love God...wicked no more.

All flesh shall bless God's Holy Name...unceasing praise...glorious hearts (glorious ones).

Deuteronomy 7:1... God set His love on you not because we were more in number, though given only in part has had few and least coming together with real love, undefyingly so with all unselfishness always desiring divine love...glorious hearts! This kind of love has been through the fires, having as the many facets of a diamond 'kind of love'; not selling off love, but gathering it together for the greater glory! 

This celebratory time will to bring the abundance for every good work (2 Corinthians 9:11) Greater love grows comradery and love becomes reality. Then the treasure of the heart builds the vision from the treasures of the heart from these many years of sharing of God's love. Is it worth building the vision that thankfulness abound? (2 Corinthians 9:12) These are truly the indescribable gifts of God. I am thankful for them because I see the treasures of the of God's heart. You! Where your treasure is there your heart shall be also. God's calling for glorious hearts, putting down old ways, 
with every step toward God and away from the  flesh

The same love calling life from no life at all, to unify and unwrap with love, for love and with love and with those who love (John 11:44). Be thankful ahead of time. I have asked that this divine love be everpresent in  the  church. Love...It's what shall build 'Glory To His Name' church.

John 10:38....small belief in this....Well God has the ability to astound you...because I assure God will. And I have prayed I will be astounded even in it all.

I have wept for the church, interceded, shouted on high, praised from the mountaintops, prayed for years, been walked upon those in their own ungodliness, total abandonment in worship, wasted in prayer of a poured out anounting upon the altar of His heart, treasures given for years with so much  prayer attached that yours might be also, everything lost, even that which God never gave away...that glorious hearts come together.

God will pour out mercies everlasting of His unmerited love from an elongated wait for what was always there!

Let us this day on a National level hear God's love  and what the Spirit is saying to the people having glorious hearts. Have a glorious year 2017!