Monday, November 05, 2018

The Vision For The "Upper Room' in the Glory!

The vision for the 'Upper Room' ministry is one that is for sacred use only in this ministry. An events ministry...for Weddings, Receptions, Formal Events and Formal Dining with righteous purpose.

Acts 2:1-2 says....'When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord with one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they had been sitting.' 

There were many added to the church on this day. My prayer has always been the same for the church...without a doubt! There will be a Pentecost Prayer Meeting each year at this time and sow in prayer all year for this prayer meeting of all prayer meetings!

Having written about this ministry and others of the church for quite a lot time now I sometimes get overwelmed with love for some that I do not even know yet, always overwhelmed more often than not for those I already know. For it is so real, both my love for these and the active completion of the physical ministry. I see it so complete....taking back every stolen blessing for the sake of the kingdom.

The lies are no longer that it cannot or will not be completed, too much to do. 

Read Isaiah 32:3-8...Here is what was given clearly yesterday while in it was given to the laying on of hands in giving many shall be blessed and healed spiritually, to being filled to running over...what the Spirit says... these who are not confident will learn truth to speak plainly (Word of Knowledge and Word of Wisdom), also...will be given Gift of a prayer language (being filled) but also Gift of Interpretation....the foolish person here is those whose lies has deceived many...practicing ungodliness to openly deceive, often under the influence of a sorceristic spirit or having been given over to a spirit of rebellion or witchcraft, ministry held back doesn't give fluidly or with plurality to those who hunger and thirst....the schemes of the enemy are found out to deceive through lies....the generous, the Godly...these devise most giving things and by generosity they stand.

Spirits of lack, less, ommission, disease and lies will not be present in this ministry. Bound are these things on earth as in heaven!

The 'Upper Room' of 'Glory To His Name' Church is one of such radical joy in the glory that there cannot be helped adding to the numbers daily because division is called out as non-existent in the glory realm!

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