Wednesday, November 07, 2018

The Vision of the 'Missions Hub' in the Glory!

The vision of the 'Missions Hub' in the glory...Joshua 1:9 says, 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.'

This area of ministry serves Missionaries, serving both local and international missions from the ministry as well as a stay place equipped to house missionary and family as a resting place between travel.

This ministry exists to serve as the scriptures commandment of love and preaching the gospel internationally and both more locally by the love and hospitality that takes care of the church and those who serve in the mission field. If you are called to the Mission field you will be blessed in this ministry.

From this ministry there is one specifically known mission trip sent forth from this ministry. Missionaries called to the Dominican Republic will be sent from this church ongoing, where there will be a specific charge given to save, heal, make disciples and obliterate poverty and the poverty mindset that I am calling no longer present...because poverty is not a gift.

If you are called to missions, like the scriptures state, you shall be comforted as you are comforted by God, by the comfort that you are comforted by God. In this the missionary while staying with 'Glory To His Name' church shall want for, place of study, direction, place of prayer, ministered to and place of rest.

Further missions will be sent to places that are impoverished without water...anywhere both locally and internationally to provide water wells. Fountains throughout the ministry is collected monthly for these specific purposed give a drink of water!

This ministry is in the 'travel' hall of Fellowship 3. There is an entryway there is a breezeway, a resting foyer, a visiting area that has those caring for this ministry up-to-date on all missions both; coming and going from the ministry and acts as a main contact while away to update the church. These caregivers of this ministry also care for the arrangement of those missionaries staying with us as a resting place and all travel arrangements that the missionary have no concern. 

This is the vision of the 'Missions Hub' in the glory!

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