Sunday, February 28, 2010

Out of the Past- Forward to Destiny Part 7 (Blurbs from 'Tendermommycare' Blog)

Hope Of Glory- Wednesday, October 1st 2008
 ...and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of the His cross...

         ...and you, who were once alienated and enemies in  your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight- if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast , and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard. Colossians 1:20-23 ; 27...pleading the blood ........

Realize the glory church! Hallelujah! Christ's blood has satisfied all things!

Fill up and complete my joy by living in harmony and being of the same mind and one in purpose, having the same love, being in full accord and of one harmonious mind and intentions. Do nothing from factional motives (through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends) or promoted by deceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself (thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves). Let each of you esteem and look upon and be concerned for not (merely) his own interests, but also each for the interests of others. Philippians 2:2-4

Unity in the spiritual things of God-being whole having the same heart.

Collect the miracle of glory, the Holy Ghost. Speak to he obstacles that prevent your fullness. Be being filled unto that glory.

And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:18

Oh my! Church, where are we indeed. Truth. Get it. Go after it with everything in you, understanding, do all to get it. Power to your temple. We have gas stations running out of gas due to shortages. There is no short supply of the Holy Spirit. Call forth that glory. Your sufficiency is in Christ Jesus. No need for mysticism, humanism or any other kind of ism. Holy Ghost fullness and the glory will show up. The Holy Spirit won't go anywhere unwanted to possess. So just receive......

Get in Him. Fast and pray. Get the ability of God to flow in realm of Spirit and flow in it. Get contagious in these up and coming days unto the glory!

I hear...

All Shall See
All Shall Say
It's on Sunday
I shall say "Sunday"
A Shining as So
Nations See the Key

Move in the zeal and velocity and let the fire of God consume you in the glory! Find your Eden! Have that loyalty to the Lord and be used in His glory! Go beyond the simple.....

Place of Glorious Happiness- Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 
Eden; that delightful region or abode, paradise, that state of perfect happiness. What the Lord once gave me in great measure i saw in a vision beginning to fulfill itself. Praise the Lord for insight.

Psalm 31:19 says...Oh how great is Your goodness, which you have laid up for those who fear You, which you have prepared for those who trust in You, in the presence of the sons of men!

Psalm 50:23 says....Whoever offers praise glorifies Me and to him who orders his conduct alright I will show the salvation of God.

Believe the prophet and prosper. 2 Chronicles 2:20 says...Praise the living God! Receive a prophet's reward. Hallelujah!

Healing worship, healing song. Operation of Holy Spirit. River of praise. I once saw in in the shallow creek. Being filled. The many people I was talking to way back then; filled. Ah, so very long ago yet your Word brought back to me. Be the fertilizer to further the miraculous....walking, talking, singing, splashing, wading in the water. Drawing of the anointing so deeply within that it cannot be missed. Mature, complete. Charisma gift.

Condemnation on the faces of those....shame, beaten...I speak to you in the name of Jesus, shall not touch, you shall not have my brothers and sisters . You shall not come near the shepherds. Protected and blessed.

For I always pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of the insight into the mysteries and secrets in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him, by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set apart ones) Ephesians 1:17-18

A box full of answered prayers Lord. Glorious Inheritance to all the saints.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Out of the Past-Forward to Destiny Part 6 (Blurbs from 'Tendermommycare' Blog)

Joy! Joy! Joy!- Monday, January 21, 2008
 Jesus...That precious name of Jesus! Power and glory, riches, honor and authority to His Name. Pattern. Position. Power. Blessing on the way. Holy Spirit, burst forth your anointing and fill you church! Bring back what rightfully belongs to you. Fulfilled hearts. Pray church like never before. Let the love of God flood hearts.

God, I know you are telling the truth. I am fully persuaded. I am bowed before  you. I flat out expect you to move on my behalf and your church because that is the God that I serve. The anticipation of a child waiting for a gift. Cast not your confidence, for it has great reward! Puttin' all the eggs in one basket and holding fast to the truth of God's word. Healing that comes in the package of expectation. For the joy set before me is the table of blessing! Partaking of Him. You alone are divine and worthy to be praised! Fill the church...fill them with the Holy Spirit with the love and power to move forward in their walk and sing, sing, sing for the joy of the Lord is our strength. Turn the mourning into dancing. Grace love, and peace to the church! Oh, what a Mighty God you are! Not I but You in me. The Greater One within. Appreciation of the precious anointing. Esteemed highly! For the beloved church....where two or more are gathered there He will be also...Prayer of Agreeance! woohoo! What is bound on Earth shall be bound in Heaven! And what is loosed on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Ephesians 5:18 says...Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of Him (Message)...But drink deeply of God's Spirit (Weymouth)...but be ever filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit (Amplified)

Ephesians 5:19 says...Sing praises over everything, any excuse for a song to God (Message)...offering praise with voices (and instruments), and making melody with all your heart...(Amplified)...your tongues unloosed in psalms and hymns and spiritual music (Knox)

Bless the Lord! Full Temples...overflowing!
Worship Song- Friday, February 22, 2008   

The river flows during worship, the current- it is pulled by it. He does the empowering. Moving to flow down into the sanctuary and love on the people as Christ did. A willing vessel. Speak His message of love into their lives, touching them through the actions of the Holy Spirits' lead. Personal. I hear the Spirit say "be personal" but had not a word this night............ It seems the waters have risen only to the ankles, the knees, the waist and then swimming flowing out of the Sanctuary. Flowing out. Heavenly vision, second church. To be under the vision, under the spout. The church must rise. Test the Spirit. Love. Love all. .............

Love suffers long and is kind; love doesn't not envy. It does not parade itself, is not puffed up. Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13: 4 & 7

Hearing  what Spirit of the Lord says and thanking Him for the miraculous working of the Holy Ghost. Able to speak my heart by nightfall after too much time had passed. A Blessed Sabbath day! It must come out, the love of God. Confirmation of my heart...indeed- hearing from heaven...."Must step out. Boldness. Commit. submit. Adjustments than all with be smooth. Every step is ordered. Follow in your steps. We shall worship the Lord. Enthusiasm. Orchestrated for glory to enter in. Must step out. We shall worship you. Intercede for that one. Sought hard but God not given all the picture". I am not my own. Anointed worship to the Father. Song that pushes the flow. Endeavoring to express this love for what feels like eternity. Saw this in the word almost 3 years ago. confirmation comes through a brother than then again Holy Spirit. 

Looking up into heaven I see You, Jesus and the 24 elders during worship; I didn't count but seemingly bowed down around His throne. Scripture say they were seated. They gave reverence to Him...seeking to reverence Him as I am  bowed before Him. Walking through word being a teach in this life.  Realizing he enemy has been hard at work all along. Every spiritual blessing belongs to me and the church. The revealer spoke before coming to the new building. Get right church so we can move in Him. Love Truth and hate flattery. Order in the house. Love like Jesus loved! Filled up with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18) Everyone, entire church. Adoption (Romans 8:15) of His love. Not fiend love as having been taught. Unity. Out of the Spirit we do not ...Agape Love...Removing all battles of flesh and getting under spout to drink.

Glory Meetings! Ah yes! Hear His voice. Utterance and unction that turns the unbeliever to see, not grieving he Spirit of God. Standing in the office of love. Holy reverence to the Father. He can't refuse. He has seen love. He gives good gifts the Spirit says. Ours even now. Every spiritual blessing has been given. Blood covering is on the doorposts of life. Prosperity is claimed and Promise land right here. No quitters for kingdom business, no quitters for kingdom work. Stand strong in His might and the spirit of spoke and the Prophet confirmed the Word-Amen. All the land healed, breaking open the liles so that many can be saved and come to the knowledge of who He is, supernatural thing- oh yes! Blessed ministries, willing hearts, doorway of prayer. Holy Spirit, lead me in Your holy way in this new day. The Blood is applied, slung all over the house, all the houses, over The House! Heavenly Father, Perform Your Word!

Praise Cure- Sunday, August 31, 2008 

Wow!...on this day....all I can say. Bless You Lord for such a great surprise. Dryness of the day turned into a revival evening of Worship. Enemy not to prevail. A list of prayer points an seemingly going nowhere Oh ...but are good! And you gave me this...

Rays of Light
Raise the Light
Shine Unto the Nations
Carry unto the Son to Sunday

Woah! and then I see that Worship Spirit would be carried truly unto Sunday....How gracious You are!

Attitudes of the heart were changed that night. Healing took place in all new ways and principalities of darkness were shut off in this heavenly place. Indeed a celebration! A continual longing. Words spoken out aligning with prayers, confirmation! Hallelujah! Holy Ghost drawing worship! New level of anointing. Humbleness, newness of life, voices from heaven, freshness!

Lord, you bring me to my knees with your many answered prayers by way of the Spirit of God, confirming all I have already sought you for. Oh my...just watching the people receive...You blessed my heart in a golden way! Finances being healed and to be that blessing unto the church, ministry blessed, ministry increase, vision, visitation.

Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Psalm 150:2

Extremely great Praise to the Father! Lost in Worship tonight. Mighty shouts of triumph.Pressing in deeper.. the deepest parts. Taken into a new realm. Longing for others to get to this blessed place. Grace. Abundant grace. Exceeding abundant life. In that place where nothing is too much to give. Creativity comes in the spirit of this kind of worship, a song, a spiritual song.

Ah yes! Melodic words pouring out like perfume as the scripture speaks. Humility met me here. Poured out onto the worship room floor. In the power of His might. Speechless. Excitement for the brethren. Spirit of seeing and knowing...I know my God that you examine hearts and rejoice when you find integrity there. ....1 Chronicles 29:17

Receiving spirit. Greatest blessing. Prophetic anointing flows. Blessed and complete. Lined up. Hallelujah Praise! Triumphant Praise! Healing right there! Praise Cure!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Out of the Past- Forward to Destiny Part 5 (Blurbs from 'Tendermommycare' Blog)

Paradigm Shift- April 30, 2007


Everybody loves a rose
But will you be thankful for the thorns?
Love is easy when you are loved,
But do you curse another when you're alone?

Oh, I give my life to You so I can gain it back again
Oh, I stand silent while the paradigm is shifting

You say live and let live,
But people are dying everyday
And you say what I don't know won't hurt me
But if what I do not know
Is the very thing I need, Then I say

Humanity sees truth through a shattered window pane
that blocks the view, and plants the seed
So, we draw the curtains to close but I say
That the sun can still shine behind a closed mind
and sticks and stones do hurt
When tossed from the tongue of mankind

Paradigm shift...a song filled with so much much one could say on this...what is it? It is the shift from living based on facts and theory and shifts to a new way of thinking based on the Holy Spirit, based on the mind of Christ.; making him the primary love of your life. It is moving from fact to truth and getting your mind off of what the world says and letting the truth rule every part of your being...the real truth. The shifting to the virtue of God, allowing Him to serve as your model for  life and everything godly; to always being in that heavenly state of supreme happiness. Not just being a servant who loves people because they are told to, but one who finds first the identity in the Love they have for he Lord. It the revelation of the Bridegroom in all profoundness. It's knowing you are to be a lover of the Lord first. Then the flame will ignite into great passion......................

Get that fire of desire in your blood. His blood is the only thing that can do it. All that is pure, holy, noble and of good theories, false or inaccurate, half truths. It's like a cluttered closet with no order being transformed in the renewing of your mind unto a redecorated, God-managed, complete redesign. Above all, God can't move without it. He is a God of order, though He seemingly illogically died for the world and speaks in parable that flesh does not comprehend. He is still God and the only means to the greater glory. Oh , that greater glory! The Spirit speaks loud and long lately on this.

Paradigm shift...History, revivals of the past being reawakened to a new way, His way...a way of loving on, not conforming to the ways of he world but loving in the social moral sense, just how Jesus loved. Revival by definition is just this...A new production of an old play, reawakening of interest; awaking restoration of life...Ah, that Zoe life! It says...I do not and will not give up on what God has called forth toward the greater glory. Shift toward the greater glory!

One Friday Afternoon- Sunday, July 29, 2007  

Holy Spirit, you are amazing at the mystery you bring unexpected. You wow me. You surprise me. You mold me. So exciting and so wonderful You are. All in Your time.

Holy Spirit stirring, swirling in a circle-like a whirlpool, creating. Doors.Doors. A great and effective door is opening. A door of blessing. It's opening. The door. The doors of the church. The church door are opening. It matters not what name. It matters not what section of the church that God has named-swirling together! Making one. The doors are opening. Many coming- sections of the church matter no longer. Swimming in a whirlpool. Changing in the church. Healing. Swimming. floods in a circle....wind-can't see the power is so great-go without sight. Faith. Faith realm. Go. Circles of healing in the door. Strong and powerful. Full of life and healing. Full churches. New thing. Health to all. I've set before you a great open door.

Thank you for powerful words pouring. Continue to speak and show yourself to me. The way you manifest is new. Bless you Holy Spirit. Flood the Church, Lord. Flood your church!

(An outpouring of His Spirit one afternoon by way of Prayer)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Out of the Past-Forward to Destiny Part 4 (Blurbs from 'Tendermommycare' Blog)

In The Garden- Wednesday, April 18, 2007
You know the old song...I walk in the garden with Him...and then a newer song arrives....Cindy Morgan I recall...Oh, dance in the Garden, Dance in the Garden with Him...and yet He gives yet a newer song birthed from the Spirit, a song of angels in the garden.

The Lord is pouring from the spirit today to bring recall of the garden. In the beginning there was a garden. This is the one I am reminded of. But going back, sitting on the edge of the bed I think, drawing out a plan to one day come to pass. I don't really know now what it means because I can only imagine in my feeble mind. This heart is reaching for the word only a minute or two a day now but God was there on the end table. My little girl, only a tender age of 3, now turning 18 soon and my precious son but a year. 15 years ago on a pad of paper with scanty pencil markings. Not an artist by any means and certainly not a gardener. No green thumb here Lord. I scarcely can purchase spring flowers without a call to a friend who knows what to buy. Some sun, some partial, some lots of water, some thriving on dryness. And some things...all for His greater glory and this is one of them. He knows what He is doing and ever reminding me that I do not!...Only in Him.

As I write this morning I ask, Lord why did you give this to me? This vision of the lavish garden and prompt me to sketch it out? Where is it? Show me where I have it tucked away. It means something. You have reminded me periodically in my life about it after all these years. It felt like and still feels like works of the flesh to execute. Hot sun, bugs, lack of knowledge as I have already said.

The end...oh it is beautiful. The butterflies, the ponds, the fountains, the pathways, the bushes, the sunshine and oh my ...the trees! The color, so real and rich that it looks like a fairy tail land. Was this for a home I would one day live in? Well, my spirit says...Absolutely. But here in the this flesh suit, I wonder? Is it when my children are grown to tackle? Oh, that all sounds so not like me. Is it a teaching tool for my children? Is it for the summer? What is it about this garden? Why do you bring it to me again, Lord? Perhaps to know that man plans his steps but it is the Lord who orders them (paraphrased). I was just dreaming...a dreamer at the time. Joseph had dreams too though. We dream now. Oh, to walk in this garden, through the mazes...paths of life. I love fun to see the where they end. Kinda reminds me of playing in the woods down all the paths Pappaw would carve as he cleared the woods and lay gravel when I was little. Or the flat stepping stone paths that was lain leading down to the creek where I'd play. It was an imaginative playground and fun I had! This is so perfect though. Perfection of God. No way that human hands could put this together and make it look like I saw it. It couldn't be duplicated. It would be a mess. This is flesh and what I saw was Spirit. Show me Father about the beauty of that garden, Your Garden. You are a good God and how I love you!

Revelation of the Beauty- Saturday, April 21, 2007 

Ah! Your answer comes in your manifest always!You ar so very faithful. That's one reason I love you so, Lord. Whatever is made manifest is light. Your answer comes sometimes so quick that our ear needs to be so very attentive to listen.

In the beginning...Yes, indeed it was the beginning...of my life so to speak.. I saw the difference between heaven and hell being manifested there, as close as anyone would get to it here on I seen it, through the tender heart of a child.

Perhaps that is why I see things so black & white. I used to beat myself up for that but no longer because the black is black and the white is light and any thing exposed in the light is of God; there is room to breathe and run and play and no religion and no lack in the white side. The white is heaven, full of our hearts desires that He longs to impart to us.

My heaven was spent on Saturdays. Truly my heaven is even still, thank you Lord, spent on Saturday. I would arrive on Friday night, in time for dinner, spend all the next day in the garden, in the woods & garden, nevertheless, in the garden then on Sunday night I went back. I was very young and carefree.

My weekends were spent in what I knew to be heaven, in the garden. It was really a woods with gravel pathways carved filled with rocks. Trees trimmed and some just for me so that I could climb to the top and shake out all the cherries, climb down and put them in a big bowl for Mammaw so she'd bake me and Pap a cherry cobbler, piping hot with milk poured over the top.

Pathways of stone steps leading down to the creek bed with a trickling stream. My chubby, white bunny, Fluffy, to play with and feed. The secret path- as I called it, that led to the rear entrance to a second garden surrounded by fence to the back gate. Paths of bricks, a fountain, gorgeous flowers, morning glory vines that grew over the archway and marigold surrounding it all to keep the stray bunnies out from eating Pappaw's green onions that we talked Mammaw into planting amidst the flowers. I would eat the green and he would eat the real hot bulb. Mammaw would tease that she spent more hours standing on her head pulling weeds there than anything else in the world.

I would play endlessly and have to be coaxed in from playing house alone in the peacock cage. One side was made like a tall a frame house and Pappaw built benches to sit inside. Harold and Henrietta I remember calling them would come and eat grain from my hand that we'd buy from the mill in town. When mischief would rise up in me I would throw rocks at the chickens, well not all of them...just trying to hit the one...not trying to hurt him at all...just wanted to see him jump. That rooster would flog me every time I'd try to feed him. Pappaw would get upset and grab him quickly up by his two legs and hold him upside down and say something like..."Why, if you only knew that you could be dinner right now" then he'd shout "Git" and toss him aside, for him to flip to his feet.

The surrounding of the hearts I was around, though I loved them were without God. I did not realize this until I asked to receive salvation myself during this time. My heart would later grieve so hard and for many, many years because at the tender age of 13 I thought I could have done more to save her and 7 years ago, my Pappaw. The reception just wasn't there...Not to mention my own faith wasn't where it is now. I prayed for them much............................

Colossians tells us as well as Revelations...go back to the first love. The first love for me was God and His creation he has shown me in prayer. I am not surprised. It is the confession of my lips. He took me to that place where He longs to bring us all back to...Heaven, as I saw it though a child's eyes. It was so precious to me! That is right Lord, no way, that human hand could have put this together. They did not. You did. Oh, you took me back to that place, that first love I had one day a week for a few important years...the one you'd use to teach me in prayer almost 30 years later. God, You are so good! Amazing...simply amazing!

So, as I think on just knowing the deadline is coming to write a letter to a sister in Christ who is moving in a deeper way with the Lord this weekend, I get flustered on what to write. Then he her what I have shown you. Teach and impart to her. This is what I have taught you to do. Ok, I think  I will. I pray this help her to be brought back to that heavenly place in the garden. The letter was addressed on the envelope from a friend. Our friend is in God so this is what I wrote from my Spirit, believing it to be shared ...

Dear Friend, It's your Weekend! God Bless You! Put away everything that hinders you worries, no concerns and go to a place you have never a place in the garden with God. Smell the roses as you walk past and see the radiant colors all over. You are young and vibrant...not a care in the bills, no schedules, no midnight feedings. You are young and full of life, playing in the garden of God.

The trickle of the stream leading down the creek is mesmerizing as you walk upon each stone. You hear the birds chirping and the trees are lavish and green. You can't wait to see what is down there. Stepping stones in the creek. You take your shoes off and play.

The colors leading back up from the creek on another path in the garden are heavenly , not like any garden you have ever walked in or seen but so familiar, like a fairy tale. There are butterflies all around and you hear birds chirping. A white bunny hops behind a tree. Spring time. The trees full of fruit, bountiful and seemingly perfect. Have some of your favorite!

Pathways...which one to take? What's at the end? Mazes full of fun.. No path lead to destruction. This is the garden of God. The smell is familiar but not earthly. Fountain and ponds makes you stop and want to listen & rest. You truly are resting. The sound is compelling. Full of Spirit! I am your Rest! This is your heaven. The garden that I give to you. Flowers line the paths with abundant color, kinds you have never pictured before. The garden is large, full of fruit trees. A small budding cherry tree sits over a rest area to sit and pray.

He says Come closer, my child! You hear in prayer. I have so much more to give to you. So much more than you can know. Sit with me in the cool of the day and let's talk. Cast your burdens of life my way.

I have already taken them. This is for you. Let me help you to know how much I care. My love for you, my Daughter is rich and never ending ...unconditional. That truly means...nothing matters outside of you and me he says. He truly loves you and will reveal mysteries to you. Sit with me and talk for awhile. I have longed to spend this time- just you and me. I will love you forever through all eternity because my love does not end! Nothing can ever change that. I look forward to you, my bride, becoming more and more like me every day until completely in my likeness. Sit and rest your head on my chest and give to me all your deepest desires and I will fulfuill your dreams my sweet child! I have a jealous love for you.

(This is what it felt like to me to be loved with all the beauty of creation round about so as to share)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Out of the Past- Forward to Destiny Part 3 (Blurbs from "Tendermommycare" Blog)

Fullness of Faith-Filled Fellowship- Saturday, February 17, 2007

It's the week of Valentine's and this early Saturday morning as I drove to your House, I feel You pour deeply into my Spirit... a love that can only come from You. Thank you Holy Spirit. You are always so mindful of what I need to hear. It has been a beautiful week of fellowship with you and your word. Rekindled joy-filled hugs from missed dear ones and just to chat with sparks the day from days past since the heavy snow. Where would I begin this morning? Fill me as I write...I know you have called my fingers to pour out this morning, as often you do. Blessed are you my sweet heavenly Father!

Tears flood me often this week, tears of joy! Tears of excitement and expectancy! How humbling you are to give to me such precious things I do not deserve in any way. That's what Daddy's are for, but you are Daddy of them all! Such gratitude fills my heart thinking of the divine appointments you have given me the things you allow me to see and the fellowship I have had with you. Thank you Father for song; songs that flood my heart with more joy than I know what to do with. Thank you for the dear fellowship amongst brothers and sisters in the Lord to fellowship I have had with you during worship....unknown to me, to plant seeds of joy and renewal in the hearts of others. My prayer is for healing for those who do not know at heart the sweet faith-filled fellowship. It  makes me cry ...the loss I saw. I covet the voice of healing for these pained ones. Let the worship of God overcome them in a way that they have never felt before...To be in Your overwelming presence of love, healing that overtakes all flesh and renews the spirit in the heavens....the heavens here.

A wonder-working faith, I pray to fall on the church that spreads like a wild fire that is so grandiose that there is no stopping it. Testimony that brings faith to the forefront. Divine faith-filled fellowship, a freedom of sickness and disease, free of impurities, free of flesh....Just free! Pour Holy Spirit! Bring back the belief of Your Word! Let the eyes of the disobedient be opened. Let the blanket of deception be ripped to shreds. Let the power and might of God soar like eagles to show His majestic ways that are full of love. Let healing be renewed in Your church, Lord! Sweep through with that wind John spoke of that those will look up and not know where it goes but they will feel it and know it is God! Lord, show yourself to in a faith, no matter how big or small. God, break controlling, untrusting, rebellious, pain and sick-filled spirits off that have no attachment where the Holy Spirit lives and breathes! Light and darkness have no place with one another.

....Words cannot comprehend this Love of yours...a joy unspeakable! Words that cannot be comprehended in the flesh...only in the Spirit of God!

Acts 2:14-18 & 21 says...Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven apostles, and shouted... ----Yes, he shouted in case they weren't listening! the crowd, "Listen, all of you, visitors, and residents of Jerusalem alike! ----visitors and member of of the church alike? Some of you are saying well, speak now or forever hold your peace! Make no mistake about it that these men are not drunk! It isn't true!----assumption will get you into trouble! It's much too early for that! People don't get drunk by 9 am! ----Think about it! What you seen this morning was ...I wonder if it was the Sabbath!  predicted centuries ago by the prophet Joel ----Do you really believe the inerrant Word of God, all of it? Foundation all the way to the new covenant? In the last days,' God said, ' I will pour out my Holy Spirit upon all mankind and your sons ----I see it! and daughters ----oh yes, seen that too! shall prophesy, and young men shall see visions ---Yes! Indeed! and your old men dream dreams. ---Heard it! Yes, the Holy Spirit shall come upon all my servants, ----Mark 10:45- What is a servant? men and women alike and they shall prophesy Praise God in the highest, Hallelujah! ...But anyone who asks for mercy from the Lord shall have it and shall be saved ----Faith Filled fellowship! It belongs to ye all! Praise Him!
If Walls Could Talk The Truth Would Speak- April 8, 2007 

A blessed morning that day as the sun rose softly over the horizon to allow the world to discover their Savior has risen and was absent from the tomb. Expectant hearts, just as those on the faces this morning of Easter a few thousand years later. Praise God in the highest....for He was not there. He is risen. The joy of this day simply amazes me...If walls could talk the truth would speak....

It has been a bles-sed day, this Easter morning 2007. Gratitude spills off my fingers at this day's end as I look upon His face on the wall. He (Jesus) was here, speaking to the multitude. He doesn't condemn them for never seeing their faces before the assembly, only joyously happy they are here, that they heard that they saw, that they walked out with more than they came in with ...salvation, joy, healed spirit, new outlook on life...the promise to God, the Father and themselves that they will return next Sunday and many more to live a life full of Him....A full house of Worship, a renewal of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. All of us together gathering in His house to learn truly who He really is. Learning and loving always to find that there in no guilt and shame in Him, but there is that joy unspeakable never experienced in this life until now just awaiting the hungry heart. Oh, if walls could talk the truth would speak and they might say something like this today...

For a day in your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in you! Psalm 84:10-12...

Ho! Everyone who thirsts Come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come buy wine and milk without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance...Isaiah 55:1

Faces filled with awe, those here feeling love for the very first time, shock of what God can do with a few that are willing to give back what they have been given to Him. ................

A glorious day this day to give to the many who came to hear the man of God speak about the life of love Jesus died to give to them. Walls of clay but hearts of the temple. The Spirit of God is here and these walls are talking and the truth is speaking. Hear and be healed.........

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Out of the Past- Forward to Destiny Part 2 (Blurbs from "Tendermommycare" Blog)

The Acts of the Holy Spirit- Monday, October 2006

The glorious prayer meeting of all prayer meetings! The wind that blew in and filled the whole house, filling every person with a heavenly language as the Holy Spirit gave utterance! (Acts 2:2) Be continually filled with the Spirit. Renewal of your ministry in prayer! Look Church, what prayer can accomplish! It's a time of travailing in the Holy Spirit! Renewal of your ministry in prayer! Look church, what prayer can accomplish! ........................................

Heaven is my Throne, the Earth is My footstool. What house will you build for me? says the Lord, or what is the place of My rest? (Acts 7:49) lt's the building of hearts with the Most High God! There was great joy in that city for all that were being healed. (Acts 8:8) Thank you God for anointing your Son, Jesus with Holy Spirit power and healing all who were oppressed of the devil and for God being with Him! (Acts 10:38) Amen!!!Thank you for being the example of holiness!

They remember the word, how He said,  "John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit: (Acts 11:16) Such cleansing! The one comfort you have longed for! It's not how the others always said it was. The final authority is Jesus Christ! There's no denying the one true living God!

Earthquake rocks the foundation and everyone's chains loosed as Paul and Silas sing and pray down His Glory! Powerhouse worship! Clearly marked for deliverance of the captives. Health to all the hearers! It's here today. God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Discover His power by way of the Holy Spirit. I was raised in the strictness of my father's law but praise God I am zealous toward God as you all are today (Acts22:3)

Praise the Lord for the salvation of God! Praise the Almighty for the Holy and Santified Word of God!

No Waiting on Aisle #1- Monday, November 13, 2006 

Oh my Lord! How precious you are! How funny you are to show up in the most gracious my dreams as I awake, walking the block on a chilled morning, in my song of praise to you and havin' church! You are so funny! How I love you! Let me count the ways...Uh, I can't count that high!


It's about December 23rd. Walmart.Got the picture?! Many think to go now so that they pick up their last minute gifts in order to save the hustle bustle on Christmas Eve! There's a man available with an empty line on Aisle #1 with no waiting!...Imagine Jesus, tattered robe, long beard and long hair, worn, brown, dusty sandals (from going from  town to town) with piercing eyes of love and a sweet smile. "No waiting on Aisle #1 He (Jesus) calls out on the loud speaker with a voice that speaks to hearts. No one moves. Why? Everyone has needs this busy December night!

Rebellion...."I'm not moving now. I have been here for 25 minutes already and don't want to be here any longer than I have to."  ----Reality- You wind up there another 25 minutes because you chose not to hear His voice as they did in the rebellion!

Reasoning..."If I move over there someone will likely jump in front of me and if I do that then I will never get out of here. I have to get home sometime tonight. Not my best option. I think I will stay put." <---Reality-Stop thinking, its with your heart that you will get out of this desert of busyness and into the real festivities!

Judgment..."You would think that there would be some kind of dress code here. They must just hire about anyone here these days. From now on I might just go the new Walmart.----I would hate to be sitting with this one on judgment day! Never know when you are entertaining angels!

Religion..."No way am I moving. He can call all he wants. The sign says '10 items or less' and I have a cart full. I will just stay here in my comfortable line, no matter how slow it might be. ----...Oh look out! A small, rambunctious child playing with His siblings comes rushing by and hits your cart knocking it sideways, spilling all your 25 gifts all over the floor! Such embarrassment and aggravation and lots of gifts are broken now...well, I only have 10 items now and should have listened and moved! Oh, that wasted perfume! (makes me think of washing Jesus feet)

2 Corinthians 10:5 says...Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity ---traps your thoughts, throwing them out to keep you from disobedience.Rebellion, Reasoning, Judgment & Religious thoughts are vainly created imaginations setting themselves up against all God says! This is the way we might tear down the old wrapping paper of our minds and replace it with the new wrapping paper.

What is the new wrapping paper? Philippians 4:8...Finally (---now, you are listening Paul says!), brethren (---His church), whatever things are true (----not false), whatever things are noble (---of His high call), whatever things are just (---right), whatever things are pure (----oh my! He's coming back for the spotless church), whatever things are lovely (----like the colors of Autumn trees), whatever things are of good report (----not gossip-filled), if there is any virtue (---moral goodness) and if there is anything praiseworthy (----exalts our Lord)- meditate (---think and ponder) on these things.

NO WAITING ON AISLE #1...Leave Rebellion, Reasoning, Judgment and Religion and get in the Healing Line!!! Have a Bles-sed Merry Christmas Jesus calls out and please come back!

Extravagant Love...Extravagant Praise- Saturday, December 23,  2006 

I feel the Holy Spirit all around as I write this post. You have spoken this into my spirit for a few days. I have found the time to give to you You wholly My Lord! Oh Jesus! My heart cries out with love for you! I want to Worship you, give you Extravagant Praise! I hear you Holy One. You are speaking about love...Extavagance in Love...Faith, Hope and Love...but the greatest of these is Love. Some would say...She's flipped! There's no balance in all that. That is well....just plain excessive. Off her rocker. Yes, reasoning! That's right. Off the deep end, excessive praise! Loss of religious piety, rules and the ways of the usual! Webster's calls it "wandering beyond limits" and "one who is confined to no general rule" so yes, Extreme!

What Extravagant Love?! What Extravagant Praise?! It's the breaking of a jar that was filled with the expense of precious love for the Lord of Lords, King of Kings to anoint, to pour forth love out of a pure heart of rich true love. A love that defies all laws of religion. One that loves a friend or stranger in a way that seems odd to the carnal eye. Extravagant love in only received by the Spiritual at heart, those walking in excessive and sweet love for the Holy One!

All else balks at this sort of love, sticks it's nose up and wipes off the holy kiss from the cheek of a brother or sister because "that is just too weird"! That was for the bible days they'd say. You who choose to love Him in an oracle of greatness will soon not miss the blessing of such great measure of love salvation! The house was filled with the extravagant love...immediately along came the spirit of ridicule, judgment and reason to attack her. Jesus said "Let her alone"! (Mark 14:6) He knew she truly loved him! She bowed down in extravagant praise to her Lord. She had ardent zeal! She had a love for Jesus that was expensive and excessive, over the top...just crazy they thought! In all their religious piety and iced love for what they called concern for the poor, Jesus himself put them in their place quickly!( Matthew 26:9-13) It took that crazed love that brought forth the miracle of the moment to cause her through tear-filled eyes to bow to anoint his dusty feet. The love she had was uncalculating , risk taking, overwhelming even and was a certain kind of love filled with faith that fueled her love for the poor. This was her admiration for Jesus that exceeded reason and all moderation!

Pour out your alabaster jar of extravagant praise and love to the One who was born to save your soul! If you have not have nothing to give to Him! The wise men brought gifts! What gifts do you bring to the King....the One King that held the hope of the Word?! Merry Christmas to My King!

(Inspired by the Holy Spirit through the song...One King by: Point of Grace)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Out of the Past-Forward to Destiny Part 1 (Blurbs from "Tendermommycare" Blog)

Writings from my heart....

Friendships Made of the Father-November 23, 2005

Holy Spirit intercede for me this morning as I write. I feel your call on this posting. May someone be blessed by reading it.

At heart, a hopeless romantic. It is the day before Thanksgiving and it is snowing outside this morning. I was remembering when I was real young, cuddling up with friends on a cold evening under blankets to watch funny movies as the snow fell. We laughed and had good times though regretfully could not hold onto the moment. There were many new ones ahead. Many years later my heart cried deeply as I lost those friends. Though I knew it was through carnality of the flesh, it was so hard to define and moreover, so hard to swallow.

Jesus said we leave behind everything to follow him. I have known the Lord since a small child and losing friends along the way has spoken largely to me that I have actually lost nothing, not growth in the Lord, not my relationships with Him, not even my young friendships that were so hard to understand losing in the beginning; even if I don't even know where many of them are. I have gained wisdom in knowing how to speak to them from a new perspective, how to pray for them, the ability to love them no matter what and a compassion in my heart for the hurting that I could not otherwise known. Pain and grief has engulfed much of my days but it has been all to the glory of God, My Father! Rest knowing when you feel as if you have lost all your cherished friends that you are only in the valley of your own perspective because at the top of the mountain awaits His Glory and it encompasses everything that through growth in Christ you would not have otherwise gained and also everything the enemy stoled! God gives back richly, a cup filled up and overflowing!...............................

Psalm:13-18 For the Lord has chosen Zion; he has desired it for His dwelling place. This is my dwelling place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy per poor with bread. I will also clothe her priests with salvation And the saints shall shout aloud for joy. There I will make the horn of David grow, I will prepare a lamp for My Anointed. His enemies I will clothe with shame, But upon Himself His crown shall flourish.

John 15:12-17 says...This is My Commandment, that you love one another as I loved you. Greater love has no other than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. You are my friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his Master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from my Father have been made known to you. You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My Name He may give you. These things I command you, that you love one another.

 Wealth of Wisdom in Words on a Page (continued)-  Monday, January 9, 2006

 Freedom is a word that looks so easy and yet we make it so hard. It is something at times not so easily gained yet, once we have it, it is up to us what we do with it. It is the quest within to make up the whole person, physically, intellectually, and spiritually. True freedom extends far beyond the borders of humankind. It exceeds far beyond the realm of where, how and what age we live in. It becomes more of our own of who we are and our limitless abitlities as a person made in the likeness of Christ. The acceptance of the greatest freedom of all eternal life. This is where independence truly begins and with it comes no end. Through many of life's choices, freedom is ours. Freedom flows like water and is full of joy and bound to no code of ethics. It can be shut off by only God or human thought. This liberty was created and perfected by the Creator himself. Wars begin and end in freedom, internally and externally. Freedom is not a free gift often. It too, has been bought with a price. The beauty of freedom's sovereignty is immeasurable to gaze upon.

Freedom by dictionary definition denotes the state of being free or at liberty, other than confinement or under physical constraint. The exemption from external control, power to determine action without restraint, independance or personal liberty: slaves bought their freedom. It signifies exemption, immunity: freedom from fear. It is the absence of or release of ties or obligations. It the ease of movement or action, frankness of manner or speech, civil liberty, right to citizenship, the right to enjoy all privileges or special rights of citizenship or membership and to also imply and to enjoy or use at will.

....As you can well see, freedom cannot be controlled in the flesh under lock and key, by academic scholars or by religious piety. 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, " Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" "Some say it is untouchable from humankind, something to be attained only in heaven.Acts 16:25-26...This night all the bondage was released of flesh and put under the feet of Jesus. John 8:36 says..."Therefore if the Son make you free, you are free indeed." The realm of freedom coexists with Christ alone. Freedom comes through blood and tears but is like the cool dew over the grass in the morning once it is attained. It is then that it is so hard to hold onto. Freedom reigns in Him!